Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 1

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Hi all ... c_e did you get those things done, lol? :D I did - most of 'em :crazy:

Great things going on here!

jm2: hi and regarding her sister not knowing Michelle's schedule. No, not really all that strange (to me, that is). One sister single (as far as I know) the other married, toddler, preg, and working (fairly settled in her own routine). I'm sometimes so busy life with my own affairs that I don't always remember exactly when my sister would be on/off work - especially if the Friday schedule was also a 'on/off' scenario. In addition, I'd be swayed by what my brother-in-law asked of me: I'd be oblivious to any sinister rationale and 'go with the flow' (happy to assist, so to speak). No red flags would be raised other than this being a first-timer...

taximom: I hold my hands up here and now and admit I'd be very bad if our speculations come through and I'm on a jury. I'd literally see The Ghost of Christmas Past :eek: looming over me, have a heart-attack, decide then and there - and run off with bright pink dyed hair in pursuit of me!

Hi otto: great comments, thanks for good fodder for the brain. Going on my unfortunate bias (as indicated above), lol, and the many close-calls to this other equally hideous d-murder, I cannot HELP but recall the questions and suspicions surrounding Amy's visit and the pizza story.

Concerning the conception that Meredith may have considered (or been afraid) the perp still there, I don't think Cassie would be trotting around merrily if that was the case. Second to that, I agree a 'certain uncomfort' must have passed through her, but when you are not 'pre-conditioned', you act naturally. I wouldn't be instantly concerned if my sister didn't answer me immediately. FWIW, I feel the silence of the after-math had well set-in - and Cassie's actions coaxed Meredith on. JMHO

Meredith (allegedly) works at a restaurant: she called by during lunch hour - so maybe she was on a split-shift, or managed to rearrange her shift - or even had that day off.

Maissey: the concept of Meredith having an affair with her bil is not to be ruled out: however, because I feel she was set-up - I'm not running with that ball right now. Would be shocked, anything is possible - but until we get more insight on JASON'S ACTIONS (which are almost conspicuous through being incospicuous as time passes) I'm holding back serious thoughts on that one, lol.

Will check in later. Wow and Ugh! I want to answer so many posts and thoughts - can't!! Darn ... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
close_enough said:
yeah, no leaks at all...no leaks on who the visitor/visitors were that night, no leaks on when Jason was suppose to have left, nothing....Jean Casorus (sp?) said some have said he left at "twilight" & some have said he left in the afternoon, but no concrete statements from LE....

Not even a drip... :(
close_enough said:
good point, strach.....i was thinking earlier today that even though LE says this wasn't a random killing, law enforcement have been wrong on occasions....the Groene murders in Idaho, for one....as 'random' as you can get....Duncan was driving past the house & saw 2 kids in the yard, & started making deadly 'plans'.......
That one and the Harvey's with those children haunt me :sick:
otto said:
I just went back to the obituary page, with photos, but it's gone except for the movie: http://brownwynne.mem.com/movie/MovingMemories.asp?ID=1581967&mm=0 which, if I recall, is most of the photos in a movie format. There was a big black dog, like a rottweiler, in the photos. Maybe someone else remembers the breed of dog. It looks pretty serious as a watchdog. There's a picture of a little girl with the big dog and I just assumed it was Cassidy. That dog should have deterred a thief or been injured in the scuffle.

one would think so, but there again...in the Groene case, there were 2 pitbulls in the house when Duncan got in....Groene relatives said, prior to solving the case, that those dogs would tear someone up that they didn't know....Duncan 'claims' all he had to do was point a gun at them, & they didn't bother him???....Duncan was able to get into the house & subdue 2 adults & a 13 yr old boy, slaughter them, & THEN take off with 2 smaller children.....
close_enough said:
yeah, no leaks at all...no leaks on who the visitor/visitors were that night, no leaks on when Jason was suppose to have left, nothing....Jean Casorus (sp?) said some have said he left at "twilight" & some have said he left in the afternoon, but no concrete statements from LE....

This is just based on what I've gathered from reading about this over the last week, but my understanding was that Jason was there when the friend(s) arrived to watch the TV program and that he left before the friend(s) did. I've been assuming that this was true, which makes it more possible that he could have waited around until the friends left and then gone back in the house. Based on this timeline, it means he left the house around 10:30 pm on Thursday and also means that he should have arrived at his meeting destination at about 3:30 or later in the morning. The next timeline we have is 1:30 or 2 pm Friday when he arrived at his parents house from an errand and dropped to his knees as his step-father told him what happened to Michelle.
jilly said:
But he was doing more than trying to keep the sister calm Straitfan. He kept telling her to turn her sister over. In fact at one point (if I remember correctly), he said "you've got to".

She kept telling him her sister was cold. Wouldn't turning her over, compromise the crime scene? She's on the floor face down in a pool of blood. They're probably looking at blood spatter and everything else.

I can see it if her sister was breathing but she told him a couple of times that she was pretty sure she was dead. She even volunteered to take her sister's pulse. I don't know why the operator didn't make that suggestion to begin with.

Hi jilly! I think the 911 op was trying to determine the full scope of Meredith's discovery - and - on the premise he was talking to a person he believed would not have medical knowledge - needed to establish signs of LIFE ... and perhaps asked about breathing before suggesting a pulse. As the sheriff answered, he stated "we have a car going over there" - so maybe LE intercepted that 911 call?

Wonder what TIME the call was made to Jason's parents. Wonder WHY they didn't call him on his cellphone? It was his step-father who broke the news.

Phew ... LE have been locked in this was no random crime from the beginning. Therefore, a person known to Michelle committed this crime. Cassie did NOT seem afraid of Meredith - and I don't think Meredith had anything to go on other than the scene that fell before her eyes!
strach304 said:
That one and the Harvey's with those children haunt me :sick:

same here strach....i've changed my way of thinking on a lot of 'these cases', since Duncan.....that & Jessica Lunsford's abduction & murder..

BUT, i still lean toward Jason Young as Michelle's killer, & if so, it was planned in advance....well, until some kind of timeline/cell records is put forward, that shows he couldn't have been in the area .....
LE had several more people brought in for finger printing and obviously won't disclose who, but I find it very interesting that the assistant district attorney who is assigned to the case was at the house yesterday (http://www.wral.com/news/10321606/detail.html). According to Greta tonight, they are waiting for a couple more tests to come back and could be close to an arrest. I could be wrong but don't think that they would bring the assistant da out to help look for clues. Looks like they know who the suspect is and are checking with the da to make sure they have enough to prosecute. Another thing, Jim Hammer said that Jason was staying in the western part of the state and Cassidy was with him. According to his source, LE was not at all concearned about the safety of the child. Rather odd if they think Jason is a cold blooded killer.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi all ... c_e did you get those things done, lol? :D I did - most of 'em :crazy:

Great things going on here!

jm2: hi and regarding her sister not knowing Michelle's schedule. No, not really all that strange (to me, that is). One sister single (as far as I know) the other married, toddler, preg, and working (fairly settled in her own routine). I'm sometimes so busy life with my own affairs that I don't always remember exactly when my sister would be on/off work - especially if the Friday schedule was also a 'on/off' scenario. In addition, I'd be swayed by what my brother-in-law asked of me: I'd be oblivious to any sinister rationale and 'go with the flow' (happy to assist, so to speak). No red flags would be raised other than this being a first-timer...

taximom: I hold my hands up here and now and admit I'd be very bad if our speculations come through and I'm on a jury. I'd literally see The Ghost of Christmas Past :eek: looming over me, have a heart-attack, decide then and there - and run off with bright pink dyed hair in pursuit of me!

Hi otto: great comments, thanks for good fodder for the brain. Going on my unfortunate bias (as indicated above), lol, and the many close-calls to this other equally hideous d-murder, I cannot HELP but recall the questions and suspicions surrounding Amy's visit and the pizza story.

Concerning the conception that Meredith may have considered (or been afraid) the perp still there, I don't think Cassie would be trotting around merrily if that was the case. Second to that, I agree a 'certain uncomfort' must have passed through her, but when you are not 'pre-conditioned', you act naturally. I wouldn't be instantly concerned if my sister didn't answer me immediately. FWIW, I feel the silence of the after-math had well set-in - and Cassie's actions coaxed Meredith on. JMHO

Meredith (allegedly) works at a restaurant: she called by during lunch hour - so maybe she was on a split-shift, or managed to rearrange her shift - or even had that day off.

Maissey: the concept of Meredith having an affair with her bil is not to be ruled out: however, because I feel she was set-up - I'm not running with that ball right now. Would be shocked, anything is possible - but until we get more insight on JASON'S ACTIONS (which are almost conspicuous through being incospicuous as time passes) I'm holding back serious thoughts on that one, lol.

Will check in later. Wow and Ugh! I want to answer so many posts and thoughts - can't!! Darn ... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

lol, yes PS...got everything squared away, so i could be glued to the TV tonight...watched Greta & NG (flipped back & forth).....
otto said:
This is just based on what I've gathered from reading about this over the last week, but my understanding was that Jason was there when the friend(s) arrived to watch the TV program and that he left before the friend(s) did. I've been assuming that this was true, which makes it more possible that he could have waited around until the friends left and then gone back in the house. Based on this timeline, it means he left the house around 10:30 pm on Thursday and also means that he should have arrived at his meeting destination at about 3:30 or later in the morning. The next timeline we have is 1:30 or 2 pm Friday when he arrived at his parents house from an errand and dropped to his knees as his step-father told him what happened to Michelle.

right Otto...that's apparently the first info that came out about this entire thing....that some girlfriends arrived to watch Grey's Anatomy with Michelle, & that Jason was there at some point during this time....now, it's like no one knows anything????
pack dog,

I too feel like the LE may know, just not at the point where they are ready to "lay their cards out" so to speak... Stated on Greta, they have been at the home 10 days, that seems odd to me..JMO of course....
pack_fan said:
LE had several more people brought in for finger printing and obviously won't disclose who, but I find it very interesting that the assistant district attorney who is assigned to the case was at the house yesterday (http://www.wral.com/news/10321606/detail.html). According to Greta tonight, they are waiting for a couple more tests to come back and could be close to an arrest. I could be wrong but don't think that they would bring the assistant da out to help look for clues. Looks like they know who the suspect is and are checking with the da to make sure they have enough to prosecute. Another thing, Jim Hammer said that Jason was staying in the western part of the state and Cassidy was with him. According to his source, LE was not at all concearned about the safety of the child. Rather odd if they think Jason is a cold blooded killer.

i don't think you're wrong...i heard the same thing...apparently others think it's interesting also, that the assistant DA was out at the crime scene....but i don't find it odd that Cassidy is with her father...she's with him & his parents, from what i understand....LE can't very well go & take her from him, at this point, i wouldn't think, even if they THINK he killed Michelle...they have to wait to get the evidence....

if LE knows who the perp is, & an arrest is to be made soon, i think it will be Jason.....just seems if it's a 15 yr old kid in the neighborhood, or a sick freak that might have been watching the house, it wouldn't be 'wrapped up' as quickly....jmo
Straitfan said:
pack dog,

I too feel like the LE may know, just not at the point where they are ready to "lay their cards out" so to speak... Stated on Greta, they have been at the home 10 days, that seems odd to me..JMO of course....

10 days is a lot of investigating.....if there was a lot of blood, then there's lots of spatter & whatnot, i would think...cause of death being blunt force trauma, right??.....it's a pretty big house, imo...maybe lots of financial records/documents to muddle through & haul out.....carpeting, footprints, bedding etc.....i know the Groene house was taped off for a long time too....hmmmm
I was disappointed by the coverage tonight by NG and GVS. I still think the appearance by the *advertiser censored*'t. DA signifies something is about to happen.

Someone asked about the moon that night (11/2) and according to one weather site 91.6% of the moon was illuminated that night, with a full moon occuring the evening of 11/7. Now how high or low it was...will take some astronomical handiwork. Here's the link if anyone is up to it:
close_enough said:
i don't think you're wrong...i heard the same thing...apparently others think it's interesting also, that the assistant DA was out at the crime scene....but i don't find it odd that Cassidy is with her father...she's with him & his parents, from what i understand....LE can't very well go & take her from him, at this point, i wouldn't think, even if they THINK he killed Michelle...they have to wait to get the evidence....

if LE knows who the perp is, & an arrest is to be made soon, i think it will be Jason.....just seems if it's a 15 yr old kid in the neighborhood, or a sick freak that might have been watching the house, it wouldn't be 'wrapped up' as quickly....jmo
good point :(
strach304 said:
I'm looking at the roof that sits right below the windows :waitasec: Why? I had a stalker of my own at a place I worked some years ago who threatened to do what I won't repeat here to me and what was so alarming was that he knew my house had that kind of roof when there's no way he should've known where I lived and climbing in my bedroom window from the roof was the opening line to the threat. Then later (few days) his ex came to see me and showed me first hand what he had done to her and the description was exactly what he told me he was going to do to me! Yes, I contacted police and he was a repeat offender of sexual crimes towards women. He did first physically assault me though before the threat was made and many were aware of the situation. I'm just saying that maybe one of those upstairs windows was the access seeing the setup there a neighbor most likely wouldn't notice especially if late.

wow strach!....glad you lived to tell...very scary stuff!

good point about those windows too...even if they led into a bedroom or a bathroom, wouldn't be all that hard to get on that little roof area....since LE is saying "no forced entry", a window MIGHT have been unlocked i suppose.....
Also, if it's true Jason left their home when her friends were there, maybe they will remember the clothes/shoes/jacket he was wearing so that LE can do their forensic magic on them.
Taximom said:
Also, if it's true Jason left their home when her friends were there, maybe they will remember the clothes/shoes/jacket he was wearing so that LE can do their forensic magic on them.

Excellent point!
close_enough said:
10 days is a lot of investigating.....if there was a lot of blood, then there's lots of spatter & whatnot, i would think...cause of death being blunt force trauma, right??.....it's a pretty big house, imo...maybe lots of financial records/documents to muddle through & haul out.....carpeting, footprints, bedding etc.....i know the Groene house was taped off for a long time too....hmmmm

Not to mention the car they impounded from him along with all the contents. Looking for minute splatters of blood or whatever. Doesn't sit right with me, law or not, that they would let him leave with the child if they are going after him.

Just makes me think the investigation is taking a different direction if the da was at the house yesterday and they were bringing different people in today to finger print.
Taximom said:
I was disappointed by the coverage tonight by NG and GVS. I still think the appearance by the *advertiser censored*'t. DA signifies something is about to happen.

Someone asked about the moon that night (11/2) and according to one weather site 91.6% of the moon was illuminated that night, with a full moon occuring the evening of 11/7. Now how high or low it was...will take some astronomical handiwork. Here's the link if anyone is up to it:

interesting...that's some pretty good moon light, but i'm without astronomical handiwork..i know nothing about all that stuff...if it was a clear night, i'd think the moon was putting off a lot of light at 91% though....
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