MI - Three siblings in juvenile detention for contempt, Pontiac, 9 July 2015

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PR Firm has posted many of the legal documents. See March 4, 2015 Motion Hearing, Mr. Lansat, beginning about Line 14.


Thanks. I see where it says that dad has moved back to Michigan. So did he loose his job, like the judge thought, or is he still working for GM and going to Israel all of the time for work? And why did neither he nor his lawyer correct the judge when she stated that she was sorry about him loosing his job?

I have to say that after reading the entire transcript of that hearing that I dislike this judge even more. She has repeatedly overstepped her bounds as a judge and not as a parent to the children. It is no wonder that the children have no respect for her or her courtroom. Some examples: If the children don't eat when they are at dinner with their father, they get NO food or drink other than water until the next day at breakfast. If the children refuse to speak to their father on Skype they loose ALL electronics including tv, no having friends over or going anywhere, studying only (since their grades are so "horrible"), no phone, no internet, etc.

I don't know who in the hello this judge thinks she is but she has really lost her mind, imo. And that is after only reading ONE of the transcripts. What else am I going to discover when I read more?

ETA: Also not explained was why the younger two children have visitation with dad on one day and the older child has visitation with dad on a different day on the weekends? Why are the kids being separated during the visitation time?
Thanks. I see where it says that dad has moved back to Michigan. So did he loose his job, like the judge thought, or is he still working for GM and going to Israel all of the time for work? And why did neither he nor his lawyer correct the judge when she stated that she was sorry about him loosing his job?

I have to say that after reading the entire transcript of that hearing that I dislike this judge even more. She has repeatedly overstepped her bounds as a judge and not as a parent to the children. It is no wonder that the children have no respect for her or her courtroom. Some examples: If the children don't eat when they are at dinner with their father, they get NO food or drink other than water until the next day at breakfast. If the children refuse to speak to their father on Skype they loose ALL electronics including tv, no having friends over or going anywhere, studying only (since their grades are so "horrible"), no phone, no internet, etc.

I don't know who in the hello this judge thinks she is but she has really lost her mind, imo. And that is after only reading ONE of the transcripts. What else am I going to discover when I read more?

ETA: Also not explained was why the younger two children have visitation with dad on one day and the older child has visitation with dad on a different day on the weekends? Why are the kids being separated during the visitation time?

This recent link indicates the father is still employed with GM. He may have established a residence in Michigan as well as keep his residence in Israel. Many parents do the same thing. My husband did it for six years so that our kids wouldn't have to change high schools. Major corporations are very understanding of these arrangements because they want to retain exceptional employees.

Not sure why you think I can answer the "why" questions about visitation when it is something that obviously was worked out at great length between the attorneys, the GAL and the court to try to counter the extreme emotional damage the mother has inflicted. To meet the dad for dinner and then refuse to eat or touch anything he touched isn't a normal reaction by any stretch of imagination except perhaps by those biased by their own dismal custody experiences.

Omer Tsimhoni is an internationally prominent traffic safety researcher and General Motors engineer who works frequently from a GM research lab in Israel.

Sorry MyBelle. I didn't expect you to answer my questions about the separate visitations for the children. I simply used your post and link as a jumping off point and thanked you for providing the link for me.

As far as children not touching or eating anything that dad touched not being a normal reaction, I'd agree that in most relationships between parents and children it is abnormal. However, in relationships between parents and children that are not healthy to begin with it seems more normal. In a relationship where the children are afraid of said parent, I believe that it is more normal than one may think. It is difficult to get an accurate reading of what is really going on between parents and children in this case because a lot of it is conjecture by the judge, the GAL and/or dad's lawyers. Judge has clearly sided with dad yet I am not finding any proof as to why she is. Perhaps with more reading of the transcripts it will become clearer. As of now, with having read at least 5 so far, I still am not seeing the reason for the anger and resentment from the judge, GAL and/or dad's lawyers towards mom.

Sorry MyBelle. I didn't expect you to answer my questions about the separate visitations for the children. I simply used your post and link as a jumping off point and thanked you for providing the link for me.

As far as children not touching or eating anything that dad touched not being a normal reaction, I'd agree that in most relationships between parents and children it is abnormal. However, in relationships between parents and children that are not healthy to begin with it seems more normal. In a relationship where the children are afraid of said parent, I believe that it is more normal than one may think. It is difficult to get an accurate reading of what is really going on between parents and children in this case because a lot of it is conjecture by the judge, the GAL and/or dad's lawyers. Judge has clearly sided with dad yet I am not finding any proof as to why she is. Perhaps with more reading of the transcripts it will become clearer. As of now, with having read at least 5 so far, I still am not seeing the reason for the anger and resentment from the judge, GAL and/or dad's lawyers towards mom.


Those court documents make it abundantly clear that there have been multiple professionals with opportunity to observe all three children and all concur that they manifest symptoms of severe emotional abuse. So, yeah, I understand why the Judge resents the mother. Evidently her attorneys don't like her much, either. I think the mother is a headcase.

I'm seeing that the judge is a headcase. I'm wondering if the judge has any children of her own. I also am seeing that the GAL is not much better, even though he received an award (that the judge made a big deal about in court) for his work with children.

What better way to foster a good child/parent relationship than by forcibly making your 15 yr old child go into a room with his father?!?! Of course that's just the ticket to make that child love his father and want to spend time with him!

This site includes the hearing transcripts from a number of court appearances. http://everything-pr.com/tsimhoni-vs-tsimhoni/258461/

I do not see the GAL report, which I would love to read.

It is apparent that there have been multiple attempts to support a less-divisive situation, including something called The Bridge Program that the court ordered them (not sure if it was just the parents or the whole family) to attend. Apparently the Mom was a no-show. The Judge ordered her into court and imprisoned for a weekend, again a no-show.

The judge rescheduled the father's parenting time to occur in her courtroom--and the children refused to enter. GAL testified that someone (sounded like perhaps a previous counselor? Babysitter? Someone who had since been dismissed according to the GAL) told them that the court was poison.

Two things seem clear. The judge and the GAL have both gone to great lengths to accommodate this family. The mother at the same time has been non-compliant with a number of things that really look critical. Now--knowing very little about the dad, I am inclined to go with the judge's assessment that there has been major interference with, if not outright refusal to honor, the custodial arrangements, including some major messing around with her kids heads.
I'm seeing that the judge is a headcase. I'm wondering if the judge has any children of her own. I also am seeing that the GAL is not much better, even though he received an award (that the judge made a big deal about in court) for his work with children.

What better way to foster a good child/parent relationship than by forcibly making your 15 yr old child go into a room with his father?!?! Of course that's just the ticket to make that child love his father and want to spend time with him!


A Judge is a headcase for trying to gain cooperation from a mother who has defied court orders multiple times? That's an almost laughable accusation considering the tremendous amount of documentation in this case. I had no trouble forcing my 15-year-old to do anything that I felt was in his best interest and neither did my husband.

Please leave any children the Judge may have out of this. Thanks.
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they are ignoring any evidence that the father is abusive. The kids are telling anyone who will listen that they are afraid and they are being told it is all in their head because they are brainwashed. The mother is being terrorized by the court. She is being held responsible for the children's fear of the father. Maybe if he was not such a controlling bully they wouldn't fear him. I read all court documents and I can't believe the way this mother is being victimized. The judge threatens her with being strip searched and explains how she will have to squat for the strip search....wtf?? It was about humiliating her in front of everyone and giving the father such control. Read the court documents and you will be shocked how at everything this mother has been subjected to. All the documents are on this site http://everything-pr.com/tsimhoni-vs-tsimhoni/258461/
I didn't see a time frame for when dad dated the judges research whatever. Just saw where the judge asked the lawyers if she had already disclosed that information.

If the judge, GAL, dad, his lawyers have all of this proof that mom is unfit and a danger to her own children WHY does she still have custody? Why, after all of these years of mom "playing the courts" has the judge not given custody to dad and why are his visits still required to be supervised?
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they are ignoring any evidence that the father is abusive. The kids are telling anyone who will listen that they are afraid and they are being told it is all in their head because they are brainwashed. The mother is being terrorized by the court. She is being held responsible for the children's fear of the father. Maybe if he was not such a controlling bully they wouldn't fear him. I read all court documents and I can't believe the way this mother is being victimized. The judge threatens her with being strip searched and explains how she will have to squat for the strip search....wtf?? It was about humiliating her in front of everyone and giving the father such control. Read the court documents and you will be shocked how at everything this mother has been subjected to. All the documents are on this site http://everything-pr.com/tsimhoni-vs-tsimhoni/258461/

It seems to me that the only person who believes the children is the mother. And because of this, she is being called "crazy" and made out to be the bad influence when it may very well be that she is the only good influence in their lives right now. I am just not understanding why no one in authority is listening to the children.
At one point, during one of the hearings, the judge and the GAL wanted mom to go and physically force the children into the courtroom. Even if it meant one at a time. Mom explained, or tried to, to the judge that she didn't want to do that because of how unpleasant that would be for the children (words to that effect). The judge didn't want to hear it and instead said that the children don't run things.

What does that say to children that are already fearful of not only their father but also the judge, GAL, etc that you are going to make mom drag them into the courtroom? I wouldn't want to cooperate with the judge either. The children's worries, concerns and wishes are being completely ignored. I feel so sorry for those kids.

I have yet to see the photo of the dad. Is he particularly good looking which could explain why women would swoon over him?
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they are ignoring any evidence that the father is abusive. The kids are telling anyone who will listen that they are afraid and they are being told it is all in their head because they are brainwashed. The mother is being terrorized by the court. She is being held responsible for the children's fear of the father. Maybe if he was not such a controlling bully they wouldn't fear him. I read all court documents and I can't believe the way this mother is being victimized. The judge threatens her with being strip searched and explains how she will have to squat for the strip search....wtf?? It was about humiliating her in front of everyone and giving the father such control. Read the court documents and you will be shocked how at everything this mother has been subjected to. All the documents are on this site http://everything-pr.com/tsimhoni-vs-tsimhoni/258461/

I read through some of the documents--but I haven't yet seen the evidence of which you speak. If the children have in fact been telling all and sundry about their father's abuse, there are clearly a lot of professionals in violation of ethics, to say nothing of laws.

And what do you make of the mother's open defiance of the court?
I didn't see a time frame for when dad dated the judges research whatever. Just saw where the judge asked the lawyers if she had already disclosed that information.

If the judge, GAL, dad, his lawyers have all of this proof that mom is unfit and a danger to her own children WHY does she still have custody? Why, after all of these years of mom "playing the courts" has the judge not given custody to dad and why are his visits still required to be supervised?

Children who have been emotionally traumatized and who have experienced a prolonged separation from a parent need therapy and a careful reunification plan. These are actual children, not some kind of contest. Parents are required to co-parent and when one refuses to the extent of the mother in this case there will be damage to the children.

View attachment 78277View attachment 78278View attachment 78279

they are ignoring any evidence that the father is abusive. The kids are telling anyone who will listen that they are afraid and they are being told it is all in their head because they are brainwashed. The mother is being terrorized by the court. She is being held responsible for the children's fear of the father. Maybe if he was not such a controlling bully they wouldn't fear him. I read all court documents and I can't believe the way this mother is being victimized. The judge threatens her with being strip searched and explains how she will have to squat for the strip search....wtf?? It was about humiliating her in front of everyone and giving the father such control. Read the court documents and you will be shocked how at everything this mother has been subjected to. All the documents are on this site http://everything-pr.com/tsimhoni-vs-tsimhoni/258461/

It seems to me that the only person who believes the children is the mother. And because of this, she is being called "crazy" and made out to be the bad influence when it may very well be that she is the only good influence in their lives right now. I am just not understanding why no one in authority is listening to the children.

Ok--just read your attachments. Let me point out a couple of oddities. One is from a psychiatrist recommending that the therapy being carried out by another professional is counter-indicated because the children have nothing to deal with. Their father (presumably not examined) is the one who has a problem. Just strikes me as peculiar.

The other two docs are medical reports for ER treatment for an assault--according to mother's report--by the father, during supervised visitation. According to mom, supervisor saw and did nothing. Again--very peculiar, and dating to about March of this year. I wonder if this was during the visitation that the judge scheduled for the courthouse?

Too much stuff coming from Mom doesn't make sense. Including her revolving door attorneys.
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