Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 11

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happy2bn10ec said:
What exercise??? My inquiring mind wants to know!

Awww - I bet you are you talking about the experiments you did when you were in FL? Why else would your wife think you're nuts???

Send a PM to Samiya asking her to send you her re-creation exercise. She has written it out very well but it is more telling and much better put together than my feeble attempts to choke myself ! :D Give her a shout - she'll share !

I'm not sure why my wife thinks I'm nuts... she just does :blushing:
I checked Amanda Lamb's blog again to see what comments her blog entry may have generated - only 2 - this case is definitely not a major priority for area residents but the first comment was most interesting. Check it out - scroll to the bottom below the blog -


Sounds so very familiar.:cool:
raisincharlie said:

Send a PM to Samiya asking her to send you her re-creation exercise. She has written it out very well but it is more telling and much better put together than my feeble attempts to choke myself ! :D Give her a shout - she'll share !

I'm not sure why my wife thinks I'm nuts... she just does :blushing:

Charlie, it doesn't matter if she thinks your nuts. She probably thinks you're strong too, and magical. ;)
Hi Jilly ;}

I'd have to agree with you that she was calling it quits. There could have been many things she was livid about. If he really was gambling and calling her from Vegas for money, that would put me right over the top. I don't know of any other specific bad habits he had, but unfaithfulness would be one that would drive me to divorce! If they do it once they're gonna do it again at some point I think.

Guess I'm getting too cynical and putting things in square boxes. I make an evaluation and come to think something is a certain way and it is then really hard to change that thinkiing.

Maybe JY didn't do this himself. Looking at him I can hardly believe he could do something so horrendous to her. It is beyond belief to understand. But see, nothing else fits from what we know so far in this case. :confused:
Hi Otto, Good to see you and I've been reading your posts and nodding affirmatively LOL

You said, "I don't see any reasonable explanation for him being at the house except to murder her and then she wouldn't have to say anything to provoke him because he'd already made up his mind."

I agree with you on this, but to take it a step further, he could have drawn her into a fight so then he would think killing her would be justified because it silenced her mouth and what it said that made him feel so angry.

I think SP did this to Laci that late night when he killed her. He came home and she was in the MBr, said something to get her really mad at him and subdued her on the bed, drug her into the bathroom and strangled her with the cord to the curling iron or the cord from the broken Tiffany Lamp. It then justified what he did to her in his mind.

Just a thought. Truthfully I'm still stuck thinking he belted her in the mouth while she was sleeping or raising up her head to look at him, as there was blood in the bed and she ended up on the floor.
raisincharlie said:
I checked Amanda Lamb's blog again to see what comments her blog entry may have generated - only 2 - this case is definitely not a major priority for area residents but the first comment was most interesting. Check it out - scroll to the bottom below the blog -


Sounds so very familiar.:cool:
Yep, very familiar. Here's another comment by the same nick Jan 11 @ 4:57.

"Mike" also stands by his man w/his comment Jan 11 @ 5:56. According to him, JY is a "class act".

Taximom said:
Yep, very familiar. Here's another comment by the same nick Jan 11 @ 4:57.

"Mike" also stands by his man w/his comment Jan 11 @ 5:56. According to him, JY is a "class act".

I saw that one as well. Someone is trying very hard to make JY into a saint IMO. The one after the "Just the Facts" article really got me however as Ms. Lamb makes no mention of the things me7541 accuses her of. Twisted but not surprising IMO. :bang:
happy2bn10ec said:
What exercise??? My inquiring mind wants to know!

Awww - I bet you are you talking about the experiments you did when you were in FL? Why else would your wife think you're nuts???

LOL, that's what i was going to ask.....i'm lost!
scandi said:
Charlie, it doesn't matter if she thinks your nuts. She probably thinks you're strong too, and magical. ;)
I like that magical part, was going to say "I wish" but I learned long ago to be very careful what you wish for. If I was magical, I would find the piece(s) LE is missing to solve this so they could lock the bugger away.

And...:slap: never mind:eek:
scandi said:
Hi Otto, Good to see you and I've been reading your posts and nodding affirmatively LOL

You said, "I don't see any reasonable explanation for him being at the house except to murder her and then she wouldn't have to say anything to provoke him because he'd already made up his mind."

I agree with you on this, but to take it a step further, he could have drawn her into a fight so then he would think killing her would be justified because it silenced her mouth and what it said that made him feel so angry.

I think SP did this to Laci that late night when he killed her. He came home and she was in the MBr, said something to get her really mad at him and subdued her on the bed, drug her into the bathroom and strangled her with the cord to the curling iron or the cord from the broken Tiffany Lamp. It then justified what he did to her in his mind.

Just a thought. Truthfully I'm still stuck thinking he belted her in the mouth while she was sleeping or raising up her head to look at him, as there was blood in the bed and she ended up on the floor.

I understand. Completely. Thanks. He provoked her into getting upset and responding and then he could justify, in his mind, what he did to her. I was thinking some more about the cut on her face and although I need to have another look, I thought it was a pretty big mark, similar to other ones on her body. If he could hit her on the back and side of the head with a weapon, why not the face? If he hit her with his hand he would still have some bruising a few days (maybe 5?) later.

It still leaves us with the possibility that Michelle did not find out about the affair and that she was completely blindsided by the murder. What I mean is that Michelle did not need to provoke him and there could easily have been no argument. There was really no reason for Jason to be at the house late that night.
For any members over at ctv, do me a favor. Next time Just The Facts shows up, stroke his ego a bit and ask him if he has a house for sell.
pack_fan said:
For any members over at ctv, do me a favor. Next time Just The Facts shows up, stroke his ego a bit and ask him if he has a house for sell.
You got it!
Thanks guys, no ill will intended towards this person. I would just like to know for my own piece of mind. He is inflicting just as much pain as he accuses us of, just to the other side of the family. No doubt he is a close friend of Jason's, but let's be honest with ourselves for a minute. Would you call you friends and confess if you just killed your spouse. HE77 no, you would cya.
Hey Sami, wanted to ask you two things; the autopsy exercise RC mentioned to me and now that I have read RPD's blog, what'cha think? Pm me if that's ok.

Jilly, thanks for relating further to Otto about my other post yesterday. I didn't mean to infer a domestic violence scenario to Michele's situation. It was more my feel for severe beatings from the receiving end like Scandi's by a man, who I believe committed this. Not necessarily Jason though since there are other possibilities. I have no reason to exclude him either.
pack_fan said:
For any members over at ctv, do me a favor. Next time Just The Facts shows up, stroke his ego a bit and ask him if he has a house for sell.

I've been quietly observing and researching. I know they have a double identity and I'll bet ya he is a she. :innocent:
I just looked over at CTV and it appears this blog about the autopsy is in a secret location. Can someone here help me out with this~ like, what's in it? :D
panthera said:
I just looked over at CTV and it appears this blog about the autopsy is in a secret location. Can someone here help me out with this~ like, what's in it? :D

check your pms, panthera
raisincharlie said:
I like that magical part, was going to say "I wish" but I learned long ago to be very careful what you wish for. If I was magical, I would find the piece(s) LE is missing to solve this so they could lock the bugger away.

And...:slap: never mind:eek:

OMG, just had to take a break! ;) :dance:

I think LE/the prosecutor has everything in order as to what happened that night and why and how and when. It could be enough to charge him, but then they are up against a nitty pickin' law firm in the case.

It could be all they need for le coup de grace for a lay down case is actually placing his physically at the scene somewhere between midnight and 6am. I think Michelle could have been talking on the phone up till midnight, and a delivery truck or neighbor saw the home at 6am and nothing was going on except the lights were still on.

The other thought I have is just going back to basics, and one I learned in the SP case. The killer most always kills to remove a threat that he/she can not live with. Discover the threat and it will all fall into place.

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