MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #5

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I believe that's poorly written. The out of character behavior is her missing an important dinner with her friend.

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That's what I was thinking -- and hoping. It certainly is ambiguously written. Thank you.
Something has been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while. So, I went back to thread #1 and found the reference.

Post #19 by BetteDavisEyes quoted a news story,
"Her family reached out to police to help locate her after growing concerns about her recent out-of-character behavior..."


Now, I read the article and it's not very clear. Was the out-of-character behavior simply that she didn't show up for dinner with her friend and for work the next morning? Or was there something worrisome prior to her disappearance? I haven't seen any reference to this from any other source and it puzzles me.
Wow. That's a good catch. My best guess is that maybe the writer misquoted but you never know, that was very early on. It doesn't seem to be indicated that way again anywhere else tho... but its not been redacted either (as I'm sure the concern over wording would've be the least of anyone's worries) Very interesting.
Something has been gnawing at the back of my mind for a while. So, I went back to thread #1 and found the reference.

Post #19 by BetteDavisEyes quoted a news story,
"Her family reached out to police to help locate her after growing concerns about her recent out-of-character behavior..."


Now, I read the article and it's not very clear. Was the out-of-character behavior simply that she didn't show up for dinner with her friend and for work the next morning? Or was there something worrisome prior to her disappearance? I haven't seen any reference to this from any other source and it puzzles me.
The wording of that makes me wonder as well. Had she been acting out of character before the disappearance I wonder?

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I wouldn't necessarily dismiss that too quickly. Its possible given that this article was printed so early on in the investigation that things were said more openly, before there became more of a directive from LE.
I think it's highly likely DS was paying the extra $15 (on top of the base $15 a month to park a car anywhere on IG's grounds) to have that spot right in front of her door reserved for her alone; rather than have to troll IG's lots for a spot that might've been a serious hike back to her building at all hours of the day/night.

Assuming some pre-existing relationship, POI could've either known that was her spot or, even if he didn't know it was her spot, but knew it was her building, good chance it would've been the only spot open by her building at the time he returned it.

In order to have the spot reserved, there would be a sign posted at the spot. All the LE photos released of the car do not have the sign. The lot has plenty of parking close to each building, you don't have to troll for a spot.
Wonder if what you saw was the "winding down"...they may have been there earlier than when you saw them. The situation was almost over...just chatting after the fact. So, anyone exiting the complex at that hour would have noticed the police cars? Was it light at that hour? Thanks for your help!!

It appears from what I've read the police situation was just before 7am. I left between 8am and 9am. I'm not sure if it was light the entire time it was taking place but it was when I stumbled on it.
Anyone know how many buildings are in the complex? And how many apartments to a building? After seeing DetroitFunk's video, I am curious! Thanks!!

I dont know the number of buildings but there are approximately 1000 apartments. Some buildings have 6 apartments, some only have 4, it depends on if they're one or two bedroom apartments. There are also townhomes and I'm not sure how they factor into the number of apartments/buildings.
I concur with your theory a stalker serial killer is my guess and DS fits the description of his type.
I don't think he will off himself, in his mind he did nothing wrong and they are sick people that prey on others like animals to fulfill thier desires. I bet the poi had a traumtic childhood and was abused, that's my guess. Any one want to share on my previous thought that the other woman missing found on the home depot is related to this disappearance?
I read that and I keep thinking in all these posts that FG is a normal guy and no one would even think that he could be capable of such an act.
Previous thread of a stalker new on the site, hi everyone and happy new year! When I first heard about the story I wanted to fly to Detroit and start a search party before the snow came in, it still puzzles me why there has not been more of a focus on finding her, she is there and I think either very close to the poi house or her apartment, somewhere in between but not too far, could not risk being seen and also are many of the parks closed after dark? I not from the area so not too sure. Anybody care to comment?
I don't think he will off himself, in his mind he did nothing wrong and they are sick people that prey on others like animals to fulfill thier desires. I bet the poi had a traumtic childhood and was abused, that's my guess. Any one want to share on my previous thought that the other woman missing found on the home depot is related to this disappearance?
I think someone responded to your question about the other case earlier but I'll reiterate. That case was ruled accidental asphyxia, for sure... 100% case closed. Hope that puts your fears to rest. Here's the latest link

One Gordian Knot in this case is that it involves 2 people both of whom have little-to-nothing in their backgrounds that would suggest either one would be an abductor (or worse) of women or that the other would be the victim of a violent, involuntary abduction.

Various theories of the case ( as it relates to POI/FG ) parse out along almost identical lines; all operating under the assumption that the POI/FG did something nefarious entirely on his own accord:

an affair

1. DS and FG were having an affair.

2. FG for some reason flips out and does something to DS.

3. DS is missing.

Unrequited Affair as friends

1. FG wanted to have something going on with DS, DS and FG were friendly, but DS did not reciprocate

2. FG for some reason flips out and does something to DS.

3. DS is missing


1.FG pined for DS somewhat secretly,

2. FG flips out and abducts DS involuntarily

3. DS is missing

Pure drug hook up

1. FG supplied DS with some sort of substance

2. FG flips out and does something to DS.

3. DS is missing

Drug hook up with an affair

1. FG supplied DS with some sort of substance and they were seeing each other.

2. FG flips out and does something to DS.

3. DS is missing

Drug hook up with a unrequited feelings flowing from FG to DS

1. FG supplied DS with some sort of substance while trying to elevate their relationship to something more than drug buddies.

2. FG flips out and does something to DS.

3. DS is missing

Criminal Informant thing

1. DS was some sort of CI

2. FG or someone finds out and FG gets mixed up in making her disappear

3. DS is missing.

If I were to rank the above, I'd put "friendly + some sort of drug nexus" at the top.

CI and full-blown stalker who violently and involuntarily abducted DS---near the bottom. The latter one--a violent, involuntary stalker type abduction--would have been exceedingly difficult to pull off and likely would've left an evidence trail that would have FG cooling his heels in the big house by now. imo/ymmv/yadda.

In all of the above scenarios, FG's assumed to have taking it upon himself to be the sole cause of whatever happened with DS.

FG's background doesn't seem like a person who'd suddenly start making people disappear for no reason.

FG has a wife. His wife is standing behind him, as far as we can tell. And it appears as tho both their families are as well (as far as we can tell). I'd guess her family is taking their cues from her [ POI's wife ].

If FG had made DS disappear on his own accord--100% his fault, in act of violence by FG--would his wife and her relatives still be in his corner?

Unless what happened with DS is something that DS herself bears at least some responsibility for. And then FG flips out and, similar to the Lauren Spierer case, instead of going to the authorities, makes DS scarce.
At the end of September, 2013 Danielle broke her ankle requiring surgery and pinning of the bones in her ankle. She was casted for 8 weeks. She was sidelined for quite a while, and in a lot of pain. She got back most of her mobility through physical therapy and a great deal of stretching exercises. After the ordeal, she was left with these 3 dark 'scar spots' on her ankle, and 1 near her knee. They are noticeable, and very unique. There is also a healed incision near the knee that is barely visible. See the attached photo.

View attachment 106944

Say DS were getting prescription pain-killers after her surgery and throughout her rehab. Eventually, the doctor cuts her off. Maybe she goes back to him when the ankle/leg acts up, and he writes her a one-time, "NO REFILLS", 30 day supply. Maybe she doctor shops a bit. Who knows.

Lower leg injuries, especially foot/ankle, are insanely difficult to ever get to heal completely. And if you're an active person, hiking, biking, running etc, you can re-aggravate the previous injury from time to time and experience the pain you thought you'd left behind.

Possible that DS ventured into other avenues to get something for her pain from time to time. Doesn't have to be street stuff or anything like that. Tho the image some people have of your average street opiate user (Kurt Cobain or whatever) is prolly not what the typical user looks like today, and maybe not even in days gone by: https://www.amazon.com/How-Stop-Time-Heroin-Z/dp/0465031501/

But without even going to the street-level, one could see someone who had previously been taking opiate type painkillers sometimes wanting or needing them (for pain or for pleasure, no judging).

And if they met someone with a wife who was battling cancer. And that someone with a house full of cancer meds maybe wanted to help DS out-- maybe b/c he liked DS and wanted to get to know her better and that was a way to get to be around DS, an in? Or maybe just because he empathized with her pain and the difficulty of getting proper pain meds from MD's nowadays.

DS maybe goes hiking or participates in outdoor activities thanksgiving weekend. Her previous injury starts acting up, causing pain. [Or maybe she just liked the stuff, anything's possible ] She wants to either manage the pain or maybe just for fun, she stops by POI/FG's to get some pain-meds.

Perhaps she hasn't had any in a while. She's there and immediately takes whatever's available (oxy, liquid hydrocodone, fentanyl)--either because she wants the pain to go away. or to have fun. whatever the reason.

DS is at FG's house. DS, perhaps with a lowered tolerance, takes too much of something and....FG panics and decides instead of dialing 911, he'll Lauren Spierer her.

His wife comes back. Asks what's up with the DS situation. FG makes a full confession to his wife and pleads with her not to turn him in. Maybe he notes that he's a black male who'll be dealt with extra harshly & not be given any breaks by the criminal justice system and public opinion. His wife thinks it over, and they get a lawyer together and decide to keep quiet and wait it out.

if they do eventually bust him, he can still explain what happened, and a good ME should be able to back-up his story. Depending on how much time has passed before the ME gets to do his or her thing.
Can't post rumor in here. If no MSM link it can't be posted...

Not trying to post rumors, mostly just looking for info to put myself at ease. Someone had told me about this a few hours after I had started reading about Danielle on this site and it really scared me. I can't find any information about it and was hoping someone could help. It's just so sad.
One Gordian Knot in this case is that it involves 2 people both of whom have little-to-nothing in their backgrounds that would suggest either one would be an abductor (or worse) of women or that the other would be the victim of a violent, involuntary abduction.

Various theories of the case ( as it relates to POI/FG ) parse out along almost identical lines; all operating under the assumption that the POI/FG did something nefarious entirely on his own
/respectfully snipped

All interesting theories but all assume an unverified POI. Still so many holes in the story to backfill and the MSM seems to be the only source linking FG with MetLife. The home + owners are verified but many permutations still exist. Le sigh.
you can't "know" someone by reading their sm. the only thing that will ever tell you is what they want you to know. That's insanity that you can discount anything by that.


the most reprinted cartoon in the history of new yorker cartoons (which I don't get the joke in half of those new yorker cartoons, and the other half I don't even bother to read)



[ Not saying DS is somehow a "dog" or in any way not a great person. just supporting the salience of jdj125's good-to-remember when sleuthing-via-social-media point. ]
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