Deceased/Not Found MI - Jozlynn Martinez, 2, Grand Rapids, 24 Feb 2010

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The 2 yr. old isn't his. The 7 month old is.

Want to bet he traded her for drugs?


This was my first thought too.
Now, since he has been arrested and does not have the child, I would almost bet my house that he either sold her for drugs, or something horrible happened in that home and this is a cover.

Apparently the large sum of money was from her tax refund.

Also from above link:

When asked if there were any reason not to believe Consuela's story, Sgt. Mark Mathis of the Grand Rapids Police Department said, “not that I have, no. We're going by all the information she's given us and what we've got.”

Grand Rapids Police are hoping to have more information from Malmberg soon, but even if he can deliver Jozlynn home safely, her mother says that's not good enough.

“I want him to be put in jail for this, it's been too long since I've seen her,” said Consuela. “I see these little girls and they remind me of my daughter and I start crying.”

This was my first thought too.
Now, since he has been arrested and does not have the child, I would almost bet my house that he either sold her for drugs, or something horrible happened in that home and this is a cover.


I would think he sold her for drugs, too, except he supposedly took all that cash from mom. I want to know what she was doing with all that money, too. Maybe buying a car or something? I just think if he wanted to go on a drug run the money was there and why would he bother with the baby?
Good heavens...

something drastically wrong here

when a so called "EX" crack addict takes $2500 out of your purse (and why so much $$ in cash anyhow?) well...what do you think is going on>??

Mom thought they were out doing "errands"??

and now HE is found and the little girl is still missing?? unreal

I am hoping for the best but the worst would not surprise me.
This has the all too familiar feel of a "mom" who disregards her child's safety
and even her own just to have a "guy" in her life...and what a guy..
ex crack addict....?? "ex"? hmmmmm
iwth the absence of rape sounds the most plausble of all at this point moo
Can someone connected with LE (or someone who's smarter than me) explain to me why a child abductor has to be carted all the way back to his hometown BEFORE he is interrogated about the missing child he 'allegedly' kidnapped? Why can't the LE WHERE HE WAS FOUND interrogate him?
It seems like we're wasting a lot of time driving him back....especially if he's recently done something/sold this child. Isn't time of the essence here?

Oh, this is complete rumor, but this poster claims to know the family....and it doesn't sound pretty. He sounds legit...but who knows...see 'jrivers'..currently the last poster to comment.
Can someone connected with LE (or someone who's smarter than me) explain to me why a child abductor has to be carted all the way back to his hometown BEFORE he is interrogated about the missing child he 'allegedly' kidnapped? Why can't the LE WHERE HE WAS FOUND interrogate him?
It seems like we're wasting a lot of time driving him back....especially if he's recently done something/sold this child. Isn't time of the essence here?

Oh, this is complete rumor, but this poster claims to know the family....and it doesn't sound pretty. He sounds legit...but who knows...see 'jrivers'..currently the last poster to comment.

Ooops, you beat me to it. I wish there was some way to have the page automatically refresh.
Oh crap this guy is from by me. He actually lives in Big Rapids MI, which is about an hour north of Grand Rapids.
This has been all over the local news all day. National would be good. I'm upset that LE didn't issue the Amber Alert yesterday, when Consuela reported her 2 y.o. daughter and $2800 and "ex" crackhead boyfriend missing!! WTH? The child is reported missing on Tuesday but the Amber Alert isn't issued until Wednesday? How does that work?

I just saw Jozlynn's mother on the news. She seems pretty distraught.
Looks like he is currently living in Hudsonville MI. Possible the Big Rapids address is not current. Wonder what he was doing in Lansing.
Reading about their past "history" of a protective order that she dropped..this is all too familiar...he has a record, not horrible..but not surprising

"ex crack addict">> with $2800 in his pocket I doubt he was "ex"

but why take this sweet little girl?? what the h??

why? what did he do with her??

I am also betting that the info on CPS or whatever they call it in their state is right...(DFC or whatever)....

I bet they have been called in before, yet another case of people who are already "known" to the courts, and/or child services...and it sure sounds like another case of a mom making some horribly bad decisions, keeping a creep in her life just to have a (so called) "man"
Definitly not an ex- this is from wood tv 8 Grand rapids.

Amber Alert suspect found, girl missing
2-year-old Jozlynn Mari Martinez
Updated: Wednesday, 24 Feb 2010, 11:49 PM EST
Published : Wednesday, 24 Feb 2010, 3:12 PM EST

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) - In the case of an Amber Alert issued for a 2-year-old Grand Rapids girl, Jozlynn Mari Martinez remains missing and a suspect who police believed had the child has been located in Lansing.

Jozlynn was last seen in her bed at 11 p.m. Monday. Her mom, Consuela Martinez, woke up at 9 a.m. Tuesday and noticed the girl and the suspect, Jeffrey Lynn Malmberg, were gone from the home they shared in the 900 block of Nagold.

Malmberg, Martinez's boyfriend of about 1.5 years
, was arrested by Lansing police at around 6:45 p.m. Wednesday and driven back to Grand Rapids.

"I don't know where she is, who she's with," Martinez said. " ... I'm scared."

Police initially said Malmberg took the child and $2,800 in cash from Martinez's purse.

Martinez, 21, believed Malmberg had taken Jozlynn on errands and would be returning. Though she checked with family and friends throughout the day, Martinez was not able to locate her daughter or her boyfriend.

"Yeah, I think they were running errands and everything, because they do that a lot, and all of a sudden, they never came home," Martinez said. "You would never expect somebody to come in your home and take your child."
Yuck she is 21 and she is dating a 40 year old....IMO.
I hate these cases. :banghead:

Does this sweet baby have a daddy? Grandparents, aunts, uncles? From her description, bald spot on head, walks with feet turned in....2 years old and 22 pounds? Mom with live in boyfriend.....same pathetic story we've seen over and over. :furious::furious:
I hate these cases. :banghead:

Does this sweet baby have a daddy? Grandparents, aunts, uncles? From her description, bald spot on head, walks with feet turned in....2 years old and 22 pounds? Mom with live in boyfriend.....same pathetic story we've seen over and over. :furious::furious:

NOT to mention a "scab" on her chin...

that reminds me of the "description" of poor little Marc in NY..."burn scars on his hands"....

This is just so heartbreaking....of course I am betting that we will find a past history of social service visits, along with the "boyfriend"s" various court cases, jail time etc

It is hard to figute this out though....the "ex" crack addict had money in his pocket...why would he take her along with him if he was out for a drug run?? why?? Jozlynn was sleeping...his own son was sleeping...why take her??

Not to mention that he has been there most of her life, for the past 1 and 1/2 years...why would he suddenly do this??

It doesn't make sense that he would suddenly "sell" her for crack..not when he has $2800 to spend...

what else?? maybe he was planning to make his run and she woke up and he "silenced" her or took her along so that she would not wake her Mom (who would then find him taking her money?)

IF he had been off on a binge/run and was "coming down"...then yeah I might saw he took her to "sell" her...but NOT at the beginning of a "run"

Did he buy drugs and was doing them and maybe she was curious and took some drugs and od'd?? and ??

I don't know....I can't think of any "good" scenario here...nothing good at all really. I hope this baby is alive but it sure does not look good

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