MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #2

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I agree with that for the most post. The only thing I'm unwilling to let go at this point is that someone got her along the way home and used her drivers license to take her car back. The family said that cameras along her route only register traffic/they are useless as far as spotting her vehicle and the fact that her mom was rather insistent during the PC about asking if anyone saw her car on the street with her in it and was she alone? How did she look? Did she look distressed? That led me to believe that that option was still open for them also..that someone abducted her from her route home. I don't think there is a drug angle at all.

That was our own Steelman that pondered whether she was close by still.
Thank you Bravo. [emoji4]

Her friend thought Danielle fell asleep. Simple as that. Maybe DS complained of being exhausted, which would explain why she may have chosen to spend the night. The friend may have fallen asleep herself, then slept most of the day because she had to work that coming night. She too may have been exhausted.

The only thing I see in the length of time between expecting a guest and going to look for her is nothing more than an unfortunate choice. I see zero actions that would damn or discredit her choices. I'm sure in a bazillion years the idea that DS would be abducted would never cross her mind. What are the odds?...

Generally speaking..

We don't know anything except that DS is missing, and speculation about loved ones making mistakes is both hurtful and against TOS here in WS. Coldpizza JUST warned us not to go there, yet it still goes there. *slaps forehead*.


Respectfully BBM.

At the press conference, Danielle's mom stated the last communication with her was at 4:15 PM on Friday with the friend she was having dinner with that night.

I agree it's entirely possible that Danielle mentioned to the friend during that conversation she really wasn't feeling like coming over after all -despite having planned on doing so- because she was tired, not feeling very well, etc., maybe even telling the friend, "I'm going to have to stop by my apartment and take a power nap, so if I'm running late, no worries." Plus, she was scheduled to work the next day at 8 AM.

I have seen pictures of Danielle and the friend from throughout the years; in some of them, they look like they are not even old enough to be in elementary school, while others are from as recently as this past year. As far as I can tell, they truly are lifelong friends. Due to their closeness, perhaps Danielle felt comfortable enough with the friend to tell her she had to make a minor change their plans at the last minute if she indeed needed to.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the friend eventually fell asleep herself or even got busy with something else after waiting for a couple of hours. This is a woman whose infant son was taken from her in the most horrific fashion just a little over a year ago: Maybe sleep is something that no longer comes easily to her, so when she can, she gets as much of it as her schedule allows; there are also medications that make one drowsy, difficult to wake up, etc.

Bottom line, I do not believe she is involved. I just feel awful for her right now. This wasn't something she needed, especially with all that she has been dealing with.
I agree with that for the most post. The only thing I'm unwilling to let go at this point is that someone got her along the way home and used her drivers license to take her car back. The family said that cameras along her route only register traffic/they are useless as far as spotting her vehicle and the fact that her mom was rather insistent during the PC about asking if anyone saw her car on the street with her in it and was she alone? How did she look? Did she look distressed? That led me to believe that that option was still open for them also..that someone abducted her from her route home. I don't think there is a drug angle at all.

That was our own Steelman that pondered whether she was close by still.

2 things about this theory.

1. Did she have an assigned spot the person would have to know about to park the jeep?
2. Why go to the trouble of returning the car instead of dumping it?

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I did ask early in if Danielle had to walk past other doors once inside. Not clear on the layout.
Something that has bothered me is LE stated they only searched some of the wooded area by complex. Could be they know she is not there, could be they think they know so discarded some possible situations to soon.
2. Would be to delay others finding out she is missing. Lots of reasons one would need to buy some time.

If it was me I would just drive the car across 8 mile and leave it, that could buy plenty of time. It's been done to in lots of crimes in the suburbs here.
2 things about this theory.

1. Did she have an assigned spot the person would have to know about to park the jeep?
2. Why go to the trouble of returning the car instead of dumping it?

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That's why I'm more aligned with steelman's theory of DS going to another unit on her own - if, indeed, that's what he was getting at.

I don't think there's a lot of complicated cloak & dagger stuff going on. I think she parked her car, got out with just her keys & phone, may or may not have stopped at her own apartment, then went to a different apartment within the complex where unpleasantness occurred.

I don't find it odd that she'd take her phone & not her purse. I've often left the office with my phone in my pocket and driven home. If something like that was typical, why take it out of your pocket before exiting the car? You wouldn't. Most people take their keys when they leave a vehicle - they're in your hand when you turn the car off, why put them down before you get out? You wouldn't.

It's not unusual for an adult to have a passing acquaintance with another resident of the same complex that other people in her life wouldn't know about. I don't feel obligated to tell my family & friends about the guy who walks his dog that I pass on the way to the dumpster or the person who keeps getting my mail in their box & has to return it to me. These things occur multiple times a day in apartment complexes.
I still go back to whatever happened, happened in the parking lot or inside the building. IMO
2 things about this theory.

1. Did she have an assigned spot the person would have to know about to park the jeep?
2. Why go to the trouble of returning the car instead of dumping it?

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Her drivers license would have the address, I don't know about "spot". But when I lived in an apt. my license also had my apartment # on it.
I would return the car as it would have the effect of throwing a monkey wrench into the investigation. Well, her car is here..she must be here. If somebody just drove by, they would see her car and assume everything was fine.
This did not catch on fire for basically 5 days. 5 days she had been missing before LE even said anything to the public besides that ominous "it doesn't matter why she's missing" and I think that was 3 whole days after she was gone.
Even on this thread..there was only 8 pages on day 5 because not enough was known about it to generate interest.
I agree with that for the most post. The only thing I'm unwilling to let go at this point is that someone got her along the way home and used her drivers license to take her car back. The family said that cameras along her route only register traffic/they are useless as far as spotting her vehicle and the fact that her mom was rather insistent during the PC about asking if anyone saw her car on the street with her in it and was she alone? How did she look? Did she look distressed? That led me to believe that that option was still open for them also..that someone abducted her from her route home. I don't think there is a drug angle at all.

That was our own Steelman that pondered whether she was close by still.

The only thing about this theory is - how long has DS lived at these apartments? The last time she was required to get her license renewed would be at age 25 unless she had to get a new one in the past three years for whatever reason, her license may not be up to date with her current address (which is the case of several people) so this would be pretty risky for the perp unless he knew her well enough to know where she lived, in that case it wouldn't be very random. imo
I did ask early in if Danielle had to walk past other doors once inside. Not clear on the layout.

I've been inside that complex (2012?). My wife had a friend who lived there. Possibly in the same building as DS. If I recall correctly, you go through the outside door into a small hallway. There is at least one other unit (I seem to recall 4 total) to each entrance. It's very possible someone was waiting in the hallway? I am sure they looked into the other units in her building. They'd have to, right?
2 things about this theory.

1. Did she have an assigned spot the person would have to know about to park the jeep?
2. Why go to the trouble of returning the car instead of dumping it?

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I feel like someone who's familiar with DS would park it there. Possibly to make things appear "normal".
Not agreeing to disagree. Let's talk it out and point out holes in the theory.

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I'm sure a mod would disagree with this. That's the spirit of this site. We don't bicker or accuse. We agree to disagree and respect each other's theories. I.m.o. Of course
Lets remember the words used in the press event. It's not that she's missing, it's for her safety. Be it mental trouble, abduction, or other.
No one is accusing the friend of kidnapping and murder. Unless I misread my own post. My point was just that the post she made about that night seemed too contrived. There is more to THAT story. It might have nothing to do with DS. Maybe the friend flaked out and DS wasn't able to get ahold of her to confirm she was coming over early. Maybe... a LOT of things. If you can read into that situation and just say "Oh, yeah. That seems like a totally reasonable response" then I guess, good for you. Maybe I'm too vindictive. Maybe she just reminds me of people I've known. Maybe she just wants the world to know that she was DS's best friend. Could be any number of things.

But for the record, I don't think that the friend killed her. Or kidnapped her. Nor did I say that. Ever. Just saying that something about her connection to this story doesn't feel right.

I seriously think you are not understanding the depth of their friendship.
Sorry to bring up Lauren Giddings again; I know it's sometimes unhelpful to bring other cases into a scenario, but I can't shake the feeling this is a similar case. Someone in the same apartment block who's been keeping tabs on Danielle and/or spying on her. Stephen McDaniels was filming outside of his window waiting and watching for Lauren, who he had been secretly obsessed with. He was a classmate and friend.

I don't think it went down with Dani in exactly the same way, but I think there was someone she knew, I think it wasn't planned specifically and was impulsive, but it wasn't without some forethought or vague plans. Planned and unplanned simultaneously.

I may be completely wrong, and there are some things I wonder about (the mother pointing so strongly to find someone who might have seen Dani driving and whether she seemed under duress while driving) but with everything else we know right now, that's what fits in my head. Sadly, I don't think Dani is still alive and I don't believe she was abducted in the sense that she was taken to be held somewhere. She may well have been held for a short amount of time, but I don't believe it was an abduction. I don't want to spell out any more than that.

My heart breaks for her parents.
Take it easy. We DO care about people's feelings, particularly our verified insiders. I believe you may be relatively new to this board/site and we don't slam our VI by saying we don't care who gets hurt.
They are already hurting more than you'll ever know unless you've been there.

Holocene...Don't stay off board..we need you and are praying for you and yours EVERYDAY.

I agree with that for the most post. The only thing I'm unwilling to let go at this point is that someone got her along the way home and used her drivers license to take her car back. The family said that cameras along her route only register traffic/they are useless as far as spotting her vehicle and the fact that her mom was rather insistent during the PC about asking if anyone saw her car on the street with her in it and was she alone? How did she look? Did she look distressed? That led me to believe that that option was still open for them also..that someone abducted her from her route home. I don't think there is a drug angle at all.

That was our own Steelman that pondered whether she was close by still.

But they knew exactly where she parked and left her purse?
FB and you tube that the family posted says her black vest was in her apt. So she most likely made it home....
But they knew exactly where she parked and left her purse?
FB and you tube that the family posted says her black vest was in her apt. So she most likely made it home....

Good point, but then what happened to her. Perhaps moms questions are to see if she went home with anyone or was upset on her way home. To what is out there we don't know(LE might) if her car stayed there all night. It could have left and then came back.

Huge issue for all of us, so little is known to eliminate stuff.
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