Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 11

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I read in one of the linked articles about the insurance payout and that the insurance company has a right to depose Jason before they pay out the $1-2M. I surely hope that the police have been in touch with the insurance company and that they will depose Jason.

Justin Barber was deposed for hours by his murdered wife's (April) insurance company. This deposition was instrumental in finding him guilty.

Since JY is not cooperating with police, a detailed deposition could be really helpful. Heck, I would hope that the police would work with them to give them questions to ask.
I did a search on "dead bolt locks" and "dead bolts" for this forum and nothing came up, so forgive me if this has been discussed.

One thing that has bothered me from the beginning is that IF Cassidy was tall enough to open doors, which my friends with kids insist that she was, why didn't Cassidy go outside?

Seems to me that the killer had no intention of harming her, more like protecting her. How could he be sure that she didn't go outside, unless he locked the dead bolt lock?

Not something your run-of-the-mill criminal would do, but a father...?

(I guess they could have had those "childproof" covers for door knobs)

Dunno, just a thought.
5bigfish5 said:
I did a search on "dead bolt locks" and "dead bolts" for this forum and nothing came up, so forgive me if this has been discussed.

One thing that has bothered me from the beginning is that IF Cassidy was tall enough to open doors, which my friends with kids insist that she was, why didn't Cassidy go outside?

Seems to me that the killer had no intention of harming her, more like protecting her. How could he be sure that she didn't go outside, unless he locked the dead bolt lock?

Not something your run-of-the-mill criminal would do, but a father...?

(I guess they could have had those "childproof" covers for door knobs)

Dunno, just a thought.
This is a very interesting question. A few notes - the front door has glass on both sides of the door. In general, building codes and insurance companies most generally will require that this door be secured by a keyed deadbolt - in other words there is no knob - the lock must be locked and unlocked with a key. This is normally required so that an intruder could not just break out the glass, reach in and unlock the door. Not saying this is how the front door was in fact configured but I would be surprised if it were configured with a conventional deadbolt with twist knob.

Not having any idea about the other doors in the house - an excellent question.
raisincharlie said:
This is a very interesting question. A few notes - the front door has glass on both sides of the door. In general, building codes and insurance companies most generally will require that this door be secured by a keyed deadbolt - in other words there is no knob - the lock must be locked and unlocked with a key. This is normally required so that an intruder could not just break out the glass, reach in and unlock the door. Not saying this is how the front door was in fact configured but I would be surprised if it were configured with a conventional deadbolt with twist knob.

Not having any idea about the other doors in the house - an excellent question.
Hi RaisinCharlie,

You are correct, in this area, by "code" egress doors with either side-lites, full, or ½ panel glass are required to have a "keyed" dead bolt.

As a Standard practice "solid doors" are equipped with a thumb-latch dead bolt.

My friends with toddlers of that age, say some can & some can't reach the thumb latch, unless they stand on something. Apparently those with older siblings learn this pretty early. I doubt Michelle taught Cassidy how to do this.


P.S. FYI, a standard deadbolt is 6" higher up than the entry lock. (Can you spot a gal in construction?) ;)

ETA, even in the "locked" mode, an entry lock does not prevent anyone from exiting the house, it is still just as easy to open. (course you will be locked out if you close the door) LOL!
5bigfish5 said:
Hi RaisinCharlie,

You are correct, in this area, by "code" egress doors with either side-lites, full, or ½ panel glass are required to have a "keyed" dead bolt.

As a Standard practice "solid doors" are equipped with a thumb-latch dead bolt.

My friends with toddlers of that age, say some can & some can't reach the thumb latch, unless they stand on something. Apparently those with older siblings learn this pretty early. I doubt Michelle taught Cassidy how to do this.


P.S. FYI, a standard deadbolt is 6" higher up than the entry lock. (Can you spot a gal in construction?) ;)
The electrician I call for any and all electrical issues - is a gal and better yet, an excellent electrician ! :)
I wonder if the wounds MY received could have been from a heavy pipe wrench. The type that plumbers use, and you can adjust them to fit around a large pipe.
It seems the adjusting lever could leave indentations in the skull, and the edges are sharp. Maybe that's what knocked out the teeth, and put the cuts on her hands, etc.

I sure wish we would hear something. I read here every day, hoping to hear that there is an arrest. I can't help but think that everywhere JY goes, he is watching over his shoulder to see if LE is watching him. I bet he is a nervous wreck - maybe he'll crack & confess(I wish).

Sorry to bother you again.

I don't know all the rules around here.

While you were responding TO me, I was editing my post.

Nothing malicious, I am on dial-up.

Pray for me.

Darlene733510 said:
I wonder if the wounds MY received could have been from a heavy pipe wrench. The type that plumbers use, and you can adjust them to fit around a large pipe.
It seems the adjusting lever could leave indentations in the skull, and the edges are sharp. Maybe that's what knocked out the teeth, and put the cuts on her hands, etc.

I sure wish we would hear something. I read here every day, hoping to hear that there is an arrest. I can't help but think that everywhere JY goes, he is watching over his shoulder to see if LE is watching him. I bet he is a nervous wreck - maybe he'll crack & confess(I wish).

I used to keep one of them under my bed for years. It was so heavy and "lethal" looking. The other thought besides a fireplace tool , wrench, is a crowbar.

Whatever tool was used it was delivered with an intense volocity. The weapon itself would have been lethal but the intensity is the crowning factor. Big anger problems and a full release on the victim.JMO.
5bigfish5 said:

Sorry to bother you again.

I don't know all the rules around here.

While you were responding TO me, I was editing my post.

Nothing malicious, I am on dial-up.

Pray for me.

No problem - no bother. ;)

I went back and looked - and I agree with you. I wish we knew if all the doors to the house were locked, you'd think the media would throw us a small tidbit like that, if they know. We need information. Have a good evening !
nanandjim said:
I read in one of the linked articles about the insurance payout and that the insurance company has a right to depose Jason before they pay out the $1-2M. I surely hope that the police have been in touch with the insurance company and that they will depose Jason.

Justin Barber was deposed for hours by his murdered wife's (April) insurance company. This deposition was instrumental in finding him guilty.

Since JY is not cooperating with police, a detailed deposition could be really helpful. Heck, I would hope that the police would work with them to give them questions to ask.

I have heard of Justin Barber and that he was eventually found guilty but I didn't follow it very close. Did he JB, act like JY ? He had some contact with LE didn't he ? Did he eventually just shut up or what was his status with regards to cooperating with LE ? I know just enough to remember he was driving around afterwards and had some kind of gunshot wound (is that correct?).

Seems to me for $1 Million payout, the insurance company would definitely consult LE for questions and would they have experienced personel to do the trick question type of thing ? Lot of money - LE could be useful and likely grateful.
raisincharlie said:

I have heard of Justin Barber and that he was eventually found guilty but I didn't follow it very close. Did he JB, act like JY ? He had some contact with LE didn't he ? Did he eventually just shut up or what was his status with regards to cooperating with LE ? I know just enough to remember he was driving around afterwards and had some kind of gunshot wound (is that correct?).

Seems to me for $1 Million payout, the insurance company would definitely consult LE for questions and would they have experienced personel to do the trick question type of thing ? Lot of money - LE could be useful and likely grateful.
Just did a piece on Justin Barber on tv Tuesday night. He cooperated from the beginning and even went to the beach with LE to walk the crime scene for hours.

Had he not been searching the internet for "non lethal gunshot wounds to the chest" he probably would have walked away. Nothing else presented would have sent him away, imo.
pack_fan said:
Just did a piece on Justin Barber on tv Tuesday night. He cooperated from the beginning and even went to the beach with LE to walk the crime scene for hours.

Had he not been searching the internet for "non lethal gunshot wounds to the chest" he probably would have walked away. Nothing else presented would have sent him away, imo.
Hi pack_fan,

I agree!

One of America's "Dumbest Criminals", no doubt. Lets hope that JY is as cocky.

IF guilty, of course.:slap:

pack_fan said:
Just did a piece on Justin Barber on tv Tuesday night. He cooperated from the beginning and even went to the beach with LE to walk the crime scene for hours.

Had he not been searching the internet for "non lethal gunshot wounds to the chest" he probably would have walked away. Nothing else presented would have sent him away, imo.
There was much more presented at trial, to include what he said happened didn't match up to the blood evidence. He also drove 10 miles to get help and didn't stop at any of the numerous places along the way. I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, his conviction was not based merely on his Internet searches.
raisincharlie said:

I have heard of Justin Barber and that he was eventually found guilty but I didn't follow it very close. Did he JB, act like JY ? He had some contact with LE didn't he ? Did he eventually just shut up or what was his status with regards to cooperating with LE ? I know just enough to remember he was driving around afterwards and had some kind of gunshot wound (is that correct?).

Seems to me for $1 Million payout, the insurance company would definitely consult LE for questions and would they have experienced personel to do the trick question type of thing ? Lot of money - LE could be useful and likely grateful.
I can't recall all of the details, but I do know that Justin's deposition, administered by the insurance company, was played to the jury. He did not testify at his trial, and this deposition was a gold mine. He was seen for what he really is. He was arrogant and condescending to the examiner. He described how the crime happened, which did not match up with the evidence. I'm not sure that the police, in Justin's case, worked with the insurance company. It took years before they arrested Justin.

As for Justin cooperating with the police: Oh yeah, he was cooperative. He walked on the beach with them and described the incident, which of course he couldn't remember it because he was in shock and dazed (according to him). In any case, his reinactment of the crime did not match up with the evidence.

Jason could cooperate with the police and tell him what the story that he has already told. However, why would he? I think that he is scared to death to go anywhere near the police. He knows that he is guilty. He is just laying low and hoping that they won't be able to tie him to the crime. What does he care if they suspect him as long as they never arrest him.

It took four years (I think) for Justin Barber to be arrested. However, he finally was. Justin's jury recommended death. However, the judge nixed that recommendation and gave him LWOP. It makes me sick every time I see Justin with his fake crying on television. Waawaa...I loved April...I didn't do it...Waawaa. He also was in debt and had affairs. April also had told friends that she had had it and was going to divorce Justin. Does any of this sound familiar??
nanandjim said:
There was much more presented at trial, to include what he said happened didn't match up to the blood evidence. He also drove 10 miles to get help and didn't stop at any of the numerous places along the way. I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, his conviction was not based merely on his Internet searches.
Didn't mean to suggest that was what got him but I thought the defense's explanation was very believable since she had been laying face down in the water. Obviously, the jury did not agree. Just to say that a lot of the circumstantial evidence could have been explained by other means but very difficult to argue searches about non lethal gunshot wounds.
pack_fan said:
Just did a piece on Justin Barber on tv Tuesday night. He cooperated from the beginning and even went to the beach with LE to walk the crime scene for hours.

Had he not been searching the internet for "non lethal gunshot wounds to the chest" he probably would have walked away. Nothing else presented would have sent him away, imo.

I saw that show PackFan, and boy, didn't he turn into a little woosie when he said no, he didn't have anything to do with her death. I could tell just listening to him and watching his demeanor that he was lying like a, well, you know what. Shot himself 4 times. What a doozie he was! A DUMB doozie! :rolleyes:

Thanks for the synopsis of JB. I don't know how you sleuthers keep up with all of these - its all Ican do to keep up with one ! :eek: I'm starting to sweat - Lisa Montgomery is scheduled to go to trial in April and I have to keep up with that one - close to home and I know several of the State Troopers involved in chasing her down.
scandi said:
I saw that show PackFan, and boy, didn't he turn into a little woosie when he said no, he didn't have anything to do with her death. I could tell just listening to him and watching his demeanor that he was lying like a, well, you know what. Shot himself 4 times. What a doozie he was! A DUMB doozie! :rolleyes:
He looked real sweet crying like that. I bet the guys on the cell block took notice to his sensitivity.
pack_fan said:
He looked real sweet crying like that. I bet the guys on the cell block took notice to his sensitivity.

Crack me up!
:D Yea, and even so, I bet they still didn't want to be his Bubba :D

:slap: Scandi
scandi said:
Crack me up!
:D Yea, and even so, I bet they still didn't want to be his Bubba :D

:slap: Scandi
There is a perfect song they used to play on Bob & Tom (nationally syndicated morning radio show) called "Prison Bit*h". Probably offensive to most but I get a kick out of it. You can find it on google.
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