Deceased/Not Found MI - Jozlynn Martinez, 2, Grand Rapids, 24 Feb 2010

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DNA Solves
I hate these cases. :banghead:

Does this sweet baby have a daddy? Grandparents, aunts, uncles? From her description, bald spot on head, walks with feet turned in....2 years old and 22 pounds? Mom with live in boyfriend.....same pathetic story we've seen over and over. :furious::furious:

In one of the videos, where the young blonde reporter with the black hat is telling the story, she says that the mom has an open CPS case because the biodad turned her in for filthy conditions. So it sounds like the biodad is interested in his daughter and her well-being.

I can't imagine why this took the child. The mom says they had an argument that lasted about 15 minutes Monday night, then they kissed and made up, but in the morning he is gone with the child.

I'm not buying it - I think something else is going on, but I'm not sure what. We need to know who the last person was to see the child outside of her mother or the mother's boyfriend.

My hinky meter is on high alert here. Logical Minds spelled it out pretty well. If the guy had been on a binge and he didn't want it to end, then I could see him selling or trading her for drugs. But he had all that money..... he hadn't started his binge yet. A child would have been a huge inconvenience and unnecessary. So where is this baby?

Malmberg often cares for Jozlynn and takes her places, so Martinez wasn't alarmed initially when the two were not in the apartment when she woke up at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

"He left the house key and the doors downstairs unlocked," Martinez said.

Martinez waited several hours and then noticed her income tax return of $2800 was missing from her purse, so she called police.

"There is no past history of this," said Grand Rapids Police Sergeant Mark Mathis.

Sergeant Mathis arrived at Martinez' Northwest side home in the 900 block of Nagold Street Wednesday evening. Mathis, along with two other Grand Rapids Police investigators were re-checking the apartment and going over facts with Martinez when they were informed Malmberg was arrested in Lansing and en-route to Grand Rapids.

"We're still checking some other things to see if perhaps he dropped the child off or if the child is somewhere else," Sergeant Mathis said.

Martinez said she was felt some relief when police told her they found Malmberg, but that quickly changed when she was informed her daughter was not with him.

"He would normally never trust anyone with Jozlynn," said Martinez. Martinez says Malmberg has history of drug abuse. Martinez says she filed a Personal Protection Order against Malmberg because he threatened to kill her while she was pregnant with her second child. Martinez says she later withdrew the order.

The night before Jozlynn was taken, Martinez says she briefly argued with Malmberg about money. Martinez says it makes sense if Malmberg stole her cash, but she doesn't now why he would take her daughter, and leave his biological 7 month old son.

"I know all his friends are from Big Rapids, Remus but nobody in Lansing," said Martinez.

Martinez hopes Malmberg's arrest lead to her daughter's safe return.

"Anybody could have gotten to her and hurt her. I hope she knows that I love her," Martinez said.
NOT to mention a "scab" on her chin...

that reminds me of the "description" of poor little Marc in NY..."burn scars on his hands"....

This is just so heartbreaking....of course I am betting that we will find a past history of social service visits, along with the "boyfriend"s" various court cases, jail time etc

It is hard to figute this out though....the "ex" crack addict had money in his pocket...why would he take her along with him if he was out for a drug run?? why?? Jozlynn was sleeping...his own son was sleeping...why take her??

Not to mention that he has been there most of her life, for the past 1 and 1/2 years...why would he suddenly do this??

It doesn't make sense that he would suddenly "sell" her for crack..not when he has $2800 to spend...

what else?? maybe he was planning to make his run and she woke up and he "silenced" her or took her along so that she would not wake her Mom (who would then find him taking her money?)

IF he had been off on a binge/run and was "coming down"...then yeah I might saw he took her to "sell" her...but NOT at the beginning of a "run"

Did he buy drugs and was doing them and maybe she was curious and took some drugs and od'd?? and ??

I don't know....I can't think of any "good" scenario here...nothing good at all really. I hope this baby is alive but it sure does not look good
BBM. I can't think of a single "good" scenario either.

Sadly, I think your theories are on the right path. Only IMO, he took the money because he owed a large drug debt. (That explains the argument about money the night before). Perhaps he took Jozlynn with him to give partial payment on that debt, hoping they would not do anything to him with this tiny child there. Perhaps the drug runner(s) took Jozlynn as payment for the last of his debt or as collateral until he pays the rest off. It gives me hope she might still be alive, but now that he's arrested, she may not be for long. :(

My other theory at this time is that he took the money, bought some crack, got a room for he and Jozlynn and had himself what he considers "A good time". Sorry, I just can't say the words right now. :furious::furious::furious:

Praying for Jozlynn, I hope they find her safe and soon.
Then shame on police for not putting out the Alert earlier. jmo

He stole money and a child that wasn't his. Clearly his intentions are not good.

What the hell is the point of having an Amber Alert system in place if it isn't going to be used properly???

The suspect was last seen in the city of Grand Rapids around 2pm on 2/22, but the child was not with him.
"There is no past history of this," said Grand Rapids Police Sergeant Mark Mathis.

Martinez says Malmberg has history of drug abuse. Martinez says she filed a Personal Protection Order against Malmberg because he threatened to kill her while she was pregnant with her second child. Martinez says she later withdrew the order.

Dear God almighty.
I am trying to think of "good" scenarios here and none are coming up...

I am not at all surprised to see that social services was involved here...I am trying to make a list of "children cases" where social services was involved prior to "tragedy"...and it is long.....a list of cases where they were NOT involved would be much shorter and easier to put together it seems

I have to laugh at the cop "There is no past history of this," said Grand Rapids Police Sergeant Mark Mathis.

Well hello Sgt....she had a protective order when he "tried to kill her when she was pregnant".....Jozelyn's biodad had CPS on her case for filthy living is 21, not married to her 40 year old baby daddy who is an "ex" uh humm crack addict....with a history of other crimes,

"no past history"?? wow

I just can't imagine why a crack addict with $2800 about to start a run would take a little girl?

IF he "owed" money to dealers...I don't think even his girlfriend would be callling him an "ex" crack addict. IMHO crack is not something that people can do "socially" like is not something that they can "function" on like an addiction to prescription pills

so if he was "out there" and active it would be easy to see

IF he had people who wanted to "buy" or "rent" (gag me) Jozelyn, why wouldn't he have done this long before?? Why wait till when he has $2800?

That is what "logically" confuses me here....without the money in hand it would make more (sorry) "sense"....but this ???

Of course, there is ONE person who knows all the answers to this sad "mystery"....he is sitting there in jail..if only they could "make" him talk

The news showed Consuela being taken into police custody for questioning and said that she was still at police headquarters in G.R. as of 6 A.M.

What happened to Jozlynn? Where is she? And what is Jeffrey saying to police? He was arrested yesterday, what's his story? Why aren't they telling us anything?
I am trying to think of "good" scenarios here and none are coming up...

I am not at all surprised to see that social services was involved here...I am trying to make a list of "children cases" where social services was involved prior to "tragedy"...and it is long.....a list of cases where they were NOT involved would be much shorter and easier to put together it seems

I have to laugh at the cop "There is no past history of this," said Grand Rapids Police Sergeant Mark Mathis.

Well hello Sgt....she had a protective order when he "tried to kill her when she was pregnant".....Jozelyn's biodad had CPS on her case for filthy living is 21, not married to her 40 year old baby daddy who is an "ex" uh humm crack addict....with a history of other crimes,

"no past history"?? wow

I just can't imagine why a crack addict with $2800 about to start a run would take a little girl?

IF he "owed" money to dealers...I don't think even his girlfriend would be callling him an "ex" crack addict. IMHO crack is not something that people can do "socially" like is not something that they can "function" on like an addiction to prescription pills Good point, but many cases start out with people hiding these kinds of things. It would NOT surprise me to hear people start coming out in the next few days or weeks to say he was still doing drugs, IMO.
so if he was "out there" and active it would be easy to see

IF he had people who wanted to "buy" or "rent" (gag me) Jozelyn, why wouldn't he have done this long before?? Why wait till when he has $2800? It's possible he did something like this before, the mother herself said he took Jozlynn to "run errands" all the time and that was not out of the ordinary. The child sounds like she wasn't being well cared for, so it wouldn't be hard for me to believe the mother wouldn't notice a "change" in Jozlynn or DID notice and didn't care, again IMO.

That is what "logically" confuses me here....without the money in hand it would make more (sorry) "sense"....but this ???

Of course, there is ONE person who knows all the answers to this sad "mystery"....he is sitting there in jail..if only they could "make" him talk

I know. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

My notes in red.
I am wondering if the mother wasnt involved from the beginning. Who says that Jeff ever even had her? They could have gotten into a fight the night before and he left her, who knows. She could have easily made the whole thing up, including the $$ being stolen. It does not appear that she has a record, but I am having a hard time telling.
I am wondering if the mother wasnt involved from the beginning. Who says that Jeff ever even had her? They could have gotten into a fight the night before and he left her, who knows. She could have easily made the whole thing up, including the $$ being stolen. It does not appear that she has a record, but I am having a hard time telling.

That thought crossed my mind also. It wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, unfortunately.
Record or not, she kept this (ex?) drug addict in her life, around her children, even after he threatened to kill her while pregnant with his OWN son. She obviously didn't have the absolute best of morals, JMO.
Good points about the bio-mom

I hope they can get the truth out of her..and /or out of him

I hope it is not too late for poor little Jozelyn...the first hours are so critical

Other possible scenarios....they were fighting over what to do with the tax refund money....somehow Jozelyn was injured or ?? during their fight?

He was already using the money at the house...getting high..and somehow hurt Jozelyn??

It would not surprise me if the bio-mom was involved....

I hope the baby boy is in protective custody now...and I hope that somehow somewhere Jozelyn is found safe and sound

Also "ex" crack addict is a misnomer IMHO>>> "recovering" crack addict would be the proper term...all just a drink/hit away from back in their misery

It will not surprise me to see that there was violence in that home, drug use and who knows??
I hope the baby boy is in protective custody now...and I hope that somehow somewhere Jozelyn is found safe and sound

When they showed Consuela being put into the back of the police cruiser, she had Brian, the 7 month old, in her arms. So as of last night it appears as though he is still in the custody of the mother.
Man accused of abducting still-missing 2-year-old to be arraigned
February 25, 2010, 10:19AM

GRAND RAPIDS -- Jeffrey Malmberg, the man accused of abducting 2-year-old Jozlynn Martinez, who remains missing, is scheduled to be arraigned at 1:30 p.m. today by video on kidnapping and larceny allegations, Grand Rapids District Court records show.

Malmberg was arrested Wednesday night in Lansing about three hours after police announced they were looking for him in connection with Jozlynn's disappearance.

Authorities say Malmberg, 40, took the girl, who is the daughter of his girlfriend, Consuela Martinez, without permission sometime Monday night or early Tuesday. Malmberg also allegedly stole $2,800 from the woman's purse.

Police have questioned Malmberg, but it's unclear what he has divulged to investigators. Detectives have not said if they have leads on Jozlynn's location or her well-being.

Martinez, 21, was being questioned by police.
I would have to think if the LE has questioned him but have not recovered her yet, that it is not a good situation. I think if she was alive and well just at a sitters house he would have told them that to get out of jail. I wonder if they have tried air scent dogs for y
Moms story is hinky. She has a 2 yr. old and a 7 mo. old and she doesn't get up til 9am? She takes out a PPO on her baby daddy...which he ignores and is arrested at least twice for.....then she drops it?? What were she and her prince arguing about the night before? Are any of Jozlynns clothes missing? Did she figure he took Jozlynn to "run errands" in her jammies?


Here we go..
I hope Consuela isn't being dishonest and didn't harm her own child. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but we all know how often that really happens and I have to admit that I'm very suspicious, so many things that make NO sense. I just hope it isn't the case here. I'm so sick of mothers harming their own children. I'm just sick of children being harmed, PERIOD, mother or not.

I wish Jozlynn's biological father would speak out and make a plea for her safe return.
From the link above....the 7 month old has been removed from moms care....

Guess LE sees some hink in her "story", also.
Well apparently le knows a lot more than what they are saying. Looks like they are getting Kent county search and rescue inolved, including HRD dogs.

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