Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you Cubby. I wasn't aware that it was a truly open system.
Thank you Cubby. I wasn't aware that it was a truly open system.

I just found out myself, but yes it is a truly open system. However if cases are entered by average citizens like myself, they have to be verified by a case manager, and enough enough has to be entered for the case to be sent for a case managers review. I kept getting warnings I was missing info and there was not enough info for the entry to get to a case manager. Then I couldn't figure out how to add what was missing, but finally found it, so it did in fact get sent to a case manager for review.
hey cubby. no I am not in contact with her grandmother anymore. I havent talked to her since I worked at Meijer on Center rd. back in 99. She tried to pretend that she wasn't her, but I knew otherwise. But when I get a chance to speak with the detective on Corals case, which I've been planning to do, I will speak with him about the information that they need and getting it from Lois, Corals grandma.
Cubby, I get where you are coming from on the rumor that I posted that someone told me about Coral. I'm not that convinced that it is a true story. I just wanted to tell everyone everything that I know and have heard. I hide nothing. And who knows, maybe there is a little truth to the story. our job is to figure out what part it is. And I can't remember if she had one or not. I will think on it and let you know.
Cubby, I would love to give you more anwsers about the people in the phonebook, but unfortunatly I wrote everthing that I could remember and what was written in it. But I know that I have more info on that paper that I wrote down everything that Corals godmother told me after she disappeared. I gave that to the police when I gave them Corals planner. I wish that I made a copy of that, it would make things so much easier. That is something else I need to talk to the detective about. Hopefully since I submitted that info to them they will allow me acess to the paper we will see. As soon as I find any new info I will let you guys know. Again, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, for everything that you all have done here on websleuths to help bring justice to my dear friend Coral. It means moreto me than you will ever know. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melissa
Just wanted to apologize for the multitude of posts, I had to anwser each post individually so that I could focus on the information from each one. Plus, I don't want to start a novel or anything.
hey cubby. no I am not in contact with her grandmother anymore. I havent talked to her since I worked at Meijer on Center rd. back in 99. She tried to pretend that she wasn't her, but I knew otherwise. But when I get a chance to speak with the detective on Corals case, which I've been planning to do, I will speak with him about the information that they need and getting it from Lois, Corals grandma.

Thank you Melissa. We can go the detective route or if we can see if we can get Corals case manager at NCMEC to see about assistance with entering DNA getting dentals or whatever we need. I'm not sure which is the best, but we have a few routes we can take here.

I can't say why Corals grandmother reacted to you as she did. Perhaps Corals disappearance was difficult for her... . Maybe she didn't know how to respond to Corals friends when asked..... maybe she didn't know how to respond that day because she wasn't prepared to be asked? There could be a lot of reasons... I hope she, or other members of Corals family will be receptive to submitting DNA. I know of another case here at WS where half siblings have submitted their DNA for comparison... so half siblings work too.

Let's just pray they know they have our support on searching for Coral.

Just wanted to apologize for the multitude of posts, I had to anwser each post individually so that I could focus on the information from each one. Plus, I don't want to start a novel or anything.

No worries! Sometimes shorter posts are easier to follow than a 'book' in a single post. thank you!
NamUs Case # 5575 has been reviewed and found to be either unverifiable or already exists in the NamUs Missing Persons System. Therefore, it has been removed.

Thank you,
The NamUs Team

I don't know why her case was unverifiable, she is listed at National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. She does not come up on a search for missing Michigan females at NamUs.

Ay yi yi....

I will send off a reply to Namus asking what her case number is or why she was found unverifiable when she is clearly listed at NCMEC. If I can't get anywhere, I will seek the assistance of I talk to the owner and do some work with her. She is the one who advised me I could register and add Coral myself..... hopefully she can help.
I sent off an email back to NamUs asking why.... and I also sent an email to the owner of to ask for her assistance. I know she has entered some missing persons cases herself at NamUS and as an NFP works directly as a liason between family of missing persons and LE in some cases.

I hope my first experience with trying to enter something at NamUs was just a fluke... and perhaps the telephone number listed with Flint PD is no longer good, or they could not find anyone to talk to in Flint to verify the case.

I did sent the direct link to Corals case at NCMEC with my request to NamUs asking why Coral's case could not be verified. Common sense to me tells me if a person is listed at NCMEC it is verifiable.
Well, crap. I'll see if I can get a contact number for verification. Just have to wait for this phone to be open.
I don't know if it is the phone number NMK, that was just a guess. Often the contact telephone numbers on missing persons links are not kept current.

I'm still awaiting a reply from NamUs and
I'll put some pressure on FPD. Shake the tree, see what falls out, lol.

It could be the phone number, and if it is, we'll get a current one.
The number as I have it now is 810-237-6821. That's the Juvenile Division of FPD, and the ones that are handling her case. I left another message, telling them that I am trying to get Coral entered into NAMUS, the national system and I need a current contact number and any info on DNA.

I got a different voicemail box today, so we'll count that as progress.
Thanks NMK. The owner of replied to my emails right away and is in direct contact with someone who runs or volunteers at NamUs to ask what was wrong with the submission and why it was rejected.

getting a correct tele would still be great... we'll be one step ahead of the game if that is why the submission was rejected. TY!
Thanks Cubby. It takes guts for me to make these calls, since I sound like a five year old on the phone and voicemail.
I have a bazillion years experience in telemarketing and sales.. so phone calls are pretty easy for me. My letter writing skills could be improved, but phone calls don't phase me at all.

I'd be happy to make contact if you would like to let the person you speak with know I'd be calling. I can share my name via pm if you would like some help with those calls.

thanks :blowkiss:
I can't believe that they are giving you guys such a hard time with that. You would think that with all the information avaliable they would be able to verify her case and get the ball rolling. Good job guys, thank you for your dilligence on Coral's case.
I don't think NamUs is giving us a hard time so to speak, just that they have certain parameters which must be met and something within my entry did not meet those parameters. As soon as we know what it is, we will get it corrected and get Coral listed.

I went through the Janes does which might match Coral, and I didn't see anything listed that would match.

We need to find a way to get Corals DNA entered into Codis and her dentals if they are available. This will allow Corals DNA to be run through the system to see if she matches any unidentified females. I hope that is not the case, but I learn toward that because she never attempted to make contact with anyone after that night.
I'd also like to know if Melissa Pierce, and her boyfriend or uncle were officially ruled out as having any involvement in Corals disappearance. As well as the male roommates who were living with (?) Coral and her grandmother at the time.

We really need Flint PD to give us enough information to make sure we are not chasing leads they have already ruled out.

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