MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #3

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Also from the article I posted above..

In the eight months since Julia’s death, the pain has not eased. Jennifer has relied on her boyfriend, Collin Keehn, while the community has responded with financial support. But family members said they are more comfortable giving rather than receiving and were uneasy using donations for their own use. Even though Julia does not yet have a headstone, the family decided to create the scholarship. “

Education was very important to Julia,” Mrs. Turnquist said. “ So we thought why not help out our local community? That’s what Julia would want. Julia would want us to give back. I know she would be proud.” Since the scholarship has reached $ 15,000 it is considered endowed. That means money made on the interest will be distributed to students so the base amount remains intact.

Read more at: http://www.monroenews.com/news/2013/aug/18/remembering-julia-15000-raised-niswender-scholarsh/
Looks like the question was asked and answered anyway. Obviously I was alone in reading the article that way. I had quoted this article on my list. Prior to this date there was strong support in finding Julia's killer(s). After that point the media has been slanted toward opinions on JT's guilt or innocence and "family drama."

Completely counterproductive IMHO.
IMO - JT should give that statement so LE can start focusing on finding her true killer (if he is indeed hiding nothing). Until he does this, they don't appear to be letting up.

JMOO - feel free to disagree.
Ryan Duvall gave his reason in the link I had posted.

Report: Reward suspended in Julia Niswender homicide investigation
By John Counts | johncounts@mlive.com
on April 24, 2015 at 5:47 PM
Ryan Duvall of Duvall Group Investigations in Monroe has ceased offering a $10,000 reward for information in the death of Eastern Michigan University student Julia Niswender, according to a report in the Monroe News.

Duvall told the newspaper that Niswender's stepfather, James Turnquist, being named a person of interest in the case played a "big part" in his decision.

"That reward money can be used for other things," he told the Monroe News."There are a lot of foundations that need this."


I know that Duvall has given reasons, but the reasons don't seem logical to me. Certainly, suspending the reward can only help the perpetrator, whoever it is. Suppose that JT is the person who did it. Then he might have confided in another person. In that case, the reward money could be used to seal the case against JT. And if JT is innocent, then we would like people to come forward and give evidence that incriminate the real perpetrator. If Justice for Julia is the main objective, then they should not suspend the award.
I suppose that the main reason is indeed PR related, but I don't see that anyone would construe the reward as a token of support for JT. If JT is the perp, then suspending the reward would actually help him.

I would suggest, and perhaps Ryan Duvall can think about this, to reinstate the reward. He could say that tips will be rewarded regardless whom they incriminate. That way, it would not look like he would be supporting JT. But anyway, it is his money, and I don't have $10,000 lying around.
I know that Duvall has given reasons, but the reasons don't seem logical to me. Certainly, suspending the reward can only help the perpetrator, whoever it is. Suppose that JT is the person who did it. Then he might have confided in another person. In that case, the reward money could be used to seal the case against JT. And if JT is innocent, then we would like people to come forward and give evidence that incriminate the real perpetrator. If Justice for Julia is the main objective, then they should not suspend the award.
I suppose that the main reason is indeed PR related, but I don't see that anyone would construe the reward as a token of support for JT. If JT is the perp, then suspending the reward would actually help him.

I would suggest, and perhaps Ryan Duvall can think about this, to reinstate the reward. He could say that tips will be rewarded regardless whom they incriminate. That way, it would not look like he would be supporting JT. But anyway, it is his money, and I don't have $10,000 lying around.

I don't blame Ryan Duvall at all, he stated in the article that many foundations could benefit from the money.

Maybe if Turnquist is innocent as he claims, he can bring himself to Ypsilanti PD and sit down for a formal statement, so they can remove him from their POI list.

I believe the insinuation was that the money could be used to defend JT from allegations of any wrongdoing. The lawyer the family hired cannot have come cheap. IMHO, No facts here. I linked the article upthread. Duvall IIRC is a friend of the family.


Bringing this forward to be clear on what I said.
I don't blame Ryan Duvall at all, he stated in the article that many foundations could benefit from the money.
I agree, other foundations can benefit from the money .... at least until Ryan Duvall asks for his money back. :)
Upthread I had posted a link which stated the reward money was $15,000, which included $10,000 from the Duvall Group, $2,500 from Crime Stoppers and $2,500 from EMU.

I just found this article from Nov 2013, which states Crime Stoppers was offering up to $5,000. So there is other reward money besides the Duvall Group funds.

Just curious if Crime Stoppers and EMU are still offering reward money and what the amount is, if it's up to $7,500.

New tips sought in death of EMU student, Julia Niswender
Posted: Nov 14, 2013 5:40 PM EST

Crime Stoppers organization on Thursday is renewing the call for information about the death of Julia Niswender. Crime Stoppers is offering up to $5,000 for information that leads to an arrest in connection with Niswender's murder.

An extra $1,000 is being offered for information given by midnight on Friday (November 15).

Speaking of the money raised for the Justice for Julia account, is that a separate account from the $15,000 Julia Catherine Niswender Endowed TWIN Scholarship or one in the same? The article mentioning the $15,000 was from August 2013, so would it be safe to say more money has been raised since that time?

Read more at: http://www.monroenews.com/news/2013/aug/18/remembering-julia-15000-raised-niswender-scholarsh/

I'm not sure if there is more money in that account or where exactly it goes. I'm sure if anything is "questionable", LE will look into it. My understanding was the scholarship fund is an endowment but I'm not sure how that works. I do know that it has been given every year and KT and JN have been involved with the selection process recently for the latest candidate.
From the EMU CMTA (Communication Media Theatre Arts) Scholarships page

We want to help you achieve your goals, and financial assistance may be available for qualified students.
CMTA is pleased to announce three scholarships that are now available through our department (application and criteria — due by April 1):

Julia Catherine Niswender Endowed TWIN Scholarship

From the application and criteria pdf:

Julia Catherine Niswender Endowed TWIN Scholarship

This scholarship was created in 2013 in memory of Julia
Niswender, an EMU student who was pusuing a degree in
Electronic Media and Film Studies when her life was taken.
The memorial scholarship is awarded to a twin – or a multiple
– undergraduate EMU student in any field of study. Estimated
value: one-time award of $500.

(1) Applicant must write an additional 1-2 page essay about what it means to be
a twin or multiple. Include photo of self and sibling(s).
(2) Include a brief resume of academic history and honors, employment
experience, special recognition, and volunteer activities.
(3) Applicant should have at least a 2.5 GPA.
(4) If a twin or multiple does not apply or is not eligible in any given year, this
scholarship may be awarded to any CMTA student who is interested in social
media and/or broadcasting with at least a 2.5 GPA. These applicants must apply
with an essay about their interest in social media and/or broadcasting
Here's an interesting quote from a news article dated August 18, 2013:

Her parents, James and Kimberly Turnquist, said they have a good working relationship with investigators but believe someone with knowledge needs to come forward to help find justice for Julia. - The family of Julia Niswender is distributing this poster seeking answers to the woman's death.
“ There’s somebody out there who needs to step up and say something,” Mr. Turnquist said. “If they were in our shoes they would expect the same thing.”


How times have changed..............................
Julia's mom told me the story plus the grandmother went to the school with Kim to "vouch" for Jim as a character reference. At the time, no one told the grandmother exactly what Julia had said, they just asked a few questions concerning Jim. The grandmother, at that time, did as Kim requested and said he was OK. Later, DPS did send someone to their apartment as me and my wife were visiting their apartment for dinner and Kim mentioned that DPS would be visiting her tomorrow.
I am surprised that Kim would ask her mother to be a character reference. Didn't grandma Rose think that Jim was too much of a disciplinarian? That criticism would confirm the accusations. Let me play devil's advocate here. Could it be that grandma Rose, in a private interview at the school without Kim present, did NOT say that JT was OK, but that he was quite the opposite?
Here's an interesting quote from a news article dated August 18, 2013:

Her parents, James and Kimberly Turnquist, said they have a good working relationship with investigators but believe someone with knowledge needs to come forward to help find justice for Julia. - The family of Julia Niswender is distributing this poster seeking answers to the woman's death.
&#8220; There&#8217;s somebody out there who needs to step up and say something,&#8221; Mr. Turnquist said. &#8220;If they were in our shoes they would expect the same thing.&#8221;


How times have changed..............................

Gotta love the "do as I say, not as I do" attitude, he appears to have. :rolleyes:
I am surprised that Kim would ask her mother to be a character reference. Didn't grandma Rose think that Jim was too much of a disciplinarian? That criticism would confirm the accusations. Let me play devil's advocate here. Could it be that grandma Rose, in a private interview at the school without Kim present, did NOT say that JT was OK, but that he was quite the opposite?

Unfortunately, Grandma Rose did vouch for Jim as being a pretty good guy. She was with Kim at the school as Kim asked her to go and vouch for Jim. At that time, Rose didn't really like him but did as Kim asked to satisfy Kim. She now regrets doing such a thing as lots of her feelings have changed since 2000.
I was thinking about Julia's timeline:
Kim recalls Julia coming home on Dec. 6, a few weeks before Christmas, to peek at the presents Jennifer got her.
Kim last saw her daughter on Dec. 7, when they decorated Julia's grandmother's Christmas tree together.
All three sisters met for lunch on Dec. 9 at the Walmart in Ypsilanti Township where Julia worked.
The outgoing, energetic student arrived Dec. 6, a Thursday night, and left that Saturday morning to get to her job at Walmart in Pittsfield Township, just outside of Saline. Later that night, she had a date.
She left work that Sunday around 5 p.m. and headed to her off-campus Ypsilanti apartment.
When Julia Niswender left work Sunday evening, the twins talked by phone and then texted around 10:30 p.m. It was the last time Jennifer heard from Julia.

I'm a little confused about when she is at the house of JT & Kim, and when she is at the house of grandma. (Not sure how important this is.) I presume that Julia was at home during the saturday night of Dec 8 (can this be confirmed?). In any case, she wasn't in Ypsi on the night of Dec 7. I wonder if Julia's roommate KM had friends over on Friday night, Dec 7. It seems that no-one else was in the apartment. I don't know for sure whether KM was in the apartment, but there is a post of KM's boyfriend OD to two other friends DJ and DRG late that night (1-2am) to come ASAP to "korts". I figured that this might be KM's apartment, but I am still not sure.

Before I reported that DRG's facebook account was deactivated. For some reason, it is back now! I did not see anything remarkable on the facebook accounts.

Since Julia's room was in disarray, I was wondering if someone used Julia's room to hide drugs. Maybe farfetched, IDK.
I think the questions you ask are excellent Black Squirrel. There is much to know about those couple days leading up to her passing. All the cast of characters need to provide lots of detail so the gaps can be explored.

I too have wondered if someone had been riffling for drugs that Julia had "confiscated".
I was thinking about Julia's timeline:



I'm a little confused about when she is at the house of JT & Kim, and when she is at the house of grandma. (Not sure how important this is.) I presume that Julia was at home during the saturday night of Dec 8 (can this be confirmed?). In any case, she wasn't in Ypsi on the night of Dec 7. I wonder if Julia's roommate KM had friends over on Friday night, Dec 7. It seems that no-one else was in the apartment. I don't know for sure whether KM was in the apartment, but there is a post of KM's boyfriend OD to two other friends DJ and DRG late that night (1-2am) to come ASAP to "korts". I figured that this might be KM's apartment, but I am still not sure.

Before I reported that DRG's facebook account was deactivated. For some reason, it is back now! I did not see anything remarkable on the facebook accounts.

Since Julia's room was in disarray, I was wondering if someone used Julia's room to hide drugs. Maybe farfetched, IDK.

I'm not absolutely clear on this but I believe Julia helped KT decorate their Christmas tree first then went to grandma's to do her's. I do know both trees were done about the same time. Julia spent Friday night at Grandma's then went to her job Saturday morning. She did have a date Saturday night and he has been thoroughly investigated, poly graphed, fingerprinted and DNA tested. He was cleared by LE. Now, what happened Friday night is something I don't know about. I do know that LE has really investigated KM & her boyfriend extensively and had brought them back for questioning more than once. I too, have some deep feelings that they know "something" but may not be as honest with LE as they should be. I agree that the fact that she (KM) seems to show very little feelings about Julia being murdered is not what I would consider normal and does raise some red flags in my mind. Maybe the same people who were there Friday night came back Sunday evening looking for something as you theorized.
I'm not absolutely clear on this but I believe Julia helped KT decorate their Christmas tree first then went to grandma's to do her's. I do know both trees were done about the same time. Julia spent Friday night at Grandma's then went to her job Saturday morning. She did have a date Saturday night and he has been thoroughly investigated, poly graphed, fingerprinted and DNA tested. He was cleared by LE. Now, what happened Friday night is something I don't know about. I do know that LE has really investigated KM & her boyfriend extensively and had brought them back for questioning more than once. I too, have some deep feelings that they know "something" but may not be as honest with LE as they should be. I agree that the fact that she (KM) seems to show very little feelings about Julia being murdered is not what I would consider normal and does raise some red flags in my mind. Maybe the same people who were there Friday night came back Sunday evening looking for something as you theorized.

Agree. KM is not off my hinky list, if only by virtue of the fact of her alleged drug use and the subsequent disagreements with Julia. I will say, however, that I didn't think her (KM's) BF at the time fits any nefarious profile; he actually looks like a highly accomplished and productive young man. If I were to focus on anyone, it would be KM. Not to say she didn't inspire someone to act against Julia, it's possible, but I don't think it was the ex BF. That said, I think LE should find out why he broke up with KM. Perhaps he has his own doubts....

All speculation and opinion only.
Julia's mom told me the story plus the grandmother went to the school with Kim to "vouch" for Jim as a character reference. At the time, no one told the grandmother exactly what Julia had said, they just asked a few questions concerning Jim. The grandmother, at that time, did as Kim requested and said he was OK. Later, DPS did send someone to their apartment as me and my wife were visiting their apartment for dinner and Kim mentioned that DPS would be visiting her tomorrow.
Did you discuss with Kim/JT why DPS were coming to visit? What did they say? You must have been concerned. Did you discuss your concerns with your ex-wife?
Did you discuss with Kim/JT why DPS were coming to visit? What did they say? You must have been concerned. Did you discuss your concerns with your ex-wife?

Yes, we talked to KT and she said it was because of something Julia had said at school. At the time, we didn't know any details and were not overly concerned. Jim was strict when it came to disciplining the girls but we had no idea how strict he really was.
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