GUILTY MI - Jane Bashara, 56, dies in contract killing, Grosse Pointe Park, 25 Jan 2012 #1

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I'm a newbie on this site. Just today. This is my first post. Jane was my former boss. She was always very nice and always professional. I hate what's happened to her. Just my opinion, but I don't think it will be too awfully long before her husband is arrested, but they will need to make sure it will stick.

Agree. My sincere Condolences :rose: Welcome. I just wish it was not the murder of a former Boss that brought you here. So many have said lovely things about Jane in the press. Seems heaven has gained another Angel :rose:
One of the local news channels (either 7 or 4) reported at 11:00 last night that there was a salt ring around the bottom of Jane's car that had been smeared off to some extent. Jane was found wrapped in (not wearing) a coat that had salt smeared on the outside of it. This is why LE believed she was killed in her garage during a struggle.

For those of you not familiar, Michigan road departments use salt to melt the snow and ice during the winter time. It leaves a coating on our vehicles. This is why a lot of older northern cars are rusted out in the snowy regions.
the high profile criminal defense atty says:

Investigators said they are starting to believe that Bashara was killed in her home, and that her body was driven to Detroit. But Griem doesn’t think that’s the case.

“I think the possible crime scene was not in the home, it was not in the garage. I believe that possible crime scene was somewhere in the City of Detroit or somewhere between the cities of Grosse Pointe Park and Detroit,” said Griem.

Griem said he will be meeting with the Bashara family again Wednesday.

more defense atty 'speak' at the above link
I had RL things to take care of yesterday and thought this case would be wrapped up by now. But is seems things aren't developing as they appeared to be yesterday.

So BB gave LE this informant's name as possibly someone who may want to harm him, so now the guy has given LE one of BB's jackets and some cell phones. He was in the garage when the crime occurred?

One thing usually said when something like this happens and the hubby is having an affair, etc., adultery doesn't equate to murder. To be honest, this is sometimes true!

We recently had another case here on Websleuths where all indications were it was the spouse, but guess what? It turned out to be a tragic accident! But unfortunately, the husbands philandering had been brought out and his g/f, etc., which may have never been out in the public at all, hadn't the wife unfortunately had a tragic one car accident, only to be discovered 7 months later.

From what I can see, this guy in custody MAY be the perp. If you read the links just provided by nursebeme, this guy had told someone that he was going to live in 'his landlords basement.' Really? I don't think so. PLUS this guy does sound unstable.

Wonder if he was trying to rob the Bashara home and he came across Jane? Perhaps he was in the garage? or something like that and HE committed the crime? He had BB's coat, which may have been at the home with the cell phones in the pocket?

Jane's coat that was wrapped around her body had smears from the salt line from the car? There could have been a struggle and he strangled her. Perhaps HE'S the one who had on BB's jacket, which may explain the scratches.

The guy in custody is known around the area where he formerly lived as dangerous. Well, maybe he's more dangerous than they knew?

I'm not so inclined to think the husband necessarily had anything to do with this. I think we need to step back and see if this guy in custody changes his story and if something else is brought up. There's a lot of murders that occur because of BE and the victim being robbed happens upon the perp.

LE will figure this out.

I to believe this will all get sorted. I think LE is likely waiting on some forensics to establish who exactly murdered Jane. I still am leaning toward Bob being involved. He lied to LE about not seeing his wife and if reports are true he was seen with her downtown. Probably alot more we dont know. Just my thoughts at this time until I hear more. I think this Gentz guy is bad news for sure. Doesn't sound to stable. It would be good news for his Children if Bob wasn't involved. So very sad if they have to lose both.
Just trying to sort all this Gentz stuff out in my head:

1) Genz was on B Bashara's "list" of people who could "have it out for the family" (per fox news via the new criminal defense atty) yet

2) Gentz walked into LE dpt of his own volition apparently concerned that he would take the entire blame for the murder

3) Gentz (per media reports) was there in the garage where the murder took place and got rid of the car/placed Jane into the car

4) Gentz has a violent past per neighbors

5) Gentz was kicked out of his St Clair apt in the fall and went to live near his "landlord"

6) some reports say that Gentz was doing maintenance work for B Bashara and.. surprise surprise... B Bashara is a landlord

7) B Bashara had a girlfriend on the side... was trying to buy a house for her which leads to other questions (as I believe this crime had a lot of planning)..
-when did he try to buy the house?? in the fall???? (around the time that Gentz moves to GP?)
-what is on Gentz' phones that he left both of them (along with jacket) wtih a friend? Why do that if you are going to try to prove that someone was setting you up/paying you?
-could there be something else going on with Gentz and Bob that caused Gentz to retaliate on Bob in this way?

just thinking out loud...

either way Bob seems connected to Joe and Joe to Bob and a beautiful woman is dead far too soon...
Before Gentz turned himself in, the police categorized BB as the sole POI, and said they thought he had an accomplice. So Gentz turning himself in doesn't make me think anything major has changed in terms of BB's potential involvement.

No Gentz probably won't get any super-stable awards (emotionally healthy people probably aren't on top of the potential hit man list), but that doesn't mean he hasn't provided information that can be proven and will help put BB away.

I still think it was planned and BB is behind it whether he did the deed himself or not. Of course BB put Gentz on a list of enemies...just another thing his narcissistic mind probably saw as a brilliant move. Based on the fact that he reportedly gave inaccurate information to LE about seeing/talking with JB the night of the murder, maybe he should have considered the basics more carefully.
So this is just me thinking out loud...

Bob hires Joe to help him kill his wife - because "hey who will believe this Joe guy? Everyone knows he is a hot head wierdo who works for me and may have a grudge. I know he needs the money - or at least a free place to live for a while". TOTALLY speculating here - not a REAL quote from BB.

Bob sets up the killing, making sure to be seen earlier that day about town (at the bar).

Jane leaves work at 5:30 and gets home at 6.

Now this can go a couple ways based on if the reports of BB & JB being seen that evening in downtown Detroit.

If this is TRUE - BB is at home when JB arrives at 6pm but Joe is NOT (reason unknown - maybe he was having second thoughts?). BB takes Jane out to dinner while he waits for Joe to arrive. At dinner BB excuses himself and calls Joe with the "second" pre-paid cell phone - he better be there when they get home from dinner. After dinner - I would estimate about 8pm (a litle bit of truth in a big lie). This time Joe is there but hiding in the garage. BB and JB get inside the house for a few minutes - long enough for JB to take off her coat and slippers but NOT long enough for her to get undressed, etc. BB starts the assault and pushes her out to the garage where Joe is waiting....

The murder occurs, probably around 8:30.

They put her in her SUV and Joe drives it to the location it was found - probably around 9-9:30. Joe stages the scene and returns (possibly walks) home to one of BB's rental properties in the area - probably about 10:30. BB stays home to clean up the garage and waits for the call from Joe (second cell phone) to let him know the SUV is staged and the job is done. It is now ok for BB to report her "missing", which he does at 11pm.

Fast forward to after the murder and police are now honing in on BB. He provides a list to LE of people who may want to do his family harm and as a pre-emptive strike puts Joe on the list. LE starts to follow up on BB's list while still working the BB as the POI angle. When LE shows up to talk to Joe (or Joe is alerted by someone that LE was looking for him & asking questions) he realizes BB is going to try to put this all on him and goes to the police...

ALL MOO and all that jazz...
ITA. I think Joe went to the PD because he realized BB was going to hang him for this.
another snip from the link I just posted:

Evidence shows Gentz and the victim's husband, Robert Bashara, contacted each other dozens of times in the days leading up to the murder, which refutes the story Bashara told investigators, police sources said.

Gentz, a former tenant of Robert Bashara, told police he was at the Bashara home on Jan. 24 when Jane Bashara came into the attached garage yelling at her husband about something, sources told The News.

"The wife comes in telling the husband to move the car, or move something; that's when (Gentz) said he strangled her," a source involved with the investigation said

I just knew Gentz was most likely lying in wait in the garage...
so it WAS a contract hit, just not professional... (Lol at myself, for my previous post about it NOT being a planned "hit"..) I am so dumb.
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