MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #4

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Havent had chance to catch up with everything last few days... But, we've wondered about the circumstances surrounding Danielle being abducted. It was Dec 2nd, Friday. Could she have stopped at apt complex to run by the office and pay her rent? Some are due the 1st, but if she lived like a lot of people, had to wait til Friday payday perhaps to pay?

Don't know Metlife paydays or apt schedule, but could imagine her taking check in hand to run to apt office if it happened to be near her unit, or even not, and intercepted somewhere along the path.

We don't know what other personal items left in car other than purse do we? Maybe she'd already been inside and picked up a specific something she needed to make dinner and then remembered she had to pay rent. Jumping out of the car, running across the apt lawn/parking lot, check in hand and either on her way to or from, the unthinkable.

Or is rent auto drafted now? BAck when I rented, I usually didn't mail, just ran to the office. But I never claimed to be the most organized :blushing: I was always on the go.
Havent had chance to catch up with everything last few days... But, we've wondered about the circumstances surrounding Danielle being abducted. It was Dec 2nd, Friday. Could she have stopped at apt complex to run by the office and pay her rent? Some are due the 1st, but if she lived like a lot of people, had to wait til Friday payday perhaps to pay?

Don't know Metlife paydays or apt schedule, but could imagine her taking check in hand to run to apt office if it happened to be near her unit, or even not, and intercepted somewhere along the path.

We don't know what other personal items left in car other than purse do we? Maybe she'd already been inside and picked up a specific something she needed to make dinner and then remembered she had to pay rent. Jumping out of the car, running across the apt lawn/parking lot, check in hand and either on her way to or from, the unthinkable.

Or is rent auto drafted now? BAck when I rented, I usually didn't mail, just ran to the office. But I never claimed to be the most organized :blushing: I was always on the go.
It's a possibility. I'm sure LE has evidence if so, as her purse was found intact. The question is how does it fit in with FG or person related to FG?

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When I run inside, I take my phone and keys and leave purse in car- all the time. If she did in fact know the perp (FG or otherwise) she may have willingly popped into the car. Hence no struggle, etc and hence the car being taken away in Berkley. Like others, I live 3 blocks from Oxford home and can tell you in this town everyone knows everything. We residents were all talking about the searches before news reported. She could have been at the house for a very short period of time.
It's a possibility. I'm sure LE has evidence if so, as her purse was found intact. The question is how does it fit in with FG or person related to FG?

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Not a clue, just imagining a larger area than a few steps from car to door where whatever happened could have taken place. Maybe someone saw her walking across apt complex, parked their car inbetween her and her apt/car, offering her ride back to her apt? If we only knew.
Something just dawned on me. Tonight a fellow sleuther brought up the fact that they were doing a segment on this very story on HLN News.

I, much like a few others, immediately switched over to that channel to listen to what they had to say about Danielle.

What I failed to appreciate at the time was that I didn't have to switch stations and tune into Nancy Grace's scowling face, screeching like a cat in a pet carrier, while casting out her demon gaze towards the camera and berating everyone in sight.

Tuning in tonight was.................pleasant...................not scary like it used to be..
It is a HORRIBLE thought. I have no doubt the Papini case has had an impact here. Jaycee Dugard, Elizabeth Smart, Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby ... those stories fill us with so much hope. But they are the exception, not the rule. :(

I was just thinking about the parents being worried about her being held against her will and the similarity to the Papini case ransom/reward money. In the Papini case (won't argue merit here) a large amount of money supposedly lured two women to set her free after weeks in captivity. I wonder if the family has considered bringing in a ransom/reward negotiator like they did in the Papini case? The economy is still pretty tough here in MI and I bet a boat load of money (not that it's small change now) would get some lips moving. I did notice in the reports that her cell phone was missing. If you look directly at the Oxford Road residence that was searched and move the map slightly to the left, you will see at least one cell tower.
Something just dawned on me. Tonight a fellow sleuther brought up the fact that they were doing a segment on this very story on HLN News.

I, much like a few others, immediately switched over to that channel to listen to what they had to say about Danielle.

What I failed to appreciate at the time was that I didn't have to switch stations and tune into Nancy Grace's scowling face, screeching like a cat in a pet carrier, while casting out her demon gaze towards the camera and berating everyone in sight.

Tuning in tonight was.................pleasant...................not scary like it used to be..

I have always loved NG ... yes, I am that 1% :D
JVM, on the other hand ..................................
I haven't watched HLN for several years.
Beaumont is pretty reputable, no?

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Uofm and Beaumont are both great hospitals. My mom also went to u of my for her cancer when she was diagnosed with a really rare type of breast cancer, metaplastic

When my husband was a kid he was diagnosed with a blood disorder, he basically grew up at Beaumont hospitals rose cancer center and would be hospitalized for months at a time and they were a amazing hospital.

However Beaumont has bought out a few local hospitals around here that now are called Beaumont but aren't places I'd step foot into again for anything serious lol but the original Beaumont, I think in royal oak, is pretty good.
Reputable may not be what people are looking for when they are in their 20s and facing a potentially-fatal cancer diagnosis. No disrespect to Belmont, but I would go to a university-affiliated, National Cancer Institute-designated, Comprehensive Cancer Care Center in that situation, no question. I certainly would get a bone marrow transplant at a CCCC.

Or Karmanos in Detroit-a part of DMC. My aunt had a choice of u of m or Karmanos, both about an hour from home. Not responding specifically to your post but each of the cancer hospital ones. :)

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Something just dawned on me. Tonight a fellow sleuther brought up the fact that they were doing a segment on this very story on HLN News.

I, much like a few others, immediately switched over to that channel to listen to what they had to say about Danielle.

What I failed to appreciate at the time was that I didn't have to switch stations and tune into Nancy Grace's scowling face, screeching like a cat in a pet carrier, while casting out her demon gaze towards the camera and berating everyone in sight.

Tuning in tonight was.................pleasant...................not scary like it used to be..

I love Nancy Grace, jes sayin.
haha, that made me laugh.

i'm not sure which set of theories are more polar opposite of occam's razor, the mediums/psychics and their fantabulously fantastic confidence games; or the various attempts to have DS interacting with FG somewhat spontaneously that Friday in the narrow, off-kilter time window, sans some sort of pre-existing arrangement/relationship.

If it were a Friday where DS hadn't skipped out of work early and didn't have a somewhat tight window to be over to her friend's, I'd be more inclined toward some sort of non-pre-arranged, spontaneous interaction btw FG and DS. But the off-set time and the need to be somewhere else at a specific time? I dunno.

i think if'n it parses out that FG was involved in DS's disappearance, DS voluntarily either drove to his place or voluntarily got into his car at her apt complex or they met at a "3rd party", so to speak, location; maybe in a park or somewhere near her/their work--and that she was most likely expecting to meet him. She might've even been cutting out of work earlier just for that very reason.

Do we know how far it is from DS's place to her friend's where she was due for dinner at 5:30 pm?

Course, dinner at friend's that you're the chef for isn't the same as going to the theater or a concert. You can be a bit late and it's nbd.

DS might've given her friend the 5:30 PM time as an approximation of her ETA. e.g., 15 minutes to Robina-Oxford, 30 minutes back to her place from Robina-Oxford, grab her groceries for dinner, crack a can of fancy feast for her cat and then drive to her friend's? An optimistic itinerary, but then DS seems the optimistic sort and perhaps not always punctual.

Agree agree agree.
Do we know how far it is from DS's place to her friend's where she was due for dinner at 5:30 pm?

Insider knowledge, I am acquainted with Danielle's friend and Danielle. It's about 7 miles between her friends house and Danielle's apartment. Never been to Danielle's apartment, but I've driven by it many times.

FYI easy freeway access to both places... but it's probably preferable to take surface streets. But i don't exactly know the situation between both places st the height of rush hour @ 530 pm.

EDIT: Her friend is in livonia.
Latest post from the FDS FB site:

Find Danielle Stislicki update:
To all of our Facebook family and friends, the following is an update regarding the efforts to assist the police in their search for Danielle Stislicki. As a reminder, when Danielle went missing this page was established to share her story to generate leads for the police to use in their search for Danielle. Additionally, by design or not, this page has become a rallying point for millions of people – a group committed to not only aid in the search, but to share stories, pictures and videos AND to support, pray, and develop friendships. Here is what we’ve accomplished thus far:
1) Created this Facebook page. To date it has reached 3.2 million people.
2) Created a website (http://www.finddani.org/) dedicated to the search for Danielle. This page has reached over 20,000 people. It is an information hub so fliers and hand-outs can be printed directly from this website.
3) Held a candlelight vigil which was attended by roughly 500 people.
4) Enlisted the assistance of several corporations in communicating our goals, including Dave and Busters, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Beaumont Hospitals, Henry Ford Health Systems, Oakland Schools, McLaren Health, Shift Digital and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
5) Obtained assistance from International Outdoor and Lamar Advertising who generously donated electronic billboards.
6) Obtained assistance from celebrities Robert Patrick and Juliette Lewis via twitter (over 400,000 followers between them).
7) Utilized LinkedIn contacts and to date have reached approximately 2,000 business associates/colleagues.
8) Have prevailed upon numerous local media outlets to report and provide updates regarding Dani’s search including but not limited to the following: The Detroit News, The Detroit Free Press, The Oakland Press, M Live, Click-on-Detroit, WJR, WWJ, WXYZ, Fox2 Detroit, C&G, Patch, WILX, and Inquisitor.
9) National media outlets have also carried the story, including NBC Dateline, CBS, The Huffington Post, People Magazine, World Press Magazine, CNN and Yahoo news.
These are great accomplishments and all of us should take great pride in what we’ve accomplished thus far; however, there is a lot of work left to be done. The population of the state of Michigan is nearly 10 million people, the population of the United States is nearly 320 million people and the worlds’ population is over 7 billion people. Our goal is to inform everyone in Michigan, the United States and eventually the world. Someone, somewhere will recognize Danielle’s face and will provide the lead needed to bring Dani home. Please, we ask that you continue to publicly share Facebook posts again if you already have; start to publicly share Facebook posts if you haven’t yet; and tweet every celebrity, news organization, and business you can think of. Additionally, there are people who don’t use social media. Talk to your friends and co-workers about Danielle, post those fliers to tell her story and generate leads. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Keep the faith! #finddani #LightTheWayForDani
My husband works at Beaumont... I have no idea if the search was at all related. But the timeline makes me wonder.

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Many people have connections to fam who work at Beaumont. Hope we don't reach that far here.

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First time posting- hello all! I have read every page and every comment on this forum since the beginning and finally feel compelled to jump in. Sorry in advance if this is too long.

Dani and I have mutual friends, are the same age, and grew up within a few miles of each other. Though I didn't know her personally, I feel a deep connection. She seems to be such a purely good person. I've lost sleep over this case, I toss and turn and think about her. My husband tells me to give it a rest so I don't have nightmares but I HOPE I'll have a nightmare about what happened to her so I can help in some way.

I now live on the East Coast, but I'm currently in Farmington Hills for the holidays (staying with family just a few miles from Met Life). We've driven past her work and IGA a few times whilst out and about and my heart just drops. I'm looking in every car that passes, all around every store I'm in- just in case. Where are you, Dani? What can I do to help you? And what's worse is that I know I don't even feel a fraction of what her family does. I cannot even imagine the agony, the limbo.

I also share mutual friends with FG (seen before he deleted his Facebook). These are NOT the same friends as DS. Also, FG lives about a block from my great grandma. I was in shock about him being a potential POI, he looks like a lot of my friends and just seems so "normal," but I know they often do. Very unsettling stuff.

Here are some of my opinions/queries (most assuming FG is the perp, too coincidental for me not to believe at this point):

1) I do NOT believe she had any sort of sexual relationship or affair with FG. Judging purely from her last few relationships, I feel like her type of guy is more hipster-y than FG. She likes mountain men, guys who camp, hike, eat healthy. From the (limited amount of) pics I've seen of FG, he didn't strike me as that type, but I could be wrong. Friendly, perhaps, relationship, no. JMO, obvi, and of course sometimes people venture outside of their "type." But it's my feeling if there was any sort of attraction, it was coming from him only.

2) This thought has been nagging at me and I think you guys can help put it to rest if it's completely implausible. Could FG be missing/hiding or is he definitely around? I know he has a lawyer but is it possible he's hired one as a sort of way to negotiate with police (if that is even necessary, considering they find something that pins him) while he figures out what to do? Sadly, I feel this is one of the only ways DS is still alive- if he has taken off with her. If he was really obsessed with her, I see this as a possibility. It's really significant, to me, that there haven't been major searches for her, and the social media stuff has been pushed SO hard.

3) Otherwise, the other way she could still be alive (I HATE saying it like that but don't know how else to put it) is if he trafficked her. I heard the the ice arena next door to him was becoming a hub for illegal activity (this could be a complete rumor though), so could he have snatched her and given her to someone to make some extra money?

4) My strongest theory, and I've thought this before FG came into the picture, is that she was buying some weed at her apartment complex. She strikes me as a casual smoker, like many of my friends. I've never smoked enough to have a dealer, but I've had stoner friends who LOVE having someone to smoke with, because they usually smoke alone. They'll practically beg you to hang out and smoke with them. I feel Dani is such a sweet girl that if, say, FG stopped by (in his car) to drop off some weed (which he had perhaps done many times before) and asked her to get in for a few either just for the transaction or to smoke a little too, she would. He has a sick wife, he is probably beyond stressed out, and lonely too. A few days ago I was at the Target in Farmington Hills (a few miles from IGA). We walked out at about 5:15pm, and it was still pretty light outside. I really can't imagine someone abducting someone violently before dark, in a (presumably) busy parking lot at the time a lot of people get home from work. So this leads me to thinking she went with him voluntarily. I am a little thrown off by the fact that the DEA didn't raid his house when LE had the warrant(s), but he could've been a casual dealer and not grower.

5) I find it super unlikely that he drove her car back to IGA, or "forced" her to drive. This just seems way too risky for him. Now his DNA is in her car, it's more likely he was caught on security cameras, etc. Of course, crazier things have happened, but he would either have to be an idiot or a genius to get her car back to IG without being seen, and put it in "her" spot without being seen- I haven't decided yet. I really believe he either followed her or was waiting there for her, whether it was weed-related, stalking, or something else.

With all this being said, and especially considering the way her family has been acting, I really think she could still be alive. Maybe it's just wishful thinking (on their part and mine too), but all the tattoo/marking pics, no searches, I have to believe there is good reason for this. I think it was just a follower of the FDS page who commented that people should be checking Backpage all over the US, but these comments haven't been deleted- which could mean something. The least we can do is check our local pages daily.

Again, sorry this is so long. This is what nearly 4 weeks of obsessive researching but no posting produces. I'm not the praying type but always sending love and positive thoughts to Dani and her family/friends, and you all too.
My theory is exactly the same as yours. I posted it here somewhere. I am glad you posted on here. I know you said that you know her friends, but don't know her personally. She doesn't strike me as the type to like someone like him.... the only thing in common I found so far that he would have with Danielle is that on the wedding page they mentioned he likes to hike... DS does too from what we all know. Also him working in the met life building where she worked... they had to have known each other.
I don't think so. The biggest weirdest crime in metro Detroit in recent years has been the case of the guy who cut up his wife in pieces and spread them alone Stoney trails in the snow. I don't see a copy cat here.

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I didn't mean it was a copy cat of Steven and Tara Grants case. They were a married couple and from what I remember he dumped some of her body parts at Stoney Creek. I just was looking at the maps the lady from AMP had and the engagement location it's the same place....could mean nothing at all...
GREAT post! I hadn't thought about the fact that FG may have absconded and LE is only getting info through his attorney. It would make sense, but what would he be driving and why wouldn't there be a BOLO for him or his vehicle? IMO, the family has some reason to believe she is still alive (and that gives me hope).

First time posting- hello all! I have read every page and every comment on this forum since the beginning and finally feel compelled to jump in. Sorry in advance if this is too long.

Dani and I have mutual friends, are the same age, and grew up within a few miles of each other. Though I didn't know her personally, I feel a deep connection. She seems to be such a purely good person. I've lost sleep over this case, I toss and turn and think about her. My husband tells me to give it a rest so I don't have nightmares but I HOPE I'll have a nightmare about what happened to her so I can help in some way.

I now live on the East Coast, but I'm currently in Farmington Hills for the holidays (staying with family just a few miles from Met Life). We've driven past her work and IGA a few times whilst out and about and my heart just drops. I'm looking in every car that passes, all around every store I'm in- just in case. Where are you, Dani? What can I do to help you? And what's worse is that I know I don't even feel a fraction of what her family does. I cannot even imagine the agony, the limbo.

I also share mutual friends with FG (seen before he deleted his Facebook). These are NOT the same friends as DS. Also, FG lives about a block from my great grandma. I was in shock about him being a potential POI, he looks like a lot of my friends and just seems so "normal," but I know they often do. Very unsettling stuff.

Here are some of my opinions/queries (most assuming FG is the perp, too coincidental for me not to believe at this point):

1) I do NOT believe she had any sort of sexual relationship or affair with FG. Judging purely from her last few relationships, I feel like her type of guy is more hipster-y than FG. She likes mountain men, guys who camp, hike, eat healthy. From the (limited amount of) pics I've seen of FG, he didn't strike me as that type, but I could be wrong. Friendly, perhaps, relationship, no. JMO, obvi, and of course sometimes people venture outside of their "type." But it's my feeling if there was any sort of attraction, it was coming from him only.

2) This thought has been nagging at me and I think you guys can help put it to rest if it's completely implausible. Could FG be missing/hiding or is he definitely around? I know he has a lawyer but is it possible he's hired one as a sort of way to negotiate with police (if that is even necessary, considering they find something that pins him) while he figures out what to do? Sadly, I feel this is one of the only ways DS is still alive- if he has taken off with her. If he was really obsessed with her, I see this as a possibility. It's really significant, to me, that there haven't been major searches for her, and the social media stuff has been pushed SO hard.

3) Otherwise, the other way she could still be alive (I HATE saying it like that but don't know how else to put it) is if he trafficked her. I heard the the ice arena next door to him was becoming a hub for illegal activity (this could be a complete rumor though), so could he have snatched her and given her to someone to make some extra money?

4) My strongest theory, and I've thought this before FG came into the picture, is that she was buying some weed at her apartment complex. She strikes me as a casual smoker, like many of my friends. I've never smoked enough to have a dealer, but I've had stoner friends who LOVE having someone to smoke with, because they usually smoke alone. They'll practically beg you to hang out and smoke with them. I feel Dani is such a sweet girl that if, say, FG stopped by (in his car) to drop off some weed (which he had perhaps done many times before) and asked her to get in for a few either just for the transaction or to smoke a little too, she would. He has a sick wife, he is probably beyond stressed out, and lonely too. A few days ago I was at the Target in Farmington Hills (a few miles from IGA). We walked out at about 5:15pm, and it was still pretty light outside. I really can't imagine someone abducting someone violently before dark, in a (presumably) busy parking lot at the time a lot of people get home from work. So this leads me to thinking she went with him voluntarily. I am a little thrown off by the fact that the DEA didn't raid his house when LE had the warrant(s), but he could've been a casual dealer and not grower.

5) I find it super unlikely that he drove her car back to IGA, or "forced" her to drive. This just seems way too risky for him. Now his DNA is in her car, it's more likely he was caught on security cameras, etc. Of course, crazier things have happened, but he would either have to be an idiot or a genius to get her car back to IG without being seen, and put it in "her" spot without being seen- I haven't decided yet. I really believe he either followed her or was waiting there for her, whether it was weed-related, stalking, or something else.

With all this being said, and especially considering the way her family has been acting, I really think she could still be alive. Maybe it's just wishful thinking (on their part and mine too), but all the tattoo/marking pics, no searches, I have to believe there is good reason for this. I think it was just a follower of the FDS page who commented that people should be checking Backpage all over the US, but these comments haven't been deleted- which could mean something. The least we can do is check our local pages daily.

Again, sorry this is so long. This is what nearly 4 weeks of obsessive researching but no posting produces. I'm not the praying type but always sending love and positive thoughts to Dani and her family/friends, and you all too.
2) This thought has been nagging at me and I think you guys can help put it to rest if it's completely implausible. Could FG be missing/hiding or is he definitely around? I know he has a lawyer but is it possible he's hired one as a sort of way to negotiate with police (if that is even necessary, considering they find something that pins him) while he figures out what to do? Sadly, I feel this is one of the only ways DS is still alive- if he has taken off with her. If he was really obsessed with her, I see this as a possibility. It's really significant, to me, that there haven't been major searches for her, and the social media stuff has been pushed SO hard.


Interesting thought about #2. I havent read or seen that anyone has seen FG.

Also? IF, and thats a big IF, FG isnt who they are looking at for POI - I wonder if the person they are looking for is not accounted for. But wouldnt LE announce that they were looking to speak with 'xyz' person? Surely they would.
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