GUILTY MI - Ramsay Scrivo, 32, found dismembered, St Clair County, 27 Jan 2014 - #1

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Funny ,I can see her murdering him ,and cutting him up but I cannot seem to picture her cutting him up without the murder part. Even though it would be better for her not to be have murdered him.
It wacks out my thinking to much to think it possible.
I think she was poisoning him. I also hope they take a better look at her husband's death.
I think she was poisoning him. I also hope they take a better look at her husband's death.

DS mentioned that her son believed that "a family friend" might be poisoning him. Methinks that she was talking about herself. RS was a large man and wasn't succumbing to the poison quickly enough for DS. I think that she hastened the process with a mega-dose (by injection) of the poison or another incapacitating substance to finish the job and might have been responsible for her husband's death, as well. :moo:
DS mentioned that her son believed that "a family friend" might be poisoning him. Methinks that she was talking about herself. RS was a large man and wasn't succumbing to the poison quickly enough for DS. I think that she hastened the process with a mega-dose (by injection) of the poison or another incapacitating substance to finish the job and might have been responsible for her husband's death, as well. :moo:

I tend to lean this way, myself. If you also consider the suspicious fire as another attempt on his life, he just wasn't dying fast enough for her. She is a monster in my eyes.
DS mentioned that her son believed that "a family friend" might be poisoning him. Methinks that she was talking about herself. RS was a large man and wasn't succumbing to the poison quickly enough for DS. I think that she hastened the process with a mega-dose (by injection) of the poison or another incapacitating substance to finish the job and might have been responsible for her husband's death, as well. :moo:


Ramsay Scrivo also said he thought someone had implanted a speaker in his tooth and removed a crown in order to remove the speaker.

The doctors who saw Ramsay at that time diagnosed him with psychosis and said he was paranoid.

Ramsay saying he was being poisoned could have been a result of his paranoia.


But in September — after Ramsay Scrivo said he thought someone had implanted a speaker in his tooth and removed a crown in order to remove the speaker — another petition for hospitalization was filed in Probate Court. Doctors diagnosed him with psychosis and said he was paranoid. The petition was dismissed because he was discharged from the hospital, according to court records.

Ramsay Scrivo also said he thought someone had implanted a speaker in his tooth and removed a crown in order to remove the speaker.

The doctors who saw Ramsay at that time diagnosed him with psychosis and said he was paranoid.

Ramsay saying he was being poisoned could have been a result of his paranoia.


very true. or she could have used his paranoia as an opportunity to poison him, knowing that no one would believe him if he went around claiming he was being poisoned.
Also, morphine is not given to anyone as an injectable. It's given in tablet form, either IR or ER (instant release or extended release). If a person cannot swallow then it's given rectally.

& this is known because, how? His mother who ended up chopping him up said so? There is no proof - just her word. No proof of his detox off of morphine (which is nasty and as bad as heroin withdrawal. He would have gone through it at the psych facility)

Also: "Court records say she worked part-time at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit from 1989 to 2004, when she was fired"

Have to disagree. If someone had a terminal illness and was palliative, and their wife was an RN, they very possibly could have been given vials of injectable Morphine to adminster to dying loved one for pain control. Definitely not common to give someone morphine rectally. If someone is in that much pain, rolling them over to give rectally wouldn't make much sense. I worked years of palliative care and we'd never give morphine rectally. If a patient was in intractable pain they were likely on a morphine drip or morphine pump with the ability to receive bolus doses (via pump) as needed.
Son's body was burned, showed signs of strangulation, blunt force trauma

The body of a 32-year-old St. Clair Shores man that prosecutors say was cut up by his mother was burned likely in his bathtub and showed signs of strangulation and blunt force trauma to the head, according to an assistant county prosecutor.

At a Feb. 4 board hearing for Donna Scrivo Assistant Macomb County Prosecutor William Cataldo provided more disturbing details surrounding the murder of her son, Ramsay Scrivo, whose body was dismembered and dumped in St. Clair County by Donna Scrivo late last month, authorities say.

“There were ligature marks on the neck, blunt force trauma to the head and shoulders of the victim,” Cataldo told Judge Mark Fratarcangeli of 40th District Court in St. Clair Shores, according to a transcript of the hearing obtained by The Macomb Daily. “There is blood in her SUV. That SUV was immediately given away after the dumping to Mother Waddles.

“The way that the body was horrifically mutilated, including the decapitation of the head, which is right at the ligature marks, which is right where the asphyxiation occurred and the muscles necessary to make that (cause of death) determination, have been burned as a result of the body being placed likely in the bathtub and set on fire after it was mutilated.”
Looks like Donna tried to burn Ramsey's body first before deciding to dispose of him by throwing him out along the road.

I don't see where they have determined that she killed him yet.

Who would burn a body in a bath tub in a house? The stench would be horrific and probably alert nearby residents quickly (didn't Ramsay live in a townhome/attached house?), smoke detectors would go off or have to be removed, and lots of tubs/enclosures are fiberglass and off-gas. Someone lost their mind here. Or I am missing something.
Who would burn a body in a bath tub in a house? The stench would be horrific and probably alert nearby residents quickly (didn't Ramsay live in a townhome/attached house?), smoke detectors would go off or have to be removed, and lots of tubs/enclosures are fiberglass and off-gas. Someone lost their mind here. Or I am missing something.

Here's a theory:
She attacked Ramsay (maybe while he slept?) by beating him about the head and shoulders. I'm assuming the shoulder trauma was from him having his back turned away from her and moving. He was much taller than Donna, and he likely crawled/moved away after being hit in the head. she could only reach his shoulders.

When she got him down on the ground she then was able to strangle him. Given that trauma to his head would make him disoriented etc, it would be easier for her to then over power him.

I'm guessing she dragged his body to the bathroom to dismember him (the article is a tad confusing) and put him in the bathtub to dismember Ramsay. I'm thinking she may have tried to burn him in the house to cause another house fire - because not only would she get insurance money for the fire but she would get money from Ramsay's death.

I read it as she dismembered him first, but if she tried to burn him first by placing him in the tub ... with his head injury, then it's likely she was going to use the theory that Ramsay (who apparently had used morphine before), fell and bumped his head .. the house caught on fire and he perished in the tub. Again, double insurance payout.

I don't understand the order of operations of dismemberment and then fire, because once his body is discovered in a house fire, they would know he didn't die from the smoke/flames. Either the M.E was able to tell in what order things happened because of how he was cut or because his lungs had soot in them, meaning he was still breathing when the fire was set, unless she specifically told otherwise. Obviously the bathtub would have been a mess of evidence; fire and blood would have been everywhere and I don't think she had enough time to totally clean it all.

This woman is terrible! there's absolutely no way she can say any of this was in self defense.

Another few points I'd like to know:

Donna seems to have a thing for fire, are there any other fires in the past? We know of a house fire but did any fires happen before this, going all the way back to her childhood?

Where is the family pet?

Was there any sexual abuse between her and her sons? I hate to take it there but something was obviously off.
Here's a theory:
She attacked Ramsay (maybe while he slept?) by beating him about the head and shoulders. I'm assuming the shoulder trauma was from him having his back turned away from her and moving. He was much taller than Donna, and he likely crawled/moved away after being hit in the head. she could only reach his shoulders.

When she got him down on the ground she then was able to strangle him. Given that trauma to his head would make him disoriented etc, it would be easier for her to then over power him.

I'm guessing she dragged his body to the bathroom to dismember him (the article is a tad confusing) and put him in the bathtub to dismember Ramsay. I'm thinking she may have tried to burn him in the house to cause another house fire - because not only would she get insurance money for the fire but she would get money from Ramsay's death.

I read it as she dismembered him first, but if she tried to burn him first by placing him in the tub ... with his head injury, then it's likely she was going to use the theory that Ramsay (who apparently had used morphine before), fell and bumped his head .. the house caught on fire and he perished in the tub. Again, double insurance payout.

I don't understand the order of operations of dismemberment and then fire, because once his body is discovered in a house fire, they would know he didn't die from the smoke/flames. Either the M.E was able to tell in what order things happened because of how he was cut or because his lungs had soot in them, meaning he was still breathing when the fire was set, unless she specifically told otherwise. Obviously the bathtub would have been a mess of evidence; fire and blood would have been everywhere and I don't think she had enough time to totally clean it all.

This woman is terrible! there's absolutely no way she can say any of this was in self defense.

Another few points I'd like to know:

Donna seems to have a thing for fire, are there any other fires in the past? We know of a house fire but did any fires happen before this, going all the way back to her childhood?

Where is the family pet?

Was there any sexual abuse between her and her sons? I hate to take it there but something was obviously off.

Could all well be the case. Perhaps I'm assigning more 'intelligence' to Donna, as a nurse, than to believe torching a large man in a tub would net the goal of insurance money. Something just doesn't add up for me. Well, lots of things don't add up. ;-)
I'd definitely say delving into fire(s) and poisoning/medications slipped to the son and husband are *really* important.
What a horror.
Could all well be the case. Perhaps I'm assigning more 'intelligence' to Donna, as a nurse, than to believe torching a large man in a tub would net the goal of insurance money. Something just doesn't add up for me. Well, lots of things don't add up. ;-)
I'd definitely say delving into fire(s) and poisoning/medications slipped to the son and husband are *really* important.
What a horror.

I agree with you 100%. I was just tossing out an idea where the bathtub may make sense (but as you can see, it still sounds far-fetched). I think this woman has done something homicidal before - and I only think that because she was too calm and collected/methodical (albeit sloppy because I believe she felt certain she wouldn't get caught - that she was smarter than LE) through out this entire thing.
This is just horrific.

It sounds like Ramsey's death was a long, drawn out process of beating and then a coup de grace of strangulation when he could no longer defend himself but still wouldn't stop breathing. Women very rarely strangle adult males because it takes a lot of strength.

Plenty of time and opportunity there to stop and let him live. Sounds like someone really wanted him dead. What a wicked crime.
I wonder if Ramsey was already in the tub when he was attacked, and perhaps someone had followed the Drew Peterson/Kathleen Savio trial? Perhaps trying to stage a scene of drug use, followed by a 'slip' in the tub, 'accidental' knock on the head and drowning?

But then it all went wrong when Ramsey didn't die easily.....

I can't imagine one person being able to lift Ramsey up into a tub after death, unless it was one of those set into the floor and he was dragged in.
I wonder if Ramsey was already in the tub when he was attacked, and perhaps someone had followed the Drew Peterson/Kathleen Savio trial? Perhaps trying to stage a scene of drug use, followed by a 'slip' in the tub, 'accidental' knock on the head and drowning?

But then it all went wrong when Ramsey didn't die easily.....

I can't imagine one person being able to lift Ramsey up into a tub after death, unless it was one of those set into the floor and he was dragged in.

According to the article I posted yesterday there was blood all over the condo. To me this means that Ramsey was possibly attacked and surly dismembered somewhere other than in the tub.

I think Donna dismembered Ramsey's body in order to move him easier. She then moved the body parts to the tub where she tried to burn them. I think she tried to burn the body parts hoping the body would be reduced to ash which would be easier to dispose of. When that didn't work so well she decided to bag up the body in garbage bags and dispose of the body where she did.

It wouldn't surprise me if Donna planned on torching the condo to cover up any evidence, but didn't get that far.


Cataldo, chief of homicides for Prosecutor Eric Smith, also talked about blood found inside Ramsay Scrivo’s condominium near Jefferson Avenue and Marter Road in St. Clair Shores where mother and son were residing at the time of the murder as her Rosedale Street home was under repair following a fire last summer.

“There’s blood all over the condo that she moved into,” he said.
Prosecutor: Dismembered body of St. Clair Shores man likely place in bathtub, burned

Cataldo said Ramsay Scrivo’s body was likely placed in a bathtub and set on fire after it was mutilated.
In seeking a higher bail, Cataldo also discussed Scrivo’s finances, saying she is a flight risk. He said she has a house on Rosedale in St. Clair Shores worth $150,000, had received $175,000 in insurance benefits after her husband died in May and had withdrawn $8,000 from a bank account before being arrested Jan. 31.
Defense attorney Mark Haddad of Clinton Township acknowledged that Donna Scrivo, who was born in Texas but has lived in St. Clair Shores since 1980, had a house but that it is being rebuilt after a fire last summer.

“She’s not a wealthy woman by any means. These are certainly modest assets,” Haddad said, noting that other than a 2005 shoplifting case, Donna Scrivo has a “pristine” criminal record.

Donna Scrivo told the judge that she did get the policies Cataldo referenced.

“And um, I was a little off, I do have probably $900 to $1,000 in a checking account and I have … $1,000 in a safety deposit box, and I have a 2012 Ford Escape,” she told the judge.

What happened to $175,000 between the life insurance payout and January? That's a LOT of money to blow through so quickly.
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