MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

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If I were an anti-social member the extended family of a someone who lost a six year old little girl ten years ago, and if I were still checking crime message boards ten years later, and if I saw a thread discussing the possibility of a link to a six year old girl who went missing ten years ago, I would probably read it.

I am pretty sure I would have realized by now that the posters were not discussing some other antisocial relative of a six year old girl missing ten years who purchased their home from the people who built it who still live across the lane and wonder why my air-compressor runs year-round.

I'm just pointing out that it is very unlikely that they will ever read this, but if they did, they would have to be really dense not to realize by this point that we are talking about them.

The cat is already out of the bag, but not to worry, the neighbors are too busy growing helioponic marry-ju-wanna in the basement next to the trap door of the "extra storage space" with special ventillation to notice empty cat bags.

(JM li'l ole O )


Good post, and I'm concerned about this thread overall. I think it's safe to discuss Brittany's case here, and I really really doubt these neighbors are reading this thread. The odds are in the millions. Unless someone contacted them directly to come over here and read, and that doesn't mean they would. Also no laws or confidences have been broken. Stampit observed the air compressor running constantly and questioned it, spoke with neighbors. That's not breaking the law.

Also, the case was made public and is famous for their area they live in. Same last name, I don't think we've done anything wrong here.

Of course the Centers for Missing and Exploited Children if for "Real." It's one of the oldest known agencies helping the missing I'm aware of.

Stampit, I appreciate your concern and hope this isn't a hoax. I'm glad your parents are doing well and that you went to help them, you seem very caring and a good child to them. I understand that you were tied up with them, no problem there.

If your exceptionally interested in this case, that's good. Many people get involved and taken by such cases, in hopes of seeing it solved, one way or the other. This type of dedication is what often causes a case or a missing person to be located and solved. I commend you fot that.

But I'm weary as to the overall truth of this thread. I don't want to offend or hurt you, just my suspicions are raised and I wanted to be honest. We all like to get involved, that's why we're here to begin with.

However, we have had people come on here and start threads and not be geniune, and I hope that's not the case here. I will be checking in here for updates, I hope all is well for you and your family, and all the readers here.

I would love to see this case solved too. The apparent abuse of this child raises my hinky meters about her disappearance. Sounds like to me it's an inside job, to silence her.

As far as if the neighbors were mine, and there is truth to this thread, I would continue to seek to get answers concerning my suspicions since they are related to this girl and act soooooooo weird.

Heck, if it was me, and I was outside and observed the father cussing and mistreating the kids to the level you described, I would have said something to the bullying abuser right there on the spot. I also would have told those kids in front of him that it was wrong what was happening, that's not correct parenting, and their more valuable than to be spoken to in such un-acceptable un-Godly ways. But that's me, and everyone isn't like me and I understand that.

What does everyone else here reading think? I hope I haven't been offensive, that's not what I want to be towards anyone and willing to change my opinion at anytime. thanks.
Kool Look I don't think we have enough information here to sleuth. An air compressor going on and off all the time at a possible relative to a missing child to me is not that suspicious. This sounds like a small town and I am from a small town and it would be very hard to keep a person hidden in an underground place for 10 years and somebody not know or talk about it. Yes it could happen but... I need more information to buy into this theory and to sleuth it. Just because people are not friendly or wierd acting does not make them guilty of anything other than just being wierd and not friendly.
I would alert the authorities of my suspicions and just keep an eye out across the road to see if any more red flags are raised. Other than that there is not much else to do here that I can see.
Hi KoolLook!

I think you are right that after certain situations here at websleuths, we always ask ourselves if someone is lying. (we're sleuthers, after all:cool: ).
And especially if it is someone new to wbsleuths. My gut tells me that stampit3d is telling the truth.

Stampit3d, I hope you understand that we are so happy you have joined websleuths! :blowkiss: It's nothing personal. Please keep us updated! Sometimes these mysteries are solved by someone asking questions like you are.
My gut tells me Stapit3d is also telling the truth and if its not air to keep someone alive it could be a drug thing.....POT ??? Meth ? Im not sure how they make that do you need an air compressor for that? I know those meth labs blow up, you could say you are worried something like that might happen and you just wanted to report the strange sound....
Kool Look I don't think we have enough information here to sleuth. An air compressor going on and off all the time at a possible relative to a missing child to me is not that suspicious. This sounds like a small town and I am from a small town and it would be very hard to keep a person hidden in an underground place for 10 years and somebody not know or talk about it. Yes it could happen but... I need more information to buy into this theory and to sleuth it. Just because people are not friendly or wierd acting does not make them guilty of anything other than just being wierd and not friendly.
I would alert the authorities of my suspicions and just keep an eye out across the road to see if any more red flags are raised. Other than that there is not much else to do here that I can see.

I agree! Good ideas.

Hi KoolLook!

I think you are right that after certain situations here at websleuths, we always ask ourselves if someone is lying. (we're sleuthers, after all:cool: ).
And especially if it is someone new to wbsleuths. My gut tells me that stampit3d is telling the truth.

Stampit3d, I hope you understand that we are so happy you have joined websleuths! :blowkiss: It's nothing personal. Please keep us updated! Sometimes these mysteries are solved by someone asking questions like you are.

I agree also. I'm glad Stampit has joined, and I would be concerned about a neighbor for the reasons she has pointed out also.

My gut tells me Stapit3d is also telling the truth and if its not air to keep someone alive it could be a drug thing.....POT ??? Meth ? Im not sure how they make that do you need an air compressor for that? I know those meth labs blow up, you could say you are worried something like that might happen and you just wanted to report the strange sound....

I also agree, :blowkiss: the neighbors activities are very suspicious. You just never know, cases in the recent years have been solved more so than in the past due to all this technology, forensics, the public trained and more knowledgeable than ever before. Plus we're more aware of crimes across the world, can keep better documentation and history, facts etc... so the crimes aren't just going away, like they did in the past. Cold cases are being solved which is encouraging. Thanks for all of your input concerning my post. :)
Stampit--you mentioned in your post earlier today that there was a teenage girl residing in the house that goes to private school. That peaked my curiosity. I could be waaayyy off here but... is there any resemblance to Brittney? Are they in the same age range? Just a thought...grasping for straws I guess since she has never been found.
If I even thought for a second that someone was being held against their will or an abductee was being held near my home (anywhere for that matter) me and my gf's would be dressin' up in black, painting our facing, gettin' our night vision googles, cameras, and stuffing my nine in the back of my pants and we would be out adventuring, snooping, sneaking, finding out if there is a person being held. There are ways to do it...a million ways. I would take that approach just becuase that's me. I wouldn't advise anyone else to do it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be just sitting around waiting to see if someoen was going to investigate. I would take pictures, stake out, get times, routines, know who is who in that house, in a matter of days...I would not be able to live my life if I even thought that someone was being held captive..it would consume me until I was sure one way or another. Please don't take that as me saying anything towards the poster that posted this, that is just ME. I would have to know. I want to go there right now.
If I even thought for a second that someone was being held against their will or an abductee was being held near my home (anywhere for that matter) me and my gf's would be dressin' up in black, painting our facing, gettin' our night vision googles, cameras, and stuffing my nine in the back of my pants and we would be out adventuring, snooping, sneaking, finding out if there is a person being held. There are ways to do it...a million ways. I would take that approach just becuase that's me. I wouldn't advise anyone else to do it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be just sitting around waiting to see if someoen was going to investigate. I would take pictures, stake out, get times, routines, know who is who in that house, in a matter of days...I would not be able to live my life if I even thought that someone was being held captive..it would consume me until I was sure one way or another. Please don't take that as me saying anything towards the poster that posted this, that is just ME. I would have to know. I want to go there right now.
LOL Christine this sounds just like me I have been know to do some snooping around LOL.....

Im ready lets go check it out!!!
If I even thought for a second that someone was being held against their will or an abductee was being held near my home (anywhere for that matter) me and my gf's would be dressin' up in black, painting our facing, gettin' our night vision googles, cameras, and stuffing my nine in the back of my pants and we would be out adventuring, snooping, sneaking, finding out if there is a person being held. There are ways to do it...a million ways. I would take that approach just becuase that's me. I wouldn't advise anyone else to do it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be just sitting around waiting to see if someoen was going to investigate. I would take pictures, stake out, get times, routines, know who is who in that house, in a matter of days...I would not be able to live my life if I even thought that someone was being held captive..it would consume me until I was sure one way or another. Please don't take that as me saying anything towards the poster that posted this, that is just ME. I would have to know. I want to go there right now.

That's a good idea... BUT if you are not good at it you risk being shot (or worse) if these people are wierd or nuts OR messing around with growing dope or...?.
Plus you would be breaking trespassing laws if you were just simply caught on thier property and then they called the cops on you.
You can see a lot from a safe distance with a good pair of binocoluers and a camera.
If I even thought for a second that someone was being held against their will or an abductee was being held near my home (anywhere for that matter) me and my gf's would be dressin' up in black, painting our facing, gettin' our night vision googles, cameras, and stuffing my nine in the back of my pants and we would be out adventuring, snooping, sneaking, finding out if there is a person being held. There are ways to do it...a million ways. I would take that approach just becuase that's me. I wouldn't advise anyone else to do it, but I sure as hell wouldn't be just sitting around waiting to see if someoen was going to investigate. I would take pictures, stake out, get times, routines, know who is who in that house, in a matter of days...I would not be able to live my life if I even thought that someone was being held captive..it would consume me until I was sure one way or another. Please don't take that as me saying anything towards the poster that posted this, that is just ME. I would have to know. I want to go there right now.

Amen! According to Stampit, in the least, he is abusive to his children in the name calling, and I took it with the blanks left in the post Stampit was referring to cussing name calling, which is abuse. But maybe not a good enough reason to alert authorities, but I took it also she's witnessed it a few times. So, that would change the balance of the scales a little for me.

I hope we'll get an update soon and I appreciate any updates Stampit is able to give us.
Private Investigators don't worry too much about bending or breaking a few "tresspassing" laws. They go about gaining information in much the same way as described above...including the cameras, binoculars, and such. Still, they do have the expertise in doing things in stealth mode so as not to get caught. Sneaky Petes!
That's a good idea... BUT if you are not good at it you risk being shot (or worse) if these people are wierd or nuts OR messing around with growing dope or...?.
Plus you would be breaking trespassing laws if you were just simply caught on thier property and then they called the cops on you.
You can see a lot from a safe distance with a good pair of binocoluers and a camera.

You are right, that's why I said, I wouldn't suggest others do it, but I would, (the thought of drugs is why I'd have my nine in my pants, LOL)...kinda like DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS AT HOME disclaimer you see on those crazy stunt shows is what I was saying.

I do UC PI work here and there (mostly Federal Anti Piracy) and I love it!
Private Investigators don't worry too much about bending or breaking a few "tresspassing" laws. They go about gaining information in much the same way as described above...including the cameras, binoculars, and such. Still, they do have the expertise in doing things in stealth mode so as not to get caught. Sneaky Petes!

LOL....that's what I was talking about when posting while you were posting at the same time! GMTA!
Too bad we are responsible adults living in three different states, christine248, me and KOOL would be joining you on a stakeout!:cool:

Too bad we are responsible adults living in three different states, christine248, me and KOOL would be joining you on a stakeout!:cool:


There's always the weekend :D Responsible, ahhh, OK,maybe?

Where is this anwyays?? Let me look back............
Too bad we are responsible adults living in three different states, christine248, me and KOOL would be joining you on a stakeout!:cool:


I would walk right up to the end of his driveway when I heard him cussin and being cruel to those kids and give him the "Have you lost your freakin mind, look?" If he'll do that where others can see and witness his behavior, we all know it's worse behind closed doors, not don't we?

Yes, I would have already found out what was going on with the air compressor. I have to have my peace and quiet. If it was drugs, you can tell, alot of traffic in and out. They should have fine automobiles, cell phones, jewelry, something giving away red flags.

Criminals aren't that smart one hundred percent of the time. As hard as those two work, both having good jobs as Stampit pointed out, I seriously doubt it's drug related. I just ain't buyin into that scenerio one bit. Nope.

Heck, with this neighbors mean behind, he maybe making one of those teenagers live in the basement, that's probably what's truly going on. Many parents do that, good and bad ones. He sounds like a mean one though.
Someone had mentioned using the excuse of a lost cat. I actually used that one time doing some investigating! I actually carried a cat carrier with me and was saying her kitty kitty just in case somebody wondered what I was doing snoping around......LOL
Could someone post the link to Brittany's case that was posted here. I would like to start reading up on that thread. I believe I faintly remeber reading something about it here. But I honestly can't remember. TIA, I want to familiarize myself with her case.
If you will go to Search here on the site and type in her name...a few threads will pop up including this one. : )
If you will go to Search here on the site and type in her name...a few threads will pop up including this one. : )

I just did that. Wow, I was shocked and amazed. Lots of public info out there concerning Brittney.

Stampit, she already has a National missing number Hon! Didn't know if you knew by your posts.

So this happened in Sturgis, Michigan in 1997. According to her mother she last saw Brittany riding her bike through the neighborhood at 8:30 p.m. Her brother, police confirmation and a witness say she was last seen sitting on a bench, and had talked to an unidentified man driving a red or brown renault.

Three men, father, brother of father and step father all three arrested for abusing and sexually assaulting these children. The step father is in prison for sexually molesting Brittney. Somethigns went haywire here. If all these people knew about the molestation, and then it was only prosecuted after her disappearance, don't we think she could have been gotten rid of by an involved or knowledge adult in her inner circle of family? I do.

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