GUILTY MI - Katherine 'Kate' Phillips, 4 mos, Ludington, 29 June 2011 (Deceased/Not Found)

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Do we know if Haley is with her mom full-time now? Or with her dad's family too?

Also I wonder why Ariel's phone wasn't found in the car/diaper bag.
I read that she is with AC. But also read of her being with Phillips parents at times.

I haven't read whether her phone was found or not but i found it odd from the start that the day before Kate went missing, AC dumped lots of photo's onto her FB of Kate.
I'm not surprised. If there isn't a custody order, you cannot kidnap your own biological child. Both of you have a right to the child.

The sticking point is going to be whether or not he KNEW she was his biological child when he took her. The DNA results were not back yet.

Maybe he didn't have to know she was his child, if she WAS that's all that is needed to make him not guilty of kidnapping her?

It's going to be a single detail I think that decides it.
When DNA results came in, what his belief about paternity was at the time, who signed the birth certificate... something like that.

Totally agree! Another thing: while the kidnapping charges may not apply, however, the baby has not been found. Shouldn't there be some other charge he could face for not revealing the location of the baby, if indeed she is still alive?


Totally agree! Another thing: while the kidnapping charges may not apply, however, the baby has not been found. Shouldn't there be some other charge he could face for not revealing the location of the baby, if indeed she is still alive?



I've been wondering that too. How can they not charge him with something else? If she is alive, they have at the very least wasted police time and resources.
Do we know if Haley is with her mom full-time now? Or with her dad's family too?

Also I wonder why Ariel's phone wasn't found in the car/diaper bag.

Ariel's phone was in Sean's pocket when the police arrived. He was pacing, very nervous and referred to the child as "it". Yet he stated the baby was with Ariel.

Ariel testified that she visited Sean in jail, brought him things, said she loved him, etc., in the hopes that he might tell her what happened. I can see that. Perhaps she is doing the same thing with his family, via FB.

I have seen no news reports yet that her older daughter was in his custody. I only saw that in a post after an on-line article. But the actual articles indicate she had custody. I don't know the status now.
I agree, why in the heck would he have her clothes if he was going to kill her. Unless hes just that stupid thinking she wouldn't be identified without clothes.
Could be, but I don't think so, given this economy and desperation anything is possible IMO

If he suddenly decided to kill her, feeling trapped and/or panicked, he might not have planned it out well and then might have panicked even more, after, not knowing what to do. Criminals often make no sense. casey's stories make no sense, neither do Josh Powell's. They commit a crime without thinking it out and then are faced with implicating themselves with their own, stupid behavior.

OMG. I was thinking it was just me. I only caught a few minutes of her 911 call. My hairs stood up and I had a very uneasy feeling. It's almost like KC lies with the question mark infection at the end of the statement. I haven't read this thread yet. I could be wrong.

I heard the 911 call. At the time, Ariel only thought he wanted to prevent the baby from being tested. I don't see how she could have jumped to him killing or selling the baby at that moment. It wasn't until she was told he said he left the baby with her, that she probably began to realize something was very wrong. So, the 911 call doesn't bother me.

I realize there are inconsistentcies with Ariel. She first said they were arguing about who would purchase diapers, a little fight, then it was he was trying to avoid paying support and getting the baby's DNA tested. Finally, out comes the story about attempts by both to look into adoption.

We also have her stories about going up to get keys, then a stroller. Then there is the fact that she has met with him in jail several times, accepted his calls and writes mundane things on his sister's FB as if it's just another day, while her child is still missing.

Finally, I see here that people are saying she is planning a funeral, etc.

The fact is, Ariel is only 19. That's very young. She may have seriously considered adoption in an effort to either keep him/get back with him or because he wasn't paying support and she was facing financial problems. She may be embarrassed that she ever considered giving up her baby who is now missing.

As to the FB, Sean's sister has a brother in jail, facing charges, and a missing niece, yet she hardly eludes to it. Her posts are about college, getting a job - chatty, happy posts at such a time.

I just really don't see anything implicating Ariel right now. I think she just may be young and possibly not that bright or committed to parenthood. I guess I will wait and see if anything else comes out.
I see where it says they found Sean's phone in his pocket, but I don't see where they found Ariel's phone in his pocket. Did I miss that in the article? Her lost cell phone has always been a curiosity to me.

"Hartley said he then performed “a pat down” of Phillips and located Phillips’ cell phone and chewing tobacco and a “bulge in the right cargo pocket of his shorts.”"

As far as what Ariel claims she forgot (keys vs. stroller), I interpreted this as she went up to her apartment to get her keys for the storage unit where the stroller was kept. I guess I never interpreted it as she forgot her keys and then changed her story to say she forgot the stoller.
I see where it says they found Sean's phone in his pocket, but I don't see where they found Ariel's phone in his pocket. Did I miss that in the article? Her lost cell phone has always been a curiosity to me.

"Hartley said he then performed “a pat down” of Phillips and located Phillips’ cell phone and chewing tobacco and a “bulge in the right cargo pocket of his shorts.”"

As far as what Ariel claims she forgot (keys vs. stroller), I interpreted this as she went up to her apartment to get her keys for the storage unit where the stroller was kept. I guess I never interpreted it as she forgot her keys and then changed her story to say she forgot the stoller.

Do I dare ask what the "bulge" was in his pocket? It says they found the phone, the tobacco AND a bulge...
I was hoping this would be solved by now. Poor Katherine :( Keeping you in our prayers.
KATHERINE PHILLIPS, Age Now: 7 Month(s), Missing: 06/29/2011. Missing From LUDINGTON, MI. ANYONE HAVING INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT: Ludington Police Department (Michigan) 1-231-869-5858.

Where are you baby Kate? Are you in loving arms? That is my hope and prayer today.
This is what happened in court yesterday.
I have followed this story closely almost from the begining and Im still as confused as I was.
Ive thought about stepping back and leaving it alone but some how I got really invested in this case. My heartbreaks for baby Kate. Someone somewhere knows where she is and how she got there. Why is NO ONE searching for her? Did the LE just give up? I am completely bafffled and sick

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