MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #2

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Wow, there was quite a discussion last night. All the info being shared will help everyone get a much better and clearer picture of what happened in the past and hopefully help us in finding the perpetrator. Thanks for all your help, ideas and comments. As you can tell, another restless night for me, I'm kinda getting used to that. One day we will have Justice for Julia!

I agree! Roses, your very long post "spoken to the family members" was very touching. You often express many of my feelings, and do a much better job of it.

41st, I see you are a verified family member. Though I do now know how you are related, you certainly gave us an excellent insight into the family dynamics. Appreciate the completeness of it. Excellent and so helpful. thank you for joining us.

some of my thoughts are beginning to change. Just because teens spend too long in a bathroom, you take the door off?!?! Teen girls primp a lot! Honestly, This jumped out at me in an awful way. I have much to contemplate now.
With the Kim N.T. giving birth to the twins when she was 14 years old, she was a young Mom. She lived at home with her family, which all helped with raising the twins. But the twins really were a pretty active and unruly. Which seemed to be a bit of a burden at times for Kim, as well as a lot of stress in the home due to Kim's parents separating then divorcing. It was a lot for all of the family, the Grandmother moved out, leaving Grandpa with his 4 kids and the twins to take care of. Kim was continuing in her studies at school and worked after school and on weekends. The twins became even more unruly and acted out of anger and misbehaved a lot, just needing attention and care, they really were not very pleasant to be around. Seemed everyone in the household, had a love /hate relationship with each other, they all fought a lot. By the time JT and Kim met, it was a very short time before they moved into a one room apt. at her parents home. The twins were thrilled, always wanting a DAD, Grandpa was great, but they really wanted a father, and Kim really wanted the all American dream, a 'family' of her own. From day one that JT moved in with Kim, JT pretty quickly, took on the role of disciplinarian. Kim and Jim moved out of their Dad's house and moved into an apt. together. From the very beginning, Jim certainly ruled the house, very strict with the twins, everyone in the family noticed it, if anyone ever mentioned anything to Kim about it, she would say "well the twins needed discipline" She pretty much took a back seat to raising the twins, worked long hours as she as done since I have known her. Which left the twins alone with their step dad JT a lot. During their time living at these apts., there was a report to Child Protective Services, I believe it came out most recently in the news again, for the report came from the Twins school, something that Julia had said at school, they felt needed to be reported to CPS. Funny thing is Kim swears she doesn't remember the incident.
Wasn't long, and Kim and Jim T., got married, May of 2001. Not long after they married, JT moved the family to Gaylord, Kim said, JT wanted to get away from Kim's family. While living there, Kim went to work for a Walmart I believe, she must of hated being away from Monroe, for she seemed to come home frequently to party and visit with family, leaving the twins with JT alone many times. For what ever reason, JT, decided to remove the bathroom door, when people asked why it was removed, he and Kim said 'the twins were taking to much time in the bathroom', they hung a curtain over the door way. I am sharing these stories, for I am coming in late on so many of these posts, and am not sure how much people actually know about the JT and Kim beginnings.

Thanks for this background information. I am confused about those 15-year old investigations. Who called child protective services? From a newspaper article:
The reasons for citing intervention by DHS included accusations of abuse made in 2000 when Julia and her twin sister, Jennifer, were 11. Those allegations accused Mr. Turnquist of abusing the girls by taping their mouths shut and tearing off the tape; striking them with a wooden spoon and pan, and keeping food from them as a form of punishment, according to the documents. advertisement The accusations were investigated by Child Protective Services and no further action was taken. Mr. Stablein said no action was taken because they were false allegations and the case was dropped due to a lack of evidence. “There was no proof that it ever happened,” Mr. Stablein said. “The case was closed. Investigators found no evidence of abuse.” Jennifer Niswender said the 15-year-old allegations brought up in court were false and never amounted to anything. She said Mr. Turnquist raised her and her sister as his own biological children and she is thankful for him being a father figure while growing up. “These allegations are completely made up and false,” Jennifer told The Monroe News. “I first heard about this two weeks ago and was in shock because of how false they are. I’m pretty sure I would have remembered if something like this happened to me.” - The family of Julia Niswender is distributing this poster seeking answers to the woman's death. The court documents did not provide information regarding who made the accusations, but unless the accusations of abuse are confirmed, details of such records typically are purged. “It was never followed up on by CPS because it never happened,” Jennifer said. “He has helped raise me into the person I am today. I am so thankful for him being a father figure. If it wasn’t for him, I would have grown up without a dad. So, again, I will stand behind my father 100 percent.” She said she could only guess who made those accusations but she doesn’t have proof.

Read more at: http://www.monroenews.com/news/2015/mar/10/officials-tried-remove-daughter-turnquist-home/

Jennifer thinks it was someone else who contacted CPS. According to the article, the information about who made the accussations is most likely lost. Do you know, as a fact, that it was the school who contacted CPS? If so, how do you know this?
My wife and I have worried about both Jennifer and M since Julia's death. We have constantly voiced our concerns to KT and recommend that everyone should seek some kind of counselling. KT's answer was that she wasn't taking M to any counselling because M said she won't talk to anyone. No sure if that's true or there is always the possibility that they are afraid of what M may tell a counselor! I hope that's not the reason, but with everyone lawyering up, they evidently don't want anyone talking to anyone outside the immediate family. Sorry to say, but since this child *advertiser censored* charges, I have lost contact with my two daughters and two granddaughters. They don't want to talk to me as they believe that I'm "against" JT. I'm not really against him, I just want the truth to be out and to have Justice for Julia! So, I have one dead granddaughter and two daughters and two granddaughters who treat me as if I'm dead. I still love all of them with all my heart but I can't seem to convince them of that. Just another reason why I don't get a good night's sleep anymore. One day this will all be over but healing the "wounds" that have been created within the family may never truly heal. I'll continue to pray each and every night for Justice for Julia.

I am sorry to hear this. It seems that KT and Jennifer do not trust you. Ironically, they probably see you as a trojan horse that they must keep outside the gates. But I do understand where they are coming from. I think that you could regain their trust, by trusting them. They are convinced that JT is innocent. They have lived with JT for a long time and are in the best position to judge his character. They were also at home with JT at the time of the murder. Several times in this forum you have questioned the motives of KT and Jennifer (as you just did in regards to possible counseling for the youngest daughter). Although, it is possible that KT and Jennifer are lying about the alibi, or deceiving themselves in some way, I think it would be better for the relationship not to presume this. So my (non-expert) advice would be to try to trust them for now. If any convincing evidence comes up that makes JT a suspect, you could still reconsider your position.
I am sorry squirrel, but I have to respectfully disagree this time. If I were in Trojan's position, I don't think I would be any more trusting of the family motives or decisions than he is.

When I was young, I had a cousin who "did not always get along with her early teen son". My uncle disputed her claims and fears and blamed her. Having seen his "suspicious" behaviors when we were together, I had my own qualms about him. Other family members did too. He ended up shooting/killing her in my back yard when I was living next door and renting from them. (short version). Had we listened to our own feelings and concerns instead of trying to believe they were making the right decisions, maybe things would have turned out differently.
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