MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #8

DNA Solves
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Original reports indicated that Jessica was working that Friday night shift for someone else. She wasn't scheduled to work then but took the extra hours because she needed the money to take care of her son.

I wonder if it was our 'witness' she was covering for? and if so, did she ASK Jessica to work for her... or did Jessica ask her?
And if this was (as I believe) someone who knew Jessica and had a grudge for what ever reason... how did they know she was working? ( if it were planned in advance and not spontaneous of course...) They would have to know it was not the original employee working... and know WHEN Jessica was on...
I think it is likely that the person that took her is not a novice at this and that he is a hunter, seeking out (hunting) those he chooses as prey.

It seems sad that his skills are so unknown to the public. If he were to release her with a taunting note to LE letting them know he will strike again without being stopped it might propel him into star status like Zodiac or others. The public is pretty jaded so to them another kill is just another kill to read about or watch on TV before bedtime but for one to be released with a taunt to LE . . . now THAT might be something to pay attention to.

Am I angling to get her released? Sure but I am also saying there could be something in it for that hunter . . something maybe worth him taking that action. It's a thought.
(Putting myself in Jessica's shoes for a minute)
**I'm tired, it's late, it's getting towards the end of my shift. Customers are coming in, staggered. All I want to do is go home. Just getting up the energy to close. I need a soda/pop, or a cigarette break. Just a little something to get me through the last few minutes until I can finally go home. I prop the big back door so I can get my heavy bag/s through. Set my mop bucket up for dumping. At only 110lbs,it would take two hands for each bag, for all the days garbage (granted no one else took it out.) Soo tired. Ok. Time to stop. I've done a good job; the place is practically spotless. Time for a smoke? ..ding..one more customer. ::rolls eyes:: **

Time to look at the scene:
So on the night that Jess disappeared, the back door was propped open. The trash and mop bucket were ready to be dumped. She was finishing up her cleaning for the night.
She had her last customer..

When I worked for a major Hotel, and when I smoked, they would make us go out back and away from the entrances. I wonder if there was a designated "smoking spot" out back or just a spot they would "go smoke"? Many people stick to the usual spot so that they can be easily found by other employees, but not by customers.

If she was in her spot, and not at the door or in the store, she was probably out smoking. No sign of a struggle inside, blood droplet found by the door. The Last Known Location.

This brings me to a question.

I wonder how "secure" the scene was after Jessica disappeared. If they cordoned off the area and picked up every piece of possible trace evidence?
Supposing that Jess stepped out for a smoke at that or any point in time, or even had a cigarette with her abductor, whom she likely knew..IF they weren't already named POI they could have left behind some evidence of them being there..

Hopefully they can single out who is an employee (that would be smoking at the spot) and who didn't belong by a DNA sample on a cigarette butt. Hopefully they picked them up. I know it seems like a daunting, grueling test to go through every-single cigarette butt..not to mention costly and tedious. Plus have to get DNA from all the employees. But maybe it could pay off..
O/T but helpful. Watch what ONE woman can do with a cigarette butt's DNA:
Jenstar I think that is a great thought process and I really hope that the police thought of that angle. Especially the thought of going outside to have a cigarette break with a familiar face just waiting for the shift to end.

I really do not believe this was a random act- or even a predator that stalked her and chose to act when he did... I think that Jessica knew the person that took her. I feel that if she didn't there would have been more blood or evidence or a struggle at the scene.
What I don't understand is if Jessica was taking a cigarette break in the back, then why would Chief Shaw say this.....

" "It appears that Jessica was preparing to close the store when this incident occurred," said Chief Shaw. "Her purse and other belongings were found in the store undisturbed, along with cash in her purse. In addition, the cash box or tray for the cash register was also left out and there was no money missing." "


" "There's no sign of a struggle, no sign of anything inside the store being disturbed," Shaw said. "The cash drawer was sitting out and no money was missing. Her purse was in the store with 400-some dollars in it. It's just odd how that occurred." "


Why leave the store money in the cash box/tray out, and then go in the back to take a smoke break? To me, that mistake of leaving money left out, including her purse with money, left out for any customer to see and take, does not make sense. Since the money was not taken from the register tray and her purse, then no theft occurred there, but it is not a responsible thing to do, to leave the cash tray out and take a smoke break... so in my opinion, I don't think it happened that particular way.
I think something happened, and perhaps Jessica went out to look out the back. Maybe she was startled and propped up the back door to get back in, or maybe someone was waiting for her in the store that she was unaware was there and they took her out the back maybe??
Leaving the cash register tray out does not make sense to me.....
Maybe someone knocked her unconscious in the store and propped the back door open so he could take her out. She dropped the blood by the back door as she was carried out. I'm thinking the kidnapper propped the door. Jessica probably would not prop it with the cash drawer and her purse out and the front entrance still open. A sucker punch could knock her out, not really show signs of a struggle. She may not really have bled until being carried out.
What I don't understand is if Jessica was taking a cigarette break in the back, then why would Chief Shaw say this.....

" "It appears that Jessica was preparing to close the store when this incident occurred," said Chief Shaw. "Her purse and other belongings were found in the store undisturbed, along with cash in her purse. In addition, the cash box or tray for the cash register was also left out and there was no money missing." "


" "There's no sign of a struggle, no sign of anything inside the store being disturbed," Shaw said. "The cash drawer was sitting out and no money was missing. Her purse was in the store with 400-some dollars in it. It's just odd how that occurred." "


Why leave the store money in the cash box/tray out, and then go in the back to take a smoke break? To me, that mistake of leaving money left out, including her purse with money, left out for any customer to see and take, does not make sense. Since the money was not taken from the register tray and her purse, then no theft occurred there, but it is not a responsible thing to do, to leave the cash tray out and take a smoke break... so in my opinion, I don't think it happened that particular way.
I think something happened, and perhaps Jessica went out to look out the back. Maybe she was startled and propped up the back door to get back in, or maybe someone was waiting for her in the store that she was unaware was there and they took her out the back maybe??
Leaving the cash register tray out does not make sense to me.....

That's a GREAT point! :)
Let me add something here. So she was supposed to lock up, right? I remember going into my local gas station during shift change. The clerk that was working the register was "closing out". The receipts are printing out like crazy and the cash drawer was out on the counter.

In Jessica's case.. If the register was only supposed to have $50.00 in it (or whatever the amount the owner preferred), in different bills at all times. I'm assuming she had to wait for all the receipts to print, take out the difference in cash and deposit the balance into the safe. (That's just what I'm assuming since I've never actually worked at a gas station, but I've seen it done.)

I wonder if the receipts were printed and the deposit was dropped by the time she served her last customer?

Some cash registers wont let you make a transaction while the receipts are printing and the drawer is closing out.

Don't you think that if Jessica was "closing out" her drawer; that she would have put the drawer back BEFORE making her deposit and going out to smoke?

I'm thinking along the same lines as you guys are..but IF she made the deposit for that night's shift..she still left the drawer out on the counter unattended.

It could also be plausible that she would leave it out to smoke too. Maybe she was thinking that since it was "in sight" and there was a doorbell, she'd make it back in time to put everything away and everything would be fine..

I'd never condone that for the sake of any employee..but I can still see it as a possibility. JMHO
That's a GREAT point! :)
Let me add something here. So she was supposed to lock up, right? I remember going into my local gas station during shift change. The clerk that was working the register was "closing out". The receipts are printing out like crazy and the cash drawer was out on the counter.

In Jessica's case.. If the register was only supposed to have $50.00 in it (or whatever the amount the owner preferred), in different bills at all times. I'm assuming she had to wait for all the receipts to print, take out the difference in cash and deposit the balance into the safe. (That's just what I'm assuming since I've never actually worked at a gas station, but I've seen it done.)

I wonder if the receipts were printed and the deposit was dropped by the time she served her last customer?

Some cash registers wont let you make a transaction while the receipts are printing and the drawer is closing out.

Don't you think that if Jessica was "closing out" her drawer; that she would have put the drawer back BEFORE making her deposit and going out to smoke?

I'm thinking along the same lines as you guys are..but IF she made the deposit for that night's shift..she still left the drawer out on the counter unattended.

It could also be plausible that she would leave it out to smoke too. Maybe she was thinking that since it was "in sight" and there was a doorbell, she'd make it back in time to put everything away and everything would be fine..

I'd never condone that for the sake of any employee..but I can still see it as a possibility. JMHO

There was still maybe half hour left of her shift as the Exxon didn't close until 11:30PM, so I don't understand that she would have run her receipts,and close out the register that early.
I say this because CH arrived at 11:07PM and Jessica wasn't there and he called 911 at 11:15pm. So if she closed out the
register she would have closed it way earlier than she should have.
OR are you saying that she would make a Deposit at 11PM then the last deposit at 11:30PM?
That's the thing..it's up to the owners how soon you could close out your shift. I know that 10:45-10:55, seems pretty early. Depending on how busy it was, you could probably close out early due to a slow night. (That's how it was at the Hotel, anyways.) when I got off at 11pm, I could close the drawer an hour early on a slow night. JMHO

Just to take a census, and because I need milk. I'm going to head down the street to see what their policies are. And probably across the street too, to see what they think. :) bbs. :)
I guess I would be surprised if she were to close out the drawer early- they get a lot of 'regulars' from the factories nearby, and I assume 2nd shift would be getting out at 11..so would need gas, what have you, on the way home.
The drawer being out just escapes me. I just cant come up with a good scenario the involves the cash drawer being out.. unless she thought she was being robbed and took it out to give to the 'robber'....
Well, I didn't want to "creep anybody out" at the gas station. While I was in my car, I thought it best to ask the managers in the morning. I used to go in there for coffee everyday, and she knows me better than the brand new night shift girl. The turn-over rate for night shift is horrible there.
The census will have to wait, unfortunately.

I agree with you Cebee. Other than "closing her shift" and "being robbed" I don't see any other plausible scenarios. Moo, as always.

Probably something to ponder. Goodnight to all of you getting ready to turn in. And have a blessed day to all the morning people. :)
It seems to take awhile to close out the register, JMO! Before moving, I use to go to our 24hr store at all hours. I've seen the cashiers 'make a drop' or remove large bills, etc, before shift change, so they don't have a lot of moolah in the drawer. Granted all the regular cashiers also knew me, so didn't have a problem having the drawer out, and counting money while I was there. I'd drink a cup of coffee, and wait until they could ring me up. But I remember seeing them count the money, and put a rubber band or paper clip on the amounts they were counting. I never asked them if it was in hundreds or what denomination that had in each bundle.

Where could you be Jessica???
It seems to take awhile to close out the register, JMO! Before moving, I use to go to our 24hr store at all hours. I've seen the cashiers 'make a drop' or remove large bills, etc, before shift change, so they don't have a lot of moolah in the drawer. Granted all the regular cashiers also knew me, so didn't have a problem having the drawer out, and counting money while I was there. I'd drink a cup of coffee, and wait until they could ring me up. But I remember seeing them count the money, and put a rubber band or paper clip on the amounts they were counting. I never asked them if it was in hundreds or what denomination that had in each bundle.

Where could you be Jessica???

I thought at these gas stations where one girl is working alone any big bills or over a certain amount of cash had to go into the slot in the floor (safe that cant be opened) If I remember correctly they do not count the money they just put that money into that safe leaving so much in the drawer!
All she would really have to do is shut down the pumps and run the receipts!
There was still maybe half hour left of her shift as the Exxon didn't close until 11:30PM, so I don't understand that she would have run her receipts,and close out the register that early.
I say this because CH arrived at 11:07PM and Jessica wasn't there and he called 911 at 11:15pm. So if she closed out the
register she would have closed it way earlier than she should have.
OR are you saying that she would make a Deposit at 11PM then the last deposit at 11:30PM?

I worked in retail for a bit and it was quite common to do as much of the 'closing up' jobs as possible (including depositing as much of the cash as possible) in the last hour/half hour of our shift in order to save having to do as much once the shop had closed.

We were always eager to get away as soon after closing as possible because we were only paid until the shop shut, so any time spent after that was our time and we didn't want to spend it doing jobs that we could have done before the shop shut.

I bet that Jessica was only paid until closing time, so she probably sorted out the cash register as much as she could ahead of closing time, to minimise the time it would take to get it done after closing. The lateness of her shift probably made her even more eager to make sure that she could get away quickly after closing time.
I don't know the layout of that particular drawer for the cash register but I was wondering if Jessica was ever in the habit of putting anything else in there for safekeeping during her shift or if there was space for other items. I don't know what that might be - jewellery, another phone etc - but just a thought about why the drawer might be out but with no money missing, i.e. if she had removed something else that she had stored there earlier, to give to someone else she was expecting, who then arrived.

Clutching at straws a bit, I know.
She may have been preparing to close the drawer out and be taking out what she could while still making it possible to ring up any last minute customers still making their way in.

I keep thinking that something drew her to the back door while she was in the middle of counting the drawer and I don't feel it was a break or a smoke or fresh air. I feel like she heard something or someone and was checking out what was going on.
I don't know how Jessica and this store did it.
But in the couple different stores I've worked at this is how I've always done it and might actually explain a lot.

If you get over a certain amount of cash threw out ur shift you put that money in the safe. They usually are a safe you can put money in but only the boss can take money out. You also have to do it in 100's. So you would make a drop for 500's 100's 300's just deep ends how much you've gone over. And you have to wright that down.

At the end of the night and this goes for pretty much any where I've worked with a cashier. Is there is an amount you start with. Most places I've seen its $150 broke down. And at the start of your shift you count to make sure that you have the right amount and at the end of the night you count down the till. The best way to do this is to count out you $150 and then do the rest and see if it all matches up. If not all well there still no matter what has to be that $150 in the draw.

So if Jessica is anything like me and every other girl whos ever closed and wanted out early. You count out the $150 a little while before close. Then at the end of the night its all ready done. All you have to do is count out the deposit amount and lock up and leave.

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Sorry my grammar is so bad. This smart phone isn't so smart. Lol

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I worked in retail for a bit and it was quite common to do as much of the 'closing up' jobs as possible (including depositing as much of the cash as possible) in the last hour/half hour of our shift in order to save having to do as much once the shop had closed.

We were always eager to get away as soon after closing as possible because we were only paid until the shop shut, so any time spent after that was our time and we didn't want to spend it doing jobs that we could have done before the shop shut.

I bet that Jessica was only paid until closing time, so she probably sorted out the cash register as much as she could ahead of closing time, to minimise the time it would take to get it done after closing. The lateness of her shift probably made her even more eager to make sure that she could get away quickly after closing time.

The thing is, I also worked retail, and one retail job lasted 17 years for me, and NO, we were not allowed to count the money early before closing. We also had to run the z tape. We did add up the checks and staple the adding machine tape of totals to the top check and the same with the credit card receipts adding a total to that as well, but as for the money, no, the money was counted in the office After we closed, and a set amount was left in the register till After the store closed, for the next morning. And no, I did not get paid for the time after we closed. It was a Mom and Pop business, and it didn't take too long after close to get it done.
As with retail jobs, evidently, people run things differently. As seen on this thread that it is quite diverse.
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