Michelle Young. Murdered Pregnant Mom, NC Part 11

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jilly said:
I agree. By the way, someone at CTV said Fox is advertising that Greta will cover the Young case again tonite in case you hadn't seen.
She is? the State of the Union address is tonight, so didn't know Greta would be on or covering this or any case! :)
panthera said:
She is? the State of the Union address is tonight, so didn't know Greta would be on or covering this or any case! :)

Ohhhhh yes and of course you must be right! I'll have to write-off that poster! :crazy:
Taximom said:
When I saw on the news that the two Missouri boys had been discovered I gave the family dinner and said I'd eat later, and left them all together! lol I imagine they had quite a conversation about me that evening.

Yesterday I saw the article about the autopsy for MY and heard it was going to be posted, but had to do family stuff the rest of the day. Most of the time I spent wondering about that darn autopsy report and its findings. When I heard Baden talk about it I got excited about the "clump of hair". By the time I got back to WS last night you had already had 5 pages of comments about the autopsy! (and no clump of hair, rats)

I can't explain to my family why certain cases interest me. :shrugs: They have their interests and I have mine. :p

I have told my oldest daughter that if anyone goes through my pc when I'm dead and gone that they need to disregard most of the bookmarks and google search terms from true-crime related cases.... :D

Oops, I'm off-topic. :truce:

same here sometimes....& when i go off on a tangent about 'a case' i sound obsessed...lol, can't help it...i KNOW i sound that way too!.......i was ALL enthralled (i know that's not spelled right) in the Peterson case..(Laci)...my husband told me ..with a straight face..."i'd get more attention if i had a keyboard chained around my neck"........yikes, he was right lol...at THAT time :eek: LOL

jilly said:

I'm still laughing!

Yes....it was quite a day yesterday. When I got home from work there were I don't know how many pages here and 50+ at CTV. I almost had a panic attack wondering how I'd ever catch up!lol

you were missed....:)
panthera said:
I printed the A/R out so I didn't have to hop between open windows here and my DH comes home and wonders what's on the desk ~ even though this isn't something new to him! :D

lol...good girl! (thumbs up here)
Samiya said:

My son has a cartoon he did about me on his computer.

It is of investigators standing around checking the crime scene in my house and one is standing with the ME. The caption has the ME looking at my office bookshelf and saying.........................

"can't we just use one of those autopsy reports? It'd save me heaps of time"


lol..i had a picture out of a magazine of a guy sitting at his computer...the goldfish is almost belly up, this guys face is on a milk carton, the plants are dead, & so forth...lol
it was on the fridge for a long time.....i had forgotten about that...cool:)
jilly said:
Same here although I didn't really follow the Dyleski case. I really didn't want that kid to be guilty.

i did at first..i was 'one of those' that thought Horowitz (sp?) killed his wife....:(
close_enough said:
i did at first..i was 'one of those' that thought Horowitz (sp?) killed his wife....:(

me too!
close_enough said:
same here sometimes....& when i go off on a tangent about 'a case' i sound obsessed...lol, can't help it...i KNOW i sound that way too!.......i was ALL enthralled (i know that's not spelled right) in the Peterson case..(Laci)...my husband told me ..with a straight face..."i'd get more attention if i had a keyboard chained around my neck"........yikes, he was right lol...at THAT time :eek: LOL


That is so funny!!! Still laughin'!!
Me too! During the SP case I didn't like him at all and it carried right over to the SD case. Many of us ate crow for dinner on that one.

They just found those 4 children and mother in a motel. It's BREAKING NEWS, at least I hadn't heard it. The Swat team knocked on the motel door, the mother came to the door, crying and shaking, they took the family outside and Swat stormed the room and caught him in a ventilation tube trying to escape. They are all alive and well and it is a good day to be in LE acc to the PD that made the rescue. Mike Brooks got so excited talking about the rescue. It was in Elkhart Ill I think.

Neat, huh? YaYa
close_enough said:

you were missed....:)

Awwwww! :blowkiss:

Back on topic - I've been reading over at CTV - seems the general consensus there and maybe here is that he did not venture far that night, waited it out and went back.

His "friends" over at CTV are adamant that he stayed in a hotel in Va that nite. LE has a Hampton Hotel receipt for Nov 2.

If we go with this 'theory' seems to me he might have got a hotel just an hour or so away and could easily go back. There was no hotel in Va imo.

Wonder why he told his friends he stayed in Va? Any idea?
scandi said:
Me too! During the SP case I didn't like him at all and it carried right over to the SD case. Many of us ate crow for dinner on that one.

They just found those 4 children and mother in a motel. It's BREAKING NEWS, at least I hadn't heard it. The Swat team knocked on the motel door, the mother came to the door, crying and shaking, they took the family outside and Swat stormed the room and caught him in a ventilation tube trying to escape. They are all alive and well and it is a good day to be in LE acc to the PD that made the rescue. Mike Brooks got so excited talking about the rescue. It was in Elkhart Ill I think.

Neat, huh? YaYa

Oh Thank God. Thanks for letting us know!
jilly said:
Awwwww! :blowkiss:

Back on topic - I've been reading over at CTV - seems the general consensus there and maybe here is that he did not venture far that night, waited it out and went back.

His "friends" over at CTV are adamant that he stayed in a hotel in Va that nite. LE has a Hampton Hotel receipt for Nov 2.

If we go with this 'theory' seems to me he might have got a hotel just an hour or so away and could easily go back. There was no hotel in Va imo.

Wonder why he told his friends he stayed in Va? Any idea?

yeah, i'm starting to wonder myself....when RC first mentioned this, i was like naaawwwww, there had to be....i'm not so sure anymore...

not sure why he'd say it though....not thinking?...something off the top of his head?? :waitasec:
......i don't know?
scandi said:
Me too! During the SP case I didn't like him at all and it carried right over to the SD case. Many of us ate crow for dinner on that one.

They just found those 4 children and mother in a motel. It's BREAKING NEWS, at least I hadn't heard it. The Swat team knocked on the motel door, the mother came to the door, crying and shaking, they took the family outside and Swat stormed the room and caught him in a ventilation tube trying to escape. They are all alive and well and it is a good day to be in LE acc to the PD that made the rescue. Mike Brooks got so excited talking about the rescue. It was in Elkhart Ill I think.

Neat, huh? YaYa

yes, yes...& while we're 'admitting' things....i was all up for crucifiying Jessica Lunsford's grandfather at one time, during the investigation....man, i was way off base & it's 'taught' me a lot....i truly try not to get so emotional that i start thinking & saying crazy things......i mean, i know NONE of these people that we discuss 'here'.......i've probably, & i say probably become a better 'sleuther' because of that case.....

course i think JY will rot in hell...
There are two rumors from CTV 'insiders' that still could end up being true. One was that he rented a hotel only a 1/2 hour away from the home. The other was that he had bruises on his arms after she was killed.

Does anyone know any more about the bruising? Where we heard it? There was something about him talking to a minister where the bruising was brough up, but RPD kind of poo pooed that idea.

Then there is the poster who says the motel where he stayed had a video camera. Have heard nothing more on that. Also LE took a video tape from the Get It Market in Duffield. Nothing more on that either.

Wonder how far away they are to an arrest. I think they have plenty, don't you? :D :D
The truth is Close, when I first heard little Jessicas father I though for sure he was plum guilty. He was hard to read and he looked to odd to me, like a real hillbilly. WOW, was I wrong on calling that one as he has turned out to be a real trooper for childrens rights against pedo's. After he got cleaned up and started touring with Erin Runnion I always kind of hoped they'd become a duo. :rolleyes: I'm bad I know, but hey, just fessin' up. :)
scandi said:
There are two rumors from CTV 'insiders' that still could end up being true. One was that he rented a hotel only a 1/2 hour away from the home. The other was that he had bruises on his arms after she was killed.

Does anyone know any more about the bruising? Where we heard it? There was something about him talking to a minister where the bruising was brough up, but RPD kind of poo pooed that idea.

Then there is the poster who says the motel where he stayed had a video camera. Have heard nothing more on that. Also LE took a video tape from the Get It Market in Duffield. Nothing more on that either.

Wonder how far away they are to an arrest. I think they have plenty, don't you? :D :D
i'm thinking time for handcuffs--- so where are they? what piece of the puzzle are they missing?
close_enough said:
yes, yes...& while we're 'admitting' things....i was all up for crucifiying Jessica Lunsford's grandfather at one time, during the investigation....man, i was way off base & it's 'taught' me a lot....i truly try not to get so emotional that i start thinking & saying crazy things......i mean, i know NONE of these people that we discuss 'here'.......i've probably, & i say probably become a better 'sleuther' because of that case.....

course i think JY will rot in hell...

I forgot about that one.....me too! again!!! I think the Dyleski one was just too close to the Peterson case which I was consumed with. With Jessica - I was really out of my element - no clue about pedophiles etc. It was a real eye opener for me let me tell ya.
scandi said:
There are two rumors from CTV 'insiders' that still could end up being true. One was that he rented a hotel only a 1/2 hour away from the home. The other was that he had bruises on his arms after she was killed.

Does anyone know any more about the bruising? Where we heard it? There was something about him talking to a minister where the bruising was brough up, but RPD kind of poo pooed that idea.

Then there is the poster who says the motel where he stayed had a video camera. Have heard nothing more on that. Also LE took a video tape from the Get It Market in Duffield. Nothing more on that either.

Wonder how far away they are to an arrest. I think they have plenty, don't you? :D :D

Hi Scandi - about the bruising - if I recall, this bruising was awhile back in their marriage wasn't it? I thought the poster (don't remember who) was suggesting that JY had been subjected to some abuse (burising) and he talked to a priest about it.
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