MI MI - Brittney Beers, 6, Sturgis, 16 Sept 1997

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I just did that. Wow, I was shocked and amazed. Lots of public info out there concerning Brittney.

Stampit, she already has a National missing number Hon! Didn't know if you knew by your posts.

So this happened in Sturgis, Michigan in 1997. According to her mother she last saw Brittany riding her bike through the neighborhood at 8:30 p.m. Her brother, police confirmation and a witness say she was last seen sitting on a bench, and had talked to an unidentified man driving a red or brown renault.

Three men, father, brother of father and step father all three arrested for abusing and sexually assaulting these children. The step father is in prison for sexually molesting Brittney. Somethigns went haywire here. If all these people knew about the molestation, and then it was only prosecuted after her disappearance, don't we think she could have been gotten rid of by an involved or knowledge adult in her inner circle of family? I do.

I agree! Also I read on the Charley Project that she was speaking to an unknown male driving a red and brown mid-size vehicle and she went over to a witness and told them she had 'made a new friend". She was never seen again after this.
From this I would surmise this was not someone she knew.. but then maybe this person had nothing to do with her disapearance.
I agree! Also I read on the Charley Project that she was speaking to an unknown male driving a red and brown mid-size vehicle and she went over to a witness and told them she had 'made a new friend". She was never seen again after this.
From this I would surmise this was not someone she knew.. but then maybe this person had nothing to do with her disapearance.

There's all kinds of info out there concerning Brittney. I'm still shocked. A couple of suspicions fall on different people. Doesn't sound like this will be solved unless somebody spills the beans that has some information.

Ten years is a long time, so someone is real good at keeping secrets. The witness in the article wasn't named that attested to her telling them she just met a new friend. I question that statement all together.

Her bike was found abandoned. A stranger abduction is possible especially since her body hasn't been found.

An idea just popped in my head. Maybe Stampit should print up the missing posters of brittney, the age progressed one too, and post them around her neighborhood. What do ya'll think of that? Since it's public information, and maybe just maybe if the teenage girl like one poster mentioned might possible be Brittney, it could trigger her brain if she was brainwashed into changing her name at an early age of six.

Elizabeth Smart comes to mind here. I'm still puzzled, why are we at this point?
An idea just popped in my head. Maybe Stampit should print up the missing posters of brittney, the age progressed one too, and post them around her neighborhood. What do ya'll think of that? Since it's public information, and maybe just maybe if the teenage girl like one poster mentioned might possible be Brittney, it could trigger her brain if she was brainwashed into changing her name at an early age of six.

Elizabeth Smart comes to mind here.

I agree, start posting posters..that's the least that should be done.
It would be a positive way for the entire neighborhood to respond to their suspicions. If the posters end up being torn down quickly...you will have another reason to be suspicious...won't you?! Then you can see who doesn't want the case to be revisited. Hmmm...
I personally do not think you should snoop around. I would, if I were you, call the cops as often as I could. Call about the noisy compressor, call saying the husband is yelling ( and it frightens you), or anything. When you were saying they didn't let their little girl talk to you or any other kids, that really worried me. If you wanted to hide something, you would keep your kids away from people, because they have big mouths ( I know, I have 2 elementary age kids). If these people have the same last name, then they are related to the girl's father who commited those crimes on her.. Just a thought. Not to say that makes them like him. And....it may just be because something like this happened so close to home they are just very protective people.
I think there is a good chance that the family did somehow kill this child. I think its unlikely however, that the child is still alive in some bunker.

Putting up posters just may make antagonistic relationships worse. Would want to see the poster of your missing child in your face every day?
The name Beers is actually quite common and the people would not have to be related in any way to the missing girl.

If I had a relative or a child missing...I would be delighted to see her face posted everywhere and see her smiling at me every single day from those posters! It would mean someone still cared enough to remember her and wanted to help bring her home to us.

It would ONLY antagonize someone who did not want her mentioned again.
The name Beers is actually quite common and the people would not have to be related in any way to the missing girl.

If I had a relative or a child missing...I would be delighted to see her face posted everywhere and see her smiling at me every single day from those posters! It would mean someone still cared enough to remember her and wanted to help bring her home to us.

It would ONLY antagonize someone who did not want her mentioned again.

If your family had been in jail for molesting this child and been suspects in her murder, would you feel the same way? I'm thinking its likely a family member did kill this child.
Maybe they don't want their kids talking to strangers or neighbors because Brittney was taken by a stranger and they don't want a repeat. I would think if a family member of mine was kidnapped I would never let my son to to anyone ever again.
If your family had been in jail for molesting this child and been suspects in her murder, would you feel the same way? I'm thinking its likely a family member did kill this child.
Like I said, it would only antagonize someone who didn't want her mentioned again.

If they DID know what happened and said nothing...they deserve to feel horrible by having her poster up all over town. If they had no involvement...they should want to find out what happened to their innocent relative.
Amen! According to Stampit, in the least, he is abusive to his children in the name calling, and I took it with the blanks left in the post Stampit was referring to cussing name calling, which is abuse. But maybe not a good enough reason to alert authorities, but I took it also she's witnessed it a few times. So, that would change the balance of the scales a little for me.

I hope we'll get an update soon and I appreciate any updates Stampit is able to give us.

I agree that cussing at your children and calling them names is abusive. It is also hard on their self-esteem and self-worth. I would be calling CPS in a heart beat. Typically, not always, but typically where an outsider sees this type of behavior - much worse is happening where the outsider does not see. No child deserves to be treated in this way.

So Stampit3d, since you have seen this behavior, I urge you to call CPS. This phone call could "get two birds with one stone." You might get some answers to what is happening in the house and the children would be looked in on.

Just to put your minds at ease about whether the Beers girl could actually be Brittney....the answer is "no".
When they first moved in it was over 11 years ago and she was with them then. Brittney came missing not quite 10 years ago.
Megan (their daughter) is a pudgy girl with very dark hair and looks just like her mother.
Brittney was a small child with blond hair. They do not even resemble one another.....I remember having her pointed out to me once by my friends daughter when I was there visiting (Brittney was playing with her daughter at the time in front of the apt)......and she mentioned that Brittney was my daughters friend`s (Tina`s) child.
As far as my writting here being some sort of a hoax it`s not. Of course you guys do not know me at all....so I am not at all upset or offended. I don`t usually just blindly trust people that i don`t know either, so it`s Ok, really.
If you did know me, and knew all that`s going on in my life at the moment you`d probably laugh at yourself for even thinking I`d have the TIME to be writing anything on here at all! :)
The only thing I have actually said is that the camper from 10 years ago and the compresser from over a year ago have created suspicion within our neighborhood....and I am haunted by the thoughts of "what if" these people were involved in some way (Heaven forbid that they were!)
I did`nt come onto my puter, looking for a forum to write to...I came looking for a way to contact the FBI and tell them about this (whether they`d think I was crazy or not) And this site came up. After putting Brittney`s name in the search I realized she had been discussed on here and that`s why I posted about this......testing the waters to see if anyone thought my thought were nuts.
Possibly there is absolutly nothing to this compresser thing....or as some have suggested...maybe there is some illegal dope thing going on (we are in a good, secluded area for that!) Who knows??? BUT I AM GLAD that I contacted the FBI, even though they said there was nothing they could do unless they are called in on the case (Which I really did`nt quite understand , because originally THEY WERE CALLED in on Brittney`s case) but at least the lady clued me in to contact the center for Missing & Exploited Children. There is relief in having done that, whether there is anything going on that involves her or whether it`s something else....or nothing.
Posters remain up all over Sturgis....I "see her" everytime i go to town.....we have not forgotten this child !
Linda~ I am glad there are posters still up and you are actively pursuing leads in looking for the little girl. You never know what clues will end up providing LE the information to lead down the right path. Being alert and aware is always a good thing.

We are also glad you chose to post. Sometimes, posters aren't who they appear to be and it can be difficult to trust on the internet. As hard as we try, we are always skeptical by nature and questioning everything! I guess it is the reason we come here, in a way. We analyze. We scrutinize. It is simply the nature of the site. (I am sure when I first came here, people didn't know what to make of me either! Uhm...they probably still don't. LOL)

Actually, with all you have going on in your life...being here makes sense. Sometimes when things seem totally out of our control, it is good to try to help others and put our energy towards something besides the issues we have to deal with daily. By allowing time to think about someone other than yourself or your problems, you are giving yourself a much needed break. I hope things ease up on you soon.

You are welcome to post away! Maybe some good will come out of this either for Brittney or her family. It might jog some memories to keep her name out there. Another good thing might be for you to ask a local paper to do a follow up story on Brittney. (They might want to try to interview the family.)
You know, it`s a gloomy day here in Sturgis....and with the anniversary of Brittney`s disappearance coming up in a little over a week.....and with having thoughts of her fresh in my mind and heart from being on this site ....I find myself being just so sad....and not just for her, but for all those children who are missing, whether they survived or not.
In some ways it`s seems almost easier to remember those who we know did not survive (please don`t think I`m awful for saying that) than those who are just "out there someplace"....not knowing if they are dead or alive, or if they are alive, what might be happening to them.The not knowing ....how do people who have someone missing deal with it???? How do they live with the horrible dread and hope all at the same time? It is more than my mind can handle even thinking of it.
It seems that this world is getting worse and worse as far as abuse issues go.....and more often than not it is abuse prepitrated by families against their own.
I can remember being a little girl back in the 1950`s and my mother telling me to NEVER take anything from a "stranger"....NEVER get in a car with a "stranger".....that`s simply what folks thought back then. They did`nt want to believe that it could be someone they were related to, or someone they considered to be a friend....but it was`nt a 'stranger" who molested me.....it was an uncle and some of his "friends'....someone known and trusted by our family.....and that`s not just me.....many of the women I have worked with in groups report that it was a family member or family friend. In fact I don`t recall at the moment of even one woman saying she was grabbed off the street and molested by a "stranger".
The only good thing I can see happening is that I do believe more of us are beginning to "get our heads out of the sand" concerning abuse and are better equipping our children and grandchildren (as well as being taught in schools) how to, hopefully, avoid becoming a victim, and to TELL if it does happen.
My counselor once told me that it is hidding from the truth, and wearing the shame (that does`nt belong to us, but should belong to the perp) that does the most damage, because as long as it is hidden the issues that surround the abuse don`t get dealt with. He said a child that can find a way to tell it, is believed, the abuse stopped, and the child helped to cope does not end up having nearly so many problems with the aftermath of the abuse later in life.
It helps me to believe that those who did not survive are safe now in a Better Place... and for those who have committed horrible deeds against another human being, but have not ,and may not ever be caught in their lifetime, I do believe that One Day they will answer for their acts....that they will NOT "get by with it" Forever , but will get their just payment!!!
These are just some of my random thoughts today.....my words here don`t require anyone to respond.....it`s just rather theraputic for me to write them out......and it`s been a long time since I "journaled" anything ....guess that`s what Im doing here....because I feel comfortable with you all.
Thanks for making me feel welcome here....and thank you all for caring so much about others. You are a blessing!
Have a great day....I hope the sun is shining on you wherever you are!
You know, it`s a gloomy day here in Sturgis....and with the anniversary of Brittney`s disappearance coming up in a little over a week.....and with having thoughts of her fresh in my mind and heart from being on this site ....I find myself being just so sad....and not just for her, but for all those children who are missing, whether they survived or not.
In some ways it`s seems almost easier to remember those who we know did not survive (please don`t think I`m awful for saying that) than those who are just "out there someplace"....not knowing if they are dead or alive, or if they are alive, what might be happening to them.The not knowing ....how do people who have someone missing deal with it???? How do they live with the horrible dread and hope all at the same time? It is more than my mind can handle even thinking of it.
It seems that this world is getting worse and worse as far as abuse issues go.....and more often than not it is abuse prepitrated by families against their own.
I can remember being a little girl back in the 1950`s and my mother telling me to NEVER take anything from a "stranger"....NEVER get in a car with a "stranger".....that`s simply what folks thought back then. They did`nt want to believe that it could be someone they were related to, or someone they considered to be a friend....but it was`nt a 'stranger" who molested me.....it was an uncle and some of his "friends'....someone known and trusted by our family.....and that`s not just me.....many of the women I have worked with in groups report that it was a family member or family friend. In fact I don`t recall at the moment of even one woman saying she was grabbed off the street and molested by a "stranger".
The only good thing I can see happening is that I do believe more of us are beginning to "get our heads out of the sand" concerning abuse and are better equipping our children and grandchildren (as well as being taught in schools) how to, hopefully, avoid becoming a victim, and to TELL if it does happen.
My counselor once told me that it is hidding from the truth, and wearing the shame (that does`nt belong to us, but should belong to the perp) that does the most damage, because as long as it is hidden the issues that surround the abuse don`t get dealt with. He said a child that can find a way to tell it, is believed, the abuse stopped, and the child helped to cope does not end up having nearly so many problems with the aftermath of the abuse later in life.
It helps me to believe that those who did not survive are safe now in a Better Place... and for those who have committed horrible deeds against another human being, but have not ,and may not ever be caught in their lifetime, I do believe that One Day they will answer for their acts....that they will NOT "get by with it" Forever , but will get their just payment!!!
These are just some of my random thoughts today.....my words here don`t require anyone to respond.....it`s just rather theraputic for me to write them out......and it`s been a long time since I "journaled" anything ....guess that`s what Im doing here....because I feel comfortable with you all.
Thanks for making me feel welcome here....and thank you all for caring so much about others. You are a blessing!
Have a great day....I hope the sun is shining on you wherever you are!

Linda - wonderful post! I hope things slow down for you and your family and maybe you can hang around here more often. I think you think like us;) . Looking forward to any updates you have on your neighbors. I have been thinking about Brittany a lot since you posted here. It is good to get these cold cases new attention and talk about them.
what about the abuse from their own father and his brother.i have seen cases where a pedophile has passed a polygraph test.pardon my bluntness but there is no way these family member's don't know what happened or are not involved.i would never leave my small children riding a their bike around while i drove off.what is the world coming to! :furious:
Hey, this is not pertaining to this case, but I was wondering if anyone else watched nancy grace last night? about the little girl on the video tape? is there anything posted in ws about this ? the creep needs to have his pic posted all over the place. That poor little girl could be missing and her pic should be all over also. if anyone knows anything let me know. If you know of a site about this also let me know. I didnt see anything on ws this morning.
Hey, this is not pertaining to this case, but I was wondering if anyone else watched nancy grace last night? about the little girl on the video tape? is there anything posted in ws about this ? the creep needs to have his pic posted all over the place. That poor little girl could be missing and her pic should be all over also. if anyone knows anything let me know. If you know of a site about this also let me know. I didnt see anything on ws this morning.

There are numerous threads about it in the crime section.

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