Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

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Melissa BFF, is it ok if I/we call you that here to distinguish between your name and the Melissa P mentioned at Charley Project?

Do you know if any of Corals friends were contacted and interviewed by police after her disappearance or did you make contact with them much later without being asked or contacted by LE?
I've read elsewhere at WS, that when people go missing, runaway, or ... if they are still living they rarely give up their first name or date of birth.

I did some searches with just the first name Coral and her DOB and nothing stood out to me to further investigate the possibility they might be Coral.

I did that because we wouldn't know what last name she is using right now.
ME and Melissa both contacted FPD and told them what we know and they never seamed like they cared what about what we said untill about a year ago when Ron Fonger wrote about her and we contacted him and he listen to us. thank you guys again for helping us find her is means alot to us
No Cubby, the police never contacted anyone about Coral's case as far as we know. It's sad to say but they really didn't investigate at all. From what I understand, they didn't even formally open up an investigation until Ron Fonger stumbeled upon Coral's file on accident while looking up a similar case. And as my friend Tanya said, we contacted the police shortly after she went missing and police wouldn't even give us the time of day. Up until Ron Fonger did the first article about Coral the police didn't really seem to care. They took an interest after that but it didn't last long. They followed up on one lead about a woman working at a diner as a waitress in.... can't think of the name of the city but it's in michigan..... but it turned out to not be her. After that they did no further investigating. Like I said before, either they have to much on their plate or they are too busy drinkin coffee and eating donuts. But we were the ones who cantacted them.
Thank you Melissa and Tanya. It sounds as if LE wrote Corals case off as a runaway.
Sadly that happens all too often with juvenilles, especially if they have a history of trouble. what kind of doesn't make sense about that is reportedly Coral went with a friend to DSS that day to report she was being abused or neglected.

I wonder if LE looked at that angle. If Coral was going to run away, why would she have gone and reported her being abused and neglected? That doesn't sound like something a teen would do who wasn't trying to get help for herself and her situation.
Your right Cubby, The police should have took this case more seriously. We didn't know that Coral had gone to CPS until around the time Ron Fonger started writing articles 10 years after she disappeared. I always wondered why she went there, what she said to them. was there sexual abuse? I don't know, but when I was 12 or 13 Coral told me that she was in the back seat of a vehicle and Lois's boyfriend, they called him Sleeper but I don't know his real name, molested her. She told me that she pretended like she was sleeping because she was scared. I told her that she had to tell her grandma. She had only confided in me at the time, and next time I talked to her she said that she told Lois and I guess Lois just told her that he would never do it again. Lois continued to date this man. When Coral told me this I was shocked that Lois would do that. How could anyone knowingly date someone who molested their child/grandchild! It makes me sick.
Melissa, Thanks for sharing this info Coral shared with you. Please remember unless someone has been convicted of a crime, we have to use the word alleged or allegedly. If not, we risk libel and slander lawsuits.

I would also like to point out, it would be helpful to get the cooperation of Corals grandmother here, as well as her old friend Melissa Pierce. I don't want them to be scared away from coming here and helping us find Coral. Somethings that happened in the past can't be changed. Sometimes we think we made the best choice at the time, but we realized later we did not. Right now the most important thing is we find Coral... or do all we can to find her.

I'm not saying if LE found Coral and a crime was committed someone should not be punished, but right now all we know is Coral is missing.. and she needs to be found.

Praying for Coral.... we need to find you girl!
I wish we could know if LE found access to the information that Coral shared with DFS that day. I know they could if DFS had records that long...

If the records are accurate, then I wonder why DFS didn't remove Coral from the home immediately. Especially if she disclosed sexual abuse. They would have done an investigation into the alleged abuse. From what we have read some agency already had Coral on their radar if she was close to being sent to foster care for missing so much school.

I just wish we knew if these agencies were contacted. Certainly they had some info... and possibly enough to further investigate Corals disappearance.
I sent another email to the owner of asking if she has heard back from NamUs regarding why Corals case was rejected.

Hoping to get some answers soon. It shouldn't be this difficult to get a missing persons case listed at NamUs.
I just tried calling Flint.

Called the number nmk posted above first, and it did go straight to a voice mail of someone with such a heavy asian? accent I couldn't even understand where I was calling. If I did not know I was trying to reach the juvenille division, I would not have even made the two words out....

Then called the main police number for flint. Tried the detective division... phone rang and rang and rang about 10-12 times and no voice mail.

Then called the main number again. Got an officer and explained who I was, that I could enter Corals information as a citizen but I needed a little more info, the police file number, contact and phone number. She explained the juvenille division closes at 4 and it is 4pm EST now.... she did transfer me and I did get a voice mail with someone who clearly spoke understandable english. I don't have a working voicemail so I will try again tomorrow and hopefully reach someone so I can get the added info and try again to get Coral listed at NamUs.
I sent another email to the owner of asking if she has heard back from NamUs regarding why Corals case was rejected.

Hoping to get some answers soon. It shouldn't be this difficult to get a missing persons case listed at NamUs.

Sorry to quote myself. I did receive an answer. Apparently the person at NamUs stated Corals case is already listed. However, she does not come up as either Coral Hall or Coral Pearl Hall on a search.
Actually, there 0 search results just searching the first name Coral and no last name.

There is a Crystal Hall missing from Kentucky. I can only guess perhaps they mixed up the two?
Or Corals case is listed but not viewable to the public, which does no good if her case is not viewable to the public.

Asked her to look into it again.

Who'd have known NamUs was so difficult to use!:banghead:
I found out via the owner of that Corals case is in fact listed. Right now it is only viewable to LE and Medical Examiners. Reason being is they are in the process of doing some kind of downloading or transfering of ALL cases listed at NCMEC over to NamUs. Until whatever transfering of case info is completed from NCMEC to NamUS the public will not yet see those cases.

Good news is LE and any medical examiner or coroner can in fact SEE Corals case at NamUs while we still can't.

She also informed me there is no need to enter any cases listed with NCMEC into NamUS, those are all being transfered via some kind of computer program.

This is nice to know..... so I am glad Coral is listed.
I found out via the owner of that Corals case is in fact listed. Right now it is only viewable to LE and Medical Examiners. Reason being is they are in the process of doing some kind of downloading or transfering of ALL cases listed at NCMEC over to NamUs. Until whatever transfering of case info is completed from NCMEC to NamUS the public will not yet see those cases.

Good news is LE and any medical examiner or coroner can in fact SEE Corals case at NamUs while we still can't.

She also informed me there is no need to enter any cases listed with NCMEC into NamUS, those are all being transfered via some kind of computer program.

This is nice to know..... so I am glad Coral is listed.
I am so glad you got an answer. Communication with FPD is difficult at best right now, as you learned.
I am really glad that she is listed and that her case is accessible to those that really need to see it. Hopefully, once all the case transfers are done, we will be one step closer to some answers.
Thats awsome Cubby, I am so thankful for your and not my kids legwork on this case. I really appreciate all you do.
Just wondering if you guys found anything else out. I haven't been on here in for a while. I've been busy, the kids had spring break last week and there were a couple birthday parties too, lol. You know how it goes. I see that there have not been any more posts. Are you waiting for some news? I just hope you guys haven't given up on Coral's case. Let me know if there is anything you want me to do to help. Thanks, Melissa.
Did Coral have any nicknames?

I read through the entire thread and thinking about the issue with Grandma possibly owing a drug dealer money. I can't see a dealer murdering someone over loss of drug money unless it was a LOT of money. Meaning the kind a dealer would be lose fronting large quantities of drugs to deal rather than personal consumption or use. I just don't see the loss of money fronted for personal use being enough to murder someone. Dealers want to lay low, sell their drugs and keep from getting busted- stay away from the heat. A murder would have caused a lot more heat than a small time dealer would have been interested in attracting to themself.

Also, the comment about the broom. While Coral went missing 4 years after Jeffrey Dahmers death, it was rumored a broom stick was shoved up him and that is how he died... I kind of immediately thought perhaps the rumor- at least about the broom and drug debt- were just that rumors or scary stories. Not funny, but I can see teens or people who are not very intelligent making up stories like that about a person going missing for which no one had any answers.


Regardng the owing money story. I was confused when reading that because grandma was supposedly going to pay the dealer from her tax return payment but wound up owing. It seemed very strange to me that she would owe the gov. money if she had a poverty line income level and was receiving gov. assistance. Is it normal for very low level income to owe on taxes?? TIA

Also prayers for Coral and that those who love her can find answers! :prayer:
On FB possible was ruled out because she is in the UK. The other was ruled out because she has pictures posted with her mother, which is clearly not our Corals BM.

Regardng the owing money story. I was confused when reading that because grandma was supposedly going to pay the dealer from her tax return payment but wound up owing. It seemed very strange to me that she would owe the gov. money if she had a poverty line income level and was receiving gov. assistance. Is it normal for very low level income to owe on taxes?? TIA

Also prayers for Coral and that those who love her can find answers! :prayer:

It could happen if she was claiming too many deductions and did not have enough money taken out of her paychecks.

Just wondering if you guys found anything else out. I haven't been on here in for a while. I've been busy, the kids had spring break last week and there were a couple birthday parties too, lol. You know how it goes. I see that there have not been any more posts. Are you waiting for some news? I just hope you guys haven't given up on Coral's case. Let me know if there is anything you want me to do to help. Thanks, Melissa.

No haven't given up. Sometimes there are just lul's in older cases.

I'm really curious about the two adult males Corals grandmother stated were living in the home at the time. Where they ever interviewed? Where they there that night when Coral said she was leaving to return a library book or did they follow her wherever she was going and try to keep her from going anywhere or telling anyone something?

The timing is concerning that Coral went missing the day of, or shortly after reporting she was being abused to CPS or DFS.

Did LE ever investigate the DFS report? Did LE investigate the persons Coral reported were abusing her?

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