GUILTY MI - Ricky Holland, 7, Williamston, 1 July 2005

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Thank you for the update.
The Detroit area newscast was suppose to have a story on Ricky last night; but they mentioned they would air it another day because of the news of the local people who died on the boat in NY.

The one thing they did mention was for all hunters (as it's now bow-hunting season) are to be on the lookout for anything that might be related to his disappearance (or to look for his body).

Hopefully, they'll air it tonight.
Thank you for the update on Ricky's story.

I read the newest update and that story said that investigators seized a bed comforter. That really does not sound good at all.

About a week ago someone visited the blog and forum I have set up for Ricky, claiming to be the victim's advocate for the family.

She pretty much did damage control on some of the items or questions that were raised.

One question I had raised was why the Holland's had not been in the MSM. Her explaination was that Tim Holland's job is high security. He had to get permission to appear in the local media and his employer forbade him from appearing in the MSM due to security reasons.

I am wondering why Lisa could not appear in the MSM. I don't believe that she has a high security job. As far as any job is concerned, when a child is missing I would think a parent would tell an employer to shove it if they said they could not go on television to help find their child.

One thing that troubled me about this case from the beginning was Lisa stating she left to go to the store at about 8 a.m. "forgot something", returned to the home, told Tim to wake up the children and then she left again.

I just want Ricky found and found alive; but I fear there will be a different outcome.
I wonder why it took three trys to find the comforter? I thought maybe they found his backpack hidden away somewhere in the house when it had been said that he took his backpack and a pair of shoes. If LE had found his backpark hidden in the attic or somewhere like that it would be pretty telling.

You would think if there was DNA on the comforter.. like a lot of blood.. the comforter would have been destroyed before now. Strange. I look forward in finding out where this case is going. I really hope the parents didn't harm this little guy. It does look like that is what LE is thinking though.
Bobbisangel said:
I wonder why it took three trys to find the comforter?

You would think if there was DNA on the comforter.. like a lot of blood.. the comforter would have been destroyed before now. Strange. I look forward in finding out where this case is going. I really hope the parents didn't harm this little guy. It does look like that is what LE is thinking though.
The second search warrant served, LE seized the two family vehicles as well as the family computer. I am thinking that perhaps when they examined the interior of the family vehicles they found fibers from the comforter. Perhaps this is why they did not take the comforter during the second search warrant as there was no need at that time. Of course we do not know who's bed the comforter belonged on, but I am thinking it was Ricky's. I am also thinking that perhaps when they came to the scene the first time there was no comforter on Ricky's bed. Finding the fibers in the vehicle and then looking at pictures most likely taken at the scene revealed no comforter on Ricky's bed. I am just putting my thoughts out here. I am hoping I am so wrong.
tabloidtrisha said:
The second search warrant served, LE seized the two family vehicles as well as the family computer. I am thinking that perhaps when they examined the interior of the family vehicles they found fibers from the comforter. Perhaps this is why they did not take the comforter during the second search warrant as there was no need at that time. Of course we do not know who's bed the comforter belonged on, but I am thinking it was Ricky's. I am also thinking that perhaps when they came to the scene the first time there was no comforter on Ricky's bed. Finding the fibers in the vehicle and then looking at pictures most likely taken at the scene revealed no comforter on Ricky's bed. I am just putting my thoughts out here. I am hoping I am so wrong.

I wonder if, like you said, there was no comforter on the bed during the first two warrents and then low and behold it was on his bed the third time around. If so, it must have been throughly cleaned before putting it back on the bed. If this theory is true then this is not looking good for the parents or little Ricky.
Police again search missing boy's home
Hollands' lawyer says authorities seized comforter

Published October 5, 2005
By Kelly Hassett
Lansing State Journal

WILLIAMSTON - Police seized a bed comforter Tuesday from the home of missing child Ricky Holland, the family's attorney said.

It's the third time in less than two months that Ingham County sheriff's officials executed a search warrant on the Douglas Avenue home.

Tim and Lisa Holland say they last saw their son - who was 7 at the time - on July 1 when he went to bed.

Neil Rockind, the Hollands' attorney, called the search warrants "a lot of grasping at straws."

"The Hollands have nothing to hide," the Farmington Hills attorney said. "There's nothing malevolent or nefarious or even suggestive of their involvement in anything."

Continued at link:
It has been stated that Ricky had a history of running away....... If my child had the medical and emotional problems that Ricky is said having , and a history of running away, I would have made sure there was some sort of door and window alarms in place. The parents SHOULD HAVE made sure there was no way he could get out without their knowledge..... but I have a feeling the parents know what happen ( and likely had something to do with it). I HOPE I AM WRONG, but so many things are just not right with this. I feel so sad for little Ricky, sounded like he had a rough life , then adopted by people who should have made sure he was loved and safe :(
Police take samples from missing boy's parents
Hair, prints taken from Hollands, who are called 'persons of interest'

For the first time Friday, police described the parents of Ricky Holland as "persons of interest" after executing search warrants at their home for the fourth time in about two months.

Ingham County sheriff's officials took hair samples and fingerprints from Tim and Lisa Holland this time, said their attorney, Neil Rockind.

The Hollands said they last saw their son, who was 7 at the time, on July 1 when he went to bed.

"The Hollands are suffering too much, and I'm sickened by it," Rockind said. "The Hollands' civil rights are being violated."

Rockind said the term "persons of interest" has no definition.

"They're not suspects, so leave them the hell alone," he said.

Continued at link:
LE must have a reason to ask for hair samples, etc. If the parents had nothing to do with Ricky's disappearance then there shouldn't be a problem giving LE anything that they want.

As far as a job keeping me out of the media if my child was missing I say B.S.
I wouldn't imagine that the media want to talk to the father about his job or what it involves. The father's name has been in the media for months now and the employer must realize that. Someone should be standing up and pleading for this little guys return and it should be the parents. All of this nonsense just makes the parents look guilty...IMO
[font=Verdana,Arial]Parents of missing 7 year old now called "persons of interest"[/font]
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(Williamston, October 15, 2005, 9:15 p.m.) The parents of a missing boy from the Lansing area are now being called "persons of interest"

7 year old Ricky Holland disappeared from his home July 2nd, and has not been seen since. Friday investigators served their 4th search warrant to the home in the past 2 months. They took hair samples and fingerprints from both Ted and Lisa Holland.

Ricky Holland's disappearance has sparked massive searches across the state, and even garnered national T.V. exposure.

The above is from Wood TV 8,Grand Rapids,Mi

I say it's about time !!!

Bobbisangel said:
LE must have a reason to ask for hair samples, etc. If the parents had nothing to do with Ricky's disappearance then there shouldn't be a problem giving LE anything that they want.

As far as a job keeping me out of the media if my child was missing I say B.S.
I wouldn't imagine that the media want to talk to the father about his job or what it involves. The father's name has been in the media for months now and the employer must realize that. Someone should be standing up and pleading for this little guys return and it should be the parents. All of this nonsense just makes the parents look guilty...IMO
Below is a comment left on my blog Ricky Holland Vanished from someone professing to be the family victim's advocate. The post was on 9/23/05. I am not sure that she/he is the victim advocate or not but she left several posts on the forum I have for Ricky as well.

"...Ricky's parents have not been silent. Due to the situation of having a foster child in the residence (by law the child had to be shielded from any media coverage)and Tim's job is VERY high security. He had to get permission from his employer just to be allowed to go on local news and speak to local media. He was not allowed to appear in the national media.

Tim and Lisa have been very active in the search for their son Ricky and Tim's employer has printed up tens of thousands of flyers that they have travelled across the state to distribute."

I don't know how active they are.

I live on the east side of the state of Michigan. Only once have I ever heard a single word about Ricky locally (Detroit area). And it was only because I follow missing children's cases that I was able to catch the reference anyway.
Any news/updates on this child? This case bothers me a little more than usual and I don't know why. It just keeps popping into my head!:waitasec:
(I am not too familiar with this case so I hope I have not looked at the wrong map.)
In looking at a map of nearby Williamston area it looked as if there was also a railroad passing nearby. If that's correct I wonder if the trains slow down as they pass by there sometimes-or if it might have just slowed down or stopped one time during the first few days when he went missing.

If there was a train I have to wonder if there was also some transient types riding and are there any transient camps along the rail route.

Also I wonder if anyone looked at old platte maps of the region to see of there are any old springs or wells or cisterns (old homes sometimes had those) or old mines or caves etc mentioned that aren't currently known about.

Late thought:
Too bad no one thought to put up a few of those motion sense cameras to snap picks out in the wooded areas (like the wlderness animal photo buffs sometimes rig up.) They might have caught some pics of the boy.
Hunting season opens in about a week, so maybe something will be found then.

Hard to believe that there is never any news out about him missing.
tabloidtrisha said:
Below is a comment left on my blog Ricky Holland Vanished from someone professing to be the family victim's advocate. The post was on 9/23/05. I am not sure that she/he is the victim advocate or not but she left several posts on the forum I have for Ricky as well.

"...Ricky's parents have not been silent. Due to the situation of having a foster child in the residence (by law the child had to be shielded from any media coverage)and Tim's job is VERY high security. He had to get permission from his employer just to be allowed to go on local news and speak to local media. He was not allowed to appear in the national media.

Tim and Lisa have been very active in the search for their son Ricky and Tim's employer has printed up tens of thousands of flyers that they have travelled across the state to distribute."


I'm sure this is someone related to the family. STILL, I don't buy it for a minute. TOTAL BS! I stewed on this ever since you posted it Tt, and Gimme a break! (Thanks for posting it, though!) NO WAY! NO HOW! There is NO JOB so important as to not being ALLOWED to/get PERMISSION to search for your missing child. To me, that is sooooo lame! Makes 'em look guiltier. If, that's possible...and it surely is!
Sorry, you were put in this family, little one. Praying for the detectives working this, and those that truly loved him.
Searching for Ricky Holland

Posted: November 8, 2005

About 40 police officers mapped out and searched the Ella Sharp Park in Jackson for five hours on Tuesday looking for signs of Ricky Holland.

The search scanned the 560-acre park but turned up nothing.

Lt. Jeff Joy of the Ingham County Sheriff's Office says they were acting off a recently received tip.

Holland's adoptive parents are still considered "persons of interest." It's reported they lived by the park five weeks before Ricky went missing.

The Holland's attorney also released a statement Tuesday restated both Lisa and Tim Holland passed a polygraph test denying involvement with their son's disappearance during the initial investigation. The attorney also says Tim Holland recently passed another polygraph test denying his involvement. That test was administered by another examiner.

In response to this statement, the Ingham County Sheriff's Office has invited the Hollands and their attorney for another interview. At this point, they have refused.
They refused to meet with LE? That isn't a good thing innocent or guilty.

If both parents passed polygraphs that is good. I wonder what LE found at the house besides the comforter that makes them suspect the parents?

I just wish that Ricky could be found. Maybe a hunter will discovery his body.
tabloidtrisha said:
Below is a comment left on my blog Ricky Holland Vanished from someone professing to be the family victim's advocate. The post was on 9/23/05. I am not sure that she/he is the victim advocate or not but she left several posts on the forum I have for Ricky as well.

"...Ricky's parents have not been silent. Due to the situation of having a foster child in the residence (by law the child had to be shielded from any media coverage)and Tim's job is VERY high security. He had to get permission from his employer just to be allowed to go on local news and speak to local media. He was not allowed to appear in the national media.

Tim and Lisa have been very active in the search for their son Ricky and Tim's employer has printed up tens of thousands of flyers that they have travelled across the state to distribute."

Since they brought it up, where does the father work?
The only employers that I can think of with that strict a media policy and that much control over their employees would be the CIA.
Most other employers have realized that a parent with a missing child is not an effective employee and would make exceptions when there is an emergency in their private life. Most employers don't have the type of power required to force an employee to keep quiet in regards to his missing child.
The only power most employers have is a threat against their job if they break the media rule. Possibly they have a contract with the employee and a prohibition against media involvement, but in an emergency like this, most courts would give the family a pass as long as they didn't discuss their job.
So who is the employer, is this the real reason for not talking to the media or is this part of the father's coverup for his own reasons.
Do any of the early articles list any mention of the father's employer? Might be an interesting thing if some investigative media person talked to the employer. See if they would meet with them, or discuss their policies on media contact in regards to personal life.
CIA of course does seem to be the exception to the rule. Due to their own barely hinted at policies of what they do and can do and will do, they do have a lot of control over their agents. Is the father trying to hint that he is an agent of the CIA, and that if he talks about his missing child he could be accused of being a security risk to our country? If so, then is Ricky being missing a result of his father's position? I don't think so, if that was the case then the parents would not be suspects- they wouldn't have their home searched and this would be a federal investigation instead of a local one.
It would be very interesting though to hear from the employer and see what they have to say about their employee using their company and its policies to hide behind.

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