Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 2

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Taximom said:
Good morning, Boyz Mum! I posted this earlier (#218):
One thing that was stated above somewhere was that the sheriff said an atty down the road from the Young hom agreed that it wasn't a random killing. Actually, Jim Hammer (not the sheriff) said he had interviewed a DEFENSE attorney down the road that was trying to convince the rest of the neighborhood to settle down, and that he could read between the lines "from experience" who did it. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/images/smilies/cool.gif I wish I had a transcript, but that's what I gleaned from that little tidbit Hammer threw out. I would think a defense attorney would be all "the husband is innocent till proven guilty!" lol

Hope that helps.

I wish Greta's show had transcripts because even I can't remember some things clearly now!
I saw your post after I posted- I was rushing to keep up and didn't read first- :doh: ! I thought that the comment was said and it really hit me strongly- I have never heard of a defense attorney being staunch in a stand that backs up LE? (The not random crime is what I mean-) It seems like defense attorneys often take the opposite stance as LE. Just my opinion! I hope noone flames me! LOL!
Masissy said:

Read here on page 3 2nd post down that Michelle had a doctor's appointment on Friday and that Jason called her twice getting her voicemail....
I am not contradicting you Masissy, but does anyone wonder how this "friend" of Jason's KNOWS all the phone calls that Jason made during this business trip? (I am inclined to believe that this same "friend" said that Jason called from the hotel at 11 in Va?) Does Jason call this "friend" and tell him/her everytime he calls home? :waitasec:
Masissy said:

Slideshow of Michelle. Takes a few minutes to load but it worth it.
I was on the phone w/customer service while watching this. I had to respond yes/no to several automated questions and my voice kept breaking as I answered.

I'm glad Cassidy is still alive. She is such a sweetie. Whoever killed her mommy really needs to be found quickly.:furious:
scandi said:
Hi Strach, Boy, it is good to see you! :blowkiss:

Hi Pack, I've gotta tell you that this Sheriff said so much with very few words comin' out of his mouth. It was almost like it was his inner gut feelings that were so strong he could not completely hold them in. and they shone through in his voice and expressions.


Originally she had fallen and hit her head on a table, bled onto the floor, and kept falling, getting up, down and up all the way into her bedroom where she perished. TTracking her falls and bloody hand swipes from fingers along the wass, all the way to the end of the hall, they could tell from the final room where they found her that the blood spatter was completely uninterrupted. There wasn't room for another person it that room to have the blood spatter be not interrupted. There were no areas of blockout. She died of natural causes. Who would have guessed that one! LOL


Hi there, Scandi! :)

In most cases we've followed, this Sheriff has about said the least, not so? I've not read the last 4 odd pages but as fran said (moons ago) LE are definitely keeping their cards very close to their chest. (Er, if they have any, lol... j/k). I'm wondering if they're not playing some kind of political/legal-chess with others they deem might be involved?

The CSI story - amazing! Back to Michellle - I've been wondering what the weapon may have been? I even wonder if it has been found at Michelle's house?

Sooo many questions ....
oceanblueeyes said:
Hi Charlie!

I think it is a sign of the changing times. The husband seems to become a target immediately. It doesn't matter if they are innocent or guilty. I try to think about what would I do if someone was trying to pin a murder on me and logically I know even though I would be innocent that would have to be the scariest situation I can think of knowing that some people have been convicted that are innocent. LE has so much power and can crush. Even if the person is not guilty the appearance of suspicion can ruin their lives.

So I think his step-father is only trying to protect him from being an easy target and feels Jason is innocent.

Heck now I read on some message boards where parents are advising their children if they are ever stopped by LE not to say anything and ask for a lawyer. So as I said times are changing imo.

Remember when Jennifer Wilbanks husband-to-be got a lawyer, refused to take their poly? He knew they were trying to implicate him as if he had murdered Jennifer but of course she was only Greyhound bound! :D


Hey there Ocean Friend !

Long time no see. You know, I agree with your sentiments expressed so well, except for a couple of things. To me, the scariest, worst thing, that could ever happen to me would be finding an immediate family member murdered (knock on wood, please Lord never). I have no idea to what extreme that would push me.

I also must say I take a bit of exception to comment about the police having "the power to crush" - I believe that is better accomplished by the press. I know you meant no harm. I do feel that makes an assumption that all police agencies just want to resolve a crime no matter what. From my association with the police, sheriffs, and highway patrol personnel I have contact with - this is not the case. These are decent, hard working people with families who are confronted all to often by scenes of unimaginable brutality and stupidity. Not saying there are no bad cops - there are, simple fact, but the majority are not. The majority want to find the bad guy as much as we express we want them to be found. I quess I have seen too many of them cry to ever believe they just want to end a case.

Come back - we need your thoughts !
Masissy said:

Read here on page 3 2nd post down that Michelle had a doctor's appointment on Friday and that Jason called her twice getting her voicemail....

Hello Masissy ... thanks! Darn - I just cannot get my head around the 'voicemail' that Scott left Laci; the calls Porco made but couldn't get through on and so on. Perhaps I'm allowing these things to influence me ... but (lol)... I keep seeing 'alibi'.
raisincharlie said:
Masissy - hello !

This post by the "friend" really shows some glaring inconsistencies however.
Matters of convenience:

Husband away on business trip when wife is killed. (Sure it happens)

Wife is killed pressumably between midnight and 6 am. Wife is not expected to be at work on Friday as she works flex time and it is her custom to not work on Fridays - work would not miss her if she did not show up. (Very convenient timing for her to be killed)

Fax to be sent to home for husband while he is away, but doesn't want wife to see it. He needs someone to go get it and possibly hide it. Supposedly the fax is about a purse for an anniversary present but the anniversary was actually the month before. (Duh - why allow it to be sent in the first place when you are not able to receive it)

Friend claims wife had Drs appointment in AM so no need for husband to worry about getting voicemail, 2 times he supposedly called, not worried about the wife but worried enough about a fax to get someone to go get it. ( No need to worry excuse provided and Ooops SIL finds body while hubby is definitely not near home)

After business meeting, skip out of work for the rest of the day and go visit parents 5 hours from crime scene. way to work hard for that NEW employer.

Anyone see some other convenient matters ? All of the above could individually be totally innocent but are they collectively? Perhaps I should sue Scott Peterson - I am obviously jaded as a result of following his case:crazy:


Great post, charlie - as are the earlier exchanges between you and Strach! Fine food for thought, those are.

Lord, I could add Capano, Hacking, Greneider, Ira Einhorn, Peterson x 2,m OJ, Abarao, and ----> many others to a suit, lol.

Once we're able to verify Jason's timeline & calls - the fence some are sitting on or looking at will either have foundation - or it'll collapse. What does your gut tell you - if anything at all? Outside of that - I suppose we're only able to measure our instincts against the little that's been released thus far.

Back to the trenches ... :)
Boyz_Mum said:
I am not contradicting you Masissy, but does anyone wonder how this "friend" of Jason's KNOWS all the phone calls that Jason made during this business trip? (I am inclined to believe that this same "friend" said that Jason called from the hotel at 11 in Va?) Does Jason call this "friend" and tell him/her everytime he calls home? :waitasec:

Bingo! That's exactly what I asked when these 'fully informed' posts began to emerge. The poster was asked by someone else at CTV if they'd been interviewed by LE; and the response was "No, and don't expect to - this information is coming from someone close to Jason".

So - at the end of the day, Chinese Whispers with Cat's Tails? We won't know until or unless a press release is issued.

Maybe LE have adopted the stance "Don't care what the public want or expect - no nformation leaves this office in connection with this case until we're ready to make a unified, official announcement - even if it takes a year!"

We simply have to wait, lol ... however, all the theories and thoughts that are being posted are really making us think, eh!
j2mirish said:
I have a question about the police contacting his parents- why didnt the sil call him directly after the initial shock and 911 call--? would the police stop her from making a call to him on a cell phone once they arrived at the scene? I am trying to put myself in her shoes, and I THINK if I was able to, I would have called my bil and told him he needed to get home-- anybody else?

i wondered the same thing j2m....maybe his phone was off??...i have a funny feeling that JY kept his cell phone turned off, a lot of his driving time, on this trip, but that's just me.....

i'm thinking when she couldn't get in touch w/him, she phoned his parents...it's the only logical thing i can think as to why the parents were contacted & not Jason....no one could get hold of him...
Bee Charmer said:
Perhaps LE has evidence that Jason is not
such a nice guy. However, I take with a grain of salt
anything that is purported to have been said by LE.
IMO, they are being very tight lipped, getting all their
ducks in a row and we will hear from them when
they have something of importance to say.

Hi Bee Charmer - ooops, I slipped over your post that's quietly tucked in this corner, lol; my sentiments exactly - we're all trying to get the timeline/calls/appointments and stops verified. Until then, you're absolutely right!

Whomsoever murdered Michelle will be brought to book, will face trial and will be punished for it. There's no DP in NC, right? Nevertheless - whoever it is out there has his/her days numbered.

Take care.... :)
close_enough said:
i wondered the same thing j2m....maybe his phone was off??...i have a funny feeling that JY kept his cell phone turned off, a lot of his driving time, on this trip, but that's just me.....

i'm thinking when she couldn't get in touch w/him, she phoned his parents...it's the only logical thing i can think as to why the parents were contacted & not Jason....no one could get hold of him...

Hey close - agree ... that does sound logical, esp if Meredith knew Jason's anticipated travel plans! Wonder if he told Michelle, fam friends he'd be stopping by a hotel en route?

.... justb thinking aloud, lol ...
concernedperson said:
I have been thinking about hotels too. If he planned this, and I think he did, it would benefit him to stay at a small roadside hotel. There may be a video camera in the registration area but unlikely in the parking lot. Also, they would be using regular keys not time stamped swipe cards.

He would have every opportunity to come and go as he pleases. One can check out by putting the keys in a depository if he had already paid.

that's what i think also CP....very possible he'll have proof of checking into a place, but nothing showing him checking out....

for all we know he checks in somewhere...goes thru the motions of going to the room, then gets right back on the road....heck, you can just leave the key in the room when you leave for that matter & no one's the wiser....IF it's the type of place where there's no cameras in the parking lot.....
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hey close - agree ... that does sound logical, esp if Meredith knew Jason's anticipated travel plans! Wonder if he told Michelle, fam friends he'd be stopping by a hotel en route?

.... justb thinking aloud, lol ...

hi Polk:)
...was sure wishing you were 'here' last night.....make sure & read Pack's comments about Jason getting together with his & Michelle's friends after the funeral.....sure, i think some of the comments posted around, from "friends" could be a lot of hooey, but i doubt all of them are.....
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi Bee Charmer - ooops, I slipped over your post that's quietly tucked in this corner, lol; my sentiments exactly - we're all trying to get the timeline/calls/appointments and stops verified. Until then, you're absolutely right!

Whomsoever murdered Michelle will be brought to book, will face trial and will be punished for it. There's no DP in NC, right? Nevertheless - whoever it is out there has his/her days numbered.

Take care.... :)

apparently there is, per one of Pack's comments...he/she is there in NC
Taximom said:
Good morning, Boyz Mum! I posted this earlier (#218):
One thing that was stated above somewhere was that the sheriff said an atty down the road from the Young hom agreed that it wasn't a random killing. Actually, Jim Hammer (not the sheriff) said he had interviewed a DEFENSE attorney down the road that was trying to convince the rest of the neighborhood to settle down, and that he could read between the lines "from experience" who did it.
I wish I had a transcript, but that's what I gleaned from that little tidbit Hammer threw out. I would think a defense attorney would be all "the husband is innocent till proven guilty!" lol

Hope that helps.

I wish Greta's show had transcripts because even I can't remember some things clearly now!

It's currently the most watched video at FoxNews.com.

Video Link: Greta & the Sheriff
PolkSaladAnnie said:

Great post, charlie - as are the earlier exchanges between you and Strach! Fine food for thought, those are.

Lord, I could add Capano, Hacking, Greneider, Ira Einhorn, Peterson x 2,m OJ, Abarao, and ----> many others to a suit, lol.

Once we're able to verify Jason's timeline & calls - the fence some are sitting on or looking at will either have foundation - or it'll collapse. What does your gut tell you - if anything at all? Outside of that - I suppose we're only able to measure our instincts against the little that's been released thus far.

Back to the trenches ... :)

Honestly, I can't say I believe JY is or is not the guilty party. I think out loud alot hoping others here will drop opinions, ideas, and things I missed, but in truth - I see nor know nothing yet that pushes me to one side of the fence or the other. There simply is not enough information available.

Right now I am weirded out as my brain is allowing these correlations between the Laci Peterson case and this one to creep into my thought processes. The deja vu factor is alive and thriving and I really don't like it clouding my thoughts. I try to push that out but as you can tell by the tone of my posts, I'm not having much luck. So for now I am trying to avoid gut feeling as I do realize it may be suffering from outside influences and a total lack of truthful information.

If JY is innocent, I will feel bad for the comments and opinions I have posted on a public forum. In a way I hope the guy is totally innocent. In a much deeper way, I wish Michelle Young was still alive...
close_enough said:
hi Polk:)
...was sure wishing you were 'here' last night.....make sure & read Pack's comments about Jason getting together with his & Michelle's friends after the funeral.....sure, i think some of the comments posted around, from "friends" could be a lot of hooey, but i doubt all of them are.....

Hi ... I READ THEM ... but felt I get a bit 'pushy' so I was waiting till I saw pack's lil green light on to respond when they're 'on air'.

Passion and determination create campaigns that are flat empty when it's time to face the music (er, pre-election recent political endeavours come to mind, lol....:)). Nevertheless, these last few pages have been gripping-stuff: lord, posters here had me dancing from one concept to another - and our posters are just 10 times more logical than the 'hooey' that's c/pasted all over the web (imo).

So - we're back on the bus, Gus... Someone said Nancy is covering this tonight; does her show have t/scripts?

PSA :)
Masissy said:
I agree. In the article that Wudfudge posted stated that "Jason Young bloomed late, and it took him awhile to settle on the idea of marriage, Fussell said. Michelle, as usual, knew just what she wanted. Family was at the top of the list, Fussell said." Sounds all too familiar. Scott hid and fed off of Laci's personality, therefore fooling everyone around him into thinking he was a nice guy.

I noticed that too Masissy. And I could help but compare that Michelle was planning on cutting back her employment so that she could spend more time with the kids. Quote:

"Jason Young had just gotten a new job in sales for a medical records company. The gig meant more money, and Michelle talked of cutting back to part time on her job so she could spend more time with the kids."

I wonder how great this new job of Jason's was? Laci Peterson was under the impression that her husband was doing well and that she could be a stay at home mom. Rachel Entwistle stayed at home because she thought Neil could provide.

This might be the case of another husband who couldn't cope with the pressure.
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