GUILTY MI - Chelsea Bruck, 22, Frenchtown Twp, 26 Oct 2014 #5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Agreed, at some point the flyers included more photographs of CB than detailed information about the sketch guy. I believe family and friends held out hope that CB was possibly mixed up against her will in a human trafficking situation, being alive with a changed appearance in some way. Also, many people at the party remember her in costume, wearing a dark auburn wig and green leaf type long shirt with black yoga pants. In contrast, at the time of her disappearance from the party the wig was off, showing her medium length to long blond hair and someone reported her as wearing a dark sweatshirt over the green leaf long shirt. It was never said where the sweatshirt came from. She may have brought it from home or maybe a friend lent it to her because she was cold.

As for the "sketch guy" I've also entertained the idea that he arrived late and kept a low profile. This still doesn't explain how he gained CB's trust enough to give a ride home.

Another important point to me is the time of the party. The media says CB went missing October 26th/2014. However, the party began October 25th/2014 and carried on into October 26th/2014. October 25th at the start of the party was Saturday night, however CB went missing around 3:00 am early Sunday morning. BM (party thrower) was noted as saying in the invite blog that everyone had cleared out around 5:30 AM. I'd wonder what population might see the POI or POIs at this hour. Could they have stopped at a 24 hour 7 eleven or a gas station?

I read somewhere recently the family was holding another fundraiser to help generate funds and give attention the focal change of finding justice for CB in Southgate Michigan. I'm not sure if any other fundraisers have been downriver before. Maybe they are trying to expand the search in that direction since the body has been found north of Newport/ Frenchtown area and part of the costume found in Flatrock. Maybe they are thinking the POI (s) dumped part of the costume on their way to the downriver area.

Note: I'm hoping Southgate is part of the downriver area since I've always thought of it as being so. However, many not from the downriver area (including myself at times) do look at the map and include anything north of Monroe as near to downriver or part of downriver. Which may not be accurate.

I don't recall other events being in this area. It seems that the group decided to help raise money to print new flyers to aide in finding the POI. The group has a Facebook page that states they are a group for chivers that work and party in downriver. You can google info on them but they also do charity work and find local causes to donate and raise money for. I think it just so happened that some of the people running that group were aware of her story since I see some are in the HFCB group. I read they raised over $1,000 dollars on one of the admins pages.

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I keep going back to the location of where CB was found. I think LE is correct in saying the POI (s) must have known the area well. I believe a piece of rope or a gate had to be opened to get down the newly built, twining rode of the pre-developed wooded area.

1. A local to the area. A neighbor to the location?
2. A hunter who hunted in or around the area of the location?
3. A railroad worker?
4. A development or road building worker?
5. A person who rides the rail regularly from maybe Toledo, Monroe, Flatrock or Downriver who saw the location from the rail and followed up on the rode when they had access to a car? (I do not know much about people and rail travel in this area, or if it's even possible, legally to ride rails in this location).
6. Someone who rides ATVs in or around the area. (I'm making the assumption an ATV could get into the property by way of the railroad).
7. Someone who kayaks or canoes the river/stream going through the property. (If possible).
Looking Glass,

Tell me more about th river/stream going through the property please. How far was it from Chelsea's body, and is the stream a means of "transport" or too small?
Looking Glass,

Tell me more about th river/stream going through the property please. How far was it from Chelsea's body, and is the stream a means of "transport" or too small?

I wondered this myself and checked the map. A small stream crosses the railroad tracks. It's close but not too close. The body was found close to the railroad tracks. It looks like the POI crossed over the railroad tracks on Briar Hill Rd. to access the new road to the left. Drove in 20 yards to near the railroad tracks where the body was found. Swan Creek is to the west, maybe an 1/8 of a mile or less?

I wondered about travel by water too, but not sure it would be possible on a small creek, especially carrying someone else. If you could travel by water, more than one person would be needed to balance and carrying, in my opinion.
I had been assuming that the autopsy was only an initial step in the overall scientific examination of the body and associated evidence, and that more specific findings wouldn't be released until the Medical Examiner and State Police Lab finished more time consuming parts of the forensic analysis. Or have we probably already lost hope of finding a cause of death because none was in the autopsy? Does anyone know? I know, I know, I should have been paying closer attention to CSI Miami.

If she was raped, is it possible for DNA evidence to survive and be obtained from her remains given the state of decomposition?
Like I said I saw at least one local station report the body was partially buried. I'm assuming that's why it was asked at the LE press conference if the body was buried. Maybe they backed away from that statement. wouldnt be the first time it happened from a media outlet.

I wasn't doubting you, and I would really like to know if she was buried at the time of being left there. If so, hat puts more planning into covering up a crime. And if "buried", I wonder if it was done by the perpetrator, or accidentally by the construction.
I saw on dateline a few weeks back there is a new form of obtaining DNA called Touch DNA. They used it on a case there. Apparently the sample size is smaller so it takes longer for results to come back. DNA can be taken of stuff like her costume remains possibly.
Just a few clarifications. Chelsea did not get to the party until after 11 pm, and was seen/talked to early on the 26th. The last time she was known to be there was around 3 am or a little after.

The Chivers group that is doing the fundraiser had planned the event before Chelsea was found. A they changed the "purpose" from helping find her to helping to find the perpetrator. I don't know if they still plan a second event in Novi as had been mentioned in their original posts on FB.

If she was raped, is it possible for DNA evidence to survive and be obtained from her remains given the state of decomposition?

Yes! DNA can often be found years.
I have family that lives off Swan Creek in Monroe when it opens into Lake Erie by the Fermi plant. This is definitely traveled by boats since it's on/near the lake.
If you look on a map, the creek travels west and then northwestish. Once you get up by Dixie highway and St Charles church in Newport it becomes a much smaller creek, not traveled by boat beyond the mini bridge. We used to launch our boat at this spot years ago but it always depended on the water level. The way the creek moves up toward the body site would not be traveled on from Newport. You don't even notice traveling on those roads as it probably goes through woods and under roads/bridges. There are a lot of canals and creeks in this area.
Now I don't exactly know the specifics of the part of the creek near that site but I would say it would not be a means of transport unless they carried her from Newport to that area by foot up a creek, which I find very unlikely.

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Bumping for Chelsea. Anxiously awaiting COD and/or LE update!!
Going back to the location of where CB was found I'm starting to question my original thoughts of the POI taking the new road in. I checked the satellite view of the new road in and reviewed the most recent LE public address, giving details of the location. LE said you must have a key to open the gate to the new road. This new road is just over the tracks to the left. If the POI didn't take the new road, then maybe drove along the tracks. But the cleared area along the tracts is narrow. If a car drove in next to the tracks, they would have to back out. Or they may get stuck, because of dirt and gravel.

It may have been possible to drive in, using the tracks and transfer over to the new road. But I would think this is something done in a 4 wheel drive, not a car. The risk of getting stuck in a car would be large. Also, all of this was done at night?

Okay, there is a parking area off of Briar Hill Rd to the right before the tracks. Someone could have parked there and walked in. But at night walking in, in the darkness, that's a long walk.

Someone must know the area well, or they would have been lost, in my opinion. As a child I lived in a housing development near railroad tracks and a wooded area with trails. Myself and other kids played in the woods and walked or rode our bicycles to town along the tracks to avoid road traffic. Even though I know the wooded trails, I would not walk around there at night. Walking in the dense mature woods at night is impossible. Even with some type of light, it's difficult.

This location has got "local county" written all over it.
I wondered this myself and checked the map. A small stream crosses the railroad tracks. It's close but not too close. The body was found close to the railroad tracks. It looks like the POI crossed over the railroad tracks on Briar Hill Rd. to access the new road to the left. Drove in 20 yards to near the railroad tracks where the body was found. Swan Creek is to the west, maybe an 1/8 of a mile or less?

I wondered about travel by water too, but not sure it would be possible on a small creek, especially carrying someone else. If you could travel by water, more than one person would be needed to balance and carrying, in my opinion.

One of my patients lives sort of across the street from where she was found (elderly man), he says that there is a quarry very close to the back of that property, could that be the small waterway that you are referring to?
One of my patients lives sort of across the street from where she was found (elderly man), he says that there is a quarry very close to the back of that property, could that be the small waterway that you are referring to?

Looking on the case map at the beginning of the thread, I do see a body of water that could be a quarry. (Note: my thoughts of a quarry is a man made small "lake" generated by a company mining the sand and gravel out of them over time). It's closer to I-275.

I was thinking along the lines of people kayaking or canoeing swan creek through the property. However, you bring up a good point. With a quarry at the back of the property, locals might swim or fish there in the summer months. I would wonder if there is a back entrance or trails at the quarry.

Also, about the quarry, is it actively being mined? Or, has the mining stopped in years past. Just thinking about what population would access the quarry. Locals or sand and gravel workers.
Going back to the location of where CB was found I'm starting to question my original thoughts of the POI taking the new road in. I checked the satellite view of the new road in and reviewed the most recent LE public address, giving details of the location. LE said you must have a key to open the gate to the new road. This new road is just over the tracks to the left. If the POI didn't take the new road, then maybe drove along the tracks. But the cleared area along the tracts is narrow. If a car drove in next to the tracks, they would have to back out. Or they may get stuck, because of dirt and gravel.

It may have been possible to drive in, using the tracks and transfer over to the new road. But I would think this is something done in a 4 wheel drive, not a car. The risk of getting stuck in a car would be large. Also, all of this was done at night?

Okay, there is a parking area off of Briar Hill Rd to the right before the tracks. Someone could have parked there and walked in. But at night walking in, in the darkness, that's a long walk.

Someone must know the area well, or they would have been lost, in my opinion. As a child I lived in a housing development near railroad tracks and a wooded area with trails. Myself and other kids played in the woods and walked or rode our bicycles to town along the tracks to avoid road traffic. Even though I know the wooded trails, I would not walk around there at night. Walking in the dense mature woods at night is impossible. Even with some type of light, it's difficult.

This location has got "local county" written all over it.

I have family that lives off Swan Creek in Monroe when it opens into Lake Erie by the Fermi plant. This is definitely traveled by boats since it's on/near the lake.
If you look on a map, the creek travels west and then northwestish. Once you get up by Dixie highway and St Charles church in Newport it becomes a much smaller creek, not traveled by boat beyond the mini bridge. We used to launch our boat at this spot years ago but it always depended on the water level. The way the creek moves up toward the body site would not be traveled on from Newport. You don't even notice traveling on those roads as it probably goes through woods and under roads/bridges. There are a lot of canals and creeks in this area.
Now I don't exactly know the specifics of the part of the creek near that site but I would say it would not be a means of transport unless they carried her from Newport to that area by foot up a creek, which I find very unlikely.

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mikaylasmom, Looking Glass and monster,

What you are doing as locals is manna for getting at the truth of what happened to our Chelsea. Please continue to look at all you have time for and keep sharing your thoughts. Not a word will be missed. It means a great deal that you and people like you do pitch in and I very much appreciate it. I know it's not for nothing on your part. Thank you.

~ * ~


Continued thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
Going back to the location of where CB was found I'm starting to question my original thoughts of the POI taking the new road in. I checked the satellite view of the new road in and reviewed the most recent LE public address, giving details of the location. LE said you must have a key to open the gate to the new road. This new road is just over the tracks to the left. If the POI didn't take the new road, then maybe drove along the tracks. But the cleared area along the tracts is narrow. If a car drove in next to the tracks, they would have to back out. Or they may get stuck, because of dirt and gravel.

It may have been possible to drive in, using the tracks and transfer over to the new road. But I would think this is something done in a 4 wheel drive, not a car. The risk of getting stuck in a car would be large. Also, all of this was done at night?

Okay, there is a parking area off of Briar Hill Rd to the right before the tracks. Someone could have parked there and walked in. But at night walking in, in the darkness, that's a long walk.

Someone must know the area well, or they would have been lost, in my opinion. As a child I lived in a housing development near railroad tracks and a wooded area with trails. Myself and other kids played in the woods and walked or rode our bicycles to town along the tracks to avoid road traffic. Even though I know the wooded trails, I would not walk around there at night. Walking in the dense mature woods at night is impossible. Even with some type of light, it's difficult.

This location has got "local county" written all over it.

Technically nobody really knows when it occurred. We do know she left the party and wasn't seen again. So there could always be other possibilities of at what point in time her body ended up in that spot. I would assume based on the decomposition it was fairly certain and I believe other assumptions are that this all happened that same night/morning.

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Locally I did see on TV they said she was partially buried. Not sure how many others news outlets were reporting that. Then again from what I understand is they were moving dirt to fill the swampy area. They found her bound when a truck of theirs got stuck in the mud. So possibly her body remains were covered by dirt they were moving.

You said they found her bound, like tied up? Is this new info or did I miss it before? It makes me so sad to think about her last moments on earth.
Technically nobody really knows when it occurred. We do know she left the party and wasn't seen again. So there could always be other possibilities of at what point in time her body ended up in that spot. I would assume based on the decomposition it was fairly certain and I believe other assumptions are that this all happened that same night/morning.

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My gut feeling is, all of this happened the same night or into the early morning hours. I believe the POI (s) must have known things had to happen quickly. At night there is less detection.

Just wondering if a local did something unspeakable in a car, then went home to grab the 4 wheel drive and went to the Ash township sight.

Or, maybe the POI is an old school friend of CB's who invited her to go 2 tracking, and turned on her. (For followers not from the area 2 tracking is a popular sport of driving around on dirt roads, trails and hills in 4 wheel drive trucks or SUVs). Young men are proud to show off their powerful 4 wheel drive trucks and 2 tracking abilities.
You said they found her bound, like tied up? Is this new info or did I miss it before? It makes me so sad to think about her last moments on earth.

Or maybe that was a typo , supposed to say "found her body" ? I have heard nothing about being tied/bound, so it would be new to us locals.
It's almost been a month since the body was found. Hopefully an announcement comes soon ...

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Going back to the location of where CB was found I'm starting to question my original thoughts of the POI taking the new road in. I checked the satellite view of the new road in and reviewed the most recent LE public address, giving details of the location. LE said you must have a key to open the gate to the new road. This new road is just over the tracks to the left. If the POI didn't take the new road, then maybe drove along the tracks. But the cleared area along the tracts is narrow. If a car drove in next to the tracks, they would have to back out. Or they may get stuck, because of dirt and gravel.

It may have been possible to drive in, using the tracks and transfer over to the new road. But I would think this is something done in a 4 wheel drive, not a car. The risk of getting stuck in a car would be large. Also, all of this was done at night?

Okay, there is a parking area off of Briar Hill Rd to the right before the tracks. Someone could have parked there and walked in. But at night walking in, in the darkness, that's a long walk.

Someone must know the area well, or they would have been lost, in my opinion. As a child I lived in a housing development near railroad tracks and a wooded area with trails. Myself and other kids played in the woods and walked or rode our bicycles to town along the tracks to avoid road traffic. Even though I know the wooded trails, I would not walk around there at night. Walking in the dense mature woods at night is impossible. Even with some type of light, it's difficult.

This location has got "local county" written all over it.
I believe we heard from many locals as well as some of photos taken and published, an automobile, pick up, suv, etc. Would have no trouble driving along side of those tracks. If a turn around was difficult I think they could have "entered" the gravel tracks area at Grafton Rd and drove up to the drop off area and then just headed straight on thru to Briarhill road and been on there way.

I don't think we are dealing with a POI (s) that are too sophisticated here. I think in terms of "what would be the quickest, easiest means to get to that spot"? LE has emphasized the POI (s) knew the train tracks....that just makes the most sense to me.
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