MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #3

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Why are they stopping or scaling back on Fri? Yes, its one week, but stopping so soon?????

I really dont think the family knows where the boys are, and no one has them hidden away to keep them safe. That would be a serious offense, expecially will all the time and people envolved.

IMO, by Friday they've probably searched most of the area that based on information (evidence and possibly LS (still not 100% confirmed yet)) LE believes the boys could be, and if by then they aren't found, they'll take the weekend to look at the statements and evidence again to see if they should focus the search somewhere else.

Its not necessarily a bad thing, sad yes, but if the searches have been based on things that LS has told them and he has been sending them on a wild goose chase, the best thing would be to take a closer look at the physical evidence/other tips.

“According to sources, Morenci Police say John Skelton has admitted to FBI profilers that he killed his sons; however, authorities have decided to hold him on the kidnapping charges at this time.”
Here is one instance of him admitting to killing the boy’s but, there have been others also

“According to sources, Morenci Police say John Skelton has admitted to FBI profilers that he killed his sons; however, authorities have decided to hold him on the kidnapping charges at this time.”
Here is one instance of him admitting to killing the boy’s but, there have been others also

they were such beautiful boys. :furious:
So sad to even think about.. I hope those beautiful little boys are found soon!

Many Prayers to them and their families!
He had time to "think" a little of this out while in the mental ward.
I do not beleive for one second that he does not know EXACTLY where the bodies are. I agree with a previous post that it is still a control issue and he to the very end will deny Tanya to ever see her boys again, alive or deceased.

The child support issue as some has stated was not the reason, it was mentioned that he didnt want to have to pay child support but that is just a peice of it. A man that is controlling and wants full control of the wife and kids.. resents and i mean really resents paying the child support. ( I have an x with control issues)

I wonder why he is fighting extradition if MI is a non dealth penalty state and OH does have the death penalty.. would he not WANT to return to MI??

The wild goose chase he is sending them on maybe he is thinking that all the snow will cover any evidence at this point and make it IMPOSSIBLE to find them.. so he is just really waiting on the true winter weather to kick in with mounds of snow that does not melt in unused land untill spring??? The one thing on that is if they find the bodies later on the snow and cold will preserve and slow the decomposition process.

Who is the friend that took him to hosp? What was his mind set on the way? was he nervous, scared, sad?

Was the Hospitial in Ohio? What is the motive on that one?

I would like to know if any shovels anything of that sort have been recovered from home or vechicle?

I am in Jacksonville knowing that his family is here and condoning his actions make me sick. I would like to ride by their home and see if signs are up to bring the kids home or anything to that extent. I am sure they need to make a "good effort show" to make themself "look" as if they think the boys are alive. I wouldnt ride by there becasue i may want to conduct my own interview. I would like to know if any unmarked police cars etc are around their home.

lets hope all their phones are tapped and they know what is being said to JS.
I'm wondering how the mom and others that loved the boys are holding up.
My sympathies..........it must be the worse thing that can ever happen to someone.
R.I.P. little ones.........
Respectfully, a doctors oath supercedes and the professionals would not release him if he was deemed mentally ill and the jail where he would be housed could not provide appropriate mental health services for him. Kind of like how inmates are sent from jail to the hospital.... I'm sure the suicidal tendencies were a load of crap and no treatment was necessary.

Also, while incarcerated they will have to keep him isolated or as I would like to call it on 'GP watch' - because in the GP he'd likely not make it to trial.

He'll sit in jail for as long as they can hold him on whatever charges they can get to stick until he can be charged with the boys murder after they are found, but imo, the Chicago Cubs will have to supercede the number of Yankees world series wins before JS will ever reveal the boys location.


HEY! You didn't have to bring the Cubs into it. Any team can have a bad century........
I pretty much with everyone here that believes he did this to get back at their mother and/or if he couldn't have them, she wasn't getting them either.

Wondering if this whole charade now is to completely milk all this attention and "fame" he's getting? He's been left by his wife...again (second marriage), out of work, by all accounts a loner, and depressed....a basic nobody. Now he's become the center of all this attention.
I had thought about them being buried, but the ground is likely frozen and has been frozen for at least a few weeks prior to TG. He'd need some kind of machinery to dig into frozen ground. I don't think he would have chosen a burial site so far in advance - prior to the ground freezing -he'd risk someone uncovering it.

just some thoughts....and jmo

No i dont think he would have needed anything but a shovel. Yes, it has been cold here overnights, some nights bitterly so, but also erratic highs for the last 2 weeks or so. (personally I dont think he buried them though, I think he just hid them sloppily- maybe behind an old abandoned barn or covered them with leaves/shrubbery, or perhaps a well) Crazy weather one day it was nearly 70, with a low of 14 like 2 nights later. The ground isnt frozen solid here (or at least it wasnt around Thursday night IMO. ) its snowing out today which Im sure is hampering the search. Just a light dusting, but enough to cover anything =(.
Im getting ready to go tomorrow to take huge kettles of soup with my friend for the searchers. I just got home from the grocery with all the ingredients. And btw, I saw someone ask about what day they were stopping volunteers for searchers...friday is the last day volunteers will do it until it possibly necessitates otherwise. AND...the rumor mill is winding up again on 13abc's comment section within the last hour there are rumors their bodies were found today in water. No idea if it's true, probably not. I have my local tv stations on and no word from them..
There is an acct. set up at a local bank for the family if anyone wants to donate.

I personally would have a hard time donating to an account that does not explicitly say who it is for. I shudder to think of people pouring money into this bank, only to find out that it is for JS or his defense. I notice it said "for the family". Well, that includes JS. I would be happy to donate money for the search, the mother or something in holding for the children. JMHO, of course.

My heart is breaking following this. And I really do fear this "man" may have done something awful to these poor, sweet babies. However, reading through the different media outlets and various comments on them, I am starting to wonder very much if JS didn't hand them off to someone. Every part of me wants these three boys to be found alive. If JS did give them to someone, he is still torturing his wife, what I agree is his only intent here. She is somewhere, right now, living in complete and total misery NOT knowing where he precious babies are, if they are alive or dead, crying for her, needing her, or gone from this Earth. Oh it makes me so sick for her and my prayers are with her and those around her.

His family, through several media outlets, have been so utterly obvious in their complete support of him. They have been quoted many times saying how much they stand by him. But none of them have mentioned concern over the boys, pleaded for their safe return, cried and begged "Joann" to return them, or anything else! Think about your own families, if this were you, your children. Would they not be absolutely, without a doubt be demanding the return or information on the whereabouts of the children?

That fact makes me wonder if the family knows the boys are safe somewhere, and they are allowing JS to play this game with TS out of spite.

If that is true, my question to all the experts here is this :if the family knows the boys are safe, could they be charged with anything once the boys were found?
He had time to "think" a little of this out while in the mental ward.
I do not beleive for one second that he does not know EXACTLY where the bodies are. I agree with a previous post that it is still a control issue and he to the very end will deny Tanya to ever see her boys again, alive or deceased.

The child support issue as some has stated was not the reason, it was mentioned that he didnt want to have to pay child support but that is just a peice of it. A man that is controlling and wants full control of the wife and kids.. resents and i mean really resents paying the child support. ( I have an x with control issues)

I wonder why he is fighting extradition if MI is a non dealth penalty state and OH does have the death penalty.. would he not WANT to return to MI??

The wild goose chase he is sending them on maybe he is thinking that all the snow will cover any evidence at this point and make it IMPOSSIBLE to find them.. so he is just really waiting on the true winter weather to kick in with mounds of snow that does not melt in unused land untill spring??? The one thing on that is if they find the bodies later on the snow and cold will preserve and slow the decomposition process.

Who is the friend that took him to hosp? What was his mind set on the way? was he nervous, scared, sad?

Was the Hospitial in Ohio? What is the motive on that one?

I would like to know if any shovels anything of that sort have been recovered from home or vechicle?

I am in Jacksonville knowing that his family is here and condoning his actions make me sick. I would like to ride by their home and see if signs are up to bring the kids home or anything to that extent. I am sure they need to make a "good effort show" to make themself "look" as if they think the boys are alive. I wouldnt ride by there becasue i may want to conduct my own interview. I would like to know if any unmarked police cars etc are around their home.

lets hope all their phones are tapped and they know what is being said to JS.

Not calling for the execution of their family member for a crime he is not yet even charged with is not condoning anything nor does it in anyway imply that they are co-conspirators who need their phones taped.

They are family- family to the missing boys and the father- if you haven't ever been put in that situation don't condemn. Denial is real and one reason we see it is for self protection. Can you even imagine your son or daughter, your brother killing anyone let alone his own sons- it isn't a reality that many people want to confront willingly.

His family are victims just as the rest of the boys family is- they didn't ask for this they didn't cause it.

(don't mean to sound B#$%^ it is just this type of reaction has always bothered me and I have seen a parents pain and denial close up- it is heartbreaking, sometimes belief in their child is the only thing they have left to cling to.---- I just found out the sweetest neighbor you could ever want died last week- she was an advocate for the homeless and volunteered at the food bank even while fighting the battle with cancer that finally claimed her...so sorry if I'm a bit out of sorts- my pov on things is never an attack on anyone personally.)
Zoebella ask - (post #410)
If that is true, my question to all the experts here is this :if the family knows the boys are safe, could they be charged with anything once the boys were found?
Obstruction of justice, and giving false info to authorities.
Possibly aiding and abetting also

But I am certainly no expert! LOL!
Not calling for the execution of their family member for a crime he is not yet even charged with is not condoning anything nor does it in anyway imply that they are co-conspirators who need their phones taped.

They are family- family to the missing boys and the father- if you haven't ever been put in that situation don't condemn. Denial is real and one reason we see it is for self protection. Can you even imagine your son or daughter, your brother killing anyone let alone his own sons- it isn't a reality that many people want to confront willingly.

His family are victims just as the rest of the boys family is- they didn't ask for this they didn't cause it.

(don't mean to sound B#$%^ it is just this type of reaction has always bothered me and I have seen a parents pain and denial close up- it is heartbreaking, sometimes belief in their child is the only thing they have left to cling to.---- I just found out the sweetest neighbor you could ever want died last week- she was an advocate for the homeless and volunteered at the food bank even while fighting the battle with cancer that finally claimed her...so sorry if I'm a bit out of sorts- my pov on things is never an attack on anyone personally.)

I agree. I can't imagine how it must feel, and how confusing and painful it is. I have seen people 'snap' and do things that their families have never believed they would or could do.
Denial is a subconcious way of coping. It keeps one from thinking the unthinkable.

I'm so sorry about your neighbor. She sounds like such a good spirited person that she went straight to heaven!
Criminals usually like to stay close to the investigation. It gives them a sense of involvement/control (the sociopathic type).

Casey Anthony wanted to be bonded out so she could 'help' (body found yards away).

The guy who hid bodies in a tree (was seen close to the victims vehicle that he moved)

Adam Baker (stayed close to the crime scene even before his check charges).

I could name lots more who inserted themselves into the actual investigation. The one thing the don't fear is Law Enforcement, no fear and no respect, not only do they lie to cover their butts but they lie for lyings sake.

So I wonder if he really did hide the bodies in Ohio and going to MI would take him away from his arena of control (the Ohio investigation)?

He isn't going to tell where the boys are because only the perp would know that fact, his confession means nothing if presented alone in a court of law. LE need more evidence, and finding the boys and the crime scene will put this man away forever. (sooner if I am right and the boys are in Ohio).

They are likely VERY close to the State line, because this guy thinks he's smart and will get to argue which side of the line he put them.

These poor babies are out in the cold, and we need to find them. (I know they are probably safe in the arms of angels by now, but their earthly remains are still exposed to the elements).
OT: Here’s another one!

Just get rid of these people, I could careless what their psychological problems are.
In my mind there are no excuses to harm a child. NONE.

There was another case in Seattle a while back.


Oh, and this one in the UK.


This makes me want to resign from the human race.
Not calling for the execution of their family member for a crime he is not yet even charged with is not condoning anything nor does it in anyway imply that they are co-conspirators who need their phones taped.

They are family- family to the missing boys and the father- if you haven't ever been put in that situation don't condemn. Denial is real and one reason we see it is for self protection. Can you even imagine your son or daughter, your brother killing anyone let alone his own sons- it isn't a reality that many people want to confront willingly.

His family are victims just as the rest of the boys family is- they didn't ask for this they didn't cause it.

(don't mean to sound B#$%^ it is just this type of reaction has always bothered me and I have seen a parents pain and denial close up- it is heartbreaking, sometimes belief in their child is the only thing they have left to cling to.---- I just found out the sweetest neighbor you could ever want died last week- she was an advocate for the homeless and volunteered at the food bank even while fighting the battle with cancer that finally claimed her...so sorry if I'm a bit out of sorts- my pov on things is never an attack on anyone personally.)

Respectfully, I don't think anyone is talking about JS's family calling for his execution or demanding their phones be tapped. My interpretation of the previous discussion regarding the comments from JS's family is that they lack expression for the main focus here - which is the children and locating the children. IMO, their primary concern should be the kids and only the kids. Find the kids first - then go on the record regarding JS. It may be wise for them to get a family spokesperson just to avoid the focus coming off the children and too heavily onto JS. jmo

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. She sounds like she was a wonderful neighbor and friend.
Is that a line around JS's neck?


  • JS in court Dec 01 2010.png
    JS in court Dec 01 2010.png
    419.4 KB · Views: 109
Is that a line around JS's neck?

If it is it looks staged. IMO, it looks thin - perhaps something that he could have caused himself by pulling a thin wire or gold chain on the side of his neck. It's in an awfully strange place as well so far close to the back of his neck, almost like wrapping something around the back of his neck and pulling.

Can someone please tell me what STBX is? TIA! :)
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