Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 1

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SewingDeb said:
Excellent point!
Thanks, SewingDeb. Do you have any friends like that? I have a friend that knows what I wore last Tuesday. I couldn't tell her what she wore yesterday! Let's hope they remember something.
pack_fan said:
Not to mention the car they impounded from him along with all the contents. Looking for minute splatters of blood or whatever. Doesn't sit right with me, law or not, that they would let him leave with the child if they are going after him.

Just makes me think the investigation is taking a different direction if the da was at the house yesterday and they were bringing different people in today to finger print.

It bothers me that they let him leave with Cassidy (if they suspect him at all) but I think of OJ getting custody DURING his murder trial. Also, Debbie Hawks husband was named a suspect and still had their children living with him. There was another case where a man left the state and took a child or children with him while he was being investigated and nothing has been done yet about that.

There are probably more like that. Those three came to mind.
Taximom said:
Thanks, SewingDeb. Do you have any friends like that? I have a friend that knows what I wore last Tuesday. I couldn't tell her what she wore yesterday! Let's hope they remember something.

You're welcome. I have a good friend like that. I'm afraid I wouldn't be good at remembering but maybe some (was it girlfriends who were watching Grey's Anatomy with Michelle?) will.
pack_fan said:
Not to mention the car they impounded from him along with all the contents. Looking for minute splatters of blood or whatever. Doesn't sit right with me, law or not, that they would let him leave with the child if they are going after him.

Just makes me think the investigation is taking a different direction if the da was at the house yesterday and they were bringing different people in today to finger print.

you could be right Pack....but to me, it would only make sense that he has his child with him & his family .... at least for now, since he obviously can't live in the home for the time being....if they take Cassidy away from him, THEN something 'falls thru the cracks' w/the investigation, he'd have a MAJOR lawsuit to file against LE....hmmm, that's just the way i see it anyway....but again, you could be right....(shrugs)
SewingDeb said:
You're welcome. I have a good friend like that. I'm afraid I wouldn't be good at remembering but maybe some (was it girlfriends who were watching Grey's Anatomy with Michelle?) will.

we have a good friend that visits us here, at least once a week...he was here this afternoon, & i couldn't tell ya what he was wearing...i know it was jeans only because that's what he always has on......i THINK he might have had a gray sweatshirt on .... not positive though....

Jean Casorus (i can't spell her last name) while on NG's show, said the word "girlfriends", if i'm not mistaken....
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi close_enough : scroll down to find the link in this article:

I must be hearing things. I swear that halfway through that tape, when the sister ask the little girl what happened to her mommy---- listen to what the little girl says...she says daddy beat and then it's cut off. :eek: :eek:

Someone please tell me if you hear what I did.
philamena said:
I must be hearing things. I swear that halfway through that tape, when the sister ask the little girl what happened to her mommy---- listen to what the little girl says...she says daddy beat and then it's cut off. :eek: :eek:

Someone please tell me if you hear what I did.
The only thing I heard clearly after being asked that question was the word DADDY in that sweet innocent voice. I wish the 911 operator would have let her continue! I know they are often entering information into the computer and also talking to responders as they glean info from the 911 caller...so I know he was probably multi-tasking, but GEEZ. Didn't he hear that? He's probably smacking his own head now anyway.

Cassidy was most probably in bed when he left 11/2 and the women were watching TV, so it had to have been a long time when she last saw him last...if he's innocent. Why would she bring up HIS name immediately upon being asked?

If he's guilty, I wonder if he checked on her or gave her a bottle or cup to help her go back to sleep before he left. (more forensics to check!) Just thinking of leaving a little baby like that alone in that home for so long makes me so sad.

I think Cassidy says it all right on that 911 call.:(
philamena said:
I must be hearing things. I swear that halfway through that tape, when the sister ask the little girl what happened to her mommy---- listen to what the little girl says...she says daddy beat and then it's cut off. :eek: :eek:

Someone please tell me if you hear what I did.

ok, i'm going to listen to it again....i know i heard "Daddy" & then she went on jabbering up a storm in the background, when i listened to it earlier today.....
Taximom and Close enough,
Thank you so much for your replies. I've played this over and over again and I'm honestly trying NOT to hear anything that isn't there. (I too wish the 911 operator would have let the little toddler continue.)
close_enough said:
ok, i'm going to listen to it again....i know i heard "Daddy" & then she went on jabbering up a storm in the background, when i listened to it earlier today.....
I just listened too, and it's so heartbreaking.

Right before Meredith asks Cassidy that question, I heard Cassidy saying "can we get a washcloth?" and the rest is not clear.

philamena said:
I must be hearing things. I swear that halfway through that tape, when the sister ask the little girl what happened to her mommy---- listen to what the little girl says...she says daddy beat and then it's cut off. :eek: :eek:

Someone please tell me if you hear what I did.

ok...this time i put my headset on, thinking i would hear it more clearly....i have to say, other than it being obvious this child said "Daddy", that she may have said the word "beat"...OR another word with the long 'e' sound, for sure.....man o man, it gives me chills to hear that child in the background yappin on like that...she was trying to tell a 'story', bless her heart, IMO......i've said it already, but i'll say it again....there's no doubt in my mind that LE has gone over this call, enhancing it, cutting out everything but the child's voice, to hear what she was saying.....

ETA....not to mention what Meredith told LE, she was saying....wow
Again, thanks so much. I'm sure you're right...LE has gone over this with a fine tooth comb. The call is so heartbreaking.:(
Taximom said:
I just listened too, and it's so heartbreaking.

Right before Meredith asks Cassidy that question, I heard Cassidy saying "can we get a washcloth?" and the rest is not clear.


omg...i listened again & i heard "can we get a washcloth?".... bless that baby's heart.... :(
close_enough said:
ok...this time i put my headset on, thinking i would hear it more clearly....i have to say, other than it being obvious this child said "Daddy", that she may have said the word "beat"...OR another word with the long 'e' sound, for sure.....man o man, it gives me chills to hear that child in the background yappin on like that...she was trying to tell a 'story', bless her heart, IMO......i've said it already, but i'll say it again....there's no doubt in my mind that LE has gone over this call, enhancing it, cutting out everything but the child's voice, to hear what she was saying.....

ETA....not to mention what Meredith told LE, she was saying....wow
The only problem I have with that next word being "beat" is that I have to wonder if a 2 yr old actually knows what that term means. I could see it happening in an abusive household, where beatings occur enough for the lingo to be natural.

So maybe it was her saying something like "daddy be here". I can't remember how they talk at that age! Although she sounds incredibly intelligent for her age.

Is she closer to 2 or 3 yrs? Anyone know?
Taximom said:
The only problem I have with that next word being "beat" is that I have to wonder if a 2 yr old actually knows what that term means. I could see it happening in an abusive household, where beatings occur enough for the lingo to be natural.

So maybe it was her saying something like "daddy be here". I can't remember how they talk at that age! Although she sounds incredibly intelligent for her age.

Is she closer to 2 or 3 yrs? Anyone know?

i was wondering the very same thing, TM...is she closer to 3??..did she just turn 2???....she does sound incredibly intelligent, with a good vocabulary....using the word "washcloth" so clearly surprised me also, although i WAS looking to hear it, after reading your post....but it was there, just plain as day!
....i just don't know...i mean she could know what 'beating on a drum' means, right???....gosh, this is making me want to listen to it again, ugh!!!
ok, i have a question....let's just say that Cassie did say "daddy beat mommy" & it was very clear on the 911 tape that she said this.....would there be any reason for LE to 'bump' that part out of the tape, before making the call public????...would they bump that part out, while they investigated, since it's a child, or would they just not make the taped call public???

several years ago, a mother & her teenage sons were murdered here in Nashville & there was a 911 call from one of the teenage boys....the tape wasn't made public until after they arrested the woman's boyfriend...on the tape you could clearly hear the younger son yelling the boyfriend's name....

just curious how that would work.....

i've GOT to get to bed..i'm babysitting my great niece, who's 3, tomorrow...well, today, lol.....she'll be here around 10 am...i need sleep for that, lol....
Tia said:
I posted my "theory" on another board and was informed that the sister was "not Jason's Type"..........supposedly this poster has known Jason for 10 years......:liar:

I never believe people who get on forums and start saying that they knew the people involved in murder cases. It seems like in every case, these people turn up and do nothing but start trouble on forums.
philamena said:
I must be hearing things. I swear that halfway through that tape, when the sister ask the little girl what happened to her mommy---- listen to what the little girl says...she says daddy beat and then it's cut off. :eek: :eek:

Someone please tell me if you hear what I did.
Yes that is what I heard I swear it sounds just like Daddy and then Beat I liten to it many times too make sure turn up volume put ear neaxt to speaker
and that is what it sounds like to me
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