Deceased/Not Found MI - Coral Hall, 14, Flint, 22 Sept 1998 - *L. Janish guilty*

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This is to lieber32, It's not that I am mad about him not sharing the informatiom, which I would love to have, it's the fact that he is not investigating her case like he should. He is dragging his feet and not looking at some posible leads. He tells me to email him anything I think is worth looking into and then doesn't do it. He basically lied to me. He got my hopes up and made me think he was going to make an effort to work on Coral's case and then didn't follow through.
I should have been more clear. But with so many emotions it's hard to write what you mean sometimes. I just want her case solved. I want him to do his job and investigate. Isn't that what detectives do?
This is to correct my post # 180. I quoted, "Coral lived on Term st. by my mom's house where I grew up." I just wanted to correct that info. Coral's house was right next to the curch on Hemphill st. , not Term st. The curch was on the corner of Hemphill st. and Term st. I just wanted to fix that piece of info. And on post #184. The date was 09-21-10, I quoted, "Today marks the twelveth year my dearest friend Coral has been missing." I always confuse Coral's Birthday with the day she disappeared. And to me, I don't think we really know when she went missing I hadn't talked to her in a few weeks so I really don't know. But the days are right next to each other so I guess that's why to me it's just one in the same.
Melissa, Unfortunately LE has so many cases and due to budget and time constraints with cold cases LE don't always get to spend as much time as they might like.

LE May or may not give info to civilians, most often they don't.

If you would like, I can help with the search.. though to protect their privacy can we do this via email or pm? If nothing else, perhaps we can locate them and invite them here to WS to help with the search.

hang in there! one day the tip will come which leads us to Coral.
Thank you Cubby, hopefully we can get somewhere soon. It is so frustrating to know that you can help but the police won't listen to you.

I respect and appreciate your stamina and persistence in finding this missing girl. Obviously, someone needs to. My opinion is, is that whoever did this to her or is involved has gotten away with it and unless someone talks... it won't be solved by evidence. The only other break now, would be to find her body because I really think she has passed.

Was there any search for her body? Can you think of a place where she may be, probably somewhere not far from where she was last seen? I think a search would be the only other option, all you can personally do. A good detective needs to really interview her Grandma and any sex offenders who may have been in the vicinity where Coral went missing... if they didn't already.
Thank you for your post, as far as I know there was no search for her body. I think they are just now leaning twards her not being alive. If they were to look for her body I would say probably within the vicinity of where she was last heard from, the payphone near the White Horse Tavern, There is a few vacant lots and stuff where someone could possibly hide a body. I shudder to think about the day they do find her. Which I also believe that she was murdered. A friend of mine had a vision of a place not far from where she was last, and said she thinks that her body is there. She told the police but we don't know if they ever checked it out. But strangely enough they bulldozed the area. We don't know if they were looking for her or not. They probably were just clearing out the lot. I have never spoken of this because I don't think people believe in that sort of thing. We have visited the area but don't really know what to look for. Being there really creeped us out. I know my friend has had experiences throughout her life with pschic phenonmia. And I know that she is telling the truth. She also was close with Coral. And the dectective on Coral's case did interview her grandma. They also gave her a lie dectector test which she failed. But the police said they cant use it because she is old crazy and on drugs. But I think they should use it and lock up granny til she confesses what she knows. I have had suspicions about her grandma all along. I feel like she knows what happened to Coral but won't tell anyone. Maybe whoever did it threatened her. I don't know, I can only wonder what really went on.
Hi, Melissa-I am familiar with Coral's case and have bounced in and out of the threads. Bless you for standing up for your friend.

As far as your LE contact-you can take it to the bank that the flies with honey approach will work best. Just being perceived as adversarial can put you in a position where LE wont talk to you or take your help into consideration at all.

Let me give you two examples-I worked with a family of a missing young woman. Every fall her mother would bake chocolate chip cookies and bring them into LE....not on the anniversay of the girl's disappearance, but when hunting season was in full swing and she hoped hunters would stumble across the remains. Mom died a while ago and the primary retired. Know what the primary does in his spare time? He continues to work on the case. Because he is the only contact left now that mom has passed. He tells me he will never ever forget this mother.

I worked with the mother of a missing man-she believed there was a reluctance on the part of LE to look for her son because he had a rap sheet. She would go into LE and scream at the officers and the detectives, she would go to the media and rant, she would send emails and letters all over the country accusing LE of doing terrible things. They wouldnt even allow her in the police station anymore. They learned not to act on a single tip she called in because it always ended up with a false lead or blowing up in their faces. I worked my butt off repairing the relationship with LE to the point where the detective would call me and share with me her shenanigans, yet he would persevere when I presented scenarios or leads. The primary was transferred away and guess what the status of the case is? It is on the bottom of the pile. Forever. Unless someone trips over this man.

Trust me, I know how hard it is. I do. But you have to believe in your heart that your contact is doing the best he can with minimal time and minimal resources. Check out the possible Gma your self and give him the info if you hit.

Praying for you and a resolution.
Thank you for your post, as far as I know there was no search for her body. I think they are just now leaning twards her not being alive. If they were to look for her body I would say probably within the vicinity of where she was last heard from, the payphone near the White Horse Tavern, There is a few vacant lots and stuff where someone could possibly hide a body. I shudder to think about the day they do find her. Which I also believe that she was murdered. A friend of mine had a vision of a place not far from where she was last, and said she thinks that her body is there. She told the police but we don't know if they ever checked it out. But strangely enough they bulldozed the area. We don't know if they were looking for her or not. They probably were just clearing out the lot. I have never spoken of this because I don't think people believe in that sort of thing. We have visited the area but don't really know what to look for. Being there really creeped us out. I know my friend has had experiences throughout her life with pschic phenonmia. And I know that she is telling the truth. She also was close with Coral. And the dectective on Coral's case did interview her grandma. They also gave her a lie dectector test which she failed. But the police said they cant use it because she is old crazy and on drugs. But I think they should use it and lock up granny til she confesses what she knows. I have had suspicions about her grandma all along. I feel like she knows what happened to Coral but won't tell anyone. Maybe whoever did it threatened her. I don't know, I can only wonder what really went on.

BBM-they are 100% correct. Certain medications can cause a false fail or an inconclusive. Let's say she was on painkillers, antidepressants, bipolar meds or parkinson's meds. That may be just enough to make it inconclusive or a fail. Really.

Someone has to be close enough to grandma that if she is really that fragile, she might be willing to give up what she knows if only to set the burden down before her time is up.
Thank you believe09, you are right, I need to stay positive and kiss butt to get anywhere with flint LE. I just wish I there was some way of getting more of their attention. I guess I get that they can't use te lie dector test cause she is on drugs. I just wish they would lock her up til the effects wear off then give her another one. Then maybe use that one for evidence.
I did some research online and found out that Coral's godmother had went by another last name. And so I searched for her and she is in Mississippi, not Missouri. But I am having a hard time finding contact information for her. But I am glad that I know her full name now and her alias. My eyes are strained from staring at this computer screen for 4 hours straight. But maybe tomorrow I will have better luck and find what I need. If anyone knows of an actual Free Site! Let me know so I can find her contact info. Please help! Thank you!
I did some research online and found out that Coral's godmother had went by another last name. And so I searched for her and she is in Mississippi, not Missouri. But I am having a hard time finding contact information for her. But I am glad that I know her full name now and her alias. My eyes are strained from staring at this computer screen for 4 hours straight. But maybe tomorrow I will have better luck and find what I need. If anyone knows of an actual Free Site! Let me know so I can find her contact info. Please help! Thank you! offers addresses for free with their people search engine. however, the site limits the number of searches per day for those using it for free. I dont' know what the limit of free searches are per day.

I usually use to get a list of possible cities and cross reference with Also, fwiw, allows people searches with a first name only if you have a full date of birth. (I already tried searching for Coral using the first name and full dob search and didn't come up with anything.... )

hth and if you have any questions let me know. I should be caught up with RL (real life) by Monday so if you want to pm me some info to help search I'd be happy to!
I did some research online and found out that Coral's godmother had went by another last name. And so I searched for her and she is in Mississippi...

She should be fairly easy to locate.

Who would be considered Coral's "next of kin"? If it is this woman, you might consider asking her go give you a special power of attorney in writing to make inquiries and to seek information from law enforcement.

While it is true that anyone could ask LE for information, they tend to be pretty tight with their case info unless the person asking is close kin to the victim.
I think there are several approaches that can be taken without creating a negative with Law Enforcement. Media is a good example-if you can locate some of the family particularly some of the family who may know something, imagine how they might react if a reporter called them for information? Another avenue is rewards and vigils-again raising awareness that she is missing but not forgotten can go a long way towards restarting her case.

I think you are dealing with a low resource embattled police department-because she is not their only case, they can only devote what time they can to her.

Take heart-there are things that can be done.
Has anyone done a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request for the files?
There has been a decent amount of media attention on Corals case believe and an article as recent as Oct 2010. I do not believe anyone has gone the FOIA route with a request for files... but that is a good idea!
Thanks Cubby-yup I can see that there has been good media on the case.
Thank you everyone, Coral's next of kin I guess would be her grandmother. I don't know where she is but I think she may be willing to give me permission to have acess to information from the police. As far as I know I am the only one besides my friend Tanya that is doing anything to try to find anwsers. I had no idea that there was such a thing but very cool. Also I was in the process of writing a letter using the "Right Of Information Act" to CPS to gain acess to her records, mainly when she went to report abuse the day she went missing. I just don't know what to say to convince them to give it to me. Ron Fonger, the journalist from the flint journal, said that he tried to get that info using that act and he was denied. I know the police have that file but won't share the contents with me. Believe09, what do you mean by "rewards and vigils? What is that? And you gave me an idea, maybe Ron Fonger could find a phone number for the godmother and contact her asking for information. He then could get me in touch with her possibly. Thank you all, you have been such a tremendous help to me and you have no idea how much i appreciate it.
Crimestoppers may be willing to create a reward for her case and information leading up to an arrest. Something to consider.

A vigil is usually faith based, BUT does not have to be. You can check your local ordinances for places you can gather people and establish a vigil (typically a prayer vigil) in Coral's honor. Let LE and media know-typically LE will send a representative, you gather friends and family and people in the community, release balloons and light candles in remembrance of Coral and to show she has not been forgotted.
Melissa, I think the CPS files are sealed because Coral is a minor, or was a minor when she went missing. I think the FOIA info which may be available would entail the missing persons reports and any police files on the case. Believe09 or Ron F might be able to help with that.

oh, and you are welcome for the help. That's what we're here for!


Believe09, Awsome! So Crimestoppers might be an option to get info for Coral's case plus get her out in the spotlight. I have a friend who suggested something similar.

And Cubby, are you saying that I should use the Right Of Information Act for Coral's case and details? Instead of CPS? So I would not be able to gain acess to those files because she was a minor when she reported te supposed abuse? I didn't know that.

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