MI MI - Julia Niswender, 23, EMU student, Ypsilanti, 10 Dec 2012 - #5

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I always believed that the murders of Julia and Chelsea were not related, because the MO seemed quite different. But some similarities have emerged. Clay is now being charged with home invasion and rape. And he claims "accidentally" strangled Chelsea. The main reason why I still believe the murders are not connected is the location. Ypsilanti is not so close to Monroe. Rapists who invade their victims' home usually watch the victim and their habits before they commit the crime. But anyway, I certainly will look into possible connections between Daniel Clay and Julia.

I wonder if DC and Julia' paths crossed at any point.
Julia was born January 25, 1989. She would have been 27 now. DC is the same age.

DC went to Jefferson high school although I believe he didn't finish. I believe Julia went to Monroe high school, but was in the Jefferson school district before that. (But perhaps Trojan can give more accurate details.) Being the same age and in the same school district, it is possible they were in the same class at some point.

I agree in that I did not think the same person committed these two crimes. However, the news on DC today has me wondering if Julia may have k pnown him. I don't have any free time right now for in-depth searching, but I sure wish I did. If you do find any connection, Squirrel, please share. And thanks!
I agree in that I did not think the same person committed these two crimes. However, the news on DC today has me wondering if Julia may have k pnown him. I don't have any free time right now for in-depth searching, but I sure wish I did. If you do find any connection, Squirrel, please share. And thanks!

Agree. I believe this to be a pack of miscreants. He just got caught.
I would love to see this murder solved and Clay would be such a promising lead...except...he has a young daughter, doesn't he? And didn't the man who murdered Julia have a vasectomy?

Could it have been possible for the male to be sterile from something else - not from a vasectomy (exe. measles or mumps)

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Could it have been possible for the male to be sterile from something else - not from a vasectomy (exe. measles or mumps)

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IIRC, a police report stated that the semen sample is consistent with a man who had a vasectomy. But this does not necessarily exclude people who didn't have a vasectomy.

My guess is that the sample(s) had a very low sperm count. There are other medical conditions that cause a very low production of sperm cells.
IIRC, a police report stated that the semen sample is consistent with a man who had a vasectomy. But this does not necessarily exclude people who didn't have a vasectomy.

My guess is that the sample(s) had a very low sperm count. There are other medical conditions that cause a very low production of sperm cells.

That was my thinking too.

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Wasn't there DNA from two different males?
Tattoo parlour?

The thread had touched on the "Electric Ink" tatoo parlor in post last spring ('15). Julia N., Jennifer N, and Chelsea's sister Megan had had tattoos done there. The shop is less than a mile northwest of where Clay was arrested with stollen tatoo equipment.

Here's what I had noted earlier on the Electric Ink map marker on the case map:

Rick Crawford, of Electric Ink, tatooed "Jennifer & Jesica" on each of the girl's shoulders. |||| "Brad at the [Electric Ink] shop off M-50" did a tatoo for Chelsea's sister Megan Bruck, per a screenshot of a text by Megan of 5/20/15 post by her, as sent by Monster12. |||| Electric Ink address: 750 S Telegraph Rd., Monroe MI 48161 |||| Photo 1, Julia and Jennifer Niswender tatoos (from The Agora, https://issuu.com/mcccagoraonline/docs/jan._15__2013/1 courtesy of Jennifer Niswender.) |||| Chelsea Bruck also had a tatoo (photo 2) of an anchor (a reference to her brother, who had been in the Navy), but we don't know what shop applied it. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-party-dressed-Poison-Ivy-six-months-ago.html

Hi All ! Just checking in. There is not any new news that I can report. This investigation is becoming quite frustrating for me as well as lots of other family members and friends. There's really not too much more we can do as solving this murder is really in the hands of LE. I do wish they (LE) would post some periodic "updates" in the local news just to keep Julia's murder out there for people to remember. Who know's someone may finally come forward with some bit of information or a small clue that would blow the whole investigation open. Solving this is in my prayers each and every day and sooner or later we will have Justice for Julia. Thanks to everyone for your continued support, theories and ideas that you have posted.
Trojan, have you talked to the Monroe reporter about doing a follow up piece? With the Bruck arrest it seems like the perfect time.
Trojan, have you talked to the Monroe reporter about doing a follow up piece? With the Bruck arrest it seems like the perfect time.

That might not be a bad idea....... I can try and see what they say.
Julia's case has been on my mind off and on all day. Two themes keep emerging for me; tattoos and cell phone.

Tattoo: I know tattoos are very common place today, most especially with a certain age group. Taking that in to consideration, it seems like the theme of tattoos runs deep with both Julia's and Chelsea Bruck's case. Lot's of discussion about matching and memorial tattoo's in the Niswender case. Chelsea had a notable tattoo, and her alleged Perp was arrested stealing tattoo gear. Just so odd.... Did they all go to the same tatt parlour?

Cell phone: Communications. Julia was a communications major. Julia was a communicator. Julia the communicator was silenced. Julia was silenced, and so was her cell phone. They were both drown. Both. Both silenced. Is that what the Perp(s) rummaged for? Her cell phone? Was the sim card removed? What did she have on that cell phone that was incriminating? The Perp(s) were probably too stupid to realize everything is stored in the cloud anyway. Was it an incriminating voice mail? Pictures? Video? Why did they kill the phone too? That is a point that must not be overlooked. They killed the phone along with Julia. They killed/drown the "communicators". Silenced.
What was on that phone....
Interesting post, Roses. The cell phone ..... how thoroughly was it investigated by LE, and did they find anything useful?

Tattoos.... I am not positive, but I don't believe they all went to the same tattoo places.
That might not be a bad idea....... I can try and see what they say.

Understanding what happened to Julia through you, Trojan1966, since your unrelenting pursuit of the truth seems so clear-eyed, though fraught with pain, is a precious thing. Your words have always rung true so powerfully too. I'm so sorry that the brick wall you're hitting in finding justice for Julia is in your own family. I imagine the controversy of that, the hardball defensive tactics around Turnquist, may cloud the view.

You should just begin to roll tape yourself and tell the story of what it has been like for you. We'll watch.
First and foremost, I have never accused JT of being directly involved with Julia's murder. My biggest thing is the fact that the immediate family has decided to not be as helpful and as open as they could to help solve Julia's murder. JT is and continues to be a POI primarily due to his own lack of cooperation with LE. Why on earth would anyone who has stated that he loved Julia not fully cooperate with helping to solve this terrible crime? Because of their seemingly lack of cooperation, plus the fact that the parents have only talked to the lead detective a few times this whole year is personally disappointing to me. I do believe that they did (and still do) love Julia and do want this solved so they themselves can have "closure". In my mind, I just cannot understand why they do not cooperate. They said they have but realistically I believe they should be demanding results from LE and talking to them on a regular basis. They should call LE, not waiting for LE to call them. The seemingly lack of cooperation by them has led to a family divide between us. Kim is my daughter and I will always love her and the same goes for both of my other granddaughters, even though they have said as far as they are concerned that I no longer exist! They don't want to see me or talk to me because they have the idea that I believe JT is directly involved. That is the farthest from the truth. All I want is for the truth to be found and Julia's murder to be solved. I may never see or talk to any of them again but that is by their choice. I will continue to push for results and continue to do whatever research I can to try to help LE resolve this crime. Each and every day, Julia is on my mind and the fact that her life was ended by such a bad person or persons who should be held accountable for their actions. I pray for resolution each and every night and one day we will have Justice for Julia.

The devil has a party every time your family fights, and is distracted from finding justice for Julia.

I pray everyone sets aside their personal grievances and does everything humanly possible to keep this case moving forward. That means talking to LE, talking to the media, holding events to raise awareness, and so forth.
This type of healing can happen, and don't stop believing for a second that justice won't be served. It will. I think the Bruck case is a great example of that.
The big difference between the Bruck case and Julia's case is that the *family is united*, solely focused on justice, and working closely with LE.
I pray for this peace for your family, and know it will come. Keep the faith, and continue to stand tall in righteousness.

God Bless; Justice for Julia!
Hi All! Just checking in to see what has been happening. I did talk to the lead detective today and there is nothing new to report. She seems very confident that this case will be solved soon (to which I say "sooner would be nice"). As far as I know, there is no connection between Chelsea's murder and Julia's. There is someone out there that knows the truth about Julia and maybe as time goes on the "guilt" will cause them to confess. I pray for resolution to this case each and every night. Justice for Julia !
Hi All! Just checking in to see what has been happening. I did talk to the lead detective today and there is nothing new to report. She seems very confident that this case will be solved soon (to which I say "sooner would be nice"). As far as I know, there is no connection between Chelsea's murder and Julia's. There is someone out there that knows the truth about Julia and maybe as time goes on the "guilt" will cause them to confess. I pray for resolution to this case each and every night. Justice for Julia !

Trojan, great to see you and great of you to share. Thank you.

Those are twin galaxies in my avatar, one of them is for Justice for Julia!
Hi All! Just checking in to see what has been happening. I did talk to the lead detective today and there is nothing new to report. She seems very confident that this case will be solved soon (to which I say "sooner would be nice"). As far as I know, there is no connection between Chelsea's murder and Julia's. There is someone out there that knows the truth about Julia and maybe as time goes on the "guilt" will cause them to confess. I pray for resolution to this case each and every night. Justice for Julia !

I sure hope the detective is right. We need this solved soon! It has been far too long with nothing new being shared. I am far from discouraged, though. Julia has tugged at my thoughts a lot lately ... could there be "something in the air" giving me this feeling? I would like to think so.

Ys indeed, Justice for Julia!
I was thinking about Julia's case earlier this week when I read an Detroit News article about new food service options at EMU. I hope there will soon be an arrest, charges, trial, conviction, and whoever murdered Julia spends the rest of his/her life in prison.
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