MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #8

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I'm probably reading too much into it..but when he says. "There's a car here..There's another car here.."
Doesn't another seem exasperated/frustrated and a little disappointed? Almost if he knows the car. And knows that the person that drives the other car is supposed to be in there working?

The tone he takes is almost: "I can't believe ___ isn't here..to wait on me. They're always right here.."

He also puts the same emphasis on "behind the counter"..

Also in this version, it's edited to where there's no bleeping. Almost like they released just the information we "needed to know". Because.. not everyone needs to know. Seems legit.
However, in YOUR 911 call, I hear him start to say something right after he describes the vehicles and it's bleeped for a long period of time.
That may be where he identifies who the other car belongs to. Of course that's moo and my speculation.

I agree, and I think also that he was giving the license plate numbers as well to the vehicles.
Well, We've got a Timeline and a theory. Anyone else want to chime in and help connect the dots? Just remember we can't point fingers or name people..but we can stitch together our own scenario. Keeping it as close to reality as possible. (yes, that means No Aliens..) lol
In gas stations I worked at the employee has to push a button to okay a gas transaction. So not sure if the gas pump would have been shut off. But somebody had to of rung something up other then jessica

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Ditto. You would still be able to use a credit card, but for cash (or in other words "pre-authorized" purchases) you'd need someone to press an approval on the pump. The absence of that does not mean someone shut the pumps off. (because in essence, they are already "shut off."

Well, We've got a Timeline and a theory. Anyone else want to chime in and help connect the dots? Just remember we can't point fingers or name people..but we can stitch together our own scenario. Keeping it as close to reality as possible. (yes, that means No Aliens..) lol

What's your theory? I'd love to chime in.

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What's your theory? I'd love to chime in.

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So far; All i've got is this and it's all theoretical.

#1. The unknown car in the parking lot belonged to an abductor that was also a co-worker.
#2. It wasn't Jessica who'd closed out the last transaction on the register.
#3. Unknown person who left their car at the station, left in the suspect van with Jessica and was in the back with her at the time of the abduction.

I know that there's plenty of plausible scenarios. This was just one that I stitched together,EDIT: of course with the help of the timeline and everyone else here. (sorry to seem like I was acting like it was "all my idea" I state MOO at the end of everything that I can't presume as fact due it it being my opinion.) MOO as always.
There has always been a few things I've always believed from pretty much day one.

One is that the sketch was bunk and the witness has a reason then to make that up. My question was just why?

Two I always felt this was something done out of a grudge of some type. I didn't think it had to do with drugs or money. So that lead me to always think it had to of been a love triangle. But what confused me was why would the witness be involved then? Unless if it were a guy she was dating.....or?

And three there is more then just a few people who know.

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I'm not sure how I feel about someone who was involved leaving there car at the store.

But maybe that employee who you think left the car there and helped take Jessica was really there to clean up so it didn't look anything was wrong. But panicked and left with them.

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There has always been a few things I've always believed from pretty much day one.

One is that the sketch was bunk and the witness has a reason then to make that up. My question was just why?

Two I always felt this was something done out of a grudge of some type. I didn't think it had to do with drugs or money. So that lead me to always think it had to of been a love triangle. But what confused me was why would the witness be involved then? Unless if it were a guy she was dating.....or?

And three there is more then just a few people who know.

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I think your hunch is correct. Also, I'm just supposing that the witness could or would at some point be placed at the scene. So instead of waiting to be questioned like a suspect, she acted like a witness. IIRC, the witness is related to the POI. And some families would do anything for one another. JMHO
This is the only case, in recent memory, where the alleged perp was so well-described (including his height) and a photo and description of his van was revealed, yet no one publicly came forward, especially in the beginning. That always made me question if the description was accurate or even a real person, frankly. Now the pieces are coming together, thanks to locals pointing fingers and disclosing some interesting information. It may all not be true, but there is a lot of smoke, IMHO.
I know this will all come out in the wash, eventually. Something irked me about the car since the very beginning, but I never thought that there could or would be two or more people involved until putting up the timeline. A second car just fits for me in that scenario. I can totally see something "getting out of hand" and someone calling for help, or even meeting that person there, in-case something did get out of hand. If Jess were the only person to see the other car pull-up no one else would be able to say when the car got there, or why.
IF it were the person that worked the shift before Jessica's..they could say they left it there because it wouldn't start at the end of their shift..and planned to get it the next day.
Or like I said before..they could say they stopped somewhere safe, car troubles..etc.

I know it could be completely unrelated..but as small as that town is..and the tight little circle we're dealing with..it seems like an untied loose end that ties itself, now.

It would help if LE could say.. "Ok, yes, there was a vehicle at the scene..but it didn't have any connection to the case..it was a customer's car, a friend of the owner's, or whomever it was..who didn't know Jess at all."
Then, I'd be ok with it..let it go and say "thanks for the info, sorry about any misunderstanding" and then, back to the drawing board..

I guess in the end, we're all trying really hard to find Jess. Wherever she may be. My heart goes out to her family.. and I gotta admit I'm really angry that someone out there KNOWS. And someone's going to tell eventually. I just hope it happens before it's too late, if it's not too late already.

As always. MOO
jenstar: :tyou: for reviving the discussion about the night that Jessica went missing. I think that LE has a good idea who is responsible but not enough to make an arrest and/or insure conviction. I believe that Jessica was taken by someone she knew to teach her a lesson. I think that someone (probably female) was jealous of Jessica for some reason and recruited someone to abduct the young woman.

I believe that the abduction was planned, carefully orchestrated, and conducted with an "audience" to watch what went down. The sketch is bogus and more of a composite of a couple of people known to the "witness" rather than a rendering of the actual abductor.

There's likely a small circle of folks who know what happened. They aren't going to squeal because each of them probably has "the goods" on the others, so they keep mum and hope that this just goes away. :moo:

Another tidbit that might be worth reconsideration: Did Jessica have her own cell phone in addition to the one that she supposedly shared with Dakotah? Her fiancé claimed that HE had their cell phone but LE found a cell phone with Jessica's purse on the counter at the Exxon station. If this is true, LE probably knows whether or not Jess had her own cell phone and recent activity on the phone.
jenstar: :tyou: for reviving the discussion about the night that Jessica went missing. I think that LE has a good idea who is responsible but not enough to make an arrest and/or insure conviction. I believe that Jessica was taken by someone she knew to teach her a lesson. I think that someone (probably female) was jealous of Jessica for some reason and recruited someone to abduct the young woman.

I believe that the abduction was planned, carefully orchestrated, and conducted with an "audience" to watch what went down. The sketch is bogus and more of a composite of a couple of people known to the "witness" rather than a rendering of the actual abductor.

There's likely a small circle of folks who know what happened. They aren't going to squeal because each of them probably has "the goods" on the others, so they keep mum and hope that this just goes away. :moo:

Another tidbit that might be worth reconsideration: Did Jessica have her own cell phone in addition to the one that she supposedly shared with Dakotah? Her fiancé claimed that HE had their cell phone but LE found a cell phone with Jessica's purse on the counter at the Exxon station. If this is true, LE probably knows whether or not Jess had her own cell phone and recent activity on the phone.

I also wonder if "teaching Jessica a lesson", could mean that Jessica had some info on someone else and that if Jessica would tell, then that would change the dynamic of that person's life, or frankly, someone just didn't want Jessica around anymore, for whatever their particular reasons were.
Don't talk about moderation in the threads and don't cast accusations at folks who are not name POI/suspects.

If you have questions, pm a moderator.

<Mod Snip> but regardless, if anyone besides Jessica had been behind the register, I am sure that someone would have said
" that is not the gal who rang me up... " ( even if the last few people did not hear of the abduction, would have been way too risky... you never know who will come in... ) So my guess is that Jessica was disappeared after that last transaction. BUT... If I pulled up..could not get my gas to pump... woudl I have gone in to check? Or would I have said " well, screw this! I will just go to Meijer and get gas..." assuming the clerk was just in the back, or what ever. Perhaps someone even came in.. tried to buy cigarettes... found no one in there and again, assumed the clerk was just busy ( or in the office or on the phone... what ever... ) and got annoyed and left. So we dont really know if there was anyone after the last transaction... just that no one else thought to call the police...

I cant say I would have called the police if I were not a regular. I bought gas there ONCE ( and the station creeped me out!) But if I had tried to pump gas ( it was after 10pm ) and no one had authorized the pump... I probably would have just been PO'd and left... Luckily for Jess, the person who came in was a regular and was alarmed...
That last transaction could of been how the perp broke the ice. And doubled check to make sure no one els was around.

That could be the very time she was attacked.

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In this article:

"Police have said Heeringa&#8217;s last sale was made at 10:50 p.m"

"A fellow Exxon Mobil employee was driving past when she saw a minivan drive behind the station, Kasher said. The woman turned around, drove past the station again and saw a man &#8212; who has been described as being about 30 to 40 years old &#8212; getting into the van, Kasher said."
<mod snip>
Original reports indicated that Jessica was working that Friday night shift for someone else. She wasn't scheduled to work then but took the extra hours because she needed the money to take care of her son.
Don't talk about moderation in the threads and don't cast accusations at folks who are not name POI/suspects.

If you have questions, pm a moderator.



I'd like to add, facebook info should be handled as 'rumors.' Please do not bring rumors to this thread. LE and MSM info only please.

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