Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 11

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panthera said:
I just looked over at CTV and it appears this blog about the autopsy is in a secret location. Can someone here help me out with this~ like, what's in it? :D
I have been waiting for two days to become a member at ctv so I could one, see RPD's blog and two, post on the Duke board they had going there. Now that RPD's blog is private I know he won't share with me since I'd be a new member there AND the Duke board has been locked. I'm batting 1000. :) CTV is kind of scary though, the way people really go after each other there.

If anyone here has seen the blog and would share their impressions with me I'd appreciate it. This case, like Laci's, has really captured my attention. You can see that I'm not a big # poster but I have been here for a while!
Whimsigal said:
I have been waiting for two days to become a member at ctv so I could one, see RPD's blog and two, post on the Duke board they had going there. Now that RPD's blog is private I know he won't share with me since I'd be a new member there AND the Duke board has been locked. I'm batting 1000. :) CTV is kind of scary though, the way people really go after each other there.

If anyone here has seen the blog and would share their impressions with me I'd appreciate it. This case, like Laci's, has really captured my attention. You can see that I'm not a big # poster but I have been here for a while!
you've got mail ;)
Whimsigal said:
I have been waiting for two days to become a member at ctv so I could one, see RPD's blog and two, post on the Duke board they had going there. Now that RPD's blog is private I know he won't share with me since I'd be a new member there AND the Duke board has been locked. I'm batting 1000. :) CTV is kind of scary though, the way people really go after each other there.

If anyone here has seen the blog and would share their impressions with me I'd appreciate it. This case, like Laci's, has really captured my attention. You can see that I'm not a big # poster but I have been here for a while!
RPD has made it public now -go to the autopsy thread at ctv and you can find the link
strach304 said:
Hey Sami, wanted to ask you two things; the autopsy exercise RC mentioned to me and now that I have read RPD's blog, what'cha think? Pm me if that's ok.

Jilly, thanks for relating further to Otto about my other post yesterday. I didn't mean to infer a domestic violence scenario to Michele's situation. It was more my feel for severe beatings from the receiving end like Scandi's by a man, who I believe committed this. Not necessarily Jason though since there are other possibilities. I have no reason to exclude him either.

Bumping for Sami :)
Topsail Girl said:
RPD has made it public now -go to the autopsy thread at ctv and you can find the link

Thanks for the heads-up. There's nothing quite like sifting through 9 pages of 'please tell me the secret too' to find the link. I think it's funny that there are sooooooooo many pages of build up, so now I'm going to have a look at the site and see what I think.
otto said:
Thanks for the heads-up. There's nothing quite like sifting through 9 pages of 'please tell me the secret too' to find the link. I think it's funny that there are sooooooooo many pages of build up, so now I'm going to have a look at the site and see what I think.
OOPS sorry I should have told you to go to the last page. My apologies to all. Coulda made it a little easier for ya.:(
I read RPD's blog and I must say that it made blindingly clear that whomever did this was overcome with rage. What a horrible, horrible way to die and it just makes me ill to know that her daughter and sister saw her in this state.

After reading it I had to go and hug my children.
Whimsigal said:
I read RPD's blog and I must say that it made blindingly clear that whomever did this was overcome with rage. What a horrible, horrible way to die and it just makes me ill to know that her daughter and sister saw her in this state.

After reading it I had to go and hug my children.

i thought the same thing, but now i'm leaning toward this weapon not being a flashlight...for some reason, it seems these "gashes" ...some that got to Michelles skull (that didn't crush the skull) might be from something with more of a sharper edge, imo......hard to say though :waitasec:
OMG, another break! LOL I just hate working when I could be here. :D

I think RPD's report was very well put together and was glad to have the insight into what really happened. I started thinking about it this afternoon and found my eyes welling up with tears I was so angry and heartsick one human could treat another like this.

Wouldn't it be something if we could reach women who are in a vulnerable situation like this. I don't know how. It would have to be like an annex or sub-site of AMW, stop them before they kill. I know people out there like this who could be dangerous in the same situation as Michelle, Laci and all the others we have learned about. One is a grandson by marriage who has anger mngmt problems and I worry about him.

You always have to try and have a goodness come out of everything bad that happens in life. Guess I'm looking for that here. Just thinking with my fingers. Scandi
otto said:
I'm just wondering about something ... if a woman knows that a man is prone to anger and violence, wouldn't she be more careful about she says - sort of like walking on eggshells to avoid triggering an episode?

With men like this it doesn't matter how careful you are and yes, you are always walking on egg shells as do your children. No matter what you say or how careful you are the guy will turn it around and make of it what he wants.
My ex was an alcoholic and he was great at turning things around. He wasn't physically abusive but he could create a fight over nothing and it would all end up being my fault...a great excuse for him to storm out of the house to go drink!

My daughter was married to a abusive person and as careful as she was it never worked. He could make something out of nothing and it ended up being her fault and the war was on. She wasn't verbal or a screamer but he found reasons to become violent. Nothing works when you are married to someone that is really into power and control.
scandi said:
OMG, another break! LOL I just hate working when I could be here. :D

I think RPD's report was very well put together and was glad to have the insight into what really happened. I started thinking about it this afternoon and found my eyes welling up with tears I was so angry and heartsick one human could treat another like this.

Wouldn't it be something if we could reach women who are in a vulnerable situation like this. I don't know how. It would have to be like an annex or sub-site of AMW, stop them before they kill. I know people out there like this who could be dangerous in the same situation as Michelle, Laci and all the others we have learned about. One is a grandson by marriage who has anger mngmt problems and I worry about him.

You always have to try and have a goodness come out of everything bad that happens in life. Guess I'm looking for that here. Just thinking with my fingers. Scandi
From what I have learned by following these cases just helped someone I know get out of a dangerous situation at home, by reminding her what could and likely would happen if she stayed in that situation she was in. In this person's case she had already been physically and emotionally abused, but was afraid to leave because of her children. I told her look what happened to Laci, Rachel, Charla and Michelle. So if there is any "good" to come from the tragic way these women's lives ended, it may be what we can do to inform others.
Topsail Girl said:
OOPS sorry I should have told you to go to the last page. My apologies to all. Coulda made it a little easier for ya.:(

It's all right ... those other 9 pages were a pretty good insight into forum sociology. Thanks.
Bobbisangel said:
With men like this it doesn't matter how careful you are and yes, you are always walking on egg shells as do your children. No matter what you say or how careful you are the guy will turn it around and make of it what he wants.
My ex was an alcoholic and he was great at turning things around. He wasn't physically abusive but he could create a fight over nothing and it would all end up being my fault...a great excuse for him to storm out of the house to go drink!

My daughter was married to a abusive person and as careful as she was it never worked. He could make something out of nothing and it ended up being her fault and the war was on. She wasn't verbal or a screamer but he found reasons to become violent. Nothing works when you are married to someone that is really into power and control.

I am so sorry to read about women that suffer at the hands of insecure men who have no way to feel good about themselves except to bully women. Women are too good natured, often thinking that with enough love and kindness, they can heal the men, but it's just not possible.

If Michelle was bullied, there would have been signs that her friends would have noticed. Actually, if Jason did this to her he was probably bullying her for a long time but, as previously mentioned, the bullying could have been financial, verbal, psychological and Michelle could have done her best to hide it.
otto said:
I am so sorry to read about women that suffer at the hands of insecure men who have no way to feel good about themselves except to bully women. Women are too good natured, often thinking that with enough love and kindness, they can heal the men, but it's just not possible.

If Michelle was bullied, there would have been signs that her friends would have noticed. Actually, if Jason did this to her he was probably bullying her for a long time but, as previously mentioned, the bullying could have been financial, verbal, psychological and Michelle could have done her best to hide it.
So many times no one outside the house knows what's really going on. It takes a strong woman to make that step out the door, especially if they have children, and not go back. The ones who stay usually don't have an outside job, let alone a career as Michelle did.
panthera said:
So many times no one outside the house knows what's really going on. It takes a strong woman to make that step out the door, especially if they have children, and not go back. The ones who stay usually don't have an outside job, let alone a career as Michelle did.

I agree that it takes a very strong woman to leave a bad situation, probably moreso when there are children. I once read the startling statistic that, on average, a woman that is trying to leave an abusive household leaves 32 times before she succeeds; meaning there are reasons such as lack of job, forgiveness, love, dependence, hope, etc. that repeatedly bring her back. People outside the home very likely don't know what is really going on ... very true ... but they do notice changes in the woman. Women in that situation experience shame and embarassment; probably moreso with well educated women, because they have difficulty admitting (even to themselves) that they made such a huge error in judgement. This results in them hiding the facts and putting on a front that let's everyone believe that everything is great, if not perfect.

I suppose Michelle must have done exactly that. This brings me back to something I wondered about before ... about Michelle's mom buying a home for Meredith close to where Michelle lived, possibly to give Michelle a safety net or safe place to go in the event she did try to leave Jason. Meredith is single, footloose and fancy-free and still not settled in a career consistent with her education. She didn't need a whole house near Michelle, an apartment would probably have been more affordable and manageable. I just have a funny feeling there was more to Meredith's house than her mom wanting to buy her a house.

Another point we've discussed was the purchase of the purse for Michelle. Maybe Jason was the typical abuser/honeymooner and he typically bought personal things for Michelle after an episode. Maybe Jason and Michelle did have an argument before he left the house that day and Jason was worried that Michelle would tell her guest about the argument. Maybe the purse purchase was him being true to form and buying the "honeymoon" type gift for Michelle ... to keep up appearances. I think that abusive men have no problem buying purses for women, telling them what to wear, picking out their clothes in the shops, choosing their hair style, their lipstick colour and much, much more. What I'm saying is that maybe the purse purchase was part of the alibi ... in the sense that they had an argument, he felt badly and he was trying to make ammends. If he bought the purse, he must have thought that she was very much alive.

ETA: the purse purchase was part of the overly planned alibi that we discussed very early in the case, but also a point that doesn't fit from a logical point of view.
I don't know Otto, I'm kind of thinking that it was MY that wore the pants in this family. If he did do this then I believe a lot of resentment was building up and possibly this affair represents him acting out. I mean, how many men have an affair with one of their wife's best friends? Double whammie!

I still can't figure out this purse. The anniversary was past and if we're to believe what's posted on CTV he was spending his anniversary with MM. Another slap on My imo. Speaking of MM - what the heck is the matter with her?? It must have been conjured up somehow to get Meredith over to the house.
jilly said:
I don't know Otto, I'm kind of thinking that it was MY that wore the pants in this family. If he did do this then I believe a lot of resentment was building up and possibly this affair represents him acting out. I mean, how many men have an affair with one of their wife's best friends? Double whammie!

I still can't figure out this purse. The anniversary was past and if we're to believe what's posted on CTV he was spending his anniversary with MM. Another slap on My imo. Speaking of MM - what the heck is the matter with her?? It must have been conjured up somehow to get Meredith over to the house.

Sometimes men that are abusive have affairs because that's their way of showing themselves and friends that they are in control. They make insinuations about other women to their wives without actually stating that they're having an affair - to unsettle the wives self-confidence and sense of security. Having the affair with one of Michelle's friend's is still all about Michelle ... about trying to hurt her by proving that even her best friends can be taken away from her and made to betray her. Abusers like to isolate their wives by alienating them from family and friends ... what better way to alienate Michelle from her friends than to sleep with them. Control and abuse is a very subtle and gradual process.
otto said:
Sometimes men that are abusive have affairs because that's their way of showing themselves and friends that they are in control. They make insinuations about other women to their wives without actually stating that they're having an affair - to unsettle the wives self-confidence and sense of security. Having the affair with one of Michelle's friend's is still all about Michelle ... about trying to hurt her by proving that even her best friends can be taken away from her and made to betray her. Abusers like to isolate their wives by alienating them from family and friends ... what better way to alienate Michelle from her friends than to sleep with them. Control and abuse is a very subtle and gradual process.

I agree some men have affairs to show (at least to themselves) that they have some control. Definitely could apply to JY imo.

I'm getting the feeling that JY was some kind of an emotional wimp.

I understand what you're saying re alienation. Yes, you'd certainly think it would alienate her from her friends - I don't really know though. This is an odd bunch - all this sorority stuff. Once again, if we are to believe posters at CTV (and I know I've been told not to believe everything I read :) but after the murder & funeral, all the friends knew that MM & JY were having an affair and they (including MM) still went on a Spa retreat weekend that Michelle was scheduled to go on too! All the husbands did their thing together that same weekend. Geez, wouldn't be surprised to hear that JY was there too! :D J/K.

I still don't think JY was abusive and if he did murder Michelle, I'm starting to see it was all a result of pentup rage. I think he hated her with a passion.

Sources say that he looks like a wreck. Doesn't sound like the sociopath SP does it who continued on his merry way? If JY did murder Michelle, I think he's going to crack.jmo
jilly said:
(snipped)Sources say that he looks like a wreck. Doesn't sound like the sociopath SP does it who continued on his merry way? If JY did murder Michelle, I think he's going to crack.jmo
With little Cassidy running around as a reminder of that night I certainly HOPE he looks like a wreck.
jilly said:
I agree some men have affairs to show (at least to themselves) that they have some control. Definitely could apply to JY imo.

I'm getting the feeling that JY was some kind of an emotional wimp.

I understand what you're saying re alienation. Yes, you'd certainly think it would alienate her from her friends - I don't really know though. This is an odd bunch - all this sorority stuff. Once again, if we are to believe posters at CTV (and I know I've been told not to believe everything I read :) but after the murder & funeral, all the friends knew that MM & JY were having an affair and they (including MM) still went on a Spa retreat weekend that Michelle was scheduled to go on too! All the husbands did their thing together that same weekend. Geez, wouldn't be surprised to hear that JY was there too! :D J/K.

I still don't think JY was abusive and if he did murder Michelle, I'm starting to see it was all a result of pentup rage. I think he hated her with a passion.

Sources say that he looks like a wreck. Doesn't sound like the sociopath SP does it who continued on his merry way? If JY did murder Michelle, I think he's going to crack.jmo

(in bold letters above).....i'm thinking the very same thing...
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