Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 1

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MrsMush99 said:
You have to remember that this is a 2 1/2 year old child. What they say may not make sense. I have a child the same age, and sometimes he makes sense sometimes he doesn't. She could have just been saying Daddy because she wanted him. It is very possible that she did not see what happened to her mother. My guess is that she probably didn't.

Hi MrsMush - that's true - also brings us down to Earth a bit - and in fact, I'd subconsciously believed Cassidy would have been sleeping when this happened ... Meredith would have been able to identify her regular nightclothes and sleeping patterns.
If we think about it, Cassidy did NOT sound distressed at all. She was talking and responding normally. When Meredith asked her to go into her room you can clearly hear her say, "OK". This does not seem like a child that witnessed her mother being murdered.
txsvicki said:
I never believe people who get on forums and start saying that they knew the people involved in murder cases. It seems like in every case, these people turn up and do nothing but start trouble on forums.

Ahhh! Found this post, txsvicki (I'd seen this comment earlier) as I *agree wholeheartedly* with you. Aside from an ever-increasing line of genuinely interested new folk, a small percentage come in & drop a proposed atomb-bomb-comment/thought and sweep out again while regular posters hash over it. An even smaller fraction er 'know' .... the family (as "dumb's" post on the blog) and render wild theories.

During the SP era, I was quite convinced some of the Fratters/SII contingency would 'go forth and spread the word...', lol
MrsMush99 said:
If we think about it, Cassidy did NOT said disstressed at all. She was talking and responding normally. When Meredith asked her to go into her room you can clearly hear her say, "OK". This does not seem like a child that witnessed her mother being murdered.

Yes, agreed: diligent and trusting. From the get-go, I sensed she was not distressed - and that also led me to believe Cassidy sensed she was in a 'comfort' zone in her home: If anyone was there, she may have been in a different frame of mind. Do you think the same, Mrs.Mush?

(BTW: I don't have children; been around trillions of them, love kids, adored my nieces and nephews when they were babes/toddlers and kids and often had hoards of them at our house - so I'm really grasping at *my* perceptions and understanding, lol)
Taximom said:
When Meredith is trying to get Michelle's pulse, she says "she's ice cold". I originally thought she just said "she's cold". Anyone familiar with how fast body temp decreases in a home environment? Degrees/hour?

If Cassidy is with her father now, and if he's guilty and she saw things or heard things, I would think he would try to influence her memories about all this. I wonder if he's listened to the 911 tape.
They discussed the time it took for the body to cool to room temp on either NG or Greta, can't remember what was said specifically but I remember thinking that it was a long time and the murder would have had to taken place much earlier in the evening, not at 6 in the morning (LE looking for info for anyone who saw anything between midnight and 6am). May be able to find transcript of the shows, I've seen some posted somewhere earlier.

I'm sure that LE has gone over and over the 911 call and have picked through it carefully. Just a guess but I would suspect that Meredith spoke with LE when they arrived and would have passed along any information that Cassidy may have said. That info would be relevant but, imo, I don't think a da would call a two year old to be a witness. Doesn't really matter what "influence" Jason has over the child.

I don't know if he has heard the 911 call or not, It has not been reported whether or not he has spoken at length to LE, I would think they would have been sure to play it for him if in fact he has spoken to LE and there was something incriminating.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Yes, agreed: diligent and trusting. From the get-go, I sensed she was not distressed - and that also led me to believe Cassidy sensed she was in a 'comfort' zone in her home: If anyone was there, she may have been in a different frame of mind. Do you think the same, Mrs.Mush?

(BTW: I don't have children; been around trillions of them, love kids, adored my nieces and nephews when they were babes/toddlers and kids and often had hoards of them at our house - so I'm really grasping at *my* perceptions and understanding, lol)
Yes I agree Polk. When I'm pretending to cry, my baby gets very upset. So I cannot even imagine if Cassidy saw what happened to her mother she would have been acting like a normal 2 year old child. She might have even hidden in the house somewhere. I really don't think what we hear a 2 year old say on the 911 tape should be taken too seriously. She would have been a lot more agitated had she seen her mommy being hurt, by daddy or anyone else. And if she was up and saw what happened and Jason killed Michelle, do you think he would have walked out and left Cassidy wandering around the house by herself all those hours??? Another thing, I'm sure that if Cassidy saw someone doing this she would have cried out. My money is on her not seeing a thing.
MrsMush99 said:
---->And if she was up and saw what happened and Jason killed Michelle, do you think he would have walked out and left Cassidy wandering around the house by herself all those hours??? Another thing, I'm sure that if Cassidy saw someone doing this she would have cried out. My money is on her not seeing a thing.

Your last sentence, MrsM is just as I thought... BUT ... on the tape she says Daddy; that (to us who don't even know her, lol) does sound very clear: so you figure Cassidy may have said Daddy as she wanted him? Could (another wild guess) Cassidy have said Daddy IF .... if .... if .... she'd seen "Mommy and Daddy mad" before? I know mine's a wild-card theory or call - but y'know, we have to think back on that other 2 yr-old who claimed the neighbour touched her ... (not getting into the true/false issue here ... but): seems a 2 and half yo MIGHT be able to recognise if Daddy was "cross" or "mad" with mummy? Reason I say so is because that father believed his 2 yo said as much.

Difficult to pin something like this down into reality and probability: interpretations and perceptions differ, no?
MrsMush99 said:
Yes I agree Polk. When I'm pretending to cry, my baby gets very upset. So I cannot even imagine if Cassidy saw what happened to her mother she would have been acting like a normal 2 year old child. She might have even hidden in the house somewhere. I really don't think what we hear a 2 year old say on the 911 tape should be taken too seriously. She would have been a lot more agitated had she seen her mommy being hurt, by daddy or anyone else. And if she was up and saw what happened and Jason killed Michelle, do you think he would have walked out and left Cassidy wandering around the house by herself all those hours??? Another thing, I'm sure that if Cassidy saw someone doing this she would have cried out. My money is on her not seeing a thing.

I agree, I don't think Cassidy saw a thing, by design if the husband killed her. As far as Cassidy saying beat or beating, I think she was saying beeding or beed to describe bleed or bleeding.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Someone earlier mentioned if a toddler would understand the word 'beat' - I tend to wonder, too. Guess all we can do is speculate, but sorry if my earlier post was confusing - I was trying to get the 'beeding' across. Maybe she said Daddy's beeding?

When she said earlier in the tape: mommy's 'boo-boos' - could that be Cassidy-speak for a 'sore'? Or sleeping? Michelle was on her tummy?
Bless her: did anyone else think Cassidy did not sound distressed? She must have been confused regarding the long silence and (one suspects) she thought her mommy was sleeping... but she seemed to understand there was blood.

Gosh - look at us: could be a zillion combinations in her brief language conception....

PSA, 'boo-boos' is a very common name given by an adult to a child to name an injury. One a child can say and not frighten them. The sing-song nature is soothing to a child.

The tape says a lot. Beeding all over is what I heard. Blood all over is my impression and the fact that Michelle was quiet and thought to be asleep didn't alarm the child. Mommy wasn't crying because of her boo-boos. So, she must be OK.

Just impressions of the tape.
Polk, Yes I think children do know when their parents are angry. But the reason why I think Cassidy did not see a thing is because of the way she was acting, which was NORMAL for a 2 year old, IMO. She was not crying, she did not seem scared. And again, IF IF IF she saw her daddy doing this to her mommy, one would think that she would have cried out Jason would have heard her and things might not have turned out they way they did, IE maybe Cassidy would not be here. Given approximate time of death also leads me to believe that Cassidy was sound asleep in her bed. I agree she said Daddy clearly, but she could have just wanted him, or maybe she just didn't understand Meredith's question. Who was in the house Cassidy? Daddy. Seems like something a child of 2 would say. They don't understand, yesterday, today, tomorrow. Just something to think about.
MrsMush99 said:
If we think about it, Cassidy did NOT sound distressed at all. She was talking and responding normally. When Meredith asked her to go into her room you can clearly hear her say, "OK". This does not seem like a child that witnessed her mother being murdered.

no, Cassie didn't sound distressed, but i agree with PS...she was in a 'comfort' zone with her aunt being there....i don't know about anyone else, but i don't really think she would have sounded distressed, IF she saw her Daddy hit her Mommy either.....it would cause confusion, i suppose, but IF she had walked in with him hitting Mommy, at 2 1/2, i don't think it would scare her...afterall that's her Daddy...she's in "2 1/2 land".....Daddy could sweep her up & tell her everything's alright, give her some juice, give her a kiss, put her back to bed, yada yada yada.....
I wonder how close the master bedroom is to Cassidy's bedroom. She may have slept right through it.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Your last sentence, MrsM is just as I thought... BUT ... on the tape she says Daddy; that (to us who don't even know her, lol) does sound very clear: so you figure Cassidy may have said Daddy as she wanted him? Could (another wild guess) Cassidy have said Daddy IF .... if .... if .... she'd seen "Mommy and Daddy mad" before? I know mine's a wild-card theory or call - but y'know, we have to think back on that other 2 yr-old who claimed the neighbour touched her ... (not getting into the true/false issue here ... but): seems a 2 and half yo MIGHT be able to recognise if Daddy was "cross" or "mad" with mummy? Reason I say so is because that father believed his 2 yo said as much.

Difficult to pin something like this down into reality and probability: interpretations and perceptions differ, no?

you & i are very close to being on the same page, PS....when Meredith asked the child "do you know what happened to Mommy?...did Mommy fall?"....Cassie says "Daddy B......" then on to the "beeding everywhere".....the child was answering the question "do you know what happened to Mommy?"....
concernedperson said:
PSA, 'boo-boos' is a very common name given by an adult to a child to name an injury. One a child can say and not frighten them. The sing-song nature is soothing to a child.

The tape says a lot. Beeding all over is what I heard. Blood all over is my impression and the fact that Michelle was quiet and thought to be asleep didn't alarm the child. Mommy wasn't crying because of her boo-boos. So, she must be OK.

Just impressions of the tape.

Oh thanks, concernedperson: now I get it (where I'm orig from in Africa, we'd have said "that's an ow-wee" (for ouch) or 'sore-sore'... Yes, you're so right: "mommy wasn't crying because of her boo-boos, so she's OK, just sleeping.." style. Thanks!
I'm going to listen to the 911 tape again. But I still don't think Cassidy saw what happened.
MrsMush99 said:
Polk, Yes I think children do know when their parents are angry. But the reason why I think Cassidy did not see a thing is because of the way she was acting, which was NORMAL for a 2 year old, IMO. She was not crying, she did not seem scared. And again, IF IF IF she saw her daddy doing this to her mommy, one would think that she would have cried out Jason would have heard her and things might not have turned out they way they did, IE maybe Cassidy would not be here. Given approximate time of death also leads me to believe that Cassidy was sound asleep in her bed. I agree she said Daddy clearly, but she could have just wanted him, or maybe she just didn't understand Meredith's question. Who was in the house Cassidy? Daddy. Seems like something a child of 2 would say. They don't understand, yesterday, today, tomorrow. Just something to think about.

Hi and thanks, MrsM. The first part I emboldened kind of concurs along concernperson's thoughts - and the part in red I can also identify with: in her 30-odd sweet months of life, the question posed: "Who else in the house" may literally translate to "Me, mommy daddy".

I have to add, I sensed Meredith's caring & concerned tones with Cassidy.
MrsMush99 said:
Yes I agree Polk. When I'm pretending to cry, my baby gets very upset. So I cannot even imagine if Cassidy saw what happened to her mother she would have been acting like a normal 2 year old child. She might have even hidden in the house somewhere. I really don't think what we hear a 2 year old say on the 911 tape should be taken too seriously. She would have been a lot more agitated had she seen her mommy being hurt, by daddy or anyone else. And if she was up and saw what happened and Jason killed Michelle, do you think he would have walked out and left Cassidy wandering around the house by herself all those hours??? Another thing, I'm sure that if Cassidy saw someone doing this she would have cried out. My money is on her not seeing a thing.

i'm a 'betting person', but on this one i think i wouldn't lay any money down either way....i can certainly see a struggle, a lamp falling, Michelle yelling enough for Cassidy to wake up .... maybe walking in on her Daddy hitting her, OR standing over her Mommy's body, OR seeing him rushing around in the room to clean/pick up anything that might have fallen, hence Cassie's first words include "Daddy" when being asked "do you know what happened to Mommy?"
Ok, I just listened again to part of it. I will finish it up in a minute. But I just wanted to state that Meredith told the 911 operator that there is blood everywhere. It is quite possible, even likely that Cassidy was just repeating what she heard Meredith say.
close_enough said:
you & i are very close to being on the same page, PS....when Meredith asked the child "do you know what happened to Mommy?...did Mommy fall?"....Cassie says "Daddy B......" then on to the "beeding everywhere".....the child was answering the question "do you know what happened to Mommy?"....

Hey, close_enough: yep, true! but may I have the bottom-half of that same page, lol? Not so far to the ground in case we both fall right off, and it is survival of the fittest, lol :D

So yes similar interpretations here.

One thing that's heart breaking - this baby has been thrown into an awful situation: as she grows up she's probably going to wonder, herself - and naturally wish she'd known her lovely mommy who was robbed from her. And here we are 'talking' for her. (I kinda feel a twinge of guilt or personal invasion - perhaps because Cassidy's so precious and so very young...)

Silly ole me... ag!
Ok call me crazy, but I just listened to the part where Meredith asks do you know what happened to mommy, and I swear I hear "She got Bleeding" I do not hear daddy. Anyone else hear this??

ETA: This is what I hear, baby talk of course "She got a bleeding, she got booboo's everywhere.
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