MI - Nevaeh Buchanan, 5, Monroe, 24 May 2009 - scooter abandoned - #4

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Hi all,
Guess I'm new here, but have been on lots of other crime/justice sites on the web. Took me awhile to get on websleuths but let's get to some sleuthing on what's always a sad case.
When I did a profile for the Nevaeh case a week ago it came out that, assuming the abduction report wasn't false, and the mother/caregivers had nothing to do with it, then a Monroe local did it, who was a situational molester (he'll do it if the situation/ circumstances are right), whose alcohol content on the middle day of the holiday weekend was up, and his inhibitions (those he had) were down. I proposed he'd have a record for child sex or similar crimes, or if no record, be known to those he knew as a molester or suspected molester. That he was there that Sunday for some other reason, off work, lives there, visiting, hangs around the playground behind the parking lot on school days, and as above was drinking.
Now of course we have the body found about 9 mi. west of the town, 11 mi. from the abduction site. The body area is so rural, off the main track, that again olny a local, would know of it, or even think of going there. In fact this offender felt so at home and comfortable at the spot, he took time to mix and pour conrete there, and was so fond of the Rasin river stream, he made the shallow grave, and poured the concrete only 'inches' away from the waters edge (which ruined the concrete). So, not only is it most likely a Monroe local, but a locals local, who knew this out of the way site so well that his relatives or he himself may own rural property there (he had to get the cement/tools from somewhere). As the site is usually only known to local fishermen, we can suppose besides being local, he fishes too.
Well, maybe all this was said before on the forum, but like I said, I'm new.

Welcome to WS.

So to summarize we are looking for someone exactly like the egg donors (sorry I just can't call her a Mom) RSO boyfriend? Right down to the fishing habits?
Kit-Kat bar? Sorry couldn't resist. It's not funny

LOL! Ok, I couldn't pass this one by. And, yes, it is off topic. Sorry. I usually lurk, on the C. Anthony case, as I live here in Central FL, but I have also been following this case the last few days. They are not saying anything on the news about it. First heard about it on N. Grace a few nights ago.

Anyway, my id name is Kitkatbahr, cause my last name is Bahr with the h. Still pronounced the same way as the candy bar. First name, you can guess. I use this name on lots of things! My husband thought it up for me. I liked it, and it kind of stuck!

That is not enough proof in and of itself.
They would still need to collect the supporting evidence that it actually happened. A ripped up letter might make her look like a loon but it doesn't mean she gave it to him, made the offer or followed through.

It has not been reported in any of the media that there was a letter written by JB offering to trade Nevaeh for a drug debt. What was reported is JB's statement that the letter did not mention Nevaeh at all. If the rumor (and that's all it is at this point) of the drug debt letter was true, I have no doubt that LE would have found some reason to arrest JB and hold her until they have this whole thing sorted out.
Did I just hear correctly on FOX 2 that she had no visible trauma outside or inside?
Welcome to WS and excellent first post, Prof! :clap::clap::clap:

The AA wasn't issued until the next morning, IIRC (I think the article is wrong). The 911 call came in at 8:15pm. The rest of it appears to be about right tho! :)

It is the first time I heard of this neighbor. Very interesting. I also agree if the scooter was leaning against the building instead of tossed aside like a child would do...then she was not riding the scooter when she went missing as reported by JB.

To throw another hitch in the timeline there is this:
"I want to move. I want to move out. I do not feel safe here any longer because it hit so close to home," said Richard Hammac, neighbor. Hammac saw little Nevaeh riding her scooter hours before she disappeared http://www.toledoonthemove.com/news/...aspx?id=304754
Welcome to WS and excellent first post, Prof! :clap::clap::clap:

The AA wasn't issued until the next morning, IIRC (I think the article is wrong). The 911 call came in at 8:15pm. The rest of it appears to be about right tho! :)

It is the first time I heard of this neighbor. Very interesting. I also agree if the scooter was leaning against the building instead of tossed aside like a child would do...then she was not riding the scooter when she went missing as reported by JB.

It's also been reported that the scooter was found lying in the school parking lot.

Once again, off to find the link.
It's also been reported that the scooter was found lying in the school parking lot.

Once again, off to find the link.
No need, CW. We know there have been different accounts again. The press just cannot seem to get their stories straight on this case. :crazy: Until it comes from LE, we won't be able to square it up.

Besides...I said IF it was...
I hope that LE takes a hard long look into mommy and grandma. I know grandma works and took care of Neveah, but that little precious child was definately being abused before she was murdered. She had dead eyes which I've seen too too often. It broke my heart to see her eyes. Grandma couldn't watch her 100% of the time and from I recall mommy was to have supervised visitation (or was this rumor mill I heard on TV?) Regardless, mommy, daddy, grandma, whomever, someone wasn't protecting this child before death. I could be wrong, she could just be very sad in all her pics, but I know the look of abuse, and she had it. I hope there is legislation that changes our sentencing and classification system of child/sexual perps.. pedophiles should get life since we know they can't be rehabed. Sexual predators should get a mandatory 20-life because they will reoffend and with more violence the next time. Keep'em out of society as long as possible. If they were violent and sexual predators, throw'em in for life. Let every burglar go free and fill the prisons with these sick sob's. Oh, this case hits far too close to home.
Here is more information on JB, GK, and SH:

McMullen, a family friend, said she has organized search groups every day since Nevaeh's disappearance and Jennifer Buchanan, Nevaeh's mother, has joined her on some trips.

Sherry Buchanan said her daughter had been in and out of the apartment Sunday and the windows were open, but she heard nothing until a friend of Nevaeh's asked where she was.

"If Nevaeh would've yelled, Jennifer would have heard her," Buchanan said as she stood with her son, Michael, and Nevaeh's father.


One of those is a friend of Nevaeh's mother, George Kennedy, 39, who was in custody Wednesday on an unrelated parole violation. Kennedy, whose last known residence was a Monroe motel, is a registered sex offender who was released from prison in 2003 after serving time for fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.


Shane Hinojosa lives in Toledo, Ohio, but has been staying in a tent on the apartment grounds since learning of his daughter's disappearance. He admits he hasn't seen his daughter in years and said he is risking arrest by being in Monroe County, where warrants have been issued against him for failure to pay child support.

He said the family is setting aside differences while they search for Nevaeh



(At least some people can do the right thing for the sake of their missing child.)

One correction. Kennedy was released in 2007, not 2003. He served 5 years total.

In 2002, Kennedy was sentenced to 15 years in prison for home invasion and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct.
He was released in 2007 and remains on parole until July 2009.

ETA: forgot link
No need, CW. We know there have been different accounts again. The press just cannot seem to get their stories straight on this case. :crazy: Until it comes from LE, we won't be able to square it up.

Besides...I said IF it was...

Good, I didn't want to do the searching. I find the account of the scooter found at the school to be interesting though because it might help explain why LE is so interested in questioning the 2 boys who were playing there and the mother in the silver van with the two children.
Does anyone know if Fox 2 reported that she had no visible trauma inside ot out?
I think he was released at some point and was sent back for a parole violation.

He served time for home invasion, was released, and then was locked up for the sex crimes. The media is blending the two charges together, but they were separate crimes with separate sentences.
Thanks, Prof. The rumor mill seems to be quite busy today.

You are welcome. If the people who are paid to get stories straight (mainstream media) are having trouble with this one, no wonder the rumor mill here is prolific...

Disclaimer: I am not in teaching mode here.
I tell students every hour of every day, back up ALL assertions with evidence and track that evidence. I remind students that if we cite or link everything we not only can quell rumors or questionable information to the best of our ability, we participate in an accurate recording of history. (Sorry! School is out for summer! :crazy:)
These forums do an excellent job of the above for the most part. A+ :clap:
Does anyone know if Fox 2 reported that she had no visible trauma inside ot out?

I have not heard this. However, unless it comes from LE I wouldn't put any merit behind it. It seems that there are many different reports coming out... We will have to wait for word from LE.
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