Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 2

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packerdog said:
I have to say , you crack me up PSA, a Bengal Tiger.LOL LOL

Heh, packerdog: :D :D Yeah, I suppose that's a bit vicious, lol ...

Well, murderer or not: imo men are not usually so anal and pedantic in confirming/hiding/securing documents and orders for an event some 2 months off on the horizon. Unless it was a really big-ticket, rare item. But a leather purse?????? His request just blows the lid off priorities while out on a long-distance business trip. Going out of his way to call his sil (first time ever) to go and collect it - on top of which why do all this when he is away and there's a chance of discovery.

Ag! All I see behind this trivia (right now) is :alibi.

(hiya all ... catching up ... phew; quite a job & great posts so far!)
close_enough said:
exactly, Pack!

& ya know....if he killed Michelle, & if he planned it (which i think it was planned) a hotel would be more on the right line of things, imo...have some kind of receipt showing when he checked in ... doesn't necessarily have to prove when he checked out, if he paid upfront for 1 night's stay....he could have been driving for lots & lots of miles over several hours....

oh my....my head is spinning & my eyes are getting heavy....must get sleep (zombie face inserted here)

nite all:)
Close, I was think about the hotel thing last night. And my thoughts kept coming back to video cameras. If Jason arrived at the hotel as an alibi, the camera would show that. It will also show Jason left, I'm sure they could find a tape showing him arriving and leaving. They even have cameras in the parking lots nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if LE is checking into that.

Also about her fighting hard. Poor Michelle. Hopefully they will come up with some DNA.

The more I'm hearing the more I'm leaning towards Jason. Although I do like to keep an open mind to other possibilities. The other explanation I can come up with would be someone in their development. But why would someone from Enchanted Oaks murder her??? I wish we had somemore information to go on.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Heh, packerdog: :D :D Yeah, I suppose that's a bit vicious, lol ...

Well, murderer or not: imo men are not usually so anal and pedantic in confirming/hiding/securing documents and orders for an event some 2 months off on the horizon. Unless it was a really big-ticket, rare item. But a leather purse?????? His request just blows the lid off priorities while out on a long-distance business trip. Going out of his way to call his sil (first time ever) to go and collect it - on top of which why do all this when he is away and there's a chance of discovery.

Ag! All I see behind this trivia (right now) is :alibi.

(hiya all ... catching up ... phew; quite a job & great posts so far!)
I read somewhere Polk, (please don't ask me where, LOL) That it was for their 3rd anniversary, and for the third anniversary it's something leather. Do we know how long they have been married??? I may have missed that information with all these posts. Hard to keep up.
raisincharlie said:
I've been hearing about this trailer park behind their home and thought it was within viewing distance. Jim Hammer pointed at the trees behind the home on Greta last night and said that they went back quite a ways. I wish I could remember his exact words, but it made me think hundreds of feet were between their house and any trailer park.

I was also surprised to see that there's a home almost directly across from the Young home.
MrsMush99 said:
I read somewhere Polk, (please don't ask me where, LOL) That it was for their 3rd anniversary, and for the third anniversary it's something leather. Do we know how long they have been married??? I may have missed that information with all these posts. Hard to keep up.
Jason is making my hubby look so bad. I know the answer I'd get from my hubby if I asked him what the appropriate gift was for our current anniversary!

Uh. :confused: Uhm.:waitasec: :waitasec: :truce:

MrsMush99 said:
Close, I was think about the hotel thing last night. And my thoughts kept coming back to video cameras. If Jason arrived at the hotel as an alibi, the camera would show that. It will also show Jason left, I'm sure they could find a tape showing him arriving and leaving. They even have cameras in the parking lots nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if LE is checking into that.

Also about her fighting hard. Poor Michelle. Hopefully they will come up with some DNA.

The more I'm hearing the more I'm leaning towards Jason. Although I do like to keep an open mind to other possibilities. The other explanation I can come up with would be someone in their development. But why would someone from Enchanted Oaks murder her??? I wish we had somemore information to go on.

I have been thinking about hotels too. If he planned this, and I think he did, it would benefit him to stay at a small roadside hotel. There may be a video camera in the registration area but unlikely in the parking lot. Also, they would be using regular keys not time stamped swipe cards.

He would have every opportunity to come and go as he pleases. One can check out by putting the keys in a depository if he had already paid.
Hi charlie! OK - deleting # 17, lol (was going on what we knew at the time). Great links and posts: thanks so much!

An interesting aside: there was no one speck on blood in Chris Porco's car (Jeep) after he bludgeoned his parents - leaving his dad to die and his mom to suffer atrocious wounds. Also, CPorco's DNA was not in the house.

Having said that - and going back to our posts on first few pages of the previous thread: we really need to know how tight Jason's alibi is before really jamming the guilty line. I still feel he's involved - until clarification or more info has been released.

What time he left home;
What time he arrived at hotel (if he did, that is)
Was the call made at 11 - or later - or at all?
And, indeed, if those calls took place from (said) hotel/motel.
What time was the business meeting
What location was the meeting
What time did he call Meredith
What time did he arrive at his parents...

Later reports/details of the above emerged from a poster 'close-to' Jason/the case. LE has not made any official annoucement. Also, just as it is easy for a stranger to enter the home: Jason is also someone who knows where those entry/exits are.

Finally, I remain disturbed about LE's conviction this was not a random crime and statistics just don't bode well for husbands these days, do they? Perhaps that's why scrutinizing Jason to squeaky clean status will perhaps go a long way to his (public) clearance and acceptance.... because sadly, people where huge questions marks still remain are still outcast. (OJ??)

Sorry so long - just didn't want to post strings of posts again...

Best: PSA
OK, I've read through this entire part 2. Lots of good information. I also saw Greta last night as well. I just have a few questions.

IF it wasn't JY who did this, that would mean someone else did it. The poster running around the internet has inferred it could possibly be someone from one of the trailers at the backside of their property. Or, she could have had an enemy, who knows?

Why hasn't the husband voluntarily gone into headquarters to give a statement?

After all, he knew Michelle best. He has an attorney who would stop any questions that would implicate Jason. If her loving husband wants the crime solved, why isn't he giving LE everything he knows?

Friends have been interviewed giving glowing reports of the loving couple. Have his parents given a statement? Last I heard, no they hadn't. Don't they want this crime solved?

As for the person running around the internet saying Jason couldn't possibly have done this, well..........I have to wonder what his REAL motive is here. After all, at the same time he was saying Jason couldn't possibly have done this, he threw out the possibility that Michelle may have been having an affair. Just exactly what is his agenda?

It's been stated that Michelle was very security conscious and that, in part, was why she had a dog. Well, IF she wanted the dog to help protect her, IMO, she wouldn't leave him penned up. She would want him to be available to protect her and her family.

It's known that when burglars are casing residences to rob, they often times will pass by a house that has a dog. You never know how a dog will react if they catch you entering a home as a stranger. That bark can be very deceiving. And, if this was a burglary, why isn't anything missing?

I never recall a LE taking so many days going over a crime scene. I know they said the crime scene is huge, 2800 SF house et al, but TWO WEEKS? Just what are they finding there that is taking so long to process?

I have many more questions, just can't think of them now. Hopefully LE will solve this crime, whoever did it, and bring justice for Michelle and those who loved her.

I have a question about the police contacting his parents- why didnt the sil call him directly after the initial shock and 911 call--? would the police stop her from making a call to him on a cell phone once they arrived at the scene? I am trying to put myself in her shoes, and I THINK if I was able to, I would have called my bil and told him he needed to get home-- anybody else?
concernedperson said:
I have been thinking about hotels too. If he planned this, and I think he did, it would benefit him to stay at a small roadside hotel. There may be a video camera in the registration area but unlikely in the parking lot. Also, they would be using regular keys not time stamped swipe cards.

He would have every opportunity to come and go as he pleases. One can check out by putting the keys in a depository if he had already paid.

Hi concerned person: great thoughts! Don't most hotels have cctv as a standard? Also - fuel stops, gas purchases; food and sundry purchases...

On FBI files where I am last night - one LE officer said: people think they commit the perfect crime: well they can't - they're always caught out through timeline, alibi, forensics, circumstantial evidence, etc.

I automatically thought:

Well, what if someone has committed the perfect crime? They may have not been suspected of the crime as they did such a good job of it? Must have happened .... or not? (not that I advocate such abhorrent deeds or challenges or anything). Who will ever know?

Just a thought, lol :)
close_enough said:
hi otto....i didn't see a trailer park either, but maybe i didn't zoom in enough...but i THINK, if there's one, it's just beyond that tiny road that's beyond the wooded area, behind the Young's home....(did that make sense)

....i'm all into some maps right now

The trailer park and business trip to VA are two ideas suggested on another board by a poster claiming to be a friend of Jason. Also included are remarks about scratching at the back door that woke up the Young's. It seems to me that any scratching at the door should have been drowned out by a barking dog. A trailer park in the middle of Enchanted Oaks, a place that clearly looks like a very nice district, seems really out of place. Newspaper reports state that Jason was on a "business trip and visiting his parents" in the Brevard area. I don't know how much credibility we should give to this "friend" of Jason's. Although the info is presented as protecting Jason, how would this friend know tiny details about dogs scratching at the door? If they were that close, the friend would have been asked to keep all information confidential. If they're not that close, then the "friend" is probably just repeating rumour.

I understand what you're saying about the trailer park, but if it's that far away, why was Jason or Michelle going all the way through the forest to argue with people living in a trailer park. I'm having a hard time putting the "friend" rumours together with the rest of the information. It has been suggested that the Young's bought their house in the Spring and didn't realize there was a trailer park at the end of their property. Michelle is a financial analyst, yet we are supposed to belief she didn't check out the neighbourhood before purchasing the nearly $400k property? It's not making sense for me.
New article.


An interesting excerpt....

The two got married in October 2003. A mutt Jason Young rescued from a shelter carried the wedding bands down the aisle of the Long View Center, a chapel they rented on Moore Square in downtown Raleigh. Cassidy made their family three the following spring.

I know I had read speculation of a "shot gun" wedding. It does sound like the wedding may have not been an entirley planned event....
concernedperson said:
I have been thinking about hotels too. If he planned this, and I think he did, it would benefit him to stay at a small roadside hotel. There may be a video camera in the registration area but unlikely in the parking lot. Also, they would be using regular keys not time stamped swipe cards.

He would have every opportunity to come and go as he pleases. One can check out by putting the keys in a depository if he had already paid.
So now we need to know where he stayed. I've been thinking about WHY he would have done this. It wouldn't be money, and not the baby, IMO because he already has a daughter. Was their an affair?? Maybe Michelle found out??? I'm just speculating here because we don't have too much information. I also think it's a possiblity that he hired someone and didn't do it himself. I wish we would get even one more piece of information. :banghead:
fran said:
OK, I've read through this entire part 2. Lots of good information. I also saw Greta last night as well. I just have a few questions.

IF it wasn't JY who did this, that would mean someone else did it. The poster running around the internet has inferred it could possibly be someone from one of the trailers at the backside of their property. Or, she could have had an enemy, who knows?

Why hasn't the husband voluntarily gone into headquarters to give a statement?

After all, he knew Michelle best. He has an attorney who would stop any questions that would implicate Jason. If her loving husband wants the crime solved, why isn't he giving LE everything he knows?

Friends have been interviewed giving glowing reports of the loving couple. Have his parents given a statement? Last I heard, no they hadn't. Don't they want this crime solved?

As for the person running around the internet saying Jason couldn't possibly have done this, well..........I have to wonder what his REAL motive is here. After all, at the same time he was saying Jason couldn't possibly have done this, he threw out the possibility that Michelle may have been having an affair. Just exactly what is his agenda?

It's been stated that Michelle was very security conscious and that, in part, was why she had a dog. Well, IF she wanted the dog to help protect her, IMO, she wouldn't leave him penned up. She would want him to be available to protect her and her family.

It's known that when burglars are casing residences to rob, they often times will pass by a house that has a dog. You never know how a dog will react if they catch you entering a home as a stranger. That bark can be very deceiving. And, if this was a burglary, why isn't anything missing?

I never recall a LE taking so many days going over a crime scene. I know they said the crime scene is huge, 2800 SF house et al, but TWO WEEKS? Just what are they finding there that is taking so long to process?

I have many more questions, just can't think of them now. Hopefully LE will solve this crime, whoever did it, and bring justice for Michelle and those who loved her.


Hi again fran :blowkiss:

Thanks for this and your previous posts, read 'em all! We don't get Nancy of Greta here; so this feedback, thoughts and questions are great to read...

Where's your heart lying (or leaning, lol) in the "Who Did It" arena fran? If you had to re-order 1 -10 how would you rearrange the following?

1. Ex-b/f Michelle?
2. Known Friend Michelle?
3. Family of Michelle?
4. Jealous/rejected male friend?
5. Jason?
6. Rejected friend of Jason?
7. Hired hitman?
8. Family Jason?
9. Neighbour?
10.Stranger (sex predator/stalker/voyeur/serial killer, etc)?

Actually, if anyone else wants to do a 1 - 10 - well, results might be interesting, lol :D Many here seem to be on the fence; others are staking their patch... perhaps the above might help reconsider other options.

Just a suggestion :p
wufdude said:
New article.


An interesting excerpt....

The two got married in October 2003. A mutt Jason Young rescued from a shelter carried the wedding bands down the aisle of the Long View Center, a chapel they rented on Moore Square in downtown Raleigh. Cassidy made their family three the following spring.

I know I had read speculation of a "shot gun" wedding. It does sound like the wedding may have not been an entirley planned event....

Hello wufdude! Yes, it *sonds* that way, but could Cassie have been a Honeymoon pregnancy?

Thanks for the link :)
wufdude said:
New article.


An interesting excerpt....

The two got married in October 2003. A mutt Jason Young rescued from a shelter carried the wedding bands down the aisle of the Long View Center, a chapel they rented on Moore Square in downtown Raleigh. Cassidy made their family three the following spring.

I know I had read speculation of a "shot gun" wedding. It does sound like the wedding may have not been an entirley planned event....

Ok, so the Leather purse for the anniversary is off the table. Their anniversary was last month. Christmas shopping already??? I guess it's not really that early. I know people who have started already.
scandi said:
I don't think anyone here has stated LE has a suspect or that Jason is a suspect. Anything we have said, or I have said :innocent: is simply from reading between the lines and being a great reader of body language. Could be all wrong. Of course we'll have to wait and see what other facts we get.

And the only thing I can see from what I've read is he got to his parents house at 2pm in the afternoon and they had heard first about her death. He had called her sister before that, who had discovered she was dead, right, so maybe when he got to his folks house the news about her death was given to him and they left at that time to go back to the house where she was, driving together in the SUV.

Guess my early am thoughts were all wrong. Well, sometimes it takes a bit to get everything down pat as to when and where things happened, right? Yeppers, we have been there many times before in cases. Like at the beginning of every case! LOL


Hey Scandi. From what I've read, it seems that Jason arrived at his parents place at about 2 in the afternoon on Friday. I've read both that he was arriving from the business meeting and returning from an errand. The estimation of arriving in the Brevard area at about 3:30 or later is based on his estimated departure time of about 10:30 and making a 5 hour trip. He could have stayed at a hotel, and given that he was on business, he probably should have. We don't know the exact time that he left his house, but I'm pretty sure it was after the friends arrived so that places him leaving fairly late in the evening. There are no time facts until Friday at 2 when he learns of Michelle's murder. The next time fact, I suppose, would be when Jason and his parents arrived in Enchanted Oaks and had their vehicle and all it's contents seized by the police.
MrsMush99 said:
I read somewhere Polk, (please don't ask me where, LOL) That it was for their 3rd anniversary, and for the third anniversary it's something leather. Do we know how long they have been married??? I may have missed that information with all these posts. Hard to keep up.

Hi MrsM!!!

Just saw your post and otto kindly replied that they were married in OCTOBER, 2003.

So that's even earlier - 11 months ahead as opposed to 2 months ahead for Xmas...

Actually, with all due respect - this is exactly the kind of confusion that erupts when 'close family' start posting all they know.

I may have sounded stubborn yesterday ( er.... :angel: .... lol) however, I really do take all these 'telling the true facts' anon posters with half a grain of salt.
close_enough said:
exactly, Pack!

& ya know....if he killed Michelle, & if he planned it (which i think it was planned) a hotel would be more on the right line of things, imo...have some kind of receipt showing when he checked in ... doesn't necessarily have to prove when he checked out, if he paid upfront for 1 night's stay....he could have been driving for lots & lots of miles over several hours....

oh my....my head is spinning & my eyes are getting heavy....must get sleep (zombie face inserted here)

nite all:)

Come to think of it, the police were quoted in an article as saying that family alibis were not always that reliable. That would lead me to believe that there is no hotel alibi, at least not at the time that the police were interviewed. The 2 in the afternoon alibi is irrelevant ... it's the night before alibi that matters.
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