Deceased/Not Found MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #3 - *D. Lane guilty*

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Because poor B was covered in bruises. DL couldn't send the beaten child home to mom in that state so he asked for another month.
Sadly I think poor B then died of her injuries that night and he took her out in the car next morning to dispose of her..:furious:

I hope he doesn't get away with this!:furious:

It sure appears that way. I think he had been beating her all week which is why the visit lasted a full week. I got the impression from Banika and uncle OJ's interviews what was likely to be only an overnight became a few days, and then a week and than what DL claims a month. I'll also bet DL made excuses as to why Bianca couldn't speak to her mom prior to Thursday night each time she called. He probably feared Bianca would say something like, mommy owie, or mommy spanking. My bets are on him putting the other child on the phone when push came to shove and Banika wasn't taking any more excuses why he wouldn't allow her to talk to their daughter.

We have another childs mother who took D'Andre to court because he was stalking her and she claims he threatened to kill their child. The Monday after Bianca's disappearance he was court ordered to take anger management classes based on the information and evidence in that case. He makes up the whole bs story on his FB page about how wrong she was and how she was trying to make him look like the bad guy, and now it looks like one of his children died on his time, by his hand. Just not the child belonging to the mother who claimed D'Andre threatened to kill their child.

Then he hides behind some alleged death threats against him? GMAB. There were two reasons he didn't go search. One is he couldn't keep his composure and his I'm innocent poker face for the duration of a search. The other, he knows LE isn't buying his story, he knows we aren't buying his story, and if guys who really know tough inner city street smarts were to hear his story they'd be rolling on the ground laughing their arses off at him. The only people buying his story were the unfortunate women who became involved with him.

Add to that two other adults witnessed whatever horrifying events occured the week Bianca spent at her fathers and did - NOTHING. Not a damn thing to prevent this childs likely death.

LE isn't going to lock this up quick enough.

Gahh...this is getting old! Doesn't LE have enough probable cause to arrest a single parent. I'm not just talking about D, but Deborah Bradley, or Sky's mom, or Lena Lunsford. In this case there's a reported hit, in baby Lisa's home there was a reported hit. My goodness, Julia B. walked away from her toddler (can anyone say child endangerement)?

Why have there been no arrests here? I'm either not getting it, or living in the twilight zone.

Are we to assume that a dead body just happened to be lying around and is no longer there? Will some defense attorney come out and say the smell is from a dirty diaper?

I'm just so mad I wanna spit. Where is the justice for baby B and all the other recently missing children.

I say arrest now; ask questions later. Who cares -- if it gets the child back or located somehow!!



Good Morning all......

If you watch this video that Cubby posted from last night it explains why there most likely have been no arrest yet.

"Cadaver dogs hit in two places and one of those places was inside the car...the cadaver dog hit in or on the spot of Biancas carseat inside the vehicle"

"Also complicating the seach is that there is no forensic evidence here and certainly that is also complicating weather prosecutors file charges..."

"In Michigan the law is very complicated in terms of how the cadaver dog evidence is used, and that is part of why right now you aren't seeing charges being filed."

"Multiple sources actually that its very difficult to bring this into a courtroom in Michigan and thats part of why this case is so complicated, everything right now is circumstancial"

Good Morning all......

If you watch this video that Cubby posted from last night it explains why there most likely have been no arrest yet.

"lack of forensic evidence" also information on how cadaver dog evidence may be applied in Michigan courts.


Anyone care to transcribe for those of us without working computer speakers? tia

Also, with regards to lack of forensic evidence. JMO but it's too soon imo for anything found to be back from the labs yet.......
OMG, he is practically confessing. Why not just come out and say it!! Doesn't it seem odd to put a dead child in a car seat. I would think he would wrap her in a towel or something and put her on the floor or in the trunk. Maybe he hoped someone WOULD steal the car and be blamed for killing Bianca. What a nightmare this guy is. I wish he would confess so we can find out what really happened.

He put her in the carseat so that nephew wouldn't know she was dead, and/or anyone observing (even if he were pulled over by police) would see what appeared to be a bundled up sleeping child.
Anyone care to transcribe for those of us without working computer speakers? tia

Also, with regards to lack of forensic evidence. JMO but it's too soon imo for anything found to be back from the labs yet.......

I'm not the best or by far the quickest but here is a transcription of the video.

TW: Well Carolyn and Steven I can tell you that cadaver dogs hit in two places as you mentioned and new tonight one of those places was inside the car where the missing girls father says his daughter was car jacked.

TW: The father of missing two year old Bianca Jones maintains that his daughter was alive when he was car jacked in this missing Mercury Marquis. He says the man that stole his car made off with it while his daughter was in the backseat. But Action News has learned a cadaver dog, which is trained to smell human remains hit on or near the spot of Biancas cars seat inside the vehicle. That indicates the dog smelled signs of human decomposition. And this is not the only spot the cadaver dog had a reaction.

As you saw first and live at Action News at 6 last Monday the FBI conducted a raid at D’Andre Lanes home. It was during this raid that agents also brought in a Cadaver dog. That dog once again indicating to agents there were signs of human remains.

Biancas mother upset about the deepening mystery of her daughters disappearance spoke to us tonight but wanted to do so from inside her home. She said she is not focused on any negative news.

BJ: “We are continuing to search for Bianca, we genuiely believe…..”

TW: And Banika continues to have few words when D’Andres name is brought up.

BJ: “I want to keep the focus solely on the search for my daughter. I want Bianca to be the only thing that people think of when they…..”

TW: And also complicating this search is that there is no forensic evidence here and certainly that is also complicating weather prosecutors will file charges.

Reporting live in Detroit I’m Tom Wait Channel 7 Action News.

S: Yeah Tom, Do we know the accuracy of these cadaver dogs?

TW: Well in Michigan the law is very complicated in terms of how the Cadaver Dog evidence is used and that’s part of why right now you are not seeing charges being filed. I’m being told by a source, multiple sources actually that its very difficult to bring this into a courtroom in Michigan and that’s part of why this case is so complicated and everything right now is circumstantial. Steven.

S: All right Tom thank you very much for the reporting tonight. The official search for Bianca by the way ended yesterday. If you do have information you are still being asked to call the tip line the number there is 313-596-2260.

We have gone in and out of Canada many, many times and no one has ever checked our driving record or any other records. Sometimes they stop us and ask where we are coming from and where we are going and when we are coming back. They ask if the kids in the car are ours and when we say yes, they ask the kids if we are their parents. Other times, they just wave us through and don't stop us and ask us anything. One time my dog was standing up looking out the window and they never even asked for the dogs vet exam or rabies shot records. I was surprised. It depends which officer you get. Some are real careful to check everything and others just let you go through and check nothing. Sometimes its easier to get into Canada than to get back into the US. Usually if you say you are going from Michigan to New York, they just wave you on.

Whether you are crossing the border from Detroit to Windsor via the Ambassador Bridge or the tunnel, or crossing from Port Huron to Sarnia, there are video cameras all around your vehicle. The license plate will have been scanned and that information is immediately available to the customs agent before you approach the kiosk. That is why you are instructed to wait at a certain location in line before the signal to advance.

I am very surprised that you have never been asked to show proof of citizenship for you or your children. DH and I always travel with our passports, and every time that we've been to Canada in recent years, we have been required to show our passports to the customs agent. We are always asked about alcohol or firearms, and if we are staying in Canada (i.e. Toronto overnight), there are times when we've been asked to pop the trunk.

I can't imagine that DL would have been dense enough to try to smuggle a child's (decomposing) body into Canada, and he probably isn't allowed entry due to his criminal record. jmo
Thanks a million Guinevere! :blowkiss:

I'm actually very glad Banika is not commenting regarding the questions she is being asked about D'Andre. I can see this easily getting into a 'tennis match' for lack of a better word regarding the he said she said.
Whether you are crossing the border from Detroit to Windsor via the Ambassador Bridge or the tunnel, or crossing from Port Huron to Sarnia, there are video cameras all around your vehicle. The license plate will have been scanned and that information is immediately available to the customs agent before you approach the kiosk. That is why you are instructed to wait at a certain location in line before the signal to advance.

I am very surprised that you have never been asked to show proof of citizenship for you or your children. DH and I always travel with our passports, and every time that we've been to Canada in recent years, we have been required to show our passports to the customs agent. We are always asked about alcohol or firearms, and if we are staying in Canada (i.e. Toronto overnight), there are times when we've been asked to pop the trunk.

I can't imagine that DL would have been dense enough to try to smuggle a child's (decomposing) body into Canada, and he probably isn't allowed entry due to his criminal record. jmo

I'm thinking here....

I live 30 or so miles north of detroit along the Canadian Boarder. Since 911 Boarder Patrol has installed numerous cameras along the river.

My hopes are that one of these cameras may be located near the College Campus where DL was seen that morning. Possibly and by some miracle maybe those cameras could have caught something.

After my conversation with someone on the case from LE I am almost positive they believe he "dumped" her in the river. :(
Whether you are crossing the border from Detroit to Windsor via the Ambassador Bridge or the tunnel, or crossing from Port Huron to Sarnia, there are video cameras all around your vehicle. The license plate will have been scanned and that information is immediately available to the customs agent before you approach the kiosk. That is why you are instructed to wait at a certain location in line before the signal to advance.

You are right, whichever bridge or tunnel you cross, it is now law that you either have a valid
passport or an enhanced driver's license to cross, the law was passed back a couple of years ago.

We have gone in and out of Canada many, many times and no one has ever checked our driving record or any other records. Sometimes they stop us and ask where we are coming from and where we are going and when we are coming back. They ask if the kids in the car are ours and when we say yes, they ask the kids if we are their parents. Other times, they just wave us through and don't stop us and ask us anything. One time my dog was standing up looking out the window and they never even asked for the dogs vet exam or rabies shot records. I was surprised. It depends which officer you get. Some are real careful to check everything and others just let you go through and check nothing. Sometimes its easier to get into Canada than to get back into the US. Usually if you say you are going from Michigan to New York, they just wave you on.

They won’t ask for your driving records as they pull that information up themselves. When they take your ID it is entered into their computers and if you have a criminal record, have ever been denied entry into Canada etc it will show up.
I live in Windsor and have crossed many a time, I very highly doubt that DL would have been able to cross the border with a deceased child in his car, also LE on our side and the US side would know if by some way he did manage to cross.
I'm thinking here....

I live 30 or so miles north of detroit along the Canadian Boarder. Since 911 Boarder Patrol has installed numerous cameras along the river.

My hopes are that one of these cameras may be located near the College Campus where DL was seen that morning. Possibly and by some miracle maybe those cameras could have caught something.

After my conversation with someone on the case from LE I am almost positive they believe he "dumped" her in the river. :(

Sadly, I also think that this is where beautiful little Bianca's body ended up :( DL is a monster :furious: jmo
Welcome to Websleuths, Jezbel!

Thanks BetteDavisEyes :greetings:

I have been on here a while but haven't posted, it's hard to keep up on here lol.

This case makes me so sad and is so close to home. I am looking at the river as I type and hoping against everything that she was not thrown in there. It's dirty and there is a strong undercurrent, who knows if and where she would surface
Lane's attorney, Terry L. Johnson, said he didn't want to respond to the report of the cadaver dog search.

"We're not going to comment on unnamed sources allegedly leaking information — be it true or false — to the media," Johnson said. "There's an ongoing investigation regarding what we hope to be the safe return of Bianca Jones. We don't want to do anything to compromise those efforts.

"If there is an official statement from law enforcement authorities, we will gladly respond."

I suppose if it is false we should expect to see numerous libel suits filed on Mr. Lanes behalf shortly. :rolleyes:

We have gone in and out of Canada many, many times and no one has ever checked our driving record or any other records. Sometimes they stop us and ask where we are coming from and where we are going and when we are coming back. They ask if the kids in the car are ours and when we say yes, they ask the kids if we are their parents. Other times, they just wave us through and don't stop us and ask us anything. One time my dog was standing up looking out the window and they never even asked for the dogs vet exam or rabies shot records. I was surprised. It depends which officer you get. Some are real careful to check everything and others just let you go through and check nothing. Sometimes its easier to get into Canada than to get back into the US. Usually if you say you are going from Michigan to New York, they just wave you on.

Maybe it depends on which customs checkpoint you go through. I was at a dinner party recently and several people were discussing the problems they had getting through the Minnesota and Wisconsin checkpoints.

Personally, If I were a customs agent, and saw DL coming and listened to him talk for a few minutes, and saw that he was driving a car not registered to him, I would have probably looked a little closer. That would be a big risk for him to take with a dead baby in the car. Even if he did not get caught, it would show on the odometer that he had traveled X number of miles the day Bianca disappeared. He does seem to know something about hiding bodies though. I hope they find her soon. How can he be so callous with his own child.
If Bianca was sick, why did he convince her mother to allow her to stay another month or through the month? Why was he getting clothing for her to stay and not just return a sick child to her mommy?

D'Andre's story isn't falling apart, it has already fallen apart.

Maybe she wasn't 'sick' until he started beating her iwth a paddle. moo
Whether you are crossing the border from Detroit to Windsor via the Ambassador Bridge or the tunnel, or crossing from Port Huron to Sarnia, there are video cameras all around your vehicle. The license plate will have been scanned and that information is immediately available to the customs agent before you approach the kiosk. That is why you are instructed to wait at a certain location in line before the signal to advance.

I am very surprised that you have never been asked to show proof of citizenship for you or your children. DH and I always travel with our passports, and every time that we've been to Canada in recent years, we have been required to show our passports to the customs agent. We are always asked about alcohol or firearms, and if we are staying in Canada (i.e. Toronto overnight), there are times when we've been asked to pop the trunk.

I can't imagine that DL would have been dense enough to try to smuggle a child's (decomposing) body into Canada, and he probably isn't allowed entry due to his criminal record. jmo

BDE- Have you ever noticed if they had dogs present, as they do in airports? Thanks
Fox@ just broke in their newscast to say DetroitPolice have asked for a warrant to be issued in this case. No other info avail. at this time. The newscaster said it loks like LE have a suspect. No name yet.
No link. Live tv. FOX2 Detroit.

eta link. No info up yet.
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