MI MI - Paige Renkoski, 30, Fowlerville, 24 May 1990

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I just read about this PR case from 1990. This is definitely one of the many more obscure missing persons cases out there.

It seems that whatever happened to PR occurred after she stopped on the side of the road & was talking to two men. Given that her car (when it was found later) didn't seem to have any mechanical problems, why did she stop on the side of the highway?! Typically people don't do this unless their car is acting up. It's possible she stopped to help these two because their car appeared to be stalled?!

By all accounts, when her car was looked at - it wasn't reported that there were any signs of foul play inside. So, I suspect she was taken under duress from that area in another car - possibly with the men that were seen with her. I.e., I don't believe that she would have left both her shoes & her purse in her car - unless she was taken by force.

Extremely puzzling. Unfortunately, I don't think PR is with us anymore.
Given that her car (when it was found later) didn't seem to have any mechanical problems, why did she stop on the side of the highway?!
Yes that is a question many people have asked over the years. Unfortunately no one knows for sure why Paige pulled over to the shoulder of the highway. This was 1990, so there were no cell phones to call for assistance and no video security cameras in use.

From what I recall based on media reports it's not known whether the minivan was parked along the highway and Paige stopped to offer assistance in some way, or whether someone from the van flagged her down and convinced her to pull over. The witness statements indicate the last known sighting of Paige was during a conversation with the men from the minivan.

By all accounts, when her car was looked at - it wasn't reported that there were any signs of foul play inside
Correct. In fact I believe Paige's car was still running when LE arrived at the scene several hours later. There was no reported mechanical damage to the vehicle, and the photos released to the public show no obvious damage or evidence of foul play inside the car. At the time I believe LE considered Paige's car to be an abandoned vehicle rather that a potential crime scene.

MOO, but it seems likely that Paige was convinced, or perhaps forced, to enter the minivan.

Other than one of the men reportedly touching her shoulder there are no witness statements indicating that Paige was being physically forced into the van. However, this entire scenario took place alongside a highway, with vehicles moving at highway speeds, so it's possible a small or concealed weapon of some kind could have been involved without the passing drivers noticing anything unusual.

It's not clear how long the minivan was parked alongside the highway, and I don't recall any MSM reports about LE ever finding the actual minivan. We know Paige's car was towed away and impounded by LE for some time.

Many, many questions in her disappearance but very few answers.
Yes that is a question many people have asked over the years. Unfortunately no one knows for sure why Paige pulled over to the shoulder of the highway. This was 1990, so there were no cell phones to call for assistance and no video security cameras in use.

From what I recall based on media reports it's not known whether the minivan was parked along the highway and Paige stopped to offer assistance in some way, or whether someone from the van flagged her down and convinced her to pull over. The witness statements indicate the last known sighting of Paige was during a conversation with the men from the minivan.

Correct. In fact I believe Paige's car was still running when LE arrived at the scene several hours later. There was no reported mechanical damage to the vehicle, and the photos released to the public show no obvious damage or evidence of foul play inside the car. At the time I believe LE considered Paige's car to be an abandoned vehicle rather that a potential crime scene.

MOO, but it seems likely that Paige was convinced, or perhaps forced, to enter the minivan.

Other than one of the men reportedly touching her shoulder there are no witness statements indicating that Paige was being physically forced into the van. However, this entire scenario took place alongside a highway, with vehicles moving at highway speeds, so it's possible a small or concealed weapon of some kind could have been involved without the passing drivers noticing anything unusual.

It's not clear how long the minivan was parked alongside the highway, and I don't recall any MSM reports about LE ever finding the actual minivan. We know Paige's car was towed away and impounded by LE for some time.

Many, many questions in her disappearance but very few answers.

This is a haunting case--- for which I am afraid we may never have answers to.
From what I recall based on media reports it's not known whether the minivan was parked along the highway and Paige stopped to offer assistance in some way, or whether someone from the van flagged her down and convinced her to pull over. The witness statements indicate the last known sighting of Paige was during a conversation with the men from the minivan.

Correct. In fact I believe Paige's car was still running when LE arrived at the scene several hours later. There was no reported mechanical damage to the vehicle, and the photos released to the public show no obvious damage or evidence of foul play inside the car. At the time I believe LE considered Paige's car to be an abandoned vehicle rather that a potential crime scene.

MOO, but it seems likely that Paige was convinced, or perhaps forced, to enter the minivan.

Other than one of the men reportedly touching her shoulder there are no witness statements indicating that Paige was being physically forced into the van. However, this entire scenario took place alongside a highway, with vehicles moving at highway speeds, so it's possible a small or concealed weapon of some kind could have been involved without the passing drivers noticing anything unusual.

It's not clear how long the minivan was parked alongside the highway, and I don't recall any MSM reports about LE ever finding the actual minivan. We know Paige's car was towed away and impounded by LE for some time.

Many, many questions in her disappearance but very few answers.

Yes, I agree that this all makes sense. This is pure speculation here, but it completely fits: PR could have stopped on the side of the road in order to offer assistance - because it appeared like the two men were having car problems. However, it could very well have been a ruse on their part - so that they could rob/kidnap anyone who stopped for them. I.e., since their van seemed to be OK from a mechanical stand-point (since it wasn't found near her car, and wasn't found later), then presumably they drove away without an issue.

If this is indeed what happened, I find it odd (but still definitely plausible) that PR would have stopped in such a situation. Even though this occurred during the day, as a woman who was driving alone - she should have been especially concerned about this type of thing. However, she may have just seen someone she thought was in need & decided to help. If this is the case, it's unfortunate that her act of altruism ended in her vanishing.

That all being said, the lack of cell phones in the early '90's is probably important here as well. I.e., PR may have stopped for the other car because she knew that - if they were actually in distress - they wouldn't have had a way to all anyone for assistance. Conversely, these days almost everyone has a cell phone.
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Part 2 (I didn't want to make the last post too long):

I agree that the eye-witnesses re: her last sighting on the side of the highway couldn't have seen all of the details re: what happened here. Someone that is driving by on a highway @ a high rate of speed (even if they're a passenger) is not going to be able to study a situation. They're going to see something very briefly & that's it.

I suspect that the alleged "sightings" of PR (after she vanished) were red herrings. Again, this is just IMO.

The money in her bank account(s) didn't seem to be touched after she vanished.
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From my work on the case there was no robbery. Yes, her purse and shoes were left behind in the car. Her accounts remained untouched
I think someone flashed a badge at her and pointed that she should pull her car over. Her father was (no longer at the time of her disappearance) a cop. She would respect the badge.
From my work on the case there was no robbery. Yes, her purse and shoes were left behind in the car. Her accounts remained untouched
I think someone flashed a badge at her and pointed that she should pull her car over. Her father was (no longer at the time of her disappearance) a cop. She would respect the badge.

Thanks for the clarification. I've gone back & edited my post.

And, if robbery wasn't the primary motive here - that makes this whole situation that much worse. Horrible.
From my work on the case there was no robbery. Yes, her purse and shoes were left behind in the car. Her accounts remained untouched
I think someone flashed a badge at her and pointed that she should pull her car over. Her father was (no longer at the time of her disappearance) a cop. She would respect the badge.
That scenario makes sense
I was just thinking that the disappearance of this woman has not beeN featured on a program like
Disappeared or a number of other shows that feature very cold cases-- Paula Zahn has several
Cases that are unsolved for over 30 years!
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Nina’s podcast is very interesting and informative. Anyone interested in Paige’s disappearance might want to give it a listen.
I will try to watch that but dont you think there is more exposure on a TV program?
I could be wrong since I rarely listen to podcasts
Just heard Nina's Missing in Michigan - Paige Renkoski podcast. Excellent & very thorough. Hearing this has changed my opinion re: what I think happened in this case. Obviously, all of this is just MOO:

-I now believe that PR was possibly coerced into pulling over on the side of the highway by a person/persons who were pretending to be people in authority. I don't think she pulled over to help anyone - that theory never really made a lot of sense to me, anyway. Based on the podcast, I now also suspect she may have been targeted. As was suggested, it's possible that the perps. saw a young blonde woman driving alone & decided to get her to pull over...very possibly by "badging" - as was suggested.

-If PR was drinking in her car (which it seems she was) - and if she was visibly doing this when she was told to pull over, it's possible she thought she was going to get in trouble, etc. So, she may have felt she had to. Or, if she wasn't obviously drinking at that specific time - maybe she thought they were having her pull over due to speeding, etc. In any case, I do believe she was definitely coerced to do this.

This would also explain why eyewitness accounts (who saw her on the side of the highway) mentioned that she looked "upset", etc.

-In the podcast, it was mentioned that PR had an interaction with a man @ a rest-stop prior to her stopping on the side of the high-way (a witness apparently called this in after she vanished). First of all, we're not 100% certain this was PR that the witness saw. But, even if it was - I don't necessarily think her vanishing & this interaction were connected. Obviously, though - there is no way to be sure about this.
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Part 2 of my additional thoughts re: this case (again, didn't want to make the last post too long):

-Re: PR's car engine still being on (when the car was found abandoned later) & her shoes/purse being in the car:

Typically the first thing anyone does when they stop/park their car anywhere (to get out) is turn off the engine. However, in this case - it's possible that she was so flustered/nervous re: this encounter that she didn't think to turn off the engine & left her purse in the car.

I also wonder if the shoes being off meant she had been driving without her shoes on for some reason. If so, maybe she didn't take time to put them back on when she got out of the car?!

As I mentioned in a previous post & going along with this - I believe that since her purse/money (if she had any) seems to have been untouched, robbery definitely doesn't look like a motive here. Very horrific & unsettling.

-Another theory: Some suspect that PR was involved in a minor accident & pulled over because of this. From the research I've done online, there is contradictory information re: the condition of her car when it was found. I.e., in some cases I've read there was no damage to the car; and, in other cases I've read there was some damage to the front end. But, if there was front end damage it's not clear that it happened the day she vanished.
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A tactic sometimes used by car jackers is to bump a target car victim from behind, causing the victim to pull over to inspect for damage, and possibly exchange information with the other driver.
A tactic sometimes used by car jackers is to bump a target car victim from behind, causing the victim to pull over to inspect for damage, and possibly exchange information with the other driver.

I believe somebody got her to pull over-- through using some kind of ruse-- could be someone pretending to be a policeman, or as you suggest, someone bumped her car and got her to pull over: i think whatever happened, she was abducted very quickly.
Have been doing some more research on the case. There are a good # of articles out there - this case is definitely not as obscure as I initially thought. Some additional thoughts/opinions/observations - again, all are obviously MOO only:

I believe somebody got her to pull over-- through using some kind of ruse-- could be someone pretending to be a policeman, or as you suggest, someone bumped her car and got her to pull over: i think whatever happened, she was abducted very quickly.

Very possible. If someone intentionally "tapped" her car from the back in order to get her to pull over, she probably would have. Even if the damage to the back of the car wasn't that bad (and there's no indication that it was) - I can easily see her stopping the car on the side of the highway to talk to the other driver, etc. This would also explain her possibly agitated appearance that eye-witnesses mentioned noticing ATT, etc.
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Another theory/possibility, which is a variation on what's already been discussed: I read that it was raining the day that she vanished. I find this significant, because accidents can & do increase when it's raining due to the slippery roads (especially right after it starts raining), decreased visibility, etc.

So, given the rain/unusually heavy traffic due to an upcoming holiday weekend, etc. - it's possible that PR did accidentally hit someone while driving & this resulted in both drivers pulling over to the side of the road (see below re: the minor front end damage to her car). And, this could have been a complete, honest accident that occurred because the other driver was driving slowly because of the rain. Or, maybe this occurred because someone was intentionally driving slowly so that PR would hit them from behind & then give them an excuse to get her on the side of the road. In either case - the end result was unfortunately the same.

Re: the aforementioned possible damage to the front end of her car - I found an article with some pictures of her car - among many other pics. regarding the case. When you open up the article, go the bottom & there is a gallery with 31 pictures. Scroll over to picture #28. This shows the car from the front. The pic. isn't great - but, it does show some very minor damage to the front bumper. Yes, I understand that this could have been pre-existing (from before the day she vanished) & may not have even been caused by a car accident. I.e., maybe she ran into something in a parking lot, for example. However, it is something to think about.

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Another theory/possibility: I read that it was raining the day that she vanished. I find this significant, because accidents can & do increase when it's raining due to the slippery roads (especially right after it starts raining), decreased visibility, etc.

So, given the rain/heavy traffic due to an upcoming holiday weekend, etc. - it's possible that PR did accidentally hit someone while driving & this resulted in both drivers pulling over to the side of the road. And then, it escalated horribly from there?!

Re: the aforementioned possible damage to the front end of her car - I found an article with some pictures of her car - among many other pics. regarding the case. When you open up the article, go the bottom & there is a gallery with 31 pictures. Scroll over to picture #28. This shows the car from the front. The pic. isn't great - but, it does show some very minor damage to the front bumper. Yes, I understand that this could have been pre-existing (from before the day she vanished) & may not have even been caused by a car accident. I.e., maybe she ran into something in a parking lot, for example. However, it is something to think about.

I think the opposite could very well be true - a purposeful "accidental" hit of her car. Wouldn't be the first time a woman disappeared that way :(

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