MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #2

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snipped from article (see bessie's post #83) explanation of Rear Naked Choke hold: http://breakingmuscle.com/martial-a...choke-or-what-happens-when-you-get-choked-out

--If you train Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), chances are you’ve been on the receiving end of a rear naked choke (RNC).

--And Dr. Charlie noted that, “All subjects regained consciousness without any lasting deficit or injury.”

This indicates to me that a person can be strangulated without leaving signs, and needs to weapon other than hands. Am I wrong?We had many posts made about that same time, starting about #77 and discussed how asphyxiation or strangulation could occur without leaving marks. Too tired to go through them all right now, though.

Also from bessie's post #83: http://ymaa.com/articles/use-neck-cranks-or-chokes-to-fight-an-adversary

--By restricting the blood flow in those arteries, you can impede the oxygen flow to the brain. After a short time in an oxygen-depressed state, the brain effectively goes to sleep. A carotid choke is relatively safe because if you let off shortly after the other guy loses consciousness, he should revive.

--You can stop or restrict the flow of air to the lungs by compressing the trachea. This causes suffocation, a condition that if left untreated will rapidly lead to unconsciousness, brain damage, and death.

--Be subtle when applying a choke, do not make your intentions known (paraphrased)
An attack to the neck is perceived as life threatening. While you might be choking to knock the other guy out, he is bound to think you are intent on killing him. Once he feels the choke, he is going to switch on his “fight or flight” reflex immediately and instinctively. You’ll be in for a wild ride. You need to be sneaky and subtle. Not showing your intent until it is too late is the key to getting a successful choke or crank begun.

Once it’s on properly, an untrained opponent will very unlikely get away from your technique until you choose to release him. An important ingredient in successful choking is control. In most cases, this means controlling your opponent’s hips with your legs. If you have a solid hold, he cannot buck you off of him or find some way to squirm away and break your chokehold.
In a standing choke, this might simply mean dragging him backward so that he cannot get his feet under him or achieve any leverage to take the pressure off and continue the fight. In groundwork, that typically means controlling his hips with your legs.

Perhaps none of these techniques would leave signs of asphyxiation/suffocation?

Asphyxiation and suffocation are terms often used interchangeably. I don't put a lot into Julia's death being attributed to one or the other for that reason. However, there is a technical difference. Do we need to be that specific here? I don't know. If so, asphyxiation would seem to involve a chemical being applied and suffocation would be cutting off the air supply. If a chemical was applied over her face that "knocked her out", it is likely that there would be no marks to indicate,= == and possibly it would not show up on a tox report?

[h=3]What's the difference between "asphyxiation" and "suffocation"? http://www.ehss.vt.edu/detail_pages/faq_details.php?faq_id=140
Asphyxiation can occur when a substance, such as carbon dioxide, interferes with the oxygenization of tissue. Suffocation can occur when the air supply to the body is blocked from entering the body. Unfortunately, the results can be the same - death.
Anyone have a clue as to whether a substance on a rag would leave any indication of a struggle? How quickly would unconsciousness occur? (and I still come back to someone with martial arts skills would be capable of without causing injury) This possibility is one I had not considered, but it is making some sense to me at the moment.

asphyxiate http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/asphyxiation

verb (used with object), asphyxiated, asphyxiating. 1. to produce asphyxia in.

2. to cause to die or lose consciousness by impairing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate; smother.

verb (used without object), asphyxiated, asphyxiating. 3. to become asphyxiated.
I had anxiety reading those descriptions. It's so very possible.....and we know who has those skills.
This is so dang creepy. I really hope LE has enough to get this Perp behind bars, and soon. It is not safe for this predator to be on the streets.
I wonder how quickly one would lose consciousness if a toxic cleaning agent had been put on a rag and then over a face/nose.
Trojan1966, I'm not sure how to ask this, but why did some of the family believe that Turnquist is capable of child abuse, molestation, if not of his children then what appears to be others', at least in his mind, as he is waiting for his day in circuit court?

Thank you very much for continuing to clear things up.

From the very start of Kim & Jim's relationship, my ex wife has not really liked him. She has always thought he was unfriendly and too much of a disciplinarian when it came to raising the twins. The other thing is that no one knew anything about him other than he was just coming through a divorce. Since then, many "stories" have circulated through the family and I'm not sure which ones are true and which ones are lies. That is why I will not pass them on unless I know the truth. I will not continue to be part of a "rumor mill". Anything I post on this site will be what I consider the truth. If I'm not sure , I'll definitely make a comment to that effect in the post. Now he is awaiting his day in court for the child *advertiser censored* charge which he denies and says he's completely innocent. His wife and daughters are behind him 100% as they believe him. Me, I'm trying tostay neutral and allow the justice system to come to a verdict on this. Concerning Julia's case, I do not know why JT or my daughter would not co operate 100% with LE. It completely baffles me.
You bring up an important aspect to this....Julia and Jennifer are twins....they have a bond like no other siblings...but Jennifer stands by JT....where as Julia was not close to him. They had a falling out. She didn't stay with her mom and JT but stayed with her grandma. To me that is pretty telling of something. But we have to know what the falling out was...this may be the key to what Julia knew that Jennifer didn't....and if this had anything to do with her murder. Is there a connection to the pictures found on JT's computer and Julia's death? We don't know.

From what I have heard, the "falling out" was due to the fact that Julia did not want to obey JT's house rules. She like to "party" on the days off and would not come home until early morning hours which was unacceptable to the parents. By moving to grandma's house, she had more freedom to come and go as she pleased. I'm sure there's more to this story than that, but that's what I have been told.
As far as a connection to the pictures and Julia's death, I don't believe there is any connection.
Trojan1966, thank you for your candor in answering our questions. I'm sure others here appreciate your contributions as much as I do. :)
I think LE will get a lot of good info from the POI's ex-wife. Certain behaviors do not go away just because a Perp switches partners. LE knows how to extract truth vs. bitter grudge statements from an ex. I would like to know if he choked her. While not, a 100% indication that the POI was the offender in Julia's case, it certainly would be a strong marker.
If the POI is guilty of child *advertiser censored* charges, it would be consistent with him marrying someone with two young children. They pick partners with young children frequently, for the obvious reason. If he is in fact a pedophile, it will not be surprising to find images of step-family members.
Perhaps something spooked the Perp, and they took off before they could pose the victim. But wasn't she "half-clad"? That's certainly unnatural to be in a tub half clad.
Wonder what they mean by BBM... seems contradictory, if her life was taken to keep her quite and meant to like an accident...
I think it means her body was staged to look like she fell into the tub. That she had a "fainting spell" while preparing to take a bath, and fell into the water.

Interesting thought, bessie. For whatever reason, I had not considered that.

Thank you very for the truths you share. It is so honorable of you. You have my deepest admiration.
I think it means her body was staged to look like she fell into the tub. That she had a "fainting spell" while preparing to take a bath, and fell into the water.


Staged to fit an story Kim and Jen could live with turns out not to be true. I agree, bessie.
Staged to fit an story Kim and Jen could live with turns out not to be true. I agree, bessie.
Right, and the killer figured everyone would buy it because it was known (by family members, at least) that Julia had vasovagal syncope like her mom and sister. Little did he know that the autopsy could rule out VS as a contributing factor.

I could very well be wrong, but I have a strong hunch that this theory fits. Think about it. The ME could rule out VS but couldn't identify the method of asphyxiation? How can that be? Someone mentioned chemical inhalation, but chemicals very likely would have been detected in the autopsy. You can suffocate a person with a pillow or plastic if you're much stronger than the victim. That wouldn't leave marks on the body, but the victim would struggle. Personally, I lean toward the other techniques we've discussed, quiet and quick. But if you're strong enough to perform any of the above, why stop short of death? Because you don't die from a "fainting spell", so she had to be alive when she was placed in the water, making her death appear to be an accidental drowning.

Again, JMO, and my apologies to dear Trojan for the graphic description.
Right, and the killer figured everyone would buy it because it was known (by family members, at least) that Julia had vasovagal syncope like her mom and sister. Little did he know that the autopsy could rule out VS as a contributing factor.

I could very well be wrong, but I have a strong hunch that this theory fits. Think about it. The ME could rule out VS but couldn't identify the method of asphyxiation? How can that be? Someone mentioned chemical inhalation, but chemicals very likely would have been detected in the autopsy. You can suffocate a person with a pillow or plastic if you're much stronger than the victim. That wouldn't leave marks on the body, but the victim would struggle. Personally, I lean toward the other techniques we've discussed, quiet and quick. But if you're strong enough to perform any of the above, why stop short of death? Because she had to be alive when she was placed in the water so her death would appear to be an accidental drowning.

Again, JMO, and my apologies to dear Trojan for the graphic description.

I completely agree, bessie. You make the case perfectly. Turnquist needs them to believe him more than anyone else in the world because the truth coming out depends on it. If they turn on him too many pieces of information may come together for him to get away with the activities he's hiding. He has had so much time to play on their minds though.
Without giving too much info out that could help the Perp, I hope that our LE team has the best technology experts working to trace *all* of the POI's activity. What is found on his computer is nothing compared to what could reside elsewhere, and have been transmitting through "secure" means....as well as anything associated with those close around him.

I'm going to be particularly interested in learning how closely he is (if he is) tied to the man in Monroe that was busted for child *advertiser censored*. Why do I think we have just seen the tip of the ice berg?

Much more to follow, no doubt. I really wish the wife would start cooperating with LE, give a formal statement, take a poly, etc. If she feels she needs immunity for something, she should work on that. But how can she not cooperate fully? Have I misunderstood and she is? I am truly, truly baffled by the actions of the wife. What has she got to hide? She needs to be completely transparent with LE.
Without giving too much info out that could help the Perp, I hope that our LE team has the best technology experts working to trace *all* of the POI's activity. What is found on his computer is nothing compared to what could reside elsewhere, and have been transmitting through "secure" means....as well as anything associated with those close around him.

I'm going to be particularly interested in learning how closely he is (if he is) tied to the man in Monroe that was busted for child *advertiser censored*. Why do I think we have just seen the tip of the ice berg?

Much more to follow, no doubt. I really wish the wife would start cooperating with LE, give a formal statement, take a poly, etc. If she feels she needs immunity for something, she should work on that. But how can she not cooperate fully? Have I misunderstood and she is? I am truly, truly baffled by the actions of the wife. What has she got to hide? She needs to be completely transparent with LE.

Everything about Julia's murder says precise, controlled and planned. The person who went in there had reason to well before they went in to kill her, it seems to me. Something set her apart from her sister and mom. It seems to have been Turnquist's need for control. What couldn't he control about Julia, possibly? She was said to have worked at a tanning salon with her sister, with Turnquist on cleaning jobs, and at Walmart. Did she do all three things until she was killed? What set her apart? Did she stop working at the tanning salon or with Turnquist? Did Julia get wind of something or know something he could not trust her to keep hidden? Of course she did, it seems to me.

Trojan1966 - forgive my callousness in discussing your loved ones. I'm very sorry as I think this may hurt you to consider.
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