Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 1

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Boyz_Mum: maybe Meredith was none the wiser as to her sister's Friday on/off schedule. It's possible Meredith volunteered on the 911 call "She's supposed to be at work and I came here on a fluke" because Jason had told her that in order to get her to collect the surprise-gift fax.

(And I'm going to stop referring to this as a fax/printout because it's getting confusing: initial reports released by the media state Michelle's sister had stopped by to collect a fax Jason had asked of her, because he didn't want Michellle so see it. :mad: We've had no official confirmation to the contrary - except r-u-r-t-dumb's posts that are doing the rounds... and I'm not sure I want to be led by his comments, thus far.)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Boyz_Mum: maybe Meredith was none the wiser as to her sister's Friday on/off schedule. It's possible Meredith volunteered on the 911 call "She's supposed to be at work and I came here on a fluke" because Jason had told her that in order to get her to collect the surprise-gift fax.

(And I'm going to stop referring to this as a fax/printout because it's getting confusing: initial reports released by the media state Michelle's sister had stopped by to collect a fax Jason had asked of her, because he didn't want Michellle so see it. :mad: We've had no official confirmation to the contrary - except r-u-r-t-dumb's posts that are doing the rounds... and I'm not sure I want to be led by his comments, thus far.)
PSA-- I agree with the "fax" comment ! and would like to know how close she and her sister were- have I missed it, or has it been stated how old Meredith is?
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Boyz_Mum: maybe Meredith was none the wiser as to her sister's Friday on/off schedule. It's possible Meredith volunteered on the 911 call "She's supposed to be at work and I came here on a fluke" because Jason had told her that in order to get her to collect the surprise-gift fax.

(And I'm going to stop referring to this as a fax/printout because it's getting confusing: initial reports released by the media state Michelle's sister had stopped by to collect a fax Jason had asked of her, because he didn't want Michellle so see it. :mad: We've had no official confirmation to the contrary - except r-u-r-t-dumb's posts that are doing the rounds... and I'm not sure I want to be led by his comments, thus far.)
I know what you are saying about Meredith not knowing her sister's work schedule, what I mean is that Jason would have almost had to know she had Friday off. When making the call to Meredith, if Jason wanted that "fax" picked up, he definately would have asked Meredith get it before Michelle "got home from work". (I don't tend to make much sense when I type- do you understand what I am trying to say?)

I am just gonna use the word "fax" from this point out because isn't that what Meredith called it? I really don't think it would have been a printout like "dumb's" post stated. If "dumb" was at the funeral and all that, "dumb" could have talked to anyone there that could have said, "It wasn't really a fax, it was this, that or the other thing"...

I wish whomever did this would be caught. I am wondering why LE let "a person of interest" (Jason) leave town with the daughter? I understand them staying away from the home, but in another county? (Are LE allowed to "limit" travel on a person in a case like this?)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Boyz_Mum: maybe Meredith was none the wiser as to her sister's Friday on/off schedule. It's possible Meredith volunteered on the 911 call "She's supposed to be at work and I came here on a fluke" because Jason had told her that in order to get her to collect the surprise-gift fax.

(And I'm going to stop referring to this as a fax/printout because it's getting confusing: initial reports released by the media state Michelle's sister had stopped by to collect a fax Jason had asked of her, because he didn't want Michellle so see it. :mad: We've had no official confirmation to the contrary - except r-u-r-t-dumb's posts that are doing the rounds... and I'm not sure I want to be led by his comments, thus far.)

exactly PS!...."hey Meredith, i'm visiting my parents & won't be home till later this evening...i JUST remembered there's a fax on my desk from **** jewelers, & i don't want Michelle to find it when she gets home from work...do you mind going over & getting that off my desk??"....

i assume either Meredith had a key, or was told by Jason where one was hidden outside the house.....
Boyz_Mum said:
I am just gonna use the word "fax" from this point out because isn't that what Meredith called it? I really don't think it would have been a printout like "dumb's" post stated. If "dumb" was at the funeral and all that, "dumb" could have talked to anyone there that could have said, "It wasn't really a fax, it was this, that or the other thing"...

(Are LE allowed to "limit" travel on a person in a case like this?)

Lol, know exactly what you're saying, Boyz_Mum. And I couldn't help grinning at your "dumb" refererences - could almost hear you going on about Dumb & Dumber's ridiculous statements, lol. :D

Guess that everyone's free to move; maybe not all are moving without LE's full knowledge...
close_enough said:
exactly PS!...."hey Meredith, i'm visiting my parents & won't be home till later this evening...i JUST remembered there's a fax on my desk from **** jewelers, & i don't want Michelle to find it when she gets home from work...do you mind going over & getting that off my desk??"....

i assume either Meredith had a key, or was told by Jason where one was hidden outside the house.....

Yes, it may be getting seedier before our very eyes. Bring in Boyz_mum's thoughts with yours .... and we may not be wrong for wondering if someone is trying to get Meredith's story to appear suspicious. Meredith states it was a fax - "dumb" *later* says it was a print out? If this is some kind of a set up, they get her to walk in, touch things, have her fingerprints on the door, be the person to discover the body .... ugh!

Perhaps that same someone realized phone records would prove the fax story and would clear up who's telling the truth. 'Dumb' was out there to confuse folks! Well, as much as I hate to drag myself away - I'll be back later. Been a really interesting session - hope they find the perp and get the keys ready soon! Catch up later :)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Lol, know exactly what you're saying, Boyz_Mum. And I couldn't help grinning at your "dumb" refererences - could almost hear you going on about Dumb & Dumber's ridiculous statements, lol. :D

Guess that everyone's free to move; maybe not all are moving without LE's full knowledge...
Thank you PSA! I do have trouble sometimes saying what I want to say! LOL! I actually got mad when I read "dumb's" comments. (Okay, I was insulted- maybe because I suspect Jason so strongly?) I can't think of another suspect though...

I am wondering if LE are watching his movements like they did with SP? (I know SP wasn't traveling with a child but LE did keep tabs on him.)
otto said:
I think the fax had something to do with Scott's timeline:

" Det. Al Brocchini tells Derrick Letsinger to stand in front of the door to Scott and Laci Peterson's home and to relay to Doug Lovell to collect three things he has noted of interest: a mop, a bucket and towels. Brocchini also tells Letsinger to ask Lovell to look for any other potential evidence in the home. According to Det. Jon Evers, at about 11:00 p.m., he gets information from Scott Peterson for the missing person report. At 11:08 p.m., the Modesto Police Department issues a "be on the lookout" report for Laci Peterson. At 11:13 p.m., Scott Peterson, Brocchini and Evers leave for the Tradecorp Warehouse. Scott Peterson rides with Brocchini in his unmarked car. The warehouse is dark because, according to what Scott Peterson tells Brocchini, there is no electricity—although Brocchini later states that he found out that the power was never off. Brocchini uses his Streamlight flashlight to examine a fax that was sent earlier in the day. Scott Peterson states that he had already read the fax. Brocchini notes the time on the fax as being "1428" or 2:28 p.m. Scott Peterson explains that it could have actually been received 3 hours earlier than the stated time because it was sent from New Jersey, on Eastern Standard Time. Brocchini notes that, even accounting for the time difference, 11:30 a.m. is late to be leaving for the Bay Area. Scott Peterson replies that he could have read the fax upon his return." (http://www.crimenews2000.com/lacipeterson/when/when0202.htm)

boy that brings back some 'memories' for sure....lol, that little fax didn't help SP out at all .....
Here's a thought I've been mulling over about that fax; what if the reported surprise gift was ordered say that morning while he was out of town? What we don't know that would give so much more insight to Jason's movements that morning is imo exactly what LE knows that we don't. We know he turned up at his parents house and his step-father came out and gave him the news and that timing had to coincide with after Meredith had found her and LE arriving at the scene.

We don't know if he went to a hotel or his parents house, then there should have been some kind of business and then the reported arrival to his parents. I'm sure I saw it reported early on that he intended to stay the weekend at his parents not just that day and drive home that night.

Just like with Scott Peterson the police will question what was normal for Jason such as the late night business trip. I'm thinking it was unusual and the combined visit to family was an attempt to make it look less suspicious. I'd also be looking into the sales call and how far in advance that was planned and the importance of it, etc. We saw indications where SP had planned Laci's demise for quite some time before he actually did it. As for motive I don't know but there's never a good enough reason so anything can come into play in a case like this imo.
For some reason.........I just have a really bad feeling about Meredith and Jason. Does anyone know anything about Meredith? Married? Kids? anything?
I can't really put my finger on it........just a bad feeling.:waitasec:
Tia said:
For some reason.........I just have a really bad feeling about Meredith and Jason. Does anyone know anything about Meredith? Married? Kids? anything?
I can't really put my finger on it........just a bad feeling.:waitasec:

Ugh! Just as I came to collect my things, I see more posts - and then this one!

Hi Tia and welcome! "Bad feeling" :eek: As in you may feel they're an item ... or eternal enemies? Gosh, will be back here to follow up..

Great line of thought, strach, esp as you say, LE knows stuff we don't and that there's NO motive for murder. Yes, I'm itching to find out when that business trip was planned. Too many stories compounding one-another right now, as far as his alibi is concerned.

OK. Dash-inggggg! :)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Ugh! Just as I came to collect my things, I see more posts - and then this one!

Hi Tia and welcome! "Bad feeling" :eek: As in you may feel they're an item ... or eternal enemies? Gosh, will be back here to follow up..

Great line of thought, strach, esp as you say, LE knows stuff we don't and that there's NO motive for murder. Yes, I'm itching to find out when that business trip was planned. Too many stories compounding one-another right now, as far as his alibi is concerned.

OK. Dash-inggggg! :)

Thank you for the Welcome! Yes, I was wondering if they were an item......maybe had this planned. Just a feeling about it. The fax thing just doesn't sit right with me.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Ugh! Just as I came to collect my things, I see more posts - and then this one!

Hi Tia and welcome! "Bad feeling" :eek: As in you may feel they're an item ... or eternal enemies? Gosh, will be back here to follow up..

Great line of thought, strach, esp as you say, LE knows stuff we don't and that there's NO motive for murder. Yes, I'm itching to find out when that business trip was planned. Too many stories compounding one-another right now, as far as his alibi is concerned.

OK. Dash-inggggg! :)

hahah!....i've been reading here for hours!!!
i've GOT to get some things done....
close_enough said:
hahah!....i've been reading here for hours!!!
i've GOT to get some things done....

Lol ... I know, I know, I knowwwww. It's history in repeat-mode! Then I went and saw a dang post about a Green mamba. Ugh.

(Tia, hi .... and :eek: ... really think so???? Can't be ... )

Now I am gone. Refuse to even peek again. :)
close_enough said:
boy that brings back some 'memories' for sure....lol, that little fax didn't help SP out at all .....
OMG I remember that. So many holes in Scott's story. It would be so interesting to be on the "in" just to know what is going on with this case.

Tia, welcome! The sister and hubby - could be. I wish there was more coming out.
close_enough said:
hahah!....i've been reading here for hours!!!
i've GOT to get some things done....
I am at work so you see how productive I am...not!! Anyway I am switching back and forth from CTV. There is a friend or perceived friend of Jason's posting a lot in his defense. She/he has introduced that Michelle may have had a lover. This poster will not even consider that Jason had anything to do with it. Sounds just like SP's family all over again. Slander the victim while the poor husband is totally innocent.

Been waiting for an eye opener but all I got was not a fax but a prinout thing. This may be the same poster as you guys referenced from another forum.
Hi Tia! Welcome! I really haven't put much thought on the aspect of Meredith and Jason as either enemies or the alternative. I guess because not too much has been said about how the families relate to one another (Jason's family and Michelle's family). I kind of figured that Jason and Meredith weren't very close as I think she said she had never had him call her to pick up a fax before. (I must quit assuming!)
Masissy said:
OMG I remember that. So many holes in Scott's story. It would be so interesting to be on the "in" just to know what is going on with this case.

Tia, welcome! The sister and hubby - could be. I wish there was more coming out.

I posted my "theory" on another board and was informed that the sister was "not Jason's Type"..........supposedly this poster has known Jason for 10 years......:liar:
Why is there NOTHING new from L.E.?

it's making me crazy, just going on the therories we have so far! :crazy:
concernedperson said:
...She/he has introduced that Michelle may have had a lover...
Then, Michelle must have been Super Woman. She works a full-time, demanding job, has a 2-year-old, is pregnant with another and has a lover. I feel certain that she also was the main person who maintained and cleaned the household. My, my, how did she do it all?? :waitasec:
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