MI MI - Danielle Stislicki, 28, Southfield, 2 Dec 2016 #8

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Do we know if she showed to work on Thursday. Do we know if she slept in her own bed Thursday or if she was at that friends house where she was expected back on Friday. But vanished. Was she a member in any social groups? Any co-ed sports? Pool layer? Without these facts it's tough to go the right direction. Did she like to dance? Or sing? Did she do Karaoke? Wrong place wrong time? Stalked at the bar?

This is a very good question. What was her Thursday like?
Oh PLEASE someone say yes. This is becoming beyond scroll and roll. If I knew how I would.

I'm working on typing out a timeline of straight facts from news articles as we speak.

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I have been re-watching the initial reports on the ownership and activity of the Oxford St./Berkley home.

Here is the link to the FoxNewsDetroit clip that is 2 minutes and 42 seconds long in its entirety.


The gentlemen that shows up at the :30 second mark...I find it interesting that he never gave his name...Did the reporter not ask? Did the reporter the reporter ask and he declined? You will notice at the :45 second marker in the same report, you see that neighbor Judy's name is promptly displayed below her as she is speaking. Now, Mr. No Name shows up again right at the 1:15 marker....Apparently, he left, was out of town, didn't see anything...which very well could be the case...However, something in his interview doesn't set well with me...Not that he's guilty of anything, but he almost seems frightened or worried the way his eyes dart around during the reporters questioning. As if he wants this interview over as quickly as possible.

Then at the 1:30 marker you have Mr. John Williams (modsnip) enter the scene, says he is a family friend and who is blocking/stopping media from getting to the door. Further, claiming an elderly couple lives at this address (after doing a thorough Oakland county records search, I see that is clearly NOT the case that an elderly couple lives there)

At 1:54 marker, they go back to poor, Mr. No Name who claims he really doesn't know much, thinks it's a rental (looks disgusted while saying that) swallows really hard and then claims "then they moved out" ..."so, I have no idea the person who lives there now"


So, in this news report that lasts 2:42, there's so much misinformation and confusion it's astonishing.

I can't believe that no one at Fox has decided to go back out talk and with the neighbors, again get additional clarification on the exact info they tried to glean in the original report...And then also do some due diligence on the actual ownership and status of that house... Because, essentially no solid information came out of that report. It's nothing but gobbledygook!

Am I way out of line here? It's been weeks without any follow up on the unknowns in this news report.

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Hey 1Smile,

Do you suppose that the reason that the news reporters haven't been back to the house is because the L.E. asked them not to?

It is indeed a curious thing that they have not been back there interviewing neighbors.

Thanks for your posting - it got me thinking.
I'm working on typing out a timeline of straight facts from news articles as we speak.

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Oh I love you! Thank you this will help so much.
"I have been able to get off early, let me swing home real quick, pack a bag, I'll meet you there."

DS appears very fond of her cat. Assuming her mother provided accurate information on this "final text" I'm prepared to dissect it.

1. The emphasis is on the overnight bag, not grocery shopping, not feeding the cat.

2. But if she new she was spending the night at the friends as she claimed to do nearly every weekend, why didn't she have that bag?

3. Some people suggest she left work to avoid traffic. But if rush hour Friday traffic is a bummer, why would you want to drive all the way home and then over to your friends?

4. Why even bother telling the friend you have to go home and pack if this is a weekly event. Your friend knows that.

Possible Scenario: DS initially had alternative plans that night.

DS: My plans fell through, I want to come over.
FRIEND: I gotta work tomorrow. Let's make it next week, I'm beat
DS: Let me see if I they'll let me leave early. I really need to talk.
FRIEND: What's up?. Are you okay?
DS: I'll tell you when I get there. I'll grab a bag real quick.

And then the text about stopping to get the clothes.


NOT trying to start the drug discussion again (and I honestly don't even consider weed to be "drugs" in the relevant sense of the word), but from the perspective of someone who has definitely smoked my share of pot, getting my jammies for a slumber party would NOT have been what I meant if I told my friend I was going to "grab a bag real quick".

That statement comes with zero judgment, but I've thought it every single time I've read that line and had to get it off my chest.
If you click on the little black mark to the left of the thread in your subscribed threads, it takes you to your first unread post.

Yowza ! Thanks Gardenista - you have saved me hours of time.

NOT trying to start the drug discussion again (and I honestly don't even consider weed to be "drugs" in the relevant sense of the word), but from the perspective of someone who has definitely smoked my share of pot, getting my jammies for a slumber party would NOT have been what I meant if I told my friend I was going to "grab a bag real quick".

That statement comes with zero judgment, but I've thought it every single time I've read that line and had to get it off my chest.

I don't believe we have any confirmation that the statement was made.
Hey 1Smile,

Do you suppose that the reason that the news reporters haven't been back to the house is because the L.E. asked them not to?

It is indeed a curious thing that they have not been back there interviewing neighbors.

Thanks for your posting - it got me thinking.

I placed a call out to have the question you brought up answered. I'll let you know what I find out.

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But it wasn't last minute. It was planned ahead and then, yeah, they decided to get together maybe a little earlier. I guess I don't understand the confusion over this.

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I'm guessing it was more casual and maybe people saw it as something that was important maybe based on wording made by DS mom originally, unintentially causing public thought to put more importance on the visit? Like, with my group of friends, I see them often and it's more of just an open door policy thing. Kind of like "yeah if you wanna sleep over tonight I'll be home and we can eat dinner, have some wine and just chill" but it's something that isn't written in stone as something we must do every Friday or something that I'd prepare for beforehand. In an effort to not call myself a negative word like lazy ;) I must emphasis that personally I'm quite forgetful and a bit of a procrastinator so I'd totally not be the type to make sure I packed a bag and brought it to work with me beforehand even if I told my friend a few days beforehand that I'd stop by to hang out. From what I know from living in the area, I'm pretty positive that danielle would be driving past her apartment area on her way to her friends house anyway so it makes sense to me that she didn't see the need to pack beforehand.
My friends and i, when it Comes to just hanging out at one another's houses Don't make it a strict precise time, I mean of course we say what time we will come but it's not something set in stone or something I'd worry about being a bit late for. If I'm getting off work and heading to my friends house to eat and relax, I'd stop home first and get what I needed, change into something comfy and head over. I lived close to where her apartment is, my friends live in the same city I read her friend does (in fact upon learning about this case I discovered me and DS have quite a few mutual friends on fb and a friend of mine from high school is close with and works with the girl DS was supposed to meet with). A few years ago my best friend was going through a hard time and me and my husband would often sleepover at her place and it was just more of a casual, yeah ill be over soon type thing so I never prepped beforehand lol, actually now that I think about it there were times when I was on my way to her house and me and mike decided to stop at a store or something on the way...he once insisted we stop at this new used bookstore he spotted a few blocks from her house and we were already running late but he wore me down and I agreed to going inside for ten minutes max....an hour later I finally dragged him out and to my friends house. I think I texted her to let her know after mike took so long but when I thought it was going to be just a quick ten minutes I didn't initially text about the stop. I'm not rude I swear lol its just with my best friends, and it's just gonna be a hanging around the house kind of night, none of us rush or are concerned at getting there exactly on time
Unless we've only been told what they feel is pertinent to DS disappearing. If she had planned to meet the out of town friend (along with the BF she was planning to say with that night), then both depictions would be accurate. JMO

Point 1. Yes... I remember this too, but now we've learnt she doesn't live out of town? So I don't get that.

Point 2 & 3. I don't know.
QUOTE by cujenn81: I'm working on typing out a timeline of straight facts from news articles as we speak.

Thanks so much for doing this!!

:star::star::star::star: :thumb:
I placed a call out to have the question you brought up answered. I'll let you know what I find out.

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Thank you !!! That would be tremendously helpful. :peace:: ::star2::star2::star2:
NOT trying to start the drug discussion again (and I honestly don't even consider weed to be "drugs" in the relevant sense of the word), but from the perspective of someone who has definitely smoked my share of pot, getting my jammies for a slumber party would NOT have been what I meant if I told my friend I was going to "grab a bag real quick".

That statement comes with zero judgment, but I've thought it every single time I've read that line and had to get it off my chest.

The problem with the quote you are referencing is that Sherlock imagined what might have been on text. So to dissect the meaning of an imaginary text exchange does not really work. I hope people can be more explicit when they are stating what they think might of happened. This one message has grown many legs already as if it was facts of the case.

JMO :)
Sorry, Bette! I just saw this, have a hard time sitting on my hands till the end of the thread when I have so much catching up to do. But I agree, the word "meet" is repeated. I think if the only planned destination was her friend's house, she would've said, "I'll be there." JMO

"I have been able to get off early, let me swing home real quick, pack a bag, I'll meet you there."

I'd like confirmation that this was, indeed, the phrasing of Danielle's text to her friend, but in the meantime, "I'll meet you there" doesn't sound like DS was necessarily going to the friend's house to cook dinner. Sounds to me like they might have been planning to "meet" somewhere (presumably for drinks and/or dinner). Maybe this is what Mrs. Stislicki was suggesting when she called seeing the friend a "meeting". "Meet you WHERE"? I think most of us have latched on to the notion that Danielle was going to her friend's home to cook dinner, but maybe that wasn't the exact plan for the evening. :thinking:
I don't mean to be rude but it's like the fake news. One person says it, the other posts it, then a few people believe it, then it's "confirmed fact".

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There are literally 8 threads of this. I am interested in the story but the posts push me away.
In the case of AH who was a teen girl that abducted in NH, the attorney general *I THINK that was her title* stated in a press release that EVERYONE has a public side that most people know, a private side that some people know, and secret side that most don't know.

I think of that often in each case. I think of that in my personal life. Sure my kids could tell you about the life they know of, my husband could tell of the life he knows, my friends know different aspects, my Mom knows different aspects, then there's things that "I" know from my past that neither of the above are aware of. There's aspects my doctor knows about that my family is faintly aware of, but not fully. My rescue friends know of my life in regards to rescue, but not much of my personal life. I truly wonder if anyone really knows the entire person.......

Then I think of cases that have been resolved here, and even after the fact, family and friends are adamant that the person was NOT doing this or that, Would NEVER do this or that...and yet...the person DID.

Another case, a professional black male married to a white female in TX. I only mention race because it became a huge part of the aftermath when he was found deceased. There were racial problems near that area. A black man had been drug behind a vehicle in the past. His family was adamant he never used drugs, so must have been chased into the area of woods he was found. After federal investigators became involved, he was determined he was in major financial and legal trouble and had a court appearance coming up. His wife remained more silent, but would appear with his family in press releases. No doubt she knew more about him than his family. In the end, his death was ruled a drug overdose, and exposure to the elements. He had left his vehicle at a gas station after calling for a ride home due to a vehicle problem. He took off on foot, ran into a field, and through barbwire fencing, and died near a grove of woods. The 'beaten' that family knew had happened, was actually wounds from going through the fencing, and wildlife activity and decomposition. There was no other person involved.

I guess that's one reason being on here for years, it forms a different viewpoint when looking into a missing person case. Our experiences help keep an open mind, and look at all areas. Though that's sometimes uncomfortable for family and friends to read, there is no ill intentions! Our goal is to get the missing person home!

When so few details are released from LE, family or friends, and all we have to go to are media releases, and the social pages of the missing person, with the few facts that are released...it's easy to see how theories can become highly likely, or highly unlikely. Each aspect needs to be sleuthed with hopes of jogging someone's memory, or someone's light bulb to turn on, and think WOW, maybe...

Especially difficult when we aren't close to the environment to check out locations of interest, or search while walking the dog, or going on a hike.

Danielle is somewhere! She didn't just vanish into thin air! She needs to come home to her family.
Such a mess of constant mixed up facts, few facts but they seem to be constantly mixed up.

I posted earlier if anyone know how to do a fact sheet on this case and have it linked to the first page of each thread. I've seen it done on other cases, willing to do it.

So asking again if anyone knows how to do it and get it attached to the threads?

This would be helpful! No clue about how to do one.

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i, for one, do not want holocene to leave .... :nooooo: Please don't. I know this can be difficult, and as an old member i get frustrated with outlandish theories and bashing of friends or family members in some of our cases. Newbies are still learning how ws strives to be a bit more intelligent and thoughful than the forums that allow bashing, vulgarities, alien captures, and the like.

If only we could keep to the facts that are known, and be clear when a post is "just 'my opinion" (jmo) or theory, and be sure to add links when quoting a website or other media it would go a long way to keeping the threads open and running smoothly. Alas, things tend to slide out from under us and get away from the core purpose all too often.

Thank goodness for great mods :uthere:

^^ this

But remember. When posters make off the wall comments. Please do not quote and debate it.

Just simply remind them that they need to relax since they will probably be on a timeout soon.


So at least they will second guess things before making the next off the wall post rebuttal. Jmo

Noted [emoji4]

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