GUILTY MI - Renisha McBride, 19, shot while trying to get help, Detroit, Nov 2013

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i was wondering...who actually answers a door with a loaded weapon? and if you are in fear of an intruder (as this guy claims he was) wouldn't the most logical thing would be NOT to answer the door and call the cops?

is very likely that she might have suffer concussion and was disorientated. i don't understand how he can justify to himself the shooting a defenseless teen because he "thought" he was being broken in.

"who actually answers a door with a loaded weapon?"


Years ago, when I lived waaayyyy out in the boonies on a farm, I had a house full of young children and a husband who worked nights. We lived so far off the beaten track it would take half an hour, or more, for any help to get there.

So, yes, I always answered the door late at night with a loaded shotgun.

I understand Detroit is close to the top on the murder stats, and I heard/read somewhere, video maybe, that in some areas LE won't even come. If I lived in Detroit, you can bet your bippy I'd answer the door with a loaded gun.

My opinion only
I also wonder if the deceased was maybe attacked after her accident. It's heartbreaking knowing we wont know what happened to her. :(
"who actually answers a door with a loaded weapon?"


Years ago, when I lived waaayyyy out in the boonies on a farm, I had a house full of young children and a husband who worked nights. We lived so far off the beaten track it would take half an hour, or more, for any help to get there.

So, yes, I always answered the door late at night with a loaded shotgun.

I understand Detroit is close to the top on the murder stats, and I heard/read somewhere, video maybe, that in some areas LE won't even come. If I lived in Detroit, you can bet your bippy I'd answer the door with a loaded gun.

My opinion only

It didn't happen in Detroit. It happened in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.
People need to learn to dial 911 before grabbing their weapon and confronting whoever might be at their front door.

ITA. To be honest, I would see it differently if she had actually gotten into his house and then he shot her. I could see him possibly fearing for his life then. But she was OUTSIDE when he shot her, which is completely different IMO. He could have been holding on to his gun as he called 911 and then waited it out.

It is completely beyond irresponsible IMO to just open the door and shoot. I don't buy for one second that he shot it by accident, btw.

People need to learn to dial 911 before grabbing their weapon and confronting whoever might be at their front door.

Theoretically, I agree. (Now I'm just bouncing off your post, below - nothing directed at you.)

I'm in the Southwest Side of Chicago - outside the city limits (so I'm technically suburban) and I'm a licensed, responsible FOID-cardholder/gun owner. Well-trained. I wouldn't pull out my gun (which is locked and in a safe) unless I had to. HAD TO. MOOOOO

However should someone try my doors at night - should I feel threatened and frightened and knowing the rampant, undiscerning violence that is destroying my fair city - should I think it's at my doorstep? I would call 911.

If I thought they were about to get in, I would take any necessary action possible to keep that invader - and it IS an invader, should they be getting inside my home - to keep them away from my son.

I'm a single, white, Irish Catholic mommy - some people laugh at me for wanting protection - I mean, who is really going to break into a home over here? They say (people from m area.) Yes, I'm less likely to suffer a home invasion in my area (per crime stats) than the neighboring predominantly African-American districts. Chicago is a war zone right now - I come from a long line of Chicago coppers and I feel I need to have the ability to protect my family. I know how to handle a gun, I'm safety certified and I'm a great shot - I also know how to properly store it, and how to call 911 FIRST before taking any action - but I don't want to second guess this situation because all the facts haven't come out.

Maybe he was justified. Maybe in her disorientation she was trying to open the doors and scared the hell out of him. Maybe he was racist. Maybe he wasn't.

All I know for a fact is - this is a tragic case and my prayers are with her family. God bless them all.
who said he answered the door? As I've read it, he responded to someone trying his doors in the middle of the night. He lives in a Detroit suburb. He'd be a fool NOT to have a weapon to go downstairs if someone is trying his doors at 3 a.m. jmo

I agree with your post wholeheartedly. Should someone be knocking on my door for help? It would BREAK MY HEART to call 911 FIRST and wait for LE to give me the go-ahead to open the door and help them. I'm a Mom and my instinct is to HELP.

But that is the not world we live in. I have to call for help FIRST before I can open the door and help myself.

However if I didn't know it was merely an injured party? If I only knew someone was trying the doors on my home? Trying to get INSIDE my house (per the instance/topic of the thread), I would get my weapon (after calling 911.) That's just the reality of the situation. (For me.)


I would also like to note that I respect the banter going back and forth that isn't attacking, on this thread. I love WS. Different points of view - same respect level. Thanks.
The killer isn't even using the "self defense" line (yet...I'm sure that will change), so what's up with the posts and comments saying she might have been trying to break into his home, or he thought she was? Why are some so desperate to provide a defense for the shooter?
The killer isn't even using the "self defense" line (yet...I'm sure that will change), so what's up with the posts and comments saying she might have been trying to break into his home, or he thought she was? Why are some so desperate to provide a defense for the shooter?

Above portion bolded by me.

I don't know what you are referencing - I haven't seen any posts where anyone was attempting to 'provide a defense for the shooter' but, rather, we were discussing subject in it's totality.
The killer isn't even using the "self defense" line (yet...I'm sure that will change), so what's up with the posts and comments saying she might have been trying to break into his home, or he thought she was? Why are some so desperate to provide a defense for the shooter?

Of course that's what he thought. It was 3 a.m. I doubt he just happened to be up at 3 a.m. and shot her for fun.
The killer isn't even using the "self defense" line (yet...I'm sure that will change), so what's up with the posts and comments saying she might have been trying to break into his home, or he thought she was? Why are some so desperate to provide a defense for the shooter?

His attorney brought that up, I think. I posted a link upthread, but she basically said that evidence will show that his actions were justified and that he was acting as a reasonable person would if they were in fear for their lives.

The chief detective, however, told reporters that the homeowner told them that the gun had accidentally discharged.

That's what confuses me. I'm not sure if the media misquoted anyone, but on the one hand you say you were in fear for your life so you shot your gun, but then you say you didn't mean to shoot it and that it went off accidentally. Which is it?

I'm not anti-gun whatsoever. I come from a family of police officers and grew up with multiple guns in my home. I firmly do believe you have every right to protect yourself, especially at your home. I live in the city of Chicago, and just heard gunshots outside of my apartment last week, so I fully understand why you would want to protect your home.

However, I just feel like an innocent young girl was shot and killed and it could have been prevented. I think charges should be brought against the man who killed her and a jury should hear all the facts and decide what his punishment should be (if any).

A family lost their daughter, sister, niece, etc., and it shouldn't just be written off as an accident. People should be allowed to protect themselves, but they need to exercise caution. If a police officer fires his gun, he always has to account for why he did it. It should be the same for this man, IMO.

All just MOO, and I agree that it's great that we can have a discussion about this without anyone getting snarky. :)
Seriously...Detroit is the shooting capitol of the world. There were probably a dozen or more that same evening that didn't involve homeowners in fear for their lives. Why anyone would intentionally live there, I have no idea. But if someone's trying to get in to my house in the detroit area after 3 a.m. I'm the most justified shooter on the block, imo.

She wasn't shot in Detroit, but in some places Dearborn Heights does border Detroit. The only place I will even go near in Detroit is the casino, and Downtown ( covered in police) and only in daylight. Although it sounds like she was on the west side of Detroit. East side is a war zone. Anyone know exactly where in Dearborn Heights she was? Or where the accident in [modsnip] was? I used to work at a Discount Video in Dearborn Heights back in the early 80's when Beta and VHS had just came out. Still a nice city.

I believe it was Kim Worthy who was also on the team who prosecuted the cops who killed Malice Green. I think that was the 1st time I had ever seen her as I followed the trial.
When people are in shock they often do not know what they are doing, which seems to be the case here. Renisha was saying she wanted to go home so a person who understood that someone was calling 911 would have stayed right there and waited for police. She wandered off and was probably trying doors to see if she could get into a home because in her mind she was trying to get home. If this were the case the homeowner who shot her believed she was trying to get into the home because she was not knocking on the door and yelling for help, she could have been trying to open the door. This may be why the homeowner felt threatened. Common sense would have been for the homeowner to stay away from the door and call 911. If she actually broke in and he felt threatened then he could have used his gun. Shooting her directly in the face means the gun was aimed directly at her head I would think. But if she tried to get into the home because of her state of mind he could have considered her as a threat and may not have meant to shoot her but the gun went off out of fear on his part. So that could be the reason for him saying the gun with off accidently. jmo

It could have all been avoided had he not opened the door. I do not think LE would have shot her because it had already been called in that she was missing with a possible head injury.
She wasn't shot in Detroit, but in some places Dearborn Heights does border Detroit. The only place I will even go near in Detroit is the casino, and Downtown ( covered in police) and only in daylight. Although it sounds like she was on the west side of Detroit. East side is a war zone. Anyone know exactly where in Dearborn Heights she was? Or where the accident in [modsnip] was? I used to work at a Discount Video in Dearborn Heights back in the early 80's when Beta and VHS had just came out. Still a nice city.

I believe it was Kim Worthy who was also on the team who prosecuted the cops who killed Malice Green. I think that was the 1st time I had ever seen her as I followed the trial.

I just posted a link to an article that says the accident happened in the Detroit City limits. And I've read that the accident was a few blocks from the house. So, assuming both of those things are true it would have been on the border.
When people are in shock they often do not know what they are doing, which seems to be the case here. Renisha was saying she wanted to go home so a person who understood that someone was calling 911 would have stayed right there and waited for police. She wandered off and was probably trying doors to see if she could get into a home because in her mind she was trying to get home. If this were the case the homeowner who shot her believed she was trying to get into the home because she was not knocking on the door and yelling for help, she could have been trying to open the door. This may be why the homeowner felt threatened. Common sense would have been for the homeowner to stay away from the door and call 911. If she actually broke in and he felt threatened then he could have used his gun. Shooting her directly in the face means the gun was aimed directly at her head I would think. But if she tried to get into the home because of her state of mind he could have considered her as a threat and may not have meant to shoot her but the gun went off out of fear on his part. So that could be the reason for him saying the gun with off accidently. jmo

It could have all been avoided had he not opened the door. I do not think LE would have shot her because it had already been called in that she was missing with a possible head injury.

There was a two hour and 10 minute time gap between when the accident happened and the shooting. Surely she wasn't trying people's doors for more than two hours. And she would have gotten further than a few blocks you would think if she was walking all that time. Unless it was around in circles maybe. Maybe she fell asleep somewhere for a while? I can't remember the TOS about comments to news stories (whether we're allowed to paraphrase them or not) but there was one comment about what happened immediately after the accident that makes the most sense to me about a likely scenario under the apparent circumstances.

There was a two hour and 10 minute time gap between when the accident happened and the shooting. Surely she wasn't trying people's doors for more than two hours. And she would have gotten further than a few blocks you would think if she was walking all that time. Unless it was around in circles maybe. Maybe she fell asleep somewhere for a while? I can't remember the TOS about comments to news stories (whether we're allowed to paraphrase them or not) but there was one comment about what happened immediately after the accident that makes the most sense to me about a likely scenario under the apparent circumstances.


I've read many comments under the articles, and many have the same scenario, that I think is "high-ly" possible.JMO
Warrant review underway in the Dearborn Heights shotgun killing of Renisha McBride

DETROIT, MI -- The killing of 19-year-old unarmed Renisha McBride on the porch of a Dearborn Heights home after 2 a.m. Nov. 2 sparked protests and concerns about Michigan's stand-your-ground law, which allows for the use of deadly force if a citizen fears an imminent physical threat.

Wayne County Assistant Prosecutor Maria Miller said the office has begun reviewing the Dearborn Heights Police Department investigation for possible charges against the 54-year-old homeowner who shot McBride in her face.

full article at link ................
Autopsy: 19-year-old Renisha McBride shot in face, not in back of head

The Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office today released the autopsy of Renisha McBride, confirming the 19-year-old was fatally shot in the face, not the back of the head as her family initially had said.

................... snip ........................

Police and the attorney for the homeowner, described as 54, white and living alone, said he told them he thought the woman was breaking into his home in the 16800 block of Outer Drive in the middle of the night. Police said the man, who has not been named, told investigators he accidentally discharged his 12-gauge shotgun.

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