Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 1

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Columbo said:
Regarding Jason's behavior at the funeral: did anyone else notice that when he went to hug someone, he had this smile on his face...I can't describe the smile except to say it looked like a happy smile. Just a feeling it gave me, like something is wrong here. The shades couldn't hide that smile ! Remember Scott Peterson the day Laci disappeared,(at his first and only news interview for months) with his baseball cap pulled way down over his eyes?

What bothers me is he was wearing sunglasses at his wife's funeral. Sorry, just doesn't look right to me.

It's like a new widow wouldn't wear eye make-up to her husband's funeral as she KNOWS she's going to shed tears and any type of make-up would end up either in her eyes or running down her face.

Sunglasses get all smudged up if there are tears.

IMHO, there's something wrong with this picture.


PS........Why hasn't Jason said one word, one PLEAD with the public for information leading to the capture of the murder of his precious wife!? (ala SP ;) .............fran
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi close_enough, yes definitely heard "can we get a washcloth" :( and I did the .

Like mel1024: listened repeatedly, kept pushing the tracking button back and put the volume up: This is what it sounds like (I heard)

"...Daddy Beat [....] beed beeding everywhere"

The words daddy & beat came over - and then: a brief pause [...] and the tape continued with Cassie saying "bead, beading, everywhere". I distinctly heard everywhere. Cassie may also have been referring to her little bloody footprints that Meredith observed - on top of mommy's crime-scene blood.

There are some brief pauses in this tape: the first and most obvious is where the telephone number was spliced out. I'm wondering if Cassie's voice was clear enough (and telling enough) to alert LE and they also spliced out her little voice at that 'crucial' moment??

Having heard this tape over and over - seems to me Meredith was on the verge of crumbling and the 911-op picked up her shock - and gently but firmly asked her to 'remain calm, now, I'm gonna need to to help me here'... and that's when Meredith's resolve seemed to return (in addition to her being concerned over Cassie).

Wow!!! ... If these words are clear to us, with expert enhancement, forensics will definitely be able to separate the voices along with what has been spliced out. Good grief!

IMO, i think that's probably one of the first things LE did....find out exactly what Cassidy said during that call, along w/questioning Meredith....

someone mentioned early on that this MIGHT be a reason why the two families haven't spoken with one another...a rift betw them, so to speak...maybe this is all rumored though, BUT if it's true, then it could be because of something Cassidy told Meredith during, or after the 911 call...

it's a longshot of course, but i believe it's possible....i may end up 'eating crow', but that's ok; i've done it before, but i think there's lots of info in that 911 call....i think they zero'd in on Jason for that reason, & are getting fingerprints & everything they can possibly do, to rule out others, before they arrest & charge him.....
MrsMush99 said:
Ok call me crazy, but I just listened to the part where Meredith asks do you know what happened to mommy, and I swear I hear "She got Bleeding" I do not hear daddy. Anyone else hear this??

ETA: This is what I hear, baby talk of course "She got a bleeding, she got booboo's everywhere.

oh my MrsMush...hard to believe you didn't hear her say "Daddy" :eek:
....not saying your lying or anything even close to that, but it's so clear on my end...just hard to understand how you don't hear it...wow
MrsMush99 said:
Ok, I just listened again to part of it. I will finish it up in a minute. But I just wanted to state that Meredith told the 911 operator that there is blood everywhere. It is quite possible, even likely that Cassidy was just repeating what she heard Meredith say.

Gosh, you're so right! Now that's logical - isn't it? And there's my unauthorised evaluation on Cassidy-Speak! Eck!!!

You SEE!!!??? I may never have had child bearing hips but I sure ended up with child-bearing LIPS instead! I really feel 20 centimeters shorter than Cassidy right now... :D
close_enough said:
oh my MrsMush...hard to believe you didn't hear her say "Daddy" :eek:
....not saying your lying or anything even close to that, but it's so clear on my end...just hard to understand how you don't hear it...wow
Close, at first I thought that's what is was, but with several playbacks, and knowing baby speak as my son is the same age, I'm getting gotta, not daddy. I'm on my fourth time right now listening to it. Just trying to make out what she said. Also, I'm not hearing washcloth. The 911 call I'm listening to cuts off after they contact LE. I'm going to go and listen AGAIN, after I make my bed and straighten up my house a bit. LOL
PolkSaladAnnie said:
But still with others; I DO hear "Daddy"....

I know I'm in the minority here. I hope someone else comes forward thinking they hear gotta, otherwise, I might have to go get my ears checked. :D
packerdog said:
I wonder how close the master bedroom is to Cassidy's bedroom. She may have slept right through it.

she may have packerdog...i'm guessing we'll never know for sure...i THINK i read that there's 4 bedrooms upstairs & something like 3 "bonus" rooms downstairs....gosh, i'd really have to search to find where i read this though....
Hi all: is someone able to verify this? I *just* cruised over to CTV ... circa post # 520 (ish)... apparently another person may be a POI? And ... that this was on Greta. True? Or d'you think someone has taken the concept of "fingerprints have been taken from other family members" and zeroed in on something that may not be 'telling' at all?

I'm going to see if I can find some other stuff - or transcripts .... (NGrace - I'd never know where to find a Greta t/script or if they exist...)
otto said:
I just went back to the obituary page, with photos, but it's gone except for the movie: http://brownwynne.mem.com/movie/MovingMemories.asp?ID=1581967&mm=0 which, if I recall, is most of the photos in a movie format. There was a big black dog, like a rottweiler, in the photos. Maybe someone else remembers the breed of dog. It looks pretty serious as a watchdog. There's a picture of a little girl with the big dog and I just assumed it was Cassidy. That dog should have deterred a thief or been injured in the scuffle.

At the very least, the dog should have warned Michelle to get the phone and be ready to call the police.

It has been said that Michelle was very safety conscious and there was no forced entry. Therefore, we must assume that she had made sure all the doors and windows were properly locked.

It was also mentioned that was in part why she had a dog. For security.

The MAJORITY of the time, anyone contemplating breaking and entering, will pass by a house with a dog and move on to the next one.

Like you said, the dog should (and probably would have) warned Michelle of an intruder.


PS....in comparing this to the Groene case and they had two dogs. Well....JED had stalked the family for several days even going up to the windows at night with his night goggles. IMO, he had a way to pacify the dogs or they would have warned the family of an intruder. He probably fed them special treats during his stalking period, thus making them friendly to him, IMO.fran
close_enough said:
she may have packerdog...i'm guessing we'll never know for sure...i THINK i read that there's 4 bedrooms upstairs & something like 3 "bonus" rooms downstairs....gosh, i'd really have to search to find where i read this though....

From the 911 recording, Meredith seemed just outside Michelle's room to keep Cassidy from going in there - and when she asked Cassidy to go into her room it seemed as though they're almost next door to one another... ?

MrsMush99 said:
I know I'm in the minority here. I hope someone else comes forward thinking they hear gotta, otherwise, I might have to go get my ears checked. :D

lol...the first thing i did when i woke up this morning, was fix my big glass of Ovaltine while coffee was brewing...i got on my computer & asked my husband to sit w/me & listen to the call....i told him to listen really 'hard'....he heard the word washcloth, (which i had actually missed first time hearing it) & raised his eyebrows & looked at me as soon as he heard Cassie's response to "do you know what happened to Mommy?"....he also heard her say "Daddy B"...then the "beeding everywhere" afterward....
PolkSaladAnnie said:
From the 911 recording, Meredith seemed just outside Michelle's room to keep Cassidy from going in there - and when she asked Cassidy to go into her room it seemed as though they're almost next door to one another... ?


you're right PS....good thinking!
Hi close and MrsM: some of Cassidy's words I feel to be very clear are :mummy, boo-boos, Daddy, beed/bead/beat; beeding, everywhere, can we get a washcloth, OK ..
Wonder what the dog's name is? Could Cassidy have said the dogs name and we're maybe not taking that into consideration? (just a thought)
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi all: is someone able to verify this? I *just* cruised over to CTV ... circa post # 520 (ish)... apparently another person may be a POI? And ... that this was on Greta. True? Or d'you think someone has taken the concept of "fingerprints have been taken from other family members" and zeroed in on something that may not be 'telling' at all?

I'm going to see if I can find some other stuff - or transcripts .... (NGrace - I'd never know where to find a Greta t/script or if they exist...)


I think the poster at CTV is taking the info that LE had taken fingerprints etc from others as they MAY have another suspect.

IMO, it's probably for a process of elimination. They also MUST look at other avenues as well. They can't have the defense come back with a 'rush to judgment' and 'tunnel vision on Jason.'

I have faith this case will be solved and I don't think most of us will be surprised at who will be eventually arrested for this crime. IMO, LE is just making sure they have EVIDENCE and ELIMINATE reasonable doubt. The fact they've searched the house for ten days and the DA's office was in the home the other day speaks volumes, IMO.

"Or he knew she was at home, because she had the day off, and sent her sister over there? I can't imagine my surprise if my sis showed up and said "I need to get a fax from your machine.""

Excellent point! Great sleuthing.

I am also wondering about the "friend" who stated that the sister was the nanny for the child at times and babysat the dog and had a key. I heard on a local news report that she said it was totally unexpected that he would call her to do something at the home. Which one true?

Sewing Deb: Gracie says "I Love and miss you"

Sadly this case reminds me of a case that occurred here in the 90s - John Fenny. A teacher who was at a conference at Lake of the Ozarks (2 hour drive from Springfield) and his wife winds up murdered while he is at the conference. He had no witnesses that can say for sure he was in his hotel room at the estimated time of death, he called his wife's mother saying he couldn't get a hold of his wife on Sunday - of course someone other than he finds her the day after the murder.

The police took his fingerprints, dna, and everything they could think of. The DA put him on trial and none of that was relevent since he lived in the home. No sign of breaking and entering the home other than a garage door elevated about 18 inches but no sign of forced elevation. A neighbor even testified they saw his red convertible mustang the evening of the murder but...he is a free man.

Thank God the child was not harmed. Forgive me for not being up on this case, trying to read and catch up but I am wondering if any of you have heard anything about the child's normal sleeping arrangement - normally in a crib or bed? For some reason the mere fact this little one was wondering around bothers me...
raisincharlie said:
Sadly this case reminds me of a case that occurred here in the 90s - John Fenny. A teacher who was at a conference at Lake of the Ozarks (2 hour drive from Springfield) and his wife winds up murdered while he is at the conference. He had no witnesses that can say for sure he was in his hotel room at the estimated time of death, he called his wife's mother saying he couldn't get a hold of his wife on Sunday - of course someone other than he finds her the day after the murder...
Is this the guy who also had several affairs and who either left a function early or didn't attend some function?? If so, I just couldn't believe that this guy was found not guilty.
close_enough said:
IMO, i think that's probably one of the first things LE did....find out exactly what Cassidy said during that call, along w/questioning Meredith....

someone mentioned early on that this MIGHT be a reason why the two families haven't spoken with one another...a rift betw them, so to speak...maybe this is all rumored though, BUT if it's true, then it could be because of something Cassidy told Meredith during, or after the 911 call...

it's a longshot of course, but i believe it's possible....i may end up 'eating crow', but that's ok; i've done it before, but i think there's lots of info in that 911 call....i think they zero'd in on Jason for that reason, & are getting fingerprints & everything they can possibly do, to rule out others, before they arrest & charge him.....
Take this for what it is worth, friends of Michelle's have said that this is case. No contact between them and the family is convinced he did it. Same friends who went to school with Michelle and were close with Jason AND Michelle are convinced he did not. Lots of strong opinions on both sides, based strictly on speculation. I don't know the reasoning behind such strong feelings by Michelle's family, could possibly have something to do with just what you mentioned, (911 call, what Cassidy told Meredith). I'm not trying to spread rumors, I have heard more info than I am willing to share simply because of the strong feelings and speculation but I am convinced that this info is very reliable.
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