Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

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Cubby, those are all great questions. I wish that I had the anwsers. Unfortunatly I wasn't talking to Coral at that time. It is very possible that they are connected to her dissaperance. We know the police didn't do their homework at all with Coral's case. I wish I at least knew their names. That would be a good place to start reopening her case. I also am very suspicious of Melissa Pierce, her boyfriend, and uncle. I don't understand how they one minute are all concerned about Coral and then they don't want to talk to the journalist, who wrote the articles for the flint journal, anymore. The way he sounded she didn't want to be bothered. If they were so close wouldn't she want to help in any way possible? At least thats the way I think. I would give anything to have talked to her around the time she dissappeared. I feel like there is so much that I would have known about what was going on at home with her. She told me everything. I am sure that if there was something that was going on she would have told me. I still kick myself in the *advertiser censored* for getting mad at her and not talking to her. I just feel like, I would have been able to give an inside scoop so to speak on the situation. But hopefully we can find out who those people were and if they had something to do with it. Good work Cubby. Keep me posted. Thanks, Melissa.
Here is the news link to the story about the skeletal remains found near Carriage House (?) in Flint a few years ago. Was it confirmed these were in fact remains from an indian burial ground?

IMO, I think we need to double check this to be 100% certain.

ETA: How far is this from where Coral lived? where she was last seen?

Hey Cubby, I did a little research and and they did in fact prove that the bones found were from a 150 year old Chippawa indian/native american. They were trying to see whether or not it was an actual burial ground. I don't know what their conclusion was. So these bones were definitly not Coral's. It was located at the corner of Third Ave. and Stone St. I would say that it was about 2 to 2 1/2 miles from where Coral lived. And she was last seen, or heard from, at the White Horse Tavern where she supposidly called Melissa Pierce from a payphone there. That was only a few blocks from where she was living at the time. Kinda weird that the two places are that close but definitly good that we figured that out to cross it off our list.
Thank you Melissa. I too am glad that possibility is crossed off the list.

I assume Coral had to go into the tavern to use the pay phone. Did anyone working there confirm they saw her come in to use the phone?

Where was she going to wait to be picked up by the friend she allegedly called? Outside? I can't see a bar or tavern allowing a 14 yr old to wait inside for a ride, but possibly only to use the phone.

I wonder if she accepted a ride from someone who saw her come in and leave the tavern and left after she did. Possibly even overhearing her phone conversation looking for a ride. Would Coral have accepted a ride from a stranger if she really wanted to get out of the area? Sadly, at 14, if I wanted to or felt I had to get away I probably would have accepted a ride from a stranger and not really thought anything if they looked ok. (Of course we know as adults looks are deceiving).

Do truck drivers hang out at this tavern?

is it possible she called someone else after she called Melissa to pick her up?
Hey Cubby, from what I can remember this information was given to Ron Fonger, the journalist from the Flint Journal, by Coral's friend Melissa Pierce. I do not think that the police investigated to see if it added up. Or if they verified that she was there or if anyone remembered seeing her there. As I was reading your last post I started to wonder to myself how accurate this info is. We still don't know if it even took place. I still don't believe that she is telling us everything that she knows. I think the police should investigate Melissa Pierce. I feel like she is the key to finding Coral. There is still info that I feel could give us a lead. Something that we are missing with the story. Melissa Pierce is another puzzle piece that we need to finish this puzzle. Thanks Cubby. Yours Truely, Melissa J
I wish Melissa P would find us here and answer some of our questions/discuss Corals case with us. I would think LE interviewed her.... but how much did LE investigate the facts she presented? I don't know.

What concerns me is did LE follow up on the 'tip' that she reported to DSFS or whatever the agency is called in MI that she was being abused.

Coral reports being abused and goes missing on the same day.
There is certainly a connection there....... of somekind.

Maybe Coral felt 'helpless' when she left that appointment.
I wish we knew more about Corals frame of mind from the time she reported the alleged abuse to the time she allegedly called Melissa P. Melissa P would be the one to know that info...... Did Melissa P feel 'comfortable' with dropping Coral off at home after that appointment? Did they leave feeling confident it would be investigated? Would Coral have 'thrown' what she did in her grandmothers face and those two males who were rooming with them? I can see a 14 year old doing that.... (I was a smart a' at 14..... and I prolly would have done something like that...) or was she the type to know better than to say she reported the abuse?

So many questions..........
I don't know if LE spoke with her directly. When they finally started to investigate 10 years after Coral disappeared, I did not speak to the police. Ron Fonger wrote the article about Coral in 08 I then contacted him with my friend Tanya. We set up a appointment with him and told Ron what we knew. He them wrote another article and I guess passed on the info to the police on her case. So it's possible that Melissa Pierce did the same thing and avoided talking with them. But I don't really know just a thought. And about Coral possibly throwing what she did in their face, Coral seemed to almost be afraid of her grandma. Not like scared, but like she didn't want to piss her off. Lois was kinda strict. So I don't think she would want to make any more trouble for herself. She probably just took off or went to her room. Thats what she used to do all the time when things wern't going well. She knew not to talk back.
I also agree that it is very strange that she reported abuse the same day that she disappeared. I remember reading that they were going to use the "Right Of Information Act", or something like that, to acess the files from CPS to determine the nature of what was going on. But I don't know wether or not they got them. But for Coral to have someone take her to CPS to report abuse herself, it makes me think that it was bad. She kept things to herself unless she trusted you, a lot!
I also agree that it is very strange that she reported abuse the same day that she disappeared. I remember reading that they were going to use the "Right Of Information Act", or something like that, to acess the files from CPS to determine the nature of what was going on. But I don't know wether or not they got them. But for Coral to have someone take her to CPS to report abuse herself, it makes me think that it was bad. She kept things to herself unless she trusted you, a lot!

Top Bold: who is they? LE or the reporter or who? thanks

Bottom Bold: That makes me very sad. Poor Coral was caught in a toxic situation and was trying to get help. :(
This is for ilovemew. When I said "they" I meant to say the police. Sorry that I wasn't more specific...... Yes, Coral had a hard homelife, she liked to be anywhere but there. I just feel horrible that I wasn't there for her. Hopefully we can all work together and figure out what happened to her. Thank You for your interest in her case. god bless.
I really hope Coral's family members can be convinced to submit DNA. There are a lot of unidentified victims on the Doe Network that can only be IDed by DNA...
I really hope Coral's family members can be convinced to submit DNA. There are a lot of unidentified victims on the Doe Network that can only be IDed by DNA...

I hope so. Coral has a half sister that was interviewed in one of the news articles. Hopefully she will 'see' this, or is aware of this thread and will contact NCMEC to request getting DNA submitted for Corals case. I think the families best bet would be to contact NCMEC to have this done since contacting Flint PD seems to be difficult at times.

Coral is always in my prayers.
Corals age progressed photo at NCMEC has been updated. Such a pretty picture!

Here it is: Age progressed to age 25 and here is the link:


I like the new pic better than the last one but I still think it looks destorted. It might be similar to what she might look like today but not exactly. Thank you for posting it here.
Frome the doenetwork link Valerie posted.

Estimated age: 20 - 45 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'4".
Distinguishing Characteristics: Straight hair.
Dentals: Dental records are available. All four of her 3rd molars impacted

I think in addition to the ht being off, the age range is off too with the youngest being around 20. I think 14 is too young to already have 4 impacted 3rd molars. I will check though on the age range for adult molars, but I do think 14 is a bit too young for them to even show up on dental x-rays.

ETA: I am just copying the google info because to click on the link one needs to go through a slide show starting with baby teeth.

A Time-Line of the Teeth A Time - The Children's University of ...

File Format: Shockwave Flash
The second adult molars erupt between 11 and 13 years old. The third molars or wisdom teeth may erupt between the ages of 17 and 21 years old. ... - Similar

At 14, I believe Coral was not close to having her 3rd adult molars - I think the presence of all four of the 3rd adult molars rules out the above possible jane doe as possibly being Coral. JMO
Frome the doenetwork link Valerie posted.

At 14, I believe Coral was not close to having her 3rd adult molars - I think the presence of all four of the 3rd adult molars rules out the above possible jane doe as possibly being Coral. JMO

Yeah, you're probably right about the teeth. It's just so upsetting that there's nothing to follow. I mean, the poor girl just disappeared...
I haven't been on here for a while. It seems that no one else has either. I hope you all haven't given up on my friends case.

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