Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 11

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Darlene733510 said:
I wonder if the wounds MY received could have been from a heavy pipe wrench. The type that plumbers use, and you can adjust them to fit around a large pipe.
It seems the adjusting lever could leave indentations in the skull, and the edges are sharp. Maybe that's what knocked out the teeth, and put the cuts on her hands, etc.

I sure wish we would hear something. I read here every day, hoping to hear that there is an arrest. I can't help but think that everywhere JY goes, he is watching over his shoulder to see if LE is watching him. I bet he is a nervous wreck - maybe he'll crack & confess(I wish).

Hi all, I am new here, been reading for a long time, tho. I really think the Maglite sounds like the weapon. And possibly the reason for the definition in bruise/cuts is the force of the hit, and her being a rather small and thin person. I know waaaaay back when I was thin, anytime I bruised it would be the perfect shape of whatever I ran into or whatever hit me. The other thought I wanted to post is I feel Jason may not have done it personally, but maybe hired someone, and maybe not a person that would have done a "professional hit", more like a jerk he found somewhere that possibly panicked and just went crazy with it ? JMO and all that jazz......
Hi and welcome! I agree with you about the Maglite perhaps being the weapon and thought it was possible that he'd hired someone to murder Michelle~ until I saw the A/R~ since the attempted strangulation doesn't seem like something that a 'hitman' would do.
concernedperson said:
I used to keep one of them under my bed for years. It was so heavy and "lethal" looking. The other thought besides a fireplace tool , wrench, is a crowbar.

Whatever tool was used it was delivered with an intense volocity. The weapon itself would have been lethal but the intensity is the crowning factor. Big anger problems and a full release on the victim.JMO.
In looking at the many people voting for a Mag Light, I was also wondering what else could leave that kind of mark also. What about a bar from a weight set. Without the weights, obviously. They usually have those markings for better grip. The short ones for arm work would fit the bill.

Just another thought. Of course, LE would know if there was a weight set in the house.
nanandjim said:
I can't recall all of the details, but I do know that Justin's deposition, administered by the insurance company, was played to the jury. He did not testify at his trial, and this deposition was a gold mine. He was seen for what he really is. He was arrogant and condescending to the examiner. He described how the crime happened, which did not match up with the evidence. I'm not sure that the police, in Justin's case, worked with the insurance company. It took years before they arrested Justin.

As for Justin cooperating with the police: Oh yeah, he was cooperative. He walked on the beach with them and described the incident, which of course he couldn't remember it because he was in shock and dazed (according to him). In any case, his reinactment of the crime did not match up with the evidence.

Jason could cooperate with the police and tell him what the story that he has already told. However, why would he? I think that he is scared to death to go anywhere near the police. He knows that he is guilty. He is just laying low and hoping that they won't be able to tie him to the crime. What does he care if they suspect him as long as they never arrest him.

It took four years (I think) for Justin Barber to be arrested. However, he finally was. Justin's jury recommended death. However, the judge nixed that recommendation and gave him LWOP. It makes me sick every time I see Justin with his fake crying on television. Waawaa...I loved April...I didn't do it...Waawaa. He also was in debt and had affairs. April also had told friends that she had had it and was going to divorce Justin. Does any of this sound familiar??
and the best part to me, ( aside from her family)-- is Justin thought, for that long he had pulled it off---then---- slam the doors baby !! I pray it doesnt take that long for this nightmare-
pack_fan said:
There is a perfect song they used to play on Bob & Tom (nationally syndicated morning radio show) called "Prison Bit*h". Probably offensive to most but I get a kick out of it. You can find it on google.
o/t but they are great-- that song hits the nail on the head !! I laugh when I hear it and think
of sp---have you ever gone and seen a show of theirs p/f?? they are so fun to watch!
Could someone give me the measurements of the circumference of the head of maglites please.

Edge to edge and around the outside?

You would be very helpful :)


I guess I'm going to have to pull that song up now. :D

A poster at CTV tried an experiment with his kids playdoh and a mag-flashlight which was great. He hit the playdoh with both ends of the flashlight and in both cases it left a crescent shaped mark and each had those gnurl markings. The only difference is one crescent was bigger than the other.

I think that works for me as the weapon. For one thing you could either hit hard with it to crack a skull, or use it at a different angle with more of the side of it hitting the object for a softer blow that would still do a lot of damage but not break bones. The energy exerted to give the blow would play a big part too in how the object was damaged.
Sorry Sami, The only one I have is 4" long :D I now use the windup flashlight.
Sami, If maglight shows the dimension across the head of their flashlights it would be easy to figure it out mathmaticly. Or take a cloth sewing tape measure and make a circle that measures that same distance across, and it would work too.
Samiya said:
Could someone give me the measurements of the circumference of the head of maglites please.

Edge to edge and around the outside?

You would be very helpful :)



Dimensions for a 3 D-Cell MagLite:


2 D-Cell MagLite:


2 C-Cell MagLite:


3 C-Cell MagLite:


4 C-Cell MagLite:


This are probably the most common - there are others if you need more dimensions
In my mind wielding a short instrument would be harder to handle. If you are holding down your victim and using a short apparatus it could be cumbersome. That is why I am leaning to a longer version where there is distance between you and the victim and strength could be at its highest. You could be 2 feet away and deliver the horrible impact.

But, I am not a man with the upper body strength. Just a thought.
panthera said:
Thanks, charlie, and this one looks like the best possibility at over 12" long and 30oz with the batteries in.
I have concens over this one, if used for a weapon, this size is most likely not going to be found laying around anyone's bedroom - perhaps in your vehicle, garage, or as a portion of an emergency preparedness package but not laying around the bedroom. If carried into the house by JY in particular - his intent is rather obvious IMO. Not saying it isn't this one - could be any one or none of them but I think the weapon used in this crime will go a long way toward determining if this was premeditated or not.
raisincharlie said:
I have concens over this one, if used for a weapon, this size is most likely not going to be found laying around anyone's bedroom - perhaps in your vehicle, garage, or as a portion of an emergency preparedness package but not laying around the bedroom. If carried into the house by JY in particular - his intent is rather obvious IMO. Not saying it isn't this one - could be any one or none of them but I think the weapon used in this crime will go a long way toward determining if this was premeditated or not.

I have no question this was premeditated. None. Remember it is only a few seconds or minutes in the eyes of the law.
raisincharlie said:
I have concens over this one, if used for a weapon, this size is most likely not going to be found laying around anyone's bedroom - perhaps in your vehicle, garage, or as a portion of an emergency preparedness package but not laying around the bedroom. If carried into the house by JY in particular - his intent is rather obvious IMO. Not saying it isn't this one - could be any one or none of them but I think the weapon used in this crime will go a long way toward determining if this was premeditated or not.
unless, it WAS kept in the bedroom for a weapon of sort--- with Cassidy in the house, perhaps no guns- but a maglite this size that could provide light if power outage, or a "weapon" if needed? just a thought- I am leaning towatd the maglight, but still have the fire poker in mind- I am wondering if the maglight would have caudse more damage to the bone structure of the skull, where a fire poker may not ....
concernedperson said:
I have no question this was premeditated. None. Remember it is only a few seconds or minutes in the eyes of the law.
I realize that but I want to know if he came back specifically for that reason or if his premeditation was spontaneous. The end result is the same but the defense strategy could vary dramatically as well as juror compassion.
j2mirish said:
unless, it WAS kept in the bedroom for a weapon of sort--- with Cassidy in the house, perhaps no guns- but a maglite this size that could provide light if power outage, or a "weapon" if needed? just a thought- I am leaning towatd the maglight, but still have the fire poker in mind- I am wondering if the maglight would have caudse more damage to the bone structure of the skull, where a fire poker may not ....
I understand what you are saying but if they were worried about security in what the sheriff has called a safe neighborhood, I wonder why there was no working alarm system at the house in the first place? As to damage to the bone structure - out of my league, perhaps Sami can answer that as there are probably many variables to consider.

My choice of weapon for my bedroom is a gun - I will shoot someone's sorry behind if they dare to come in my house - just a personal choice - shoot first ask questions later. No mercy.;)
raisincharlie said:
I have concens over this one, if used for a weapon, this size is most likely not going to be found laying around anyone's bedroom - perhaps in your vehicle, garage, or as a portion of an emergency preparedness package but not laying around the bedroom. If carried into the house by JY in particular - his intent is rather obvious IMO. Not saying it isn't this one - could be any one or none of them but I think the weapon used in this crime will go a long way toward determining if this was premeditated or not.
I see what you're saying, charlie, but even if he needed the flashlight for its intended purpose that would mean that he had snuck back into the house which would go toward the premeditation anyway. We have a flashlight in the bedroom, not exactly like the maglite, but a large one in case of a power outage. So in this case, it really could go either way and only someone who was familiar with what was normally in the room would know.
panthera said:
I see what you're saying, charlie, but even if he needed the flashlight for its intended purpose that would mean that he had snuck back into the house which would go toward the premeditation anyway. We have a flashlight in the bedroom, not exactly like the maglite, but a large one in case of a power outage. So in this case, it really could go either way and only someone who was familiar with what was normally in the room would know.
If the murder weapon is something from the bedroom, even a flashlight, I hope that either Meredith was aware of it being in the bedroom or of all the pictures, tapes, dvds, camcorders, and computer stored images - it shows up in some photograph and was determined to be missing after the murder.

Don't get me wrong, at some point this became premeditated, no argument from me - what I am hoping for is that it is something brought into the house, not something from the bedroom - I don't want any juror to say aw gee they got into a fight and he flipped - I want no mitigating circumstances - whoever did it deserves to fry IMO. No mercy - just like this perp showed no mercy for Michelle and her children.
raisincharlie said:
I understand what you are saying but if they were worried about security in what the sheriff has called a safe neighborhood, I wonder why there was no working alarm system at the house in the first place? As to damage to the bone structure - out of my league, perhaps Sami can answer that as there are probably many variables to consider.

My choice of weapon for my bedroom is a gun - I will shoot someone's sorry behind if they dare to come in my house - just a personal choice - shoot first ask questions later. No mercy.;)
we live in a "safe" neighborhood, with no security system, but still have a "weapon" in the bedroom- I agree with you about the gun, but many people dont if they have children in the house-
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