MI MI - Eric Franks, 40, Buena Vista Twp, 21 March 2011 - #1

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Well...how...odd... That's weird searchingfamily. His ex gf shows up at his room on various occasions, yet doesn't bring their child for Eric to visit with knowing that he moved all the way there to get to know his child? It just doesn't sit right with me.

Then again, maybe the maid & owner just didn't see the child?

Based on comments made "years ago" and the mention that the relationship seems to have predated his 15-year job at the mall (since it occurred in TN) I am thinking that his "child" isn't really a "little kid" and so the manager saying that they did not see a CHILD would not mean (necessarily) that they did not see HIS "child."
So to clarify, when you said she "had to" tell him, you did not mean that there was a specific reason making it imperative that she share the information, but "had to" in the sense of "why did you have to eat the last cookie?" Or "You have to tell me what she said about me!"

This is a major sticking point with me. Egf is married. I'm assuming her husband took on the dad role for the child and still does. Why upset the apple cart midway? Why do that? Obviously, this child is old enough to articulate (not a toddler) in that the child spoke to the police.

I suppose there could be reasons such as the child always knowing that husband wasn't his/her father and wanted to know 'real dad,' or.....??

I don't know, just seems weird to me. I would think a brief meeting with 'real dad' would be enough to quell the curiosity at first and give time to build a relationship.
One more thing - noticed on the flyer about the full set of dentures...and the ears pierced...does Eric have any tattoos or surgery scars...anything else that could be used to identify him?

After 18 months, especially if left out in the elements, I'd be surprised if the found anything but skeletal remains, clothing, the dentures and any jewelry he might have had on. And the cell phone.

Tattoos, piercings, and scars might be a moot point. Broken/healed bones, however...
Does he have any other children? He has been married 3 times, and the XGF's child is evidence that he's not infertile (or whatever the right word is for a man). If so, could the mother of another child get information on his SSN by filing a claim for child support? I believe that would prompt a review of his income, a lien on any tax refunds he might be due, etc.

If there have been no reported earnings since March 2011 the search is probably, I am sorry to say, for his remains.

Slightly OT... there was an unidentified male body of approximately the right age, and with full dentures featured on here just a week or so ago. I don't recall where he was found, and while the individual was shown with a short haircut, that may be only an assumption made by the artist. It is also possible Eric had cut his hair shorter. Maybe someone else can find that again. It could be significant.

No other known biological children, no.

Would like to see that article on the unidentified male w/ dentures.
Not sure how it works there, but here in MD we have to pay a registration fee every two years to keep our tags current. Is that a requirement of the state that issued his tags? If so, has the registration been renewed since March of 2011, and if not, is it overdue? If it has been, when did that happen?

We know his tags have been expired for months.
So to clarify, when you said she "had to" tell him, you did not mean that there was a specific reason making it imperative that she share the information, but "had to" in the sense of "why did you have to eat the last cookie?" Or "You have to tell me what she said about me!"

Right. Not aware of anything that forced her to tell him after all this time, yet she did.
I hate to be negative, but that was a year and a half ago, they had no particular reason to make note of what type of laptop he had, and the room has probably housed dozens of other guests in the interim. I couldn't tell you what computer my DAUGHTER was using 18 months ago, and she lives in my house! I am not sure what the rate of turnover in motel housekeeping staff is. It is possible that whoever cleaned his room has moved on to another position.

Police have interviewed the housekeeper at least once, and also housekeeper's spouse.
Have you contacted the state police yet to see what they are doing to help find Eric?
Have you contacted the state police yet to see what they are doing to help find Eric?

Our case worker at NamUS had a contact there and was going to do that for us. Haven't heard in a couple of days - will check Monday for update.
BBM, re the clearing of the room by someone other than the registered guest, and whether there would be any motivation for the motel manager to lie... I'd think that s/he would HAVE to be telling the truth, since it doesn't portray him/her in the best light since, legally, they probably should have STOPPED her from taking the things. Do you know if she was there all alone, or if she had someone with her? And is it too much to ask that you name the motel? WS members are NOT allowed to "sleuth" the manager, even to find out a name, and that person might not even be working there now. It would at least give us a (geographical) starting point. Can you say what "neighborhood" or area of town the XGF was living in? That would be another good place to start.

Motel manager says she came alone - two days in a row, and that she turned in the key. eGF, though, says that Eric was with her when he moved out. The police named the motel in the news article - Miller's Motel, Bridgeport Twp., Saginaw. It's on Dixie Hwy. Someone started a Google Map earlier and added it.
Erg. I just wrote a HUGE post and lost it. Darn.

Anyways, I was born and raised in Saginaw county, most of my family still lives there. For a while in the 90's I actually lived over on Nebraska St. , about 2 blocks away from Millers Motel.
I havent been on WS for a while, but when I logged in tonight this thread caught my eye right away.
I have a couple questions. Forgive me if I am asking things that have already been answered. I tried to read most of the thread but I did it quite fast so I may have missed some things.

Did Eric take any prescription meds that you know of? My daughter works at the pharmacy right down the street, if he was a regular customer she may remember him. Not sure if that would even be helpful if she does, but you never know.

I also read that Eric had some strong political views. Would he have been involved with any political organizations, went to protests, etc? My mother is heavily involved in many political organizations in Saginaw and has been for 15 years. She too may have some remembrance of Eric if he did, and she has lots of friends that she could also share his picture with.

I am just a little concerned about the area where Millers is. It wasnt too great when I lived there and while I guess it could have been cleaned up in recent years, I tend to think not (the pharmacy my daughter works at has been robbed 4 or 5 times in the last couple years. Yes, I really wish she would work elsewhere). I just wonder about the "shifty" characters that tend to stay at that motel. While I have suspicions of the ex-gf obviously, I also wonder about people who may have been Eric's "neighbors".

Also, did the ex-gf live in the same area, other side of town, etc? (if you know)

I will be happy to hang up posters of Eric in this area and ask my friends and family in Saginaw to hang them there too. I know they would be happy to help.
Is there any chance Eric may have joined himself with the Burning Man group? There were alot of burning man gatherings in western MI around the same time Eric was last heard from. His facebook photo is of a picture of himself burning....

It seems like a group that might take his interest.....
Ok....call me crazy!! But there is an Eric L Franks age 40 listed in Tulsa OK...his address is not listed just a PO Box, but there is a phone number. There is also an associate listed with it...Can provide details if you want to look into it.

The other question I would like to ask and I do not mean for this to be rude or for any other reason than to benefit the search...but is there any chance eric is gay or bisexual? Is it possible he has chosen this lifestyle and felt that his family would not approve. The reason I ask is that he seems to be following alot of Gay rights movements on his twitter...i hope this hasn't offended Erics family...that is not my intention
If he lived there for months, and she was a frequent visitor, the motel owner could have known her, and allowed her to clear his room and check him out before he fell behind on the rent. I doubt she would have KEPT his stuff, but might have given a few items away, or donated the whole lot to a Goodwill or Salvation Army store? I assume it is mostly clothing, books, personal items?

In an earlier post, I mentioned that I had a friend whose brother went missing. The detective ran an ad in the paper and with it a family picture. In the picture, the missing man was wearing something that someone remembered removing from a Salvation Army box. This was definitely the first clue that they had in the disappearance.
Totally agree. Even if they find something that is inadmissable due to being compromised by other occupants, at the very least it would give detectives a jumping point to further their investigation...

But they could still find blood that was tried to be covered/painted over if they use luminol. Or they could see 'renovations' made in the past few months. It happens.
I guess I should take my last post one step further. This missing person had actually committed suicide. He was listed as a John Doe for about 15 years. It was a Medical Examiner who had a friend at the state department, that helped him track down john doe's family and it was the ME who actually solved the mystery.

That said, would it be helpful to say send a missing persons flier to say 50 states, the capital in each and the medical examiners office in each capital, and asking them to circulate it through their own state??

I know that these days, everthing is on computer, but I am thinking that it may be useful to have that flier actually in the hands of people rather than on a computer where one has to sleuth a long time in order to solve the puzzle.

This may be putting the cart before the horse, but it would not cost much and might help if not now, later down the road. Just thinking out loud!!
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