GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #5

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*If*it were scenario two, I really think there were other women who were "hassled" by this man/men that evening. I hate to use this scenario, but think of some loser guy at a bar looking for a "date" as the night goes by. To them, it's a numbers game. 11 women say no, but the 12th says, a win.

Use the same mentality for some miscreant looking for a victim at a party. Because of the time of the early morning hours that Chelsea disappeared, I would doubt Chelsea was the first potential victim the Predator(s) interacted with. SOMEONE ISN'T TALKING/TELLING WHAT THEY KNOW. OTHER WOMEN WOULD HAVE INTERACTTED WITH THE PERPS.

If Chelsea were the intended target, then the Perp(s) would have kept a lower profile, just stalking her.

I think if other women were harassed by her killer you would of heard about it possibly from someone posting on facebook or from LE especially if they looked like the sketch. How many went to this party alone? If some guy came onto them Im sure their friends would of seen it or heard about it..

Whether this person is a multi time killer or this was there first time you have to remember everyone has a first. If the killer was trying to dump her costume in the Flat rock area, then seemed like a poor and maybe rushed moved. Like I said i drove by there and it seems like a dumping ground for people's unwanted stuff.. but there is a path to those buildings. So people do enter that area. Secondly, its by a trailer park/community. If you wanted it gone and stayed gone it could of bent burnt. Bonfires are not uncommon in the area. Put it in a trash bag toss it in some busy restaurant dumpster, some random apartment dumpster. If (and no i havent) i killed someone and was gonna dump some evidence i would drive out of the general area.. to some rural area. Every store, business at one point in the area had CB flyer hanging on their wall. Drive 2-3 hours away. There are Lakes, creeks all over Michigan.. this didnt happen. So maybe this person didnt have a car.. which is why her body and the flat rock location are both off the tracks. Maybe there car was their parents car? Then again how many teens steal "borrow" their parents cars late at night. When I was 19ish my GF at the time would all the time as she lived in different city a few miles away.
I have lived in Downriver area all my life. In at least 3 of those cities. Its a fairly large area we are talking about here. Monroe or even the Frenchtownship is not Downriver. This happened more southwest of downriver area.. flat rock is sorta on the edge of Downriver border.
I think if other women were harassed by her killer you would of heard about it possibly from someone posting on facebook or from LE especially if they looked like the sketch. How many went to this party alone? If some guy came onto them Im sure their friends would of seen it or heard about it..

It seems not many people remember much of that night or at least anything they want to share with LE from what we've been told. Otherwise we might know more about Chelsea and what happened upon her leaving. The stories at the end of the night seem quite jumbled. This same person could have tried talking to others but they blew them off or didn't "give in" so to speak. I understand what you're saying but there are so many possibilities like we have discussed with the sketch and who saw her at the end of the night.

I'm not sure why you made the "downriver " statement but flat rock would be considered a part of it and also Huron township ...but maybe you meant areas south of flat rock like Monroe . Either way doesn't matter but wasn't quite understanding that part of the post in relation to everything else.

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Or perhaps it was a calling card, a taunt.

It could be anything is possible, but if that was the case wouldn't you want it to be more easily found? First thing when I think of a calling card or taunt I think of guys waking up with a horse head in his bed in the Godfather. Who's knows when it was placed there.. but wasn't it only found cause LE got tipped off?

Really since we are not given a ton of info other then a few things LE said and a sketch.. and nothing since in the last month+ its easy to speculate.

How about this: Killer is a friend of CB or someone she knew had similar interests with. Maybe a regular customer she had a work. I used to Bartend and had my regular customers. Cocktail waitresses I worked with had regular customers.

Looking at CBs Myspace photo I dont know her, but looking at her photos dont see she was much into Men/dating during her High school years. As I said before what was her sexual preference. Killer could of been someone she "friend zoned" and possibly they seen her at a party laughing or hanging out with another male maybe just another friend. Killer/friend.. upset.. cause they wanted that to be them, feels if they cant have her nobody will.
I'm not sure why you made the "downriver " statement but flat rock would be considered a part of it and also Huron township ...but maybe you meant areas south of flat rock like Monroe . Either way doesn't matter but wasn't quite understanding that part of the post in relation to everything else.

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I guess my point is the party happened outside the Downriver area.. The recent map posted most of the POI listed are outside of the Downriver area.

Airport High School is in Monroe county. Carlston is in Monroe county.

The body was found outside the Downriver area. Seems majority of the stuff involving the case has very little to do with Downriver and more so has to do with Monroe county.

Flat Rock is part of Downriver area like I said more on on the edge.. Like a boundary city. I guess when I hear talk of Downriver.. I think of so much more then Flat rock. I just think its sorta misleading.
Seekay - everything I have read about Chelsea over the past almost seven months suggests that she was a late bloomer. A shy and somewhat awkward girl with the opposite sex, but sweet and goofy with her friends. Adored.

My amateur profile of the Perps is as follows:
3 of them; 1 jr. accomplice who drove, stood guard, etc., and 2 main Perps
2 of them are related, cousins, brothers...
"Jr" wants to tell, but has been threatened in to silence. He knows what was done was wrong, and he is suffering in silence
The 2 main Perps are skinhead wanna be gangsta's, use meth and sell it on the side
Blue collar and/or on unemployment
Hunters, motorcycles/ATV/big trucks
Organic brain deficit, or from drug use
Have had brushes with the law, especially in youth. Trouble in school, probably dropped out and possibly went to trade school Come from highly dysfunctional families
If married, it's abusive, and history of abuse to women

And, as stated above, I think lots of folks know who they are, but are fearful to speak.
So that's my armchair amateur profile.

Editing to add: In this profile, "Jr" is sketchy guy. As a matter of fact, "Jr." Could be there with his father vs brother or cousin....
Didn't someone earlier say she left the main party area to go off by herself, to pee or something? All your talk about a serial killer befriending CB then coaxing her into his car seems far fetched. I would think a more likely scenario would be that he somehow spiked her drink while she was separated from her friends, then followed her when she left to go off by herself.

Wasn't Hannah Graham drugged then "walked off" to the guys car? (Although he did sort of befriend her)
Didn't someone earlier say she left the main party area to go off by herself, to pee or something? All your talk about a serial killer befriending CB then coaxing her into his car seems far fetched. I would think a more likely scenario would be that he somehow spiked her drink while she was separated from her friends, then followed her when she left to go off by herself.

Wasn't Hannah Graham drugged then "walked off" to the guys car? (Although he did sort of befriend her)

Apparently LE agrees with you.
But why is this so far fetched? Someone with the appetite to kill in this manner seems as if they would strike repeatedly, IMO.
Didn't someone earlier say she left the main party area to go off by herself, to pee or something? All your talk about a serial killer befriending CB then coaxing her into his car seems far fetched. I would think a more likely scenario would be that he somehow spiked her drink while she was separated from her friends, then followed her when she left to go off by herself.

Wasn't Hannah Graham drugged then "walked off" to the guys car? (Although he did sort of befriend her)

You may be on to something. Drugging someone gets around the "trust" issue. If I was going to pass-out suddenly and unexpectedly I would hope a "good seminarian" was there to catch me.
You may be on to something. Drugging someone gets around the "trust" issue. If I was going to pass-out suddenly and unexpectedly I would hope a "good seminarian" was there to catch me.

Yes, having a religious student around can never hurt. ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Sorry couldn't resist.
Or Samaritan would be good too. ; ) : )
You may be on to something. Drugging someone gets around the "trust" issue. If I was going to pass-out suddenly and unexpectedly I would hope a "good seminarian" was there to catch me.

BBM I could think of a better way to spell that, but it would most likely get me into trouble....
I'm curious if there was a sign of struggle in Chelsea's death. I'm thinking that incapacitating her would allow them to do whatever they wanted without too much of a struggle. It reminds me a bit of JT and no sign of struggle. (and yes, I'm still beating around that bush until there is clear evidence that the two are not related). I remain skeptical.

Hoping a tox screen is possible, though many of those drugs clear the system rapidly iirc.

Not a professional
Doesn't know anyone in this case
Didn't someone earlier say she left the main party area to go off by herself, to pee or something? All your talk about a serial killer befriending CB then coaxing her into his car seems far fetched. I would think a more likely scenario would be that he somehow spiked her drink while she was separated from her friends, then followed her when she left to go off by herself.

Wasn't Hannah Graham drugged then "walked off" to the guys car? (Although he did sort of befriend her)

If you are directing your post at me.. I said nothing about a serial killer. To me it's someone first murder.

I think if you consider the drugging scenario then when did the person have the opportunity to spike her drink? Unlike a club or a party indoors there arent many places to set a drink down in a corn field. Secondly, if she was with her friends prior to walking off wouldnt her friends have noticed someone around close enough to spike her drink?
I have lived in Downriver area all my life. In at least 3 of those cities. Its a fairly large area we are talking about here. Monroe or even the Frenchtownship is not Downriver. This happened more southwest of downriver area.. flat rock is sorta on the edge of Downriver border.

I was going to say the same thing to the person above. This is not an investigation that is taking place in Downriver. I know a lot of people on here are not familiar with the area, but Seekay can confirm this, it's very much a small place. A lot of people are connected. I said before, I share facebook friends with some of the people mentioned on here and I've never met them. Most people I know also wouldn't consider Flat Rock downriver. The entire population of Monroe County in 2013 was just over 150,'s a very small place. It's part of the reason that this case has garnered so much attention in our area. That's also the reason, like I said earlier, it's so easy to connect person to person on Facebook. I could do that with just about any young person in Monroe County probably.
Apparently LE agrees with you.
But why is this so far fetched? Someone with the appetite to kill in this manner seems as if they would strike repeatedly, IMO.

Curiosity - Have you ever tired a food or doing something you found out later you didnt care for and never did it again? Could be this person thought the taking of a life would be more then the end result. Maybe they are living with guilt. Bad nightmares? Stressed with all the flyers around town. Not everyone who takes a life goes on to continue to kill. Soldiers have suffered from post war stress..
Yes, having a religious student around can never hurt. ; ) ; ) ; ) ; ) Sorry couldn't resist.
Or Samaritan would be good too. ; ) : )

LOL...I was trying to spell Samaritan with the spell check and clicked on the wrong word. I know LE found the jug CB was carrying around on BM's property (party guy) to go with her costume. I wonder if LE checked it for drugs. Was there red wine in the jug? It was never said what CB's drink of choice was.
If you are directing your post at me.. I said nothing about a serial killer. To me it's someone first murder.

I think if you consider the drugging scenario then when did the person have the opportunity to spike her drink? Unlike a club or a party indoors there arent many places to set a drink down in a corn field. Secondly, if she was with her friends prior to walking off wouldnt her friends have noticed someone around close enough to spike her drink?

I agree with most of your thinking here, but I also believe spiking a drink isn't so difficult. Could easily have offered to refill it, even.

I have nothing that indicates a serial killer, either. No similar disappearances or murders in the area, to my knowledge.

I am still of the theory she went willingly with "whoever", most likely a sexual encounter went badly. May not have been pre-planned as a death, but it happened.
I'm curious if there was a sign of struggle in Chelsea's death. I'm thinking that incapacitating her would allow them to do whatever they wanted without too much of a struggle. It reminds me a bit of JT and no sign of struggle. (and yes, I'm still beating around that bush until there is clear evidence that the two are not related). I remain skeptical.

Hoping a tox screen is possible, though many of those drugs clear the system rapidly iirc.

Not a professional
Doesn't know anyone in this case

I'm anxious to know if there was any of struggle too. That information will be telling to me. In comparison, JT showed no signs of struggle and I believe, the toxicology report was inconclusive. Which I think means the examiners couldn't tell if drugs where ingested or not. I seems to me if someone was going to harm someone else, they would fight for their life.
I think if other women were harassed by her killer you would of heard about it possibly from someone posting on facebook or from LE especially if they looked like the sketch. How many went to this party alone? If some guy came onto them Im sure their friends would of seen it or heard about it..

Whether this person is a multi time killer or this was there first time you have to remember everyone has a first. If the killer was trying to dump her costume in the Flat rock area, then seemed like a poor and maybe rushed moved. Like I said i drove by there and it seems like a dumping ground for people's unwanted stuff.. but there is a path to those buildings. So people do enter that area. Secondly, its by a trailer park/community. If you wanted it gone and stayed gone it could of bent burnt. Bonfires are not uncommon in the area. Put it in a trash bag toss it in some busy restaurant dumpster, some random apartment dumpster. If (and no i havent) i killed someone and was gonna dump some evidence i would drive out of the general area.. to some rural area. Every store, business at one point in the area had CB flyer hanging on their wall. Drive 2-3 hours away. There are Lakes, creeks all over Michigan.. this didnt happen. So maybe this person didnt have a car.. which is why her body and the flat rock location are both off the tracks. Maybe there car was their parents car? Then again how many teens steal "borrow" their parents cars late at night. When I was 19ish my GF at the time would all the time as she lived in different city a few miles away.

At first sight, someone dumping the costume out in the open in an abandoned area where teens and others are known to go party seems like amateur hour. Anyone with half a brain would burn or conceal the evidence is some way. It could have been an 'end of the night panic decision' by someone in a borrowed car. Or, someone planted the costume there to throw LE off the trial.
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