GUILTY MI - Brenna Machus, 20, Romulus, 16 July 2013

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DNA Solves
Wondering about the guy LE took in for questioning. Hope LE can solve this one quickly. It makes me sick when thinking about how perps seem to be getting away with committing these horrendous crimes. There's cold blood running through their veins. It's crimes such as this when I wish LE could take 'um out back and shoot 'um when they're 100 percent sure they've got the right animal.

What are panic buttons all about? I mean is there a way to install them in several places throughout a retail store? Because when this first happened maybe one of them could have hit a button or something to get LE out fast. This overnight discovery stuff is bs when you have a dead man laying on the floor.

What about carrying some kind of panic siren - at least it would startle a perp and they might beat feet. They're going to kill you anyway so it's worth a try. While someone does that someone else may have time to reach for a gun or something. Or what about being able to release mace or something. I mean there has to be a way (training) to be proactive when faced with one of these monster's attacks while going about your regular routine.
Connection problems. I just was booted off and had a duplicate post. Aggravating.
I'm wagering that if he got nervous last second and had to grab the cart bc he didn't want others in the store to suspect/notice him, he might have experienced sweaty palms.

PLUS it was hot out and he was wearing some pretty warm duds. He had to of been sweating between that and the nervous energy/adrenaline. Hopefully this helps get a print or two :)

Hopefully the sweating suspect unwittingly left a gift behind for LE. :D
I keep checking local news sources for updates on the case but haven't come across anything so far. I think that we won't learn anything new until there is an arrest and charges are filed. I hope it's soon.
Does anyone have any new (more clear) ideas on motive?

I think whoever did this intended to hold her ransom, but they panicked last minute due to police pursuit OR bc she fought back so well and refused to comply once in the car - so he decided to kill her so that she wouldn't identify him as the murderer of Orlando. At this point she was more of a liability alive than she would be if she were deceased. :(

He robbed for money and kidnapped I'm assuming with the same intention: to hold Brenna ransom and get money.

Only problem is he had to kill Orlando in the process. His ransom plan was foiled by Orlando's intervention and Brenna's refusal to comply fully.
Thanks for the link. This Video #1 on the new page is pretty comprehensive in their interview of her father. Lots of information contained here and also brings up the possibility of it being a gang related crime and having something to do with someone from her past..... Hmmmm

I'm going to go stalk some FB pages.


I saw this article from a few days ago but don't remember it being discussed. I tried to search to see if its in the thread and couldn't find it. So here it goes!

From The Detroit News:

"Cameras also were in the parking lot and police said they hope to locate the man through his car."(Have they announced a description of the suspects car?)

"Police said they have spoken to two customers who were inside the store around the time the suspect entered." (Lady in red being the second?)

"The victim’s older brother, Ryan Machus, told The Detroit News on Thursday his sister was fearful of a man who lived close to the store. She believed he was stalking her. Machus said his sister also had received threats from an ex-boyfriend, a reputed gang member.

“He told her ‘your days are numbered,’ ” Machus said Thursday.

He said people are afraid to come forward with information about the case because they fear gang-related retaliation."

Please disregard if already discussed.

These comments also would lead me to believe that she was the target and Orlando was not.
I saw this article from a few days ago but don't remember it being discussed. I tried to search to see if its in the thread and couldn't find it. So here it goes!

From The Detroit News:

"Cameras also were in the parking lot and police said they hope to locate the man through his car."(Have they announced a description of the suspects car?)

"Police said they have spoken to two customers who were inside the store around the time the suspect entered." (Lady in red being the second?)

"The victim’s older brother, Ryan Machus, told The Detroit News on Thursday his sister was fearful of a man who lived close to the store. She believed he was stalking her. Machus said his sister also had received threats from an ex-boyfriend, a reputed gang member.

“He told her ‘your days are numbered,’ ” Machus said Thursday.

He said people are afraid to come forward with information about the case because they fear gang-related retaliation."

Please disregard if already discussed.

These comments also would lead me to believe that she was the target and Orlando was not.

"He said people are afraid to come forward with information about the case because they fear gang-related retaliation." From The Detroit News:

Well not everybody lives in Detroit now, do they? ;) apparently this gang member doesn't realize just how large the planet/universe is and that karma truly is a cold, hard *****.
"He said people are afraid to come forward with information about the case because they fear gang-related retaliation." From The Detroit News:

Well not everybody lives in Detroit now, do they? ;) apparently this gang member doesn't realize just how large the planet/universe is and that karma truly is a cold, hard *****.

just jumping off of your post for some geographical information (I am a Michagander from the general area). Romulus is absolutely part of the urban sprawl of the metro D and and there is no cement wall separating the sprawl if you will. The international airport is also located in this area.

imhoo if gangs are related to the perp I can for SURE see why people are afraid to come forward with information on him (the perp).

Yes, Karma is a you-know-what and I hope Karma comes a knocking soon.
just jumping off of your post for some geographical information (I am a Michagander from the general area). Romulus is absolutely part of the urban sprawl of the metro D and and there is no cement wall separating the sprawl if you will. The international airport is also located in this area.

imhoo if gangs are related to the perp I can for SURE see why people are afraid to come forward with information on him (the perp).

Yes, Karma is a you-know-what and I hope Karma comes a knocking soon.

I hope that the fear of possible retaliation does not hinder the investigation in this case. The families and friends of Joe Orlando and Brenna Machus deserve justice for the heinous, senseless murders of these two young people. :moo:
just jumping off of your post for some geographical information (I am a Michagander from the general area). Romulus is absolutely part of the urban sprawl of the metro D and and there is no cement wall separating the sprawl if you will. The international airport is also located in this area.

imhoo if gangs are related to the perp I can for SURE see why people are afraid to come forward with information on him (the perp).

Yes, Karma is a you-know-what and I hope Karma comes a knocking soon.

I said that bc I don't live in Detroit. As in, I'm not scared of retaliation bc I'm not in his community. So I ain't scared to tell ;)
Honestly I think he was the stalker who lived next to the store - but I also believe he had underground/gang affiliations as well.

I just don't think it's her ex BF. IMO. It's the stalker.
I was bummed that I couldn't access Websleuths :( for several hours this morning but searched local media for any news about this case. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I think we will be waiting until there's an arrest and charges filed against the perp who committed these horrific murders.
I was bummed that I couldn't access Websleuths :( for several hours this morning but searched local media for any news about this case. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I think we be waiting until there's an arrest and charges filed against the perp who committed these horrific murders.

For real!

The quiet before the storm!
I was bummed that I couldn't access Websleuths :( for several hours this morning but searched local media for any news about this case. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I think we be waiting until there's an arrest and charges filed against the perp who committed these horrific murders.

The servers must have been down or maybe maintenance? I was just able to log on a few minutes ago myself.

I looked like this for a few :scared: LOL

Glad they are back :)

thanks 2hip for mentioning this case to me! i just finished getting caught up and here are my thoughts:

when he walks in and waves, i think he was signaling for someone outside in a vehicle to circle around to the back. i think that's where they exited from when this was all said and done.

when he walks in and to his right, after signaling for someone outside to drive around the back, and he moves his hood a little bit, i think he looked up to see if there was anyone else in the store, saw someone, then decided to grab the cart to buy a little time so he could watch for the other customer(s) to leave while strolling the aisles a little bit. unfortunately, this gave him a little extra time to firm up a plan by having the time to check out the store and plan his next move(s). i think he had a solid plan already, but was able to visualize it all right before doing it. without more info from LE, idk what to think about a sequence of events tho.. i can't see the perp taking brenna out the back and Orlando not rushing to call 911 (dont most youngsters keep their cell phone on them even at work these days?? lol).. unless he was totally scared out of his mind and couldn't physically do it, or if the perp threatened him that he'd come back in and kill him if he tried to call police. i hope LE reveals more info soon!

i also think the white things on his hands are to cover up tattoos and fingerprints. i don't think this is the perp's first crime.. he's probably been to prison before and learned some tricks about how to perfect his crimes. the way that he's dressed is very clean gangster.. i believe he is gang affiliated. i really believe that there was an accomplice in this.. even if he/she was just a getaway driver.

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