GUILTY MI - Kirk Coleman for beating, raping baby daughter, Columbia Twp, 2007

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If they think that it wasn't him (Kirk Coleman) that hurt the baby, then who???? What a bunch of crap.

That is the EXACT area that I grew up in. When they mentioned Lake Columbia, I called my sister and asked if she knew anybody with the last name of Coleman. She said no but we have cousins that live in the area and maybe we should give them a call. Good thinking.

We'll be sleuthing later this evening, after the football game. GO TIGERS!!!
Willow, If you find out anything, please post. I also used to live in Jackson. I don't know anyone by the name of Coleman.
Could it be possible the baby has that disease where the bones are brittle and can break extremely easy?
That could explain the amount of broken bones but not the sexual abuse
I'm not defendng the man! Just looking at all the options
I'm sure that has been thought of but both of her eye sockets were broken!!!!
Something would have happened right after she was born if that was the case, like within the first week of birth if she had that brittle bone disease.

There were seventeen bones broken in her tiny body. That man is a monster.

There is NO excuse.

I know this is petty of me but I'm glad that people are picketing outside his parents home and the parents are ticked off because of it. GOOD. Grrr!
I cannot express on here all the hatred that I feel for this sick perverted *advertiser censored*!! There is no type of pain that would be good enough for him, I hope he gets raped every night in prison. I have no respect for his parents, shame on them. I hope the picketers stay all night and worry the shnit out of them.
I cannot express on here all the hatred that I feel for this sick perverted *advertiser censored*!! There is no type of pain that would be good enough for him, I hope he gets raped every night in prison. I have no respect for his parents, shame on them. I hope the picketers stay all night and worry the shnit out of them.

I'm right with you! That poor little baby has 17 broken bones. Her eye sockets were broken. It breaks my heart. I can't even imagine beating a little tiny baby like that. She probably cried and he hit her everytime. It's just horrible. Him and his parents make me sick. They are nearly as bad as he is because they are helping him. Why aren't they just sick over this? He was alone with the baby and he is the guilty person whether his parents want to believe that or not. I hope the crowd stays outside of the parents house for days and nights on end. They can't do a thing as long as people stay off of their property. I say shame on those parents. Why aren't they up at that hospital sitting with the mother worrying about the baby?
Stories like this are the reason why I have to take this site in small doses.

I commend all of you who come here everyday and read the horror stories like this hoping to make a difference in a childs life.

I just don't have the stomach.
17 BROKEN BONES.....BROKEN BY HER MALE BIRTH UNIT....:furious::mad::razz: and she was raped!!

I say kill his azz.
He is not human.
He does not deserve to live.
He does not deserve to breathe our air.
He does not deserve to take up space on our planet.
No 3 hots and a cot.
No freaken tv with cable.

Hope someone kills him.
I just read the latest link on this case posted by Jean. I tried to black this out of my mind, but I thought I would just take a peek at what others where saying...I sure wish I would have skipped reading this thread today!

He claims he's innocent, and his pastor & family is standing behind him??? He had primary care of his INFANT daughter while his wife was at work and he didn't take her to hospital when she was bleeding and ripped up from rape? So someone sneaked into the apartment and beat and raped his baby daughter, and this wonderful loving father never noticed she was barely breathing, bleeding, bruised and unresponsive...AND HER EYE SCOKETS BROKEN...THE SICK SOB .

So is he saying he never changed her diaper, or tried to feed her in the time frame he was alone with her? He thought she was fine? How stupid are these people rallying behind him?

I'm sure he'll get off somehow. They are really playing up the fact that he was a soldier who fought in Iraq. I'm sorry, but I know there are bad soldiers just like there are bad people. When he's found guilty, he'll claim Post traumatic stress disorder or something similar, and get off with a hand smack.
There has to be a special place in He** for scum like this..:furious:
I have always thought I could never kill another human being unless it was to defend my children. Cases like make me rethink who I think I could kill. Seriously...if I could I would kill him.

I could kill him , I'd sleep better at night too. The only thing stopping me is the fear of spending the rest of my life in a cell & away from my family.
Update--10/3/07 (Coleman makes me sick! Must be his attorneys are going to try the mentally incompetent card.)

Baby's dad to get psych testing

Lawyers will seek psychological testing for a Lake Columbia man accused of beating and sexually assaulting his 3-month-old daughter.

The competency exam will postpone the scheduled Oct. 30 preliminary hearing for Kirk Coleman by one to two months, District Judge R. Darryl Mazur said Tuesday.

Snip: Readers from across the nation continue to respond with e-mails and phone calls to the newspaper. A fund for the child continues to gather donations at American 1 Federal Credit Union branches in Jackson County.

More at link
Psych testing! What do they need that for? To see if he's psychologically capable of raping and nearly killing his daughter? Please!
I can see why they would not release her to the mother until this investigation is complete.

"Kirk Coleman, 27, is charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct and first-degree child abuse and is free on a $100,000 bond."

He is actually walking around free; I am floored. Let's see-he is ex-military so I suspect he will be dx'd with some kind of PTSD if he has served any kind of active duty in the last 10 if that could justify brutalizing an infant not to mention your own child. But his defense will be that some kind of addiction issue and his military service contributed. OMG...just when you think you have heard the worst that people can do...

I think his picture should be posted EVERYWHERE, so people know exactly what he stands accused of.
I can see why they would not release her to the mother until this investigation is complete.

"Kirk Coleman, 27, is charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct and first-degree child abuse and is free on a $100,000 bond."

He is actually walking around free; I am floored. Let's see-he is ex-military so I suspect he will be dx'd with some kind of PTSD if he has served any kind of active duty in the last 10 if that could justify brutalizing an infant not to mention your own child. But his defense will be that some kind of addiction issue and his military service contributed. OMG...just when you think you have heard the worst that people can do...

I think his picture should be posted EVERYWHERE, so people know exactly what he stands accused of.

Oh, I agree with you. I don't believe the mother should have custody of the baby! I was just wondering what type of job she has that she wouldn't have noticed something was wrong with the baby much sooner than she did. Does she work 24 hrs and off 24 hrs., etc. That would be the only excuse I can figure out for her not noticing there was a problem sooner than she did. Maybe she did notice, and just didn't do anything about it--who knows at this point.

I just cannot believe they let the father out on bond!!!
Oh, I agree with you. I don't believe the mother should have custody of the baby! I was just wondering what type of job she has that she wouldn't have noticed something was wrong with the baby much sooner than she did. Does she work 24 hrs and off 24 hrs., etc. That would be the only excuse I can figure out for her not noticing there was a problem sooner than she did. Maybe she did notice, and just didn't do anything about it--who knows at this point.

I just cannot believe they let the father out on bond!!!

I just located a few sites that claim to have postings of friends of the Mom's, as well as the father's my space page that still has pictures of the child with her name posted. The "facts" they listed were as follows:
- Dad attacked the baby over a two day period and there is an outside chance there is a video.
- Dad told Mom (first time mother) that baby rolled off a surface (bed or otherwise) onto a hard floor which is why her head and face were bruised and she was fussy about eating. He claimed it was just an accident.
- Dad never left Mom alone with the baby once she was home and stayed close when she took the girl to the ER. He also attempted to cover the signs of the sexual assault which Mom claimed to her "friends" was not obvious until a nurse took off the baby's diaper and shined a bright light onto the girl. Then the mother could see clearly what had been done to her.
- Mom's parental rights have not been terminated, but the child is being fostered elsewhere for her own protection.
- Dad was discharged from the military two years ago.

If you guys can tell me how to post a picture, I will post the picture I found of him during the bail hearing...

I have to go be sick now I think.
believe09, thank you for all of the information! I wish I could direct you on how to post pictures, but I can't do it myself! I hope someone comes along and helps you out with instructions.

This case really does makes me sick. I wonder if the father was into child *advertiser censored* and was sexually assulting the baby and transmitting it over the internet!

Please post any information you come across. I used to live in Jackson, Michigan, but I don't know the father or his family. I don't know the mother's name. I wish I knew her maiden name.
These are her injuries as reported by the Jackson Citizen Patriot, and a few other media outlets I have read:
"She has three skull fractures, 11 broken ribs, both eye sockets are broken, she has two femur fractures and two tibia fractures -- 17 broken bones.

She could pull through but will have neurological deficits.

The mother (who is married to Coleman) returned to work Thursday, leaving the baby with Coleman. Coleman is believed to have beat and raped the 3 month old girl over a 2 day period."

17 broken bones and a 2 day violent rape, yet she was taken off a ventilator smiling and responding beautifully to appropriate stimuli as well as being able to feed. A flat out miracle in my opinion. It is STUNNING that Coleman was bonded out. It's too bad something like this doesn't qualify you instantly for DP or life/no parole/ general population with a tattoo on your forehead "I raped my 3 month old daughter." Sorry if that comment was distasteful to some.

I also read an update that Coleman confessed he began the sexual abuse of his daughter when she was 2 months old. Yes, you read that correctly.

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