It has been almost one year since Jacob Cabinaw disappeared.
New information on the Jacob Cabinaw case today, here is a recap, this is what I have gathered from the past few days worth of news posting and radio talk:
A local radio producer/newspaper columnist in Traverse City Richard Coates is doing independent research on Jacob's disappearance, taking anonymous info and leads that people don't want to go to the sherriffs department about. He has been contacted by a lot of people.
It was announced on local radio morning talk show Omelette and Finster (WKLT Traverse City) today that someone has come forward to authorities to claim they saw Jacob Cabinaw in Chicago April 1st. He was alone and seemed 'disoriented'.
One new theory that is being considered but NOT confirmed that he was persuaded to do a drug run to Mexico for some easy cash by someone he knows and foul play may have ensued. They also stated that it is "very easy" to make a vehicle disappear, inferring Jacob's vehicle may have been stripped and destroyed. It also explains why Jake didn't use his own money to get to Texas.
Several people called into the talk show today that knew Jacob personally and swear theres a drug run connection, but did say they do NOT want to tarnish Jake's name as he is a good man and is extremely helpful, just may have been persuaded by someone to do something for someone thinking he'd be back in a few days a little richer. They also say that Jacob has friends that are known to mess around in drug dealing, and say this sounds like a very probable situation.
I think these 'friends' he was frisbee golfing with know more than they are letting on.
Grand Traverse detectives say this case is at the top of their file.
Edit: There is a candlelight vigil planned for Jake's 1 year disappearance. April 1st, 6-9pm, Traverse Bay United Methodist Church (corner of Ramsdell & Bay Street, Traverse City, MI