MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #3

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Thank you for that, CJ-mom. That is what I thought, too.

If I remember correctly, Jennifer graduated in April 2013 for Eastern. Was Julia close to graduating?

Jennifer graduated in April 2012 from Eastern. Jennifer had carried lots of class hours plus summer classes.
Julia..... I'm not real sure but suspect it would have been April 2014, maybe earlier.
I thought I read on this thread or Chelsea's that the older sisters went to the same high school and were friends in that way. I'm not going to attempt to find the post but that is what I think I read awhile back when people realized these two families were connected.

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Jennifer, Julia and Kassie - Chelsea's older sister, all went to high school together at Monroe High School and graduated in June 2008. They were friends in high school and Jennifer & Kassie were very close friends and maintained their friendship after high school, which is one reason the Jennifer was Kassie's maid of honor at her wedding in January. Now how close of friends was Chelsea with them, I don't really know.
Jennifer, Julia and Kassie - Chelsea's older sister, all went to high school together at Monroe High School and graduated in June 2008. They were friends in high school and Jennifer & Kassie were very close friends and maintained their friendship after high school, which is one reason the Jennifer was Kassie's maid of honor at her wedding in January. Now how close of friends was Chelsea with them, I don't really know.

Jennifer graduated in April 2012 from Eastern. Jennifer had carried lots of class hours plus summer classes.
Julia..... I'm not real sure but suspect it would have been April 2014, maybe earlier.

Thank you, Trojan1966, for this information all clearly stated as you have.
Here is the quote link that was missing from my other post (that I promised to add).

In 2014 (I think it was March- April) JT asked Kim for a divorce, Kim went and stayed with her friends Melissa and Pam

And since it is not clear, the two quotes at the bottom can be verified by clicking on the Detroit Free Press link. The quotes do not show up unless one does a mulit-quote, which I did not do when updating.
Sorry, no clue why the margins are all blown on this post above. My inner neat freak is cringing!

ETA: Deleted above post and replaced with LIST type items below.
Edited / Updated: Notes I've been making (please add or correct me on any of the following)

  • Soft kill (regarding parental kills) Link from Bessie's post thread 2
  • Possbile motive - keeping Julia quiet about something someone didn't want others to know. (Child *advertiser censored*? Abuse?) Inferred from the lack of sexual assault, robbery, or other clear motive.
  • Possibly premeditated; no visible signs of injury. Bessie, post #604
  • Past allegations of child abuse (2000). Taping mouths shut, hitting with spoons etc. Monroe News Link
  • Not allowed to teach children anymore at Do Jo; allegations of harshness to children.
  • Marital problems alleged; Jim asked for a divorce. Link to 4ist's post
  • Refuses to fully cooperate with LE; lawyers up quickly after Julia's death.
  • All laptops / PC's not handed over to LE in the beginning. One may still be missing.
  • Julia did not get along with stepfather; moves in with Grandparents.
  • Julia tweets "Trust no one." Julia Twitter Credit: TigerBalm for link. (caspermi, thread #2)
  • Person possibly had access to Julia's apartment; was probably known to her. (no sign of forced entry)
  • Child *advertiser censored* allegedly found; JT is charged with this crime. Monroe News
  • KT alleged to have had an affair allegedly due to lack of attention from JT.
  • Both girls were at a prime age for molestation / abuse by pedophile at the time of allegations of abuse.
  • Possibility of martial arts hold used to subdue Julia prior to drowning incident. [concept introduced in earlier thread]. Taekwondo Times Article Pg. 26 - credit to Spellbound for the link.
  • Young daughter of JT and KT is not allowed to live with JT presently.
  • CPS states she would be "at serious risk of harm" if allowed to live with mother. (see article re: abuse)
  • Possible tie in to CB case - JT is an avid hunter who takes youngest daughter on hunts with him. (black_squirrel)
  • CB's body was located on hunting land and her sister is best friends with Julia's sister.
  • Although JT has a truck, KT and Jennifer get a ride to check on Julia through a friend.
  • Is KT in denial because to be otherwise would be to partially blame herself? [credit FindHG] Detroit Free Press
  • JT allegedly has bipolar illness and has shown instability when off meds. (according to some family members)
  • JT allegedly removed the bathroom door at residence while girls were young. (red flag / controlling, inappropriate).
  • JT very controlling personality, which even extended to the twins grooming habits. He did not like them to straighten their hair (ostensibly due to the smell). He would not allow them to do this in the house. (Trojan, post #622 Thread #2 page 5).

Excellent, comprehensive list. Thank you. It really helps when reflecting on this case.
One nit, but perhaps an important one that Trojan or someone in the know needs to confirm. I think there is still a laptop that hasn't been recovered.

That is my understanding as well Roses. There is still one laptop that has not been recovered, or if so, LE has not revealed it. I'm thinking that Julia's computer habits will come in to play in the trial (if there is one). She was a good communicator and probably researched whatever was going on in her mind. Even if the perp had her computer, there are ways to trace her IP through the system, particularly if she had a Google account or MS account via her web browser. Many university students do; so they can do their homework (or black board assignments) anywhere.

At least that's my sincere hope.
Letters are never submitted directly to "the court". Statements maybe collected by either sides lawyers and presented at trial about a persons personality etc otherwise it would be considered testimony and witnesses would need to be sworn in to give testimony to "the court" under risk of purgery.

Thank you for sharing Trojan & Criminal Justice Mom. Was this in response to MiMommypostong that she and 20 plus people sent letters in support of JT to the courts. So perhaps JT's lawyer suggested or asked for these letters. In that case perhaps those with concern about JT should send letters of our concerns about JT to the prosecutor.
I see a parallel in the child abuse allegations and a possible motive:

Why do you tape a child's mouth shut? To shut them up and control them. FWIW I find it remarkable that Julia's major was in communications. It's like a big old 'just try to shut me up' move if I ever saw one. I admire this greatly.

Why keep a laptop from LE if it could help to find your daughter's killer?

To keep secrets, hide something.

Also, why did KT and Jennifer have to get a ride from a friend to go check on Julia? Why didn't JT take them? Obviously he had a vehicle, since he left for Ypsi shortly after KT called to say they were en-route to check on her. (information from Trojan's post in thread 2). IIRC.

MOO - as always
Not a professional
Does not know anyone in this case.
That is my understanding as well Roses. There is still one laptop that has not been recovered, or if so, LE has not revealed it. I'm thinking that Julia's computer habits will come in to play in the trial (if there is one). She was a good communicator and probably researched whatever was going on in her mind. Even if the perp had her computer, there are ways to trace her IP through the system, particularly if she had a Google account or MS account via her web browser. Many university students do; so they can do their homework (or black board assignments) anywhere.

At least that's my sincere hope.

Yes indeed. The hardware is a nice to have for LE, but not a necessity. It doesn't matter if there were a 100 people using it, they can easily figure out who, and what they were doing. So any subterfuge is futile. But according to supporters, this is a non issue due to the lawful nature of the content.
I see a parallel in the child abuse allegations and a possible motive:

Why do you tape a child's mouth shut? To shut them up and control them.

Why keep a laptop from LE if it could help to find your daughter's killer?

To keep secrets, hide something.

Also, why did KT and Jennifer have to get a ride from a friend to go check on Julia? Why didn't JT take them? Obviously he had a vehicle, since he left for Ypsi shortly after KT called to say they were en-route to check on her. (information from Trojan's post in thread 2). IIRC.

MOO - as always
Not a professional
Does not know anyone in this case.

I don't remember where JT was that night, but they were not all together. KT was too worried to be able to drive safely, so a friend drove for her, and JT met threm there. ( from what i can recall)
Yes indeed. The hardware is a nice to have for LE, but not a necessity. It doesn't matter if there were a 100 people using it, they can easily figure out who, and what they were doing. So any subterfuge is futile. But according to supporters, this is a non issue due to the lawful nature of the content.


Huh? nature of content? does someone know what was on the missing laptop?
Also, if you can't stand the smell of the girls straightening their hair, why wouldn't you just put the bathroom door back on the hinges? I just can't wrap my head around the whole dynamic here with no privacy allowed.

MOO - What kind of smell is so bad with hair straightening? I do this myself several times a week and I've never noticed any offensive odor. ? This reminds me of someone who I was in a relationship with who was dictating my appearance, so I might be projecting a little bit.

Huh? nature of content? does someone know what was on the missing laptop?

Supporters of JT have been stating they are not underage, or so this is my understanding that they have stated this per some of MM's posts. That has certainly not be proven, but will be resolved at the trial. Sorry to confuse.

Psyquestor - YES, my main theory around the murder has been the theme of "silencing".
I don't remember where JT was that night, but they were not all together. KT was too worried to be able to drive safely, so a friend drove for her, and JT met threm there. ( from what i can recall)

This still does not explain why JT didn't drive them to Ypsi. IIRC KT and daughter were at a bar playing darts in a league. JT was at home with the youngest daughter. When KT called to say they were going to check on Julia, JT and child went in his truck to Ypsi to meet up with them.

Therefore I could conclude that he was available to go to Ypsi.
Thank you for the article, Trojan. I wonder why this is all so slow in being put to the public. At least this is moving along somewhat quickly so far. We need answers to this case, in order to move on with Julia's death investigation, it seems to me. If there is no connection, I hope that is proven through this trial.
In the list I've made, when I say not all computers were turned over, I am referring to the fact that only one computer was initially turned over by JT. The other electronic devices were given over later, after a warrant was issued. Yes, the items found appear to have been on that first computer which was voluntarily given to police.

I am unable to copy paste from the article; please see Trojan's link above. http://www.monroenews.com/news/2015/may/18/turnquist-case-trial-date-set/
In the list I've made, when I say not all computers were turned over, I am referring to the fact that only one computer was initially turned over by JT. The other electronic devices were given over later, after a warrant was issued. Yes, the items found appear to have been on that first computer which was voluntarily given to police.

I am unable to copy paste from the article; please see Trojan's link above. http://www.monroenews.com/news/2015/may/18/turnquist-case-trial-date-set/

Could LE have JT's cell phone tracking data that puts him in Ypsi the night/morning of the murder?
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