MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #5

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Exactly. How can they say for certain that Jessica knew or was acquainted with the perp, I just find this hard to understand. Now you are correct it could imply that the perp knew Jessica if he called her by name. Then again, we are relying on the witness and/or their opinion. Its just me, but I wouldnt trust the guitar guy (detail wise) as far as I could throw him.


From reading what was posted above, LE never said they are certain she was acquainted with the perp... they said they believe she was, and that's not the same thing as knowing for certain. They could have found clues/information that they can't talk about in public yet.
Same goes for believing she is still alive, they must have a good reason for believing that.
BTW, an acquaintance doesn't have to mean someone she is friends with, could be just someone she recognized from having seen somewhere a few times before... perhaps a regular customer she knew by sight.
It is quite possible that they have a witness who has given them more information than they have released to the public so far. I don't think I can discount it just because they haven't been forthcoming with every detail. I have faith in them and believe they know what they're doing and also know way more than the public does.
Well in fact it is someone close to the victim, even a family member about half the time, if not more. But this would be an unusual method for someone in her immediate circle.

The statistic that shows the perp is usually the significant other is one of the first statistics I became aware of here on WS. Yet, in most of the cases I've paid close attention too, it didn't turn out to be the case. I've posted regarding mistakes I've made in thinking and posting that the perp could be the uncle, father, husband, etc. That's because statistics lend themselves to believing that - that's where police look first. Somewhere, the other day, I posted that I'm beginning to doubt those statistics as they seem too high. Still, LE begins an investigation by looking at those closest to the victim and works their way outward thus the profiling being conducted.

Since I've been following cases, while a husband may seem suspicious, it often turns out he's innocent. That's why looking into solved cases (many featured on TV) equals education. It's amazing the twists and turns a solved case may have and some of the police work revealed is really impressive. Also, cases get solved after several years but those are usually the ones where someone comes forward or stumbles upon evidence or technology has advanced so they look into the case again. Some cases are solved where the perp is identified rather quickly - Jessica R.(local kid/person), Mickey S. (local man with record), Whitney H.(neighbor/acquaintance), while others usually without a body, aren't solved I'm sorry to say. Where are all these bodies or alive women being kept/hidden?

Regarding this case, what method are you referring to? The Chief has stated he believes J knows the person who took her. She, of course, knows people at different levels from different involvements. Do you mean due to the blood evidence gathered at the scene, you don't believe it could be someone she knows/or a relative/peer?
The statistic that shows the perp is usually the significant other is one of the first statistics I became aware of here on WS. Yet, in most of the cases I've paid close attention too, it didn't turn out to be the case. I've posted regarding mistakes I've made in thinking and posting that the perp could be the uncle, father, husband, etc. That's because statistics lend themselves to believing that - that's where police look first. Somewhere, the other day, I posted that I'm beginning to doubt those statistics as they seem too high. Still, LE begins an investigation by looking at those closest to the victim and works their way outward thus the profiling being conducted.

Since I've been following cases, while a husband may seem suspicious, it often turns out he's innocent. That's why looking into solved cases (many featured on TV) equals education. It's amazing the twists and turns a solved case may have and some of the police work revealed is really impressive. Also, cases get solved after several years but those are usually the ones where someone comes forward or stumbles upon evidence or technology has advanced so they look into the case again. Some cases are solved where the perp is identified rather quickly - Jessica R.(local kid/person), Mickey S. (local man with record), Whitney H.(neighbor/acquaintance), while others usually without a body, aren't solved I'm sorry to say. Where are all these bodies or alive women being kept/hidden?

Regarding this case, what method are you referring to? The Chief has stated he believes J knows the person who took her. She, of course, knows people at different levels from different involvements. Do you mean due to the blood evidence gathered at the scene, you don't believe it could be someone she knows/or a relative/peer?

Oh it could be someone she knows well...just the idea of an abduction from her workplace is unusual, IMO. And causing her to bleed at the scene.
MI - Rebekah Jane Gay, 24, Broomfield Township, 31 Oct 2012 *J.White Arrested* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Has the case of Rebekah Gay been mentioned here? The Michigan case has been solved but I notice that she had a tatoo of a musical note on her wrist.
Her mother's fiance killed her, 56 year old John D. White.

Just goes to show the perp can be someone who is inside the family circle.

Sorry to quote myself but, along these same lines, they found Hailey Dunn's remains in a dried lake bed in Texas on the day Jessica disappeared.

They arrested her mother's live in boyfriend who was suspected all along. Poor Hailey told people she didn't like him; he made her uncomfortable.

Oh it could be someone she knows well...just the idea of an abduction from her workplace is unusual, IMO. And causing her to bleed at the scene.

At all other times she'd more than likely be with her little boy though. If the perp knew that, taking her from work seems most likely. He knew she'd be alone.
Sorry to quote myself, but along these same lines, they found Hailey Dunn's remains in a dried lake bed in Texas on the day Jessica disappeared.

They arrested her mother's live in boyfriend who was suspected all along. Poor Hailey told people she didn't like him; he made her uncomfortable.


Off topic but related to your post...
Do you mean authorities arrested Shawn for the murder of Hailey? Or do you mean they arrested him for something else?
Off topic but related to your post...
Do you mean authorities arrested Shawn for the murder of Hailey? Or do you mean they arrested him for something else?

Haven't they charged Shawn with Hailey's murder? I thought I read that they did on WS when I read the whole thread (after they found her) recently late one night. That was the consensus on the thread anyway - that a charge was coming down.
I beg your pardon - they haven't charge him? (yet?)
Haven't they charged Shawn with Hailey's murder? I thought I read that they did on WS when I read the whole thread (after they found her) recently late one night. That was the consensus on the thread anyway - that a charge was coming down.
I beg your pardon - they haven't charge him? (yet?)

I haven't seen it anywhere that he has been charged.
When the FBI and CIA make themselves available to help, does that mean they bill the city of Norton Shores for the work they do? What about the county sheriff and state police? I have never thought about these things before.

They (Feds) usually have to absorb the cost if resources are not available on the local level. I have worked in budget on the state level and it's generally a sticky wicket about who pays, but the criteria for having an outside agency help is generally left up to the local government agencies asking for help (up the chain of command, so to speak). I guess you could think of disaster assistance (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) as a comparison. Who pays what doesn't come into play until much later.
Of course we know Hailey was murdered, but I don't think LE has declared her death murder as yet...have they? Officially I mean.
I feel like this case is going to go cold. I think either they know who it is and can't get any evidence or they don't know. If they don't know I don't think this guy is going to get caught unfortunately unless he does it again. MY opinion.
It just makes me crazy in an age with such advanced technology that somebody can get away with something like this, if he indeed does.
I hate that at only three weeks in, there is almost nothing to say, it seems.
I know one can't really compare, but at three weeks in Mickey's case, there were 25 discussion threads already.

If LE is really awaiting the profile from the FBI with baited breath, that is bad news. Every profile I have ever seen has been almost identical. And if they still are not sure what model and make the van is, that is worse news.

I'd like to think they are "fibbing" but then why would they say they only want tips about a van, as they are positive it was involved, if they already knew whose it was, or what it was?
Meaning that she disappeared voluntarily?

no I don't think she went voluntarily. but maybe something happened in her past - she got in trouble with the wrong person/people. I can't think of a good scenario. But she could have skeletons that came back to haunt her. In this case, she would know them, have had a relationship of some sort - school friend, ex-co-worker, ex-BF, jealous friend, etc. something would have had to have happened to cause them to take her now. and for what reason. I just hope it's something she can understand and figure her way through, rather than being hostage by an unknown SO or something.
I feel like this case is going to go cold. I think either they know who it is and can't get any evidence or they don't know. If they don't know I don't think this guy is going to get caught unfortunately unless he does it again. MY opinion.

They don't know. They have no idea. That much is obvious. What's sad is that this, like so many others, was totally preventable. Jessica was a low hanging fruit. No cameras? Check. No coworker? Check. Middle of nowhere? Check.

I don't know, and we may never know who the perp is. What we do know, however, is that the owner of that gas station has blood on his hands. Cheap, lazy, and stupid (among other things).
no I don't think she went voluntarily. but maybe something happened in her past - she got in trouble with the wrong person/people. I can't think of a good scenario. But she could have skeletons that came back to haunt her. In this case, she would know them, have had a relationship of some sort - school friend, ex-co-worker, ex-BF, jealous friend, etc. something would have had to have happened to cause them to take her now. and for what reason. I just hope it's something she can understand and figure her way through, rather than being hostage by an unknown SO or something.

But what would be the point in taking her, and just holding her? No ransom demands, evidently, no demands of any kind to return her. Even if she knew the person or persons, I fear that does not make the outcome better. I have a hard time imagining someone who has the ability, time, place, etc. to hold captive an adult woman, although of course I know it is possible. And if this was a jealous ex or someone like that, you would think a connection would have been made by now.
Haven't they charged Shawn with Hailey's murder? I thought I read that they did on WS when I read the whole thread (after they found her) recently late one night. That was the consensus on the thread anyway - that a charge was coming down.
I beg your pardon - they haven't charge him? (yet?)
No, Shawn has not been arrested or charged.
NOBODY has been charged with Hailey's murder.

Hailey's body was found March 16th.
She was identified April 26th.

Hailey Dunn - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

That is Hailey's forum, when an arrest is made you will definitely see it there. :seeya:
They don't know. They have no idea. That much is obvious. What's sad is that this, like so many others, was totally preventable. Jessica was a low hanging fruit. No cameras? Check. No coworker? Check. Middle of nowhere? Check.

I don't know, and we may never know who the perp is. What we do know, however, is that the owner of that gas station has blood on his hands. Cheap, lazy, and stupid (among other things).

Well, yes I agree with you about the whole camera and working alone thing 100 percent. The only reason I thought it was possible that they could know, not saying they do, is because there was a case up here in upstate new york a few years ago that made national news. A guy, he was like 18, strangled and killed his girlfriend and dumped her body in the woods nearby. While it was in the missing person's phase, before the body was found, the boyfriend told police he saw an "odd" car and described it to them. The whole time the police were pretty sure this guy was the guy that killed her but had no proof and no body. For weeks, the police kept saying we have no POI. They gave the description of the vehicle that the boyfriend told them about and asked for tips. Meanwhile, they were pretty sure this kid did it but didnt release it to the public. My uncle is in law enforcement and told me this. People were calling in tips about the vehicle, and all leads were followed. A couple weeks went by, they found the body, and charged the boyfriend. So, having watched all this happen was the only reason that I thought its possible for them to actually have a POI.
Well, yes I agree with you about the whole camera and working alone thing 100 percent. The only reason I thought it was possible that they could know, not saying they do, is because there was a case up here in upstate new york a few years ago that made national news. A guy, he was like 18, strangled and killed his girlfriend and dumped her body in the woods nearby. While it was in the missing person's phase, before the body was found, the boyfriend told police he saw an "odd" car and described it to them. The whole time the police were pretty sure this guy was the guy that killed her but had no proof and no body. For weeks, the police kept saying we have no POI. They gave the description of the vehicle that the boyfriend told them about and asked for tips. Meanwhile, they were pretty sure this kid did it but didnt release it to the public. My uncle is in law enforcement and told me this. People were calling in tips about the vehicle, and all leads were followed. A couple weeks went by, they found the body, and charged the boyfriend. So, having watched all this happen was the only reason that I
thought its possible for them to actually have a POI.

I keep hoping this is the case here. Maybe they know the sketch and van description are bogus and want the perp to think he is off their radar and are waiting to trip him up. Would explain why no one matching the description has been found.
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