MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #6

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Not if you're a damsel in distress being rescued by a knight in shining armor :D

I don't think that JH left willingly, but it's worth consideration when there's been no progress in locating her. :moo:

LOL! We know that's a crock of poo! Prince Charming can't be charming forever!

It's a scary thought though that a woman can disappear and despite evidence of foul play, we might dismiss that she simply left.
For some reason, the whole donate thing makes me uncomfortable. It didn't the first couple of weeks as I think that's showing compassion and being kind by rallying around the family but is this expected forever? Considering how many missing persons there are, do they all receive and expect solicited funds? What is the money being used for exactly? They're not conducting mass searches or anything. What's the purpose of collecting funds other than the family and friends could possibly help the bf out with the little boy and anyone who personally wants to help can step up. But setting up formal fund accounts and soliciting???? Someone please explain.

So many people are down on their luck, the economy has been bad for a long time but what's the purpose of soliciting money when someone goes missing? Is the bf incapable of working at a gas station himself? Please, I don't wish to come off as cold hearted but I really don't get the purpose of an ongoing collection of funds. It sounds as if they could have used that before Jessica disappeared as well. Thoughts?

To remind, websleuths doesn't allow soliciting on the site.

We had a case in UK a few years back where a little girl went missing (Shannon Mathews) and was presumed dead after there was no sign of her for a few weeks.

Turns out her mum had planned it - got a man to "kidnap" the girl, keep her captive in his flat and then planned to somehow claim the reward money. Motivation came from the huge amounts being donated to the Madeline McCann fund.

This "mother" (I use the term very loosely) had a number of children by different partners, and once Shannon was found, it was discovered that she'd been fed sleeping tablets and possibly other medication for months, and that generally hadn't been very well looked after. The children are all with foster families now, the mum recently got released from prison and the step-dad did time for possessing child *advertiser censored*.

It was one of those rare missing children cases that seems to have had a happy ending in that a number of children ended up with better lives.

Back to this thread, not saying that anything like this has occurred in Jessica's case, but it was just to answer the question asked as to why funds might be collected/solicited for a missing person case - in that case, the thought of donations/reward money actually motivated the crime.
For some reason, the whole donate thing makes me uncomfortable. It didn't the first couple of weeks as I think that's showing compassion and being kind by rallying around the family but is this expected forever? Considering how many missing persons there are, do they all receive and expect solicited funds? What is the money being used for exactly? They're not conducting mass searches or anything. What's the purpose of collecting funds other than the family and friends could possibly help the bf out with the little boy and anyone who personally wants to help can step up. But setting up formal fund accounts and soliciting???? Someone please explain.

So many people are down on their luck, the economy has been bad for a long time but what's the purpose of soliciting money when someone goes missing? Is the bf incapable of working at a gas station himself? Please, I don't wish to come off as cold hearted but I really don't get the purpose of an ongoing collection of funds. It sounds as if they could have used that before Jessica disappeared as well. Thoughts?

To remind, websleuths doesn't allow soliciting on the site.

If my daughter were missing I cannot imagine how my husband and I could go about our normal work schedules. I would assume the money is for the loved ones to be able to have the time off from work without losing their homes in the process.
If my daughter were missing I cannot imagine how my husband and I could go about our normal work schedules. I would assume the money is for the loved ones to be able to have the time off from work without losing their homes in the process.

Jessica was said to be the bread winner in the parenting partnership between her and her fiancé. I think that he and JH's mother watched the little boy while Jessica tried to work as many hours as possible. I don't know if SH worked, but the fiancé was unemployed. I'm sure that whoever is the primary caregiver for Jessica's son needs financial help now that she's not bringing home a paycheck.

I also wonder if Jessica's family has considered hiring or at least consulting a private investigator. Since it appears that LE is at a standstill in the investigation, a fresh set of eyes and ears, renewed enthusiasm and interest in finding out what happened to JH might be a good idea. :moo:
On one of my link searches, I noticed once that the Chief said they have interviewed someone who didn't resemble the sketch at all. After reading that remark, I questioned as to how sure LE is of the witness/s since they're investigating other possibilities too (which is good imo).

Also, in the beginning, they didn't release a sketch right away. It seemed as if they were unsure of the artist's ability to capture the image accurately. It dawned on me that it could be that the artist wasn't confident about the input/description they were getting from the witness so LE passed the job along to another artist.

But the witness that gave this description didn't come forward right away it was a few days after correct? And why was that?

Was this witness and their vehicle seen on video? Did LE go to them?
Jessica was said to be the bread winner in the parenting partnership between her and her fiancé. I think that he and JH's mother watched the little boy while Jessica tried to work as many hours as possible. I don't know if SH worked, but the fiancé was unemployed. I'm sure that whoever is the primary caregiver for Jessica's son needs financial help now that she's not bringing home a paycheck.

I also wonder if Jessica's family has considered hiring or at least consulting a private investigator. Since it appears that LE is at a standstill in the investigation, a fresh set of eyes and ears, renewed enthusiasm and interest in finding out what happened to JH might be a good idea. :moo:

I think the owner of that gas station should continue paying her forever if she is not found
But the witness that gave this description didn't come forward right away it was a few days after correct? And why was that?

Was this witness and their vehicle seen on video? Did LE go to them?

It was my understanding that the witness - an employee of the gas station and her husband - contacted LE the following day when they learned that JH was missing.
I think the owner of that gas station should continue paying her forever if she is not found

If the owner wasn't willing to spend the money on surveillance cameras at the Exxon station, I doubt that he will pay Jessica or her family when she's not there. :moo:
The problem with this though is why would Jessica leave the store for any reason with the cash drawer left open and her purse left out on the counter? What could be so urgent that she wouldn't just offer to call 911?
They say she was behind the gas station. :waitasec:

Unless she went to open the back door but still a big risk with all the cash exposed in the front of the store.

I can think of other possible scenarios as to why Jessica left the store with the cash drawer open and her purse on the counter.

One possibility is that the suspect went into the station, approached the counter, flashed a weapon and forced Jessica to move away from the counter.

Another possibility is that the suspect went into the station, looked at the merchandise in an aisle, and then was seen going into the back room and Jessica left the counter to confront the person in the back room.

Cebee also pointed out the possibility that someone could have entered the station from an unlocked back door in the back room, and the noise from the back room caused Jessica to leave the counter to check the back room.

Something transpired inside the station that night. If someone didn’t lure her away from the counter, then someone forced her away from the counter.
Hello to all. Please be patient with me,I am new to all this,I dont type very well, I dont know how to post links etc. etc. but I am sure I will figure it out as I go. I have been following Jessicas story from the beginning,thats how I ended up at WS. I have thought about what could have happened that night over and over from every angle and this is what I have come up with. This is JMO.I think this guy was a regular customer who came in,got to know JH they flirted innocently for a while but at some point this guy started to become a problem she didnt know how to handle.I also think her coworkers may have known something about it JMO. That night why she was getting ready to close I think she seen him drive by front of store and it irritated her he drives around back starts banging on the door this makes her really mad knowing it is him.She takes off to the back door thus leaving everything up front unattended she goes outside they get into a heated argument he he hits her and throws her in the van. This is just my opinion,and thoughts about that night.
Hello to all. Please be patient with me,I am new to all this,I dont type very well, I dont know how to post links etc. etc. but I am sure I will figure it out as I go. I have been following Jessicas story from the beginning,thats how I ended up at WS. I have thought about what could have happened that night over and over from every angle and this is what I have come up with. This is JMO.I think this guy was a regular customer who came in,got to know JH they flirted innocently for a while but at some point this guy started to become a problem she didnt know how to handle.I also think her coworkers may have known something about it JMO. That night why she was getting ready to close I think she seen him drive by front of store and it irritated her he drives around back starts banging on the door this makes her really mad knowing it is him.She takes off to the back door thus leaving everything up front unattended she goes outside they get into a heated argument he he hits her and throws her in the van. This is just my opinion,and thoughts about that night.

Hello to all. Please be patient with me,I am new to all this,I dont type very well, I dont know how to post links etc. etc. but I am sure I will figure it out as I go. I have been following Jessicas story from the beginning,thats how I ended up at WS. I have thought about what could have happened that night over and over from every angle and this is what I have come up with. This is JMO.I think this guy was a regular customer who came in,got to know JH they flirted innocently for a while but at some point this guy started to become a problem she didnt know how to handle.I also think her coworkers may have known something about it JMO. That night why she was getting ready to close I think she seen him drive by front of store and it irritated her he drives around back starts banging on the door this makes her really mad knowing it is him.She takes off to the back door thus leaving everything up front unattended she goes outside they get into a heated argument he he hits her and throws her in the van. This is just my opinion,and thoughts about that night.

I remember posting a while ago that I wondered if there had been a customer who was "bothering" Jessica and that I hoped she would have told her boss about it. If the owner and/or other employees knew about such a situation, I hope that this would have been reported to LE as his name, vehicle, credit card number, etc. were likely known if he was a regular customer. If this had been the case, LE would have known by now who they were looking for, but that hasn't happened.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and :welcome: to Websleuths.
You have a good point here. A predator who easily lures the victims.

Jessica's hair was parted in the middle, and I recall a predator from many years ago who stalked women that had their hair parted in the middle.

That predator was Ted Bundy. Bundy had the gift of gab and was able to easily lure his female victims by pretending that he needed assistance from them.

I do believe that the victim was easily lured outside the station on a false pretense, either by someone she knew or didn't know.

Most of us want to assume that Jessica would not take off and leave her son, her fiancé, etc., but people can and do leave their lives behind in search of greener pastures. We can't know what was going on in JH's life to know for certain that she wouldn't have left. :moo:

Since many from Michigan are interested in finding Jessica, you might recall this case from the spring of 2012 when a family of three - dad, mom, infant - disappeared from Petoskey in northern lower Michigan. Even though there was family in the same area, no one knew why this young couple and their new baby vanished and were not heard from for weeks until they learned about concern for them on national TV. The couple contacted a family member to let her know that they were alright but didn't want to discuss the situation any further. There weren't follow up reports about the family, whether they returned home to Petoskey, or why they left suddenly without telling anyone.


I remember that case well, I grew up in the Petoskey area. Olivia Newton John's husband faked his death. An entire family is still missing from California, believed to have gone to Mexico. Why? No one knows. Jennifer Wilbanks. Rachel Koechner. Audrey Seiler. I've read many times that people believe that Brittany Wood is alive and doesn't want to be found, even that LE stopped looking for her once they traced her phone to Gulf Shores. The fact is, people do really stupid things. I'm not saying that I absolutely believe that Jessica has done something like that, but it is always a possibility and I'm sure LE has checked it out as well. I just hope she is found one way or another!
I'm uncertain if Jessica was taken by someone who targeted her in particular or if she was taken by a random perp (meaning he'd been scoping out possibilities). Police seem to believe she is familiar with the person to some extent. They haven't explained why they believe that. If she's friendly, wouldn't she be friendly to a stranger too?

It's difficult to understand why she'd retreat to the back of the gas station when everything was left out the way it was found. Even if she knew the person, the front door was unlocked and the station was still open. It doesn't make sense she'd leave the front desk/counter with the cash drawer open and her purse, with a large sum of money in it, on the counter even for a minute or two.

Why would her purse be out anyway if she wasn't closing until 11:30? Wouldn't you leave your purse tucked away somewhere under the desk? For a full half an hour she planned on leaving her purse on the counter where peeps come into pay? That's why I had/have a problem with the time she was planning to close up shop regardless of what store hours are posted.
Why would you be cleaning a machine with your purse left out on the counter? Makes no sense.
Why would you grab your jacket and keep it on the counter for another half an hour? Makes no sense.
It takes 30 seconds to grab those two items as you're leaving - literally on your way out the door.
Because, how could she predict how many customers would show up between 11-11:30? One, three, five or seven? How would she know?
Would she remove her purse from the counter every time one of them entered the store? Makes no sense.

Cash drawer open and purse, with over four hundred dollars in it, on the counter. Jacket ready to go. Not closing for another half an hour. Something is wrong with this picture. If there was a chair behind the counter and her purse was there with the jacket thrown over it or something - that scenario I can accept. But, purse out, cash drawer open in plain sight, why?

Did she try to barter? As in take the money but leave me here? LE reports no evidence of a struggle inside. The way Jessica is described, she would have made noise or knocked something over if an abduction began inside.
Why would she leave all the cash unattended for any reason in the first place? Makes no sense.
Did someone stage that scene after someone else took her? In order to make it look like an attempted robbery? Still, doesn't make any sense because why not take the money (at least from her purse)? Did someone want the money left behind for the bf/little boy? Still, why is the cash drawer open?

Put yourself in her shoes. Okay, almost time to leave (still half an hour). Time to clean up, count cash - not at the same time though, right? I mean, you're not cleaning a machine while the cash drawer is open with your purse on the counter because someone else may still come in, right?

Would she retreat out back to help someone and leave those things out in the open for any reason? How hard is it to shut the cash drawer and tuck your purse under the counter at the very least if you're leaving the store - even for just a minute?
Let's pretend, you thought you were scoring some pot and planned to throw it into your own car and go back inside the gas station within a minute. Would you leave the cash out like that? No.
Why in the heck would she agree to step outside, in the back of the store no less, for any reason? If for drugs, why not wait until she was off work? Plus wouldn't she have grabbed her money from her purse? Did she have more money to begin with than what was found left behind in her purse? Had she already grabbed fifty or one hundred dollars from her purse which is why it was on the counter? Now this would be easy to track if she cashed a larger check earlier in the day. LE would question where the other money went since J was at work the rest of the day. If she purchased anything, it would be in her car with a receipt.

Is it possible to be that lackadaisical? Obviously, if you go out the back, someone can come in the front. No one, who is already a mother, would be that irresponsible, would they? Is there any indication that J and bf used drugs? Don't get upset because this is a possibility. A person can use drugs and still love their son. Someone can have an addiction and still be a good person until it takes them all the way down. I'm asking hard questions, not making accusations. Lots of young people use drugs and get mixed up with drugs - it's just a fact.

An inside job? With an accomplice? Hey, watch the counter while I go help so and so. Still, that trusting? Why?

She did tell her husband she was coming home early.

Posting a few images after playing around in "paint". These are screen grabs from the videos released to public. Curious if anybody thinks that circled portion is sillhoutte of someone on passenger side. If so, is it JH or an accomplice?

Also, can anyone advise if that route 31 is easily accessed once you leave the Exxon station. Seems to me it would make more sense to hop on the interstate where it appears there is an entrance just east of Exxon station and remove yourself from the area as fast as possible.

Oops one other thing, has there been any word if second vehicle in coin zone video cleared?


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To the best of my knowledge there has been no information on the second vehicle. My computer has a feature which magnifies the image each time you click the mouse. Others
must have similar features as well. Perhaps if the websleuths keep working with these videos they will be able to read the rear plate or the vanity plate on the front of the vehicle. It could have the dealers name. Good websluthing!
Does anyone have the quote about her saying she would be home early?
For some reason, I got the impression she meant she would be home right after work, or that she would be ready to go at closing, not that she would leave work early.
Does anyone have the quote about her saying she would be home early?
For some reason, I got the impression she meant she would be home right after work, or that she would be ready to go at closing, not that she would leave work early.

At 57 seconds in this video is where her fiancé says that she is going to be home early or earlier and come home quick, something to that effect....

Michigan Mother Jessica Heeringa Missing Believe Abducted from North Shores Gas Station - Video - AB - YouTube

Posting a few images after playing around in "paint". These are screen grabs from the videos released to public. Curious if anybody thinks that circled portion is sillhoutte of someone on passenger side. If so, is it JH or an accomplice?

Also, can anyone advise if that route 31 is easily accessed once you leave the Exxon station. Seems to me it would make more sense to hop on the interstate where it appears there is an entrance just east of Exxon station and remove yourself from the area as fast as possible.

Oops one other thing, has there been any word if second vehicle in coin zone video cleared?

Looks like it's easy to access US31 from the Exxon station. There's a map on this website:

It would be absolutely easy to access 31 from the station. It is practically on the corner there. Left out of the station and the entrance to either north or south 31 is right there.
One thing I have thought of (although I by no means think she left intentionally) would be..IF she did leave, with all the publicity...how hard, how almost impossible, would it be to come back now? Face everyone and have to say "I'm sorry..." would she face any legal repercussions?
People do disappear intentionally...there was the woman in Holland around that time who was found in Arizona ...and her family said the same thing...she would not leave her family, her job...
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