MI MI - Raven Jeffries, 7, Detroit, 4 August 2006

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I still think the brother is involved in some way. It's just a hinky meter thing.
englishleigh said:
I still think the brother is involved in some way. It's just a hinky meter thing.

Really Leigh? What's doing it? The fact that they took stuff out of the house to test?
According to this article at America's Most Wanted Raven was riding her bike when she disappeared at 8pm. Other articles say she was on the porch when she went missing at 7pm. When the story was first posted on clickondetroit, she was said to be "just outside the front door of her own home." The Detroit Free Press says she was, "playing in her west-side neighborhood."

Why so many different versions of what she was doing?
I hadn't read this before.....kind of a creepy coincidence:

Raven is to enter second grade at nearby Priest Elementary School in a few weeks. Her family describes her as a shy, polite child who loves to ride her bike and play outside.

That's what she was doing Friday evening when her mother walked down to the store to buy a bag of charcoal and lighter fluid for a barbecue.


From that same article:
Tate said Raven was last seen by herself, three doors down from her home at her brother's house.

Yet another version of what Raven was doing when she vanished.
Jeana (DP) said:
Really Leigh? What's doing it? The fact that they took stuff out of the house to test?

I don't know. I can't say for sure...it's a big buncha things. I just have felt weirded out about the brother since this started.
Here is an article from a local paper.


Part of the article........
Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said in a news conference Monday afternoon that police suspect more than one individual in the homicide and no one, including family members, has been ruled out as a suspect.

She said information pertaining to various figures is being kept close to the vest to avoid tipping anyone off.

Detroit police are questioning a man from Taylor in connection with the death of 7-year-old Raven Jeffries of Detroit.The man's truck has been confiscated by police.No one has been ruled out as a suspect, police said.

Jeffries was killed after she disappeared from her home on McDonald Street on Aug. 4.Happy's Ice Cream in Detroit has started a memorial fund to help pay for funeral costs.You can also make a money donation to any Comerica Bank.
Is Taylor close to where Raven lived? I'm sorry but I don't know Detroit.
Shadow205 said:
Is Taylor close to where Raven lived? I'm sorry but I don't know Detroit.

Yes, Taylor, Romulus (where body was found) and Detroit are close to each other. I think they are all right next to each other, however I could be wrong. Taylor and Detroit are large cities.
Taylor and Romulus are both Suburbs of Southwest detroit. Metro airport is in Romulus. Both are also located a straight route down i-94 (larger freeway)from where she disappeared from.

For two days, scores of people, relatives, friends and strangers, streamed into the chapel where they filed past floral arrangements flanking a small white casket beneath a large mounted photograph of Raven.


thers who came to say goodbye to Raven knew her as the little girl on the block who they watched grow up from a baby. They were of different races, ethnic groups, and ages but they all expressed love for her.

“I’ve been knowing the girl since she was two years old,” Nakia Prather, 31, of Detroit said. “That’s the neighborhood’s baby. She knows she was loved by a lot of people.”

more at the link http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=200660821017
I'm glad that Raven was so loved by so many people. Makes a person want to just cry when reading things like that though. So sad.

I wonder if the reports of where she was last seen are coming from neighbors? Her mom wasn't there so she wouldn't know...her brother wasn't there so he wouldn't know. He said that he told her to stay on the porch but that doesn't mean that is where she stayed. If she loved to ride her bike maybe she was riding it right around her house. I wonder if the ice cream truck came by and she wanted some ice cream but didn't have any money and he coaxed her into the truck with the promise of giving her a ice cream.
If she bought ice cream from him quite often she would look at him as a friend and not be afraid of him. That is just the way little kids think.

I don't want to think that her brother was involved. I don't see any red flags going up over the brother. The ice cream man could have taken her and then involved another person after he got her somewhere else. Whoever did this to this beautiful little girl has to be caught and punished. You might know that a pervert would sell ice cream to little kids. I had never even connected that with perverts but it makes sense.
englishleigh said:
I don't know. I can't say for sure...it's a big buncha things. I just have felt weirded out about the brother since this started.

I'm with you Englishleigh. My hinky meter went off before the brother showed his violent side. I'm not sure why either, except just a strong gut reaction to him being in charge of her and his age. I don't usually have such a strong reaction and wish I could put it into words too.

The latest article seems to indicate the police may believe drugs are involved. Is it possible brother was involved and this is payback for a deal gone bad or police suspect little Raven was given drugs. Was brother buying or selling? They are asking for someone who may have been in the area to buy drugs (from brother?) to come forward and give information they may have seen. What would they see? Him mistreating sister? Having her try the drug to assure it was safe?

Am I just way off base and brother not involved at all. I still wonder why I have this strong feeling about it. Hopefully we will know for sure one way or the other and the person or persons who did this will be brought to justice.

I think it is an understatement to say "...whoever killed Raven has "severe mental problems" and that officers and those at the crime lab have a sense of urgency about this case." State the obvious.
Me too, Shadow. It sounded as if the DPD was very close to making an arrest weeks ago. I wonder what happened.

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